Dcx xpopups


mIRC DCX Xpopups by VxD aka DEATHJ0KER | PLUG-IN for mIRC 7 | caronte.ade@gmail.com

Popups mIRC color, image background, icons, trasparency, personalized manner using the DCX library.DLL

Extract the folder,----> dlls in the root of mirc (warning: do not operate if installed in the sub directory) es. c:mIRC
Once extracted or copied to the folder "dlls" in mIRC, invoke the editbox mirc the load plug-in
using this string:

/load -rs VxDreset.mrc

Run the command message confirmation that loading will be displayed.

To open the engine use the xPoPuPs link in the Menubar of mIRC.

This addon is designed for mIRC 7 for so does not ensure the functioning in previous versions.

Tutorial for apply icons into menu xpopup https://mirc.vxd.mobi/tutorial.html

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Du même auteur (DEATHJ0KER)