Obtenir les taux de change du jour en euros

Contenu du snippet

Un petit bout de code php tiré d'un forum et adapté au fichier xml mis à jour quotidiennement par euronext. On peut aller chercher cette info sur plein de pages mais on peut espérer que celle ci ne change pas trop souvent ...

Source / Exemple :

//  Set the base URI.
$URI = 'http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml';

//  Make sure there's no other data with these names.

$Rates = array();
$DataProbs   = array();

//  Array to convert XML entities back to plain text.
$XmlEntities = array(
    '&amp;'  => '&',
    '<'   => '<',
    '>'   => '>',
    '&apos;' => '\'',
    '&quot;' => '"',


  • Runs each time an XML element starts.
  • /
function StartHandler(&$Parser, &$Elem, &$Attr) { global $Data, $CData, $XmlEntities; // Start with empty CData array. $CData = array(); // Put each attribute into the Data array. foreach ($Attr as $Key => $Value) { $Data["$Elem:$Key"] = strtr(trim($Value), $XmlEntities); } } /**
  • Runs each time XML character data is encountered.
  • /
function CharacterHandler(&$Parser, &$Line) { global $CData; /*
  • Place lines into an array because elements
  • can contain more than one line of data.
  • /
$CData[] = $Line; } /**
  • Runs each time an XML element ends.
  • /
function EndHandler(&$Parser, &$Elem) { global $Data, $CData, $DataProbs, $Sym, $XmlEntities,$Rates; /*
  • Mush all of the CData lines into a string
  • and put it into the $Data array.
  • /
$Data[$Elem] = strtr( trim( implode('', $CData) ), $XmlEntities); switch ($Elem) { case 'CUBE': if ( isset($Data['CUBE:CURRENCY']) && isset($Data['CUBE:RATE']) ) { $Rates[$Data['CUBE:CURRENCY']] = (float)$Data['CUBE:RATE']; } break; } } // Get the file ... /*
  • Grab the file and stick it into an array.
  • Next, check to see that you actually got the raw info.
  • Then, implode the raw info into one long string.
  • If your data is already in string form, you don't need these steps.
  • This one step requires PHP to be at version 4.3.0 or later.
  • /
$Contents = @file_get_contents("$URI"); if ( $Contents ) { $Data = array(); // Initialize the parser. $Parser = xml_parser_create('ISO-8859-1'); xml_set_element_handler($Parser, 'StartHandler', 'EndHandler'); xml_set_character_data_handler($Parser, 'CharacterHandler'); // Pass the content string to the parser. if ( !xml_parse($Parser, $Contents, TRUE) ) { // problem ( silence ! ) } } // ce script est volontairement silencieux sur les ereurs // exemple pour l'utiliser : /* require_once("taux.php"); if ( isset($Rates['GBP']) ) echo '<p class="notaprix" >At today\'s exchange rates, '.$refprice.' € = '.round($refprice*$Rates['GBP'],2).' GBP</p>';
  • /
  • ?>

Conclusion :

On pet simplifier largement mais j'aime bien l'exemple SAX

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