Get all elements of a page or under a tag

Contenu du snippet

Here is a code that retrieve all the tags (under a tag or all in the page).
Can be usefull when you try to reach all elements under a certain div.

Source / Exemple :

Author: Benjamin
Version: 1.1
Creation: Unknow
LastModification: 22.02.2011
Copyright: Free of use if you mention the author and source

Version 1.0
=> Retrieve all tags element in the page.

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/* function getNodes(beginNode,bool) Return: nothing Atrributes: beginNode: the tag name to start from; Method: get the children of the current tag; loop the childs when child is a tag do some work if the child as children recall the function with the tag for beginNode
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function getNodes(beginNode){ var nodes = beginNode; nodes = beginNode ? beginNode.childNodes : document.childNodes; for(var i=0; i < nodes.length ; i++){ if(nodes[i].nodeType==1){ /* Do something here In the exemple give the name of the tag in alert mode
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alert(nodes[i].nodeName); if(nodes[i].childNodes){ getNodes(nodes[i]); } } } } //get all elements in the page includes head tags getNodes(); //get only the element under the specified tag var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; //here the first div childs getNodes(nodes);

Conclusion :

I hope this code will help some people like he helped me.

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