Intégration simple d'un client irc à une application


IRClib est une bibliothèque qui permet d'intégrer un client IRC rapidement et simplement
dans une application C++.

Pour l'utiliser, il suffit de l'initialiser, de se connecter, puis de définir
un gestionnaire d'évènements qui va se charger de gérer les interactions entre
votre client IRC et le serveur.

La source suivante montre l'utilisation d'IRClib.

Source / Exemple :

#include <iostream>
#include <irclib.h>

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

using namespace IRCLib;
using namespace std;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

class evts;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

IClientManager* pMgr	= NULL;
IClient*		pClient = NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

int main(int argc, char** av)
    // Create the manager
	pMgr = CreateClientManager();

    // Set the server information
	TServerInfo server("", 6667);

    // Set the client information
	TClientInfo me("test42");

    // Create the client
	pClient = pMgr->NewClient(server, me);

    // Create the messages handler

    // Connect the client

    // Wait for the client to be connected and registered
	while (!pClient->IsRegistered())

    // Create the #test channel
    IChannel* pChan = pClient->AddChannel("#test");

    // Wait for the #test channel to be created
    while (!(pChan = pClient->FindChannel("#test")))

    // Wait for the channel to be joined
    while (!pChan->OnThere())

    // Wait for the user to type a message
    char buffer[512] = {0};
    std::cin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

    // Send the message

    // Quit the server
    pClient->Quit("Goodbye cruel world!");

    // Destroy the handler

    // Release the manager

	return 0;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

class evts : public IEventHandler

    // Network error
	void OnError(IClient* pClient, int nError)
		if (nError != CER_UNKCMODE)
			cout << "Error(" << nError << "): " << pClient->GetLastErrorMessage() << endl;

        if (nError == CER_NICKINUSE)
            pClient->Nick(pClient->GetNickName() + "_");


    // Connecting to a server
	void OnConnecting(IClient* pClient)
		cout << "Connecting to server..." << endl;

    // Connected
	void OnConnect(IClient* pClient)
		cout << "Connected!" << endl;

    // We receive a notice
	void OnNotice(IClient* pClient, const string& strFrom, const string& str)
		cout << "(" << strFrom << ") " << str << endl;

    // We receive a channel message
	void OnMessage(IClient* pClient, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pUser, const string& strMessage)
		cout << "<" << pUser->GetName() << "@" << pChan->GetName() << "> " << strMessage << endl;

    // We receive a private message
	void OnQuery(IClient* pCl, const string& strUser, const string& strMessage)
		cout << "[" << ToNick(strUser) << "@" << ToHost(strUser) << "] " << strMessage << endl;

    // Disconnected
	void OnDisconnect(IClient* pClient)
		cout << "Disconnected." << endl;

    // We, or someone, join a channel
	void OnJoin(IClient* pClient, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pUser)
		if (pClient->IsMe(pUser))
            // We entered the channel
            // Someone entered the channel
			cout << pUser->GetName() << " has joined " << pChan->GetName() << endl;

    // Someone (might be us, use pClient->IsMe(pUser) to check) left the channel
	void OnPart(IClient* pClient, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pUser)
		cout << pUser->GetName() << " has left " << pChan->GetName() << endl;

    // Someone has been kicked
	void OnKick(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pBy, IUser* pWho, const string& why)
		if (pCl->IsMe(pWho))
			cout << "You were kicked from " << pChan->GetName() << " by " << pBy->GetName() << " (" << why << ")" << endl;
			cout << pWho->GetName() << " was kicked from " << pChan->GetName() << " by " << pBy->GetName() << " (" << why << ")" << endl;

    // The channel mode has changed
	void OnMode(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pBy, const string& strModes)
		cout << pBy->GetName() << " sets mode: " << strModes << endl;

    // The user mode has changed
	void OnUMode(IClient* pCl, const string& strModes)
		cout << "Modes changed to " << strModes << endl;

    // We receive the name list for a channel
	void OnNames(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan)
		TUserList users = pChan->LockUsers();
		for (TUserList::iterator itr = users.begin(); itr != users.end(); ++itr)
			IUser* pUser = *itr;
			cout << "--> " << pUser->GetName() << " [" << pUser->GetModes() << "]" << endl;

    // Someone has changed his nick
	void OnNick(IClient* pCl, IUser* pUser, const string& to)
		cout << pUser->GetName() << " is now known as " << to << endl;

    // Received the topic for channel
	void OnGotTopic(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan, const string& strTopic)
		cout << "Topic for " << pChan->GetName() << " is " << strTopic << endl;

    // The topic has changed
	void OnTopic(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pUser, const string& strTopic)
		cout << pUser->GetName() << " changes topic to '" << strTopic << "'" << endl;

    // We have been invited to a channel
	void OnInvite(IClient* pCl, const string& strWho, const string& strChan)
		cout << strWho << " invites you to join " << strChan << endl;

    // Received channel modes
	void OnGotModes(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan, const string& strModes)
		cout << "Channel " << pChan->GetName() << " modes: " << strModes << endl;

    // Someone has quit IRC
	void OnQuit(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pUser, const string& strMsg)
		cout << pUser->GetName() << " has quit IRC (" << strMsg << ")" << endl;

    // You've been killed
	void OnKill(IClient* pCl, const string& str)
		cout << "You've been killed: " << str << endl;

    // An operator has changed the modes
	void OnOpMode(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pBy, IUser* pWho, const string& strModes)
		cout << pBy->GetName() << " sets mode: " << strModes << " " << pWho->GetName() << endl;

    // Someone has been banned
	void OnBanMode(IClient* pCl, IChannel* pChan, IUser* pBy, const string& strMask, const string& strModes)
		cout << pBy->GetName() << " sets mode: " << strModes << " " << strMask << endl;

    // Receive a whois result
	void OnWhois(IClient* pCl, const TWhois& w)
        cout << w.UserInfo.Nickname << endl;

    // Received the MOTD
	void OnMotd(IClient* pCl, const string& motd)
        cout << motd << endl;

Conclusion :

Vous pouvez télécharger IRClib (libs et headers) à l'adresse

Cette version n'est malheureusement pas documentée, faute de temps.
Je pense néanmoins que la plupart des informations nécessaires sont assez faciles
à comprendre par la simple lecture du fichier .h ;)

A noter que le projet n'aura une chance d'évoluer que s'il se montre intéressant
pour plusieurs utilisateurs.

Codes Sources

A voir également

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Les membres obtiennent plus de réponses que les utilisateurs anonymes.

Le fait d'être membre vous permet d'avoir un suivi détaillé de vos demandes et codes sources.

Le fait d'être membre vous permet d'avoir des options supplémentaires.