

un programe de Modification du text comme word pad qui pérmier de faire des fichier 'txt'asp'html'vbscript'ay'.......

Source / Exemple :

'                       AyoubPad                            '
'                  by Ayoube Errabi                         '            *
'   l'utilisation de se source de se programe il gratouit   '                                                    *
'             Copyright © Ayoube Errabi 2009-2010           '                                       *
'total line

Private Declare Function SendMessageLong Lib "user32" Alias _
    "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
    ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim txt As String  'definition des varriables
Dim X As Integer

Private Sub About_Click(Index As Integer)
frmAbout.Show 'about
End Sub

Private Sub Annuler_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
DoEditThing "Undo", Form1.rtetext
End Sub

Private Sub Arabe_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
MDIForm1.Command3.Caption = "ÚÇã" 'pour changementle langue [arabe]
MDIForm1.Command1.Caption = " ÈÏÇ"
MDIForm1.Label4.Caption = "  ÈÍÊ"
MDIForm1.option.Caption = "ÇÚÏÇÏ"
MDIForm1.Label5.Caption = "  ÇÎÑ ÇáãáÝÇÊ"
Form1.Caption = "ßÊÇÈÉ"
End Sub

Private Sub azdd_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
 Dim objWord
    Dim tmpObjWord
    Dim strResults

    ' Only continue if user has typed text into the text box.
    If Len(Form1.rtetext.Text) < 1 Then Exit Sub
   Set tmpObjWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
   ' check if there are any spelling errors.
   If tmpObjWord.CheckSpelling(Form1.rtetext.Text) Then
      MsgBox "The text spelled correctly"
      ' free memory
      Set tmpObjWord = Nothing
      ' exit sub - No spelling errors are found.
      Exit Sub
   End If
   'free memory
   Set tmpObjWord = Nothing
   Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
   With objWord
      ' hide the Word application
      .Visible = False
      ' Spell checker only works within a document

      ' Put the text in the document
      .Selection.TypeText Form1.rtetext.Text
      ' disallow grammer checking. To allow it set it to "True"
      .Options.CheckGrammarWithSpelling = False
      .Options.IgnoreUppercase = False

      ' Perform the spell checking

      ' Select the new, corrected text

      ' Copy Corrected text to Clipboard

      ' strResults holds the text after the spell corrections
      strResults = .Selection.Text

      ' close and free memory
      .ActiveDocument.Close (0)
   End With

   Set objWord = Nothing
      ' retrieve the corrected text from the clipboard
      Form1.rtetext.Text = Clipboard.GetText
End Sub

Private Sub Backcolor_Click(Index As Integer)
 On Error GoTo Bottom
  Form1.CommonDialog1.Color = Form1.rtetext.Backcolor '-------------------->ayoube
Form1.CommonDialog1.Flags = 0 'cdlCCFullOpen
   Form1.CommonDialog1.ShowColor 'changemment de  Backcolor de form1.rtext. Backcolor
Form1.rtetext.Backcolor = Form1.CommonDialog1.Color
Form1.Backcolor = Form1.CommonDialog1.Color
End Sub

Private Sub cboFontName_Change()
 On Error Resume Next
   Form1.rtetext.Font = cboFontName.Text 'changer le font de form1
End Sub

Private Sub cboFontName_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Form1.rtetext.SelFontName = cboFontName.Text 'Set selected font name
End Sub
Private Sub Coller_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Form1.rtetext.SelText = Clipboard.GetText() 'coller
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim textfound As Integer
 Form1.rtetext.Find (Text4.Text) 'recherche des mot
textfound = Form1.rtetext.Find(Text4.Text)
If textfound = -1 Then
MsgBox vbCr & " mot non trouve .", vbInformation, "ayoubepad"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Picture1.Visible = False 'show picture
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
On Error Resume Next
Command4.left = Command4.left + 100
Form1.Frame1.Visible = True '***************2009*******************************
Form1.Line2.Visible = True
Form1.Line1.X1 = Command4.left + 100
Form1.Line1.X2 = Command4.left + 100 'move de barr
Form1.Frame1.left = Command4.left + 100
 Form1.rtetext.SelAlignment = 2
 Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Copier_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
  Clipboard.SetText Form1.rtetext.SelText 'copier
End Sub

Private Sub Couper_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
  Clipboard.SetText Form1.rtetext.SelText 'couper
Form1.rtetext.SelText = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Descryp_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
For I = 1 To Len(Form1.rtetext.Text)
st1 = Mid(Form1.rtetext.Text, I, 1)
as1 = Asc(st1)
ch1 = Chr(255 - as1)
st = st + ch1
Form1.rtetext.Text = st
End Sub

Private Sub Documment_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
  '** Description:
    '** Create a new document
    Dim frm2 As Form1
 Static DocCount As Long '2009
   Set frm2 = New Form1
DocCount = DocCount + 1
frm2.Caption = "Documment" & DocCount & "[Création] :" 'caption de nouveau

End Sub

Private Sub Effacer_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Form1.rtetext.Text = "" 'effacer
End Sub

Private Sub Encryp_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
For I = 1 To Len(Form1.rtetext.Text)
st1 = Mid(Form1.rtetext.Text, I, 1)
as1 = Asc(st1)
ch1 = Chr(255 - as1)
st = st + ch1
Form1.rtetext.Text = st

End Sub

Private Sub Enregistrersous_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim txt As String
On Error Resume Next 'Enregistrersous sous la form ;html,ay,vbs,txt
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt
CommonDialog1.Filter = "SDI Documents *.ay|*.ay|Text Files *.txt|*.TXT|HTML Files *.html|*.HTML|HTM Files *.htm|*.HTM|VBscript Files *.vbs|*.VBS|All files|*.*"
FNum = FreeFile
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Output As #1
Print #FNum, Form1.rtetext.Text
Close #FNum
OpenFile = CommonDialog1.FileName

Dim nj As Long
Dim FilePath As String
nj = FreeFile()
FilePath = App.Path & "\ini\setting.ini" 'création de fichier ini
Open FilePath For Output As #nj
Print #nj, Text1.Text
Close #nj
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub ett_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub false_Click(Index As Integer)
Picture1.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub flj_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim txt As String
On Error Resume Next
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Rich Text Format(*.rtf)|*.rtf|HTML Files(*.htm,*.html,*.asp,*.js,*.css)|*.htm;*.html;*.asp;*.js;*.css|Dat Files(*.Dat)|*.dat|All Files(*.*)|*.*"
FNum = FreeFile
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1
txt = Input(LOF(FNum), #FNum)
Close #FNum
Form1.rtetext.Text = txt
OpenFile = CommonDialog1.FileName
code: ss = FileDateTime(CommonDialog1.FileName) 'date de création
Form3.Label4.Caption = "Date de Création :" & ss
Open (CommonDialog1.FileName) For Binary As #1 'taille de fichier
Form3.Label3.Caption = "Taille :" & LOF(1) & "  Byte"
Close 1
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub gg_Click(Index As Integer)
 On Error GoTo Bottom
  Form1.CommonDialog1.Color = Form1.rtetext.SelColor
Form1.CommonDialog1.Flags = 0 'cdlCCFullOpen
Form1.rtetext.SelColor = Form1.CommonDialog1.Color
Form1.FillColor = Form1.CommonDialog1.Color

End Sub

Private Sub Help_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub html_Click(Index As Integer)
Form1.rtetext.SelColor = (&HFF0000)
Form1.rtetext.Backcolor = &H80FF80
Form1.Caption = " Création: [html],[css],[VBscript]"
Form1.Frame1.Backcolor = &H80FF80
If Dir(App.Path & "\ini\html.ini") <> "" Then
GoTo sYs

End If
Dim nj As String
Open App.Path & "\ini\html.ini" For Input As #1
Input #1, nj
Form1.rtetext.Text = nj
Close #1

End Sub

Private Sub Imprimer_Click(Index As Integer)
Call Form1.rtetext.SelPrint(Printer.hdc)
End Sub

Private Sub max_Click(Index As Integer)
Form1.WindowState = 2
End Sub

Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
 Text1.Text = Form1.rtetext.Text
 Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 0 To Screen.FontCount - 1
cboFontName.AddItem Screen.Fonts(counter)
If Dir(App.Path & "\ini\setting.ini") <> "" Then
GoTo sYs

End If
Dim nj As String
Open App.Path & "\ini\setting.ini" For Input As #1
Input #1, nj
Text6.Text = nj
Close #1
End Sub
Sub creatnewDocument()
Form1.rtetext = "" 'sub de création de document
Form1.Caption = "sans titre"
End Sub

Private Sub mini_Click(Index As Integer)
Form1.WindowState = 0
End Sub

Private Sub New_Click(Index As Integer)
Form1.rtetext.Backcolor = &H80000009
Form1.Caption = "Documment[Création ]: "
Form1.rtetext.Text = ""
Form1.Frame1.Backcolor = &HFFFFFF
End Sub

Private Sub objet_Click(Index As Integer)
 On Error GoTo Bottom
    If Form1.OLE1.OLEType = vbOLENone Then GoTo Bottom
    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    If Form1.OLE1.OLEType = vbOLEEmbedded Then
        Form1.rtetext.OLEObjects.Add , , , Form1.OLE1.Class
    ElseIf fMainForm.OLE1.OLEType = vbOLELinked Then
       Form1.rtetext.OLEObjects.Add , , Form1.OLE1.SourceDoc, OLE1.Class
    End If
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub

Private Sub open_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim txt As String
On Error Resume Next
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist
CommonDialog1.Filter = "SDI Documents *.ay|*.AY|Text Files *.txt|*.TXT|HTML Files *.html|*.HTML|HTM Files *.htm|*.HTM|All files|*.*"
FNum = FreeFile
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1
txt = Input(LOF(FNum), #FNum)
Close #FNum
Form1.rtetext.Text = txt
OpenFile = CommonDialog1.FileName
code: ss = FileDateTime(CommonDialog1.FileName) 'date de création
Form3.Label4.Caption = "Date de Création :" & ss
Open (CommonDialog1.FileName) For Binary As #1 'taille de fichier
Form3.Label3.Caption = "Taille :" & LOF(1) & "  Byte"
Close 1
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub pictur_Click(Index As Integer)
  On Error GoTo Bottom
Static Once As Integer 'insert picture
    With Form1.CommonDialog2
        .Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or cdlOFNFileMustExist
        .Filter = "BMP;JPG FILES(*.BMP;*.JPG)|*.BMP;*.JPG|GIF FILES(*.GIF)|*.GIF|TIF FILES(*.TIF)|*.TIF|All Files(*.*)|*.*"
        If Once = 0 Then
            .InitDir = App.Path
            Once = 1
        End If
    End With
    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
 Form1.rtetext.OLEObjects.Add , , Form1.CommonDialog2.FileName
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub

Private Sub Qttt_Click(Index As Integer)
shox (True)
End Sub

Private Sub Quitter_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim txt As String
On Error Resume Next 'save
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt
CommonDialog1.Filter = "SDI Documents *.ay|*.ay|Text Files *.txt|*.TXT|HTML Files *.html|*.HTML|HTM Files *.htm|*.HTM|VBscript Files *.vbs|*.VBS|All files|*.*"
FNum = FreeFile
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Output As #1
Print #FNum, Form1.rtetext.Text
Close #FNum
OpenFile = CommonDialog1.FileName

Dim nj As Long
Dim FilePath As String
nj = FreeFile()
FilePath = App.Path & "\ini\setting.ini"
Open FilePath For Output As #nj
Print #nj, Text1.Text
Close #nj
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub reck_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub s_Click(Index As Integer)

End Sub

Private Sub rvq_Click(Index As Integer)
 Dim FNum As Integer
Dim txt As String
On Error Resume Next
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or cdlOFNFileMustExist
CommonDialog1.Filter = "Rich Text Format(*.rtf)|*.rtf|HTML Files(*.htm,*.html,*.asp,*.js,*.css)|*.htm;*.html;*.asp;*.js;*.css|Dat Files(*.Dat)|*.dat|All Files(*.*)|*.*"
FNum = FreeFile
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1
txt = Input(LOF(FNum), #FNum)
Close #FNum
Form1.rtetext.Text = txt
OpenFile = CommonDialog1.FileName
code: ss = FileDateTime(CommonDialog1.FileName) 'date de création
Form3.Label4.Caption = "Date de Création :" & ss
Open (CommonDialog1.FileName) For Binary As #1 'taille de fichier
Form3.Label3.Caption = "Taille :" & LOF(1) & "  Byte"
Close 1
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Selectionner_Click(Index As Integer)
Form1.rtetext.SelStart = 0
 Form1.rtetext.SelLength = Len(Form1.rtetext.Text) 'Selectionner
End Sub
Private Sub UndoT_Timer()
SendKeys "(^)z"
Form1.rtetext.Text = TextTS.Text
UndoT.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub Symb_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Tags_Click(Index As Integer)
RemoveTags (Form1.rtetext.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub tbrEdit_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
If Button.Key = "b" Then
On Error Resume Next
If Form1.Data1.Recordset.EOF Then  'MoveNext
End If
End If
If Button.Key = "vb" Then
  '** Description:
    '** Create a new document
    Dim frm2 As Form1
 Static DocCount As Long '2009
   Set frm2 = New Form1
DocCount = DocCount + 1
frm2.Caption = "Documment" & DocCount & "[Création] :" 'caption de nouveau

End If
If Button.Key = "Redo" Then
On Error Resume Next
Form1.Data1.Recordset.MovePrevious 'MovePrevious
If Form1.Data1.Recordset.BOF Then
End If
End If
If Button.Key = "t" Then
Form1.Data1.Recordset.Delete 'suprimé persone de base
End If
If Button.Key = "new" Then
Form1.Data1.Recordset.AddNew 'nouveau base record
Form1.rtetext.Text = ""
End If
If Button.Key = "f" Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbrFormat_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
If Button.Key = "z" Then
 On Error Resume Next
   Form1.rtetext.SelItalic = Not Form1.rtetext.SelItalic
   End If
   If Button.Key = "bo" Then

   End If
   If Button.Key = "b" Then
On Error Resume Next
     Form1.rtetext.SelBold = Not Form1.rtetext.SelBold
   End If
    If Button.Key = "u" Then
On Error Resume Next
    Form1.rtetext.SelBullet = Not Form1.rtetext.SelBullet
   End If
    If Button.Key = "d" Then
On Error Resume Next
  Form1.rtetext.SelAlignment = 1
   End If
   '--------------------------------alignment droit-----------------------------------------------------
      If Button.Key = "j" Then
On Error Resume Next
   Form1.rtetext.SelAlignment = 0
   End If
   '--------------------------------------------------------allinment centrer---------------------------------------
         If Button.Key = "C" Then
On Error Resume Next
   Form1.rtetext.SelAlignment = 2
   End If
   If Button.Key = "pa" Then
 On Error GoTo Bottom
  Form1.CommonDialog1.Color = Form1.rtetext.SelColor
Form1.CommonDialog1.Flags = 0 'cdlCCFullOpen
Form1.rtetext.SelColor = Form1.CommonDialog1.Color
Form1.FillColor = Form1.CommonDialog1.Color
   End If
   If Button.Key = "Find" Then
 On Error Resume Next
   End If
   If Button.Key = "Tel" Then
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbrStandard_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
If Button.Key = "q" Then
If Form1.WindowState = 0 Then
Form1.WindowState = 2
Form1.WindowState = 0
End If
End If
If Button.Key = "t" Then
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim txt As String
On Error Resume Next
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt
CommonDialog1.Filter = "SDI Documents *.ay|*.ay|Text Files *.txt|*.TXT|HTML Files *.html|*.HTML|HTM Files *.htm|*.HTM|VBscript Files *.vbs|*.VBS|All files|*.*"
FNum = FreeFile
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Output As #1
Print #FNum, Form1.rtetext.Text
Close #FNum
OpenFile = CommonDialog1.FileName

Dim nj As Long
Dim FilePath As String
nj = FreeFile()
FilePath = App.Path & "\ini\setting.ini"
Open FilePath For Output As #nj
Print #nj, Text1.Text
Close #nj
Exit Sub
End If
If Button.Key = "p" Then

On Error Resume Next
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist
CommonDialog1.Filter = "SDI Documents *.ay|*.AY|Text Files *.txt|*.TXT|HTML Files *.html|*.HTML|HTM Files *.htm|*.HTM|All files|*.*"
FNum = FreeFile
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1
txt = Input(LOF(FNum), #FNum)
Close #FNum
Form1.rtetext.Text = txt
OpenFile = CommonDialog1.FileName
Exit Sub
End If
If Button.Key = "pr" Then
On Error Resume Next
Call Form1.rtetext.SelPrint(Printer.hdc)
End If
If Button.Key = "New" Then
On Error Resume Next
Form1.rtetext.Backcolor = &H80000009
Form1.rtetext.Text = ""
Form1.Caption = "Documment[Création ]:"
Form1.Frame1.Backcolor = &HFFFFFF
End If
If Button.Key = "Copy" Then
On Error Resume Next
    Clipboard.SetText Form1.rtetext.SelText '#############copier#################
End If
If Button.Key = "Cut" Then
On Error Resume Next
  Clipboard.SetText Form1.rtetext.SelText '#############couper#################
Form1.rtetext.SelText = ""
End If
If Button.Key = "Copy" Then
On Error Resume Next
    Clipboard.SetText Form1.rtetext.SelText '#############copier#################
End If
If Button.Key = "Paste" Then
On Error Resume Next
Form1.rtetext.SelText = Clipboard.GetText() '#############coller#################
End If
If Button.Key = "Un" Then
On Error Resume Next
DoEditThing "Undo", Form1.rtetext
End If
If Button.Key = "Re" Then
On Error Resume Next
DoEditThing "Undo", Form1.rtetext
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tel_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
Label7.Caption = Val(Label7.Caption) + 1
If Val(Label7.Caption) = 3 Then
Form1.Frame1.Visible = False
Form1.Line2.Visible = False
Timer1.Enabled = False
Label7.Caption = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
 Dim pixel As Couleur, CursPos As PointAPI
     ' Récupère la position de la souris
     GetCursorPos CursPos
     ' Récupère la couleur du pixel pointé par la souris
    pixel = CouleurPixel(CursPos.X, CursPos.Y)
    ' Affiche la couleur dans la PictureBox
    ' Affiche les coordonnées et la couleur
     MDIForm1.Caption = "AyoubePad " & "[Création " & "X:" & CursPos.X & "   Y:" & CursPos.Y & "]"
End Sub

Private Sub True_Click(Index As Integer)
Picture1.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtvertical_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Dim s As String
For I = 1 To Len(Form1.rtetext.Text) 'txtvertical
s = s & Mid$(Form1.rtetext.Text, I, 1) & vbCrLf
Form1.rtetext.Text = s
End Sub

Private Sub Windows_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub
Sub shox(s As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
If s = True Then
Dim X As Long 'avant le quitter                      ***2009***
 Dim Response
    Response = MsgBox("vouler-vous quitter le programe ?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation + vbDefaultButton2, "AyoubPad")
    If Response = vbOK Then
   End If
    End If
End Sub
Function RemoveTags(Html As String) As String
Dim buf As String, pos As Integer
On Error Resume Next
pos = InStr(Html, "<")
'check for no tags situation
If pos = 0 Then
    RemoveTags = Html
    Exit Function
End If

' Add text before the first tag to beffer
buf = buf & left(Html, pos - 1)
' Find end of tag
pos = InStr(Html, ">")
' Remove everythin up to the
' end of the tag from text
If pos = 0 Then Exit Do
Html = Mid(Html, pos + 1)
' Find the start of the next tag
pos = InStr(Html, "<")
If pos = 0 Then Exit Do
Loop While True
RemoveTags = buf
End Function
Private Sub DoEditThing(whatThing As String, onWhat As Object)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Send$
   Select Case whatThing
        Case "Copy"
            Send = "^C"
        Case "Cut"
            Send = "^X"
        Case "Paste"
            Send = "^V"
        Case "Undo"
            Send = "^Z"
    End Select
    If Len(Send) Then
        SendKeys Send
    End If
End Sub

'                               Copyright © Ayoube Errabi 2009-2010           '

Conclusion :

c'est un source gratouit pour tester et ajouter ....................

Codes Sources

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