Extend mysqli


Voila mon premier code objet oriente
Ce code comporte 3 classes donc une principale : mysqli_access extends Mysqli et deux autres utilisees par la premiere Mysqli_access_stmt extends Mysqli_stmt, Mysqli_access_result extends Mysqli_results.
J'ai principalement cree cette classe car dans mes cripts je voulais avoir seulement get_data(), insert_data(), update_data() et delete_data() comme actions et acceder a certaines proprietes comme num_rows juste par $objet->num_rows.

Source / Exemple :


  • Msqli_exception
* class Mysqli_exception extends Exception{ public $_title; public $_class; public $_methode; public $_query; public function __construct($message,$code,$class='unknow',$methode='unknow',$title=null,$query=false){ $this->_title = $title; $this->_class = $class; $this->_methode = $methode; $this->_query = $query; $this->eLogPath['DIR']='logs'; $this->eLogPath['FILE']='Mysqli_error'; $this->eLogPath['EXTENSION']='.txt'; parent::__construct($message,$code); } public function __tostring(){ $str ='<p><b>' .$this->_title.'</b><br />'; $str.='Class : ' .$this->_class. ' - Using Methode '.$this->_methode.'(). <br />'; $str.='Error : ('.$this->getCode().') '.$this->getMessage().'. <br />'; if($this->_query) { $str.='Executing :' .$this->_query. '. <br />'; } $str.='Script : '.$this->getFile().' - Line : '.$this->getLine().'. <br />'; $str.= 'Trace :<br /> '; $str.=$this->Trace__tostring().' <br /></p>'; return $str; } public function Trace__tostring(){ $trace_array=$this->getTrace(); $trace_str=null; foreach($trace_array as $trace) { $trace_str .=$trace['file']. ' - Line '.$trace['line'].'<br />'; $trace_str .='Class ' .$trace['class'].' - Using Methode ' .$trace['function'].'() <br />' ; } return $trace_str; } } class Mysqli_exception_connect extends Mysqli_exception { public function __construct($message,$code,$class='unknow',$methode='unknow',$title=null,$query=false) { if( is_null( $title ) ){ $title='Connection error'; } parent :: __construct($message,$code,$class,$methode,$title); } } Class Mysqli_Exception_config extends Mysqli_exception { public function __construct($message,$code,$class='unknow',$methode='unknow',$title=null,$query=false) { if( is_null( $title ) ){ $title='Configuration Error [Mysqli_config.php]'; } parent :: __construct($message,$code,$class,$methode,$title); } } Class Mysqli_exception_query extends Mysqli_exception { public function __construct($message,$code,$class='unknow',$methode='unknow',$title=null,$query=false) { if( is_null( $title ) ){ $title='QUERY error'; } if( preg_match('/prepare/',$message) ){ $message=preg_replace('/prepare/','',$message); $message=$message. 'Could not prepare the query'; $code=1; } if( preg_match('/bind_param/',$message) ){ $message=preg_replace('/bind_param/','',$message); $message=$message. 'Could not bind parameter of the query'; $code=2; } if( preg_match('/execute/',$message) ){ $message=preg_replace('/execute/','',$message); $message=$message. 'Could not execute the query'; $code=3; } if( preg_match('/store_result/',$message) ){ $message=preg_replace('/store_result/','',$message); $message=$message. 'Could not store result of the statement'; $code=5; } if( preg_match('/bind_result/',$message) ){ $message=preg_replace('/bind_result/','',$message); $message=$message. 'Could not execute the query'; $code=5; } parent :: __construct($message,$code,$class,$methode,$title,$query); } } class Mysqli_exception_param extends Mysqli_exception { public function __construct($message,$code,$class='unknow',$methode='unknow',$title=null,$query=false) { if( is_null( $title ) ){ $title='Parametre error'; } if( preg_match('/object/',$message) ){ $message=preg_replace('/object/','',$message); $message=$message. 'must be an object'; $code=1; } if( preg_match('/string/',$message) ){ $message=preg_replace('/string/','',$message); $message=$message. 'must be a string'; $code=2; } if( preg_match('/array/',$message) ){ $message=preg_replace('/array/','',$message); $message=$message. 'must be a array'; $code=3; } parent :: __construct($message,$code,$class,$methode,$title); } } ?> <?php /*Mysqli_config*/ self::$option['SHOW_EXCEPTIONS']=true; //will show exceptions if true self::$option['SHOW_MESSAGE']='<p>An error as occur The Administrator has been informed</p>'; //will show this message if SHOW_EXCEPTION=false self::$option['DIE_ON_EXCEPTION']=false; // will make script die when an exception is caught self::$option['AUTOCONNECT']=true; //will connect to database when create object //optional can be set when create object. $this->login['HOST']='localhost'; $this->login['USER']='root'; $this->login['PASSWORD']=''; $this->login['DATABASE']='perso'; $this->login['TABLE']=false; //table name, optiona ?> <?php /**
  • Msqli_access
* *
  • TODO: return affected_rows for inser, update, delete data;
  • /
require '\mysqli_stmt_class.php'; require '\mysqli_result_class.php'; require '\build_query_string_class.php'; require '\mysqli_exception_class.php'; class mysqli_access extends mysqli{ protected static $option=array(); //config options protected $login=array(); //config login public $table=null; //to declare in script $object->table='tablename'; public $fieldlist=array(); //list of field names of $this->table private $last_query; //to hold the last query private $stmt; //new object of class msqli_access_stmt private $result; //new object of class mysqli_access_result private $param_array=array(); //to create $param_array to bind parametre public $num_rows; public static $ErrorTrace=array(); /*__construct
  • @ Set class properties : $host
  • : $user
  • : $pass
  • /
public function __construct($login=null,$option=null) { require '/mysqli_config.php'; if( is_array( $login ) ) { foreach( $login as $key=>$value ) { $this->login[$key]=$value; } } if( is_array( $option ) ) { foreach( $option as $key=>$value ) { self::$option[$key]=$value; } } if( self::$option['AUTOCONNECT'] === true ) { $this->connect($this->login['DATABASE']); } } /* Connect to the database
  • @ Argument : $db : database name
  • @ Connect : parent function __construct.
  • /
public function connect($db=null){ try{ if( is_null($db) ){ Throw new mysqli_exception_config('Database not set',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__ ); } else { parent::connect($this->login['HOST'], $this->login['USER'],$this->login['PASSWORD'], $db); if( $this -> connect_error ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_connect($this->connect_error, $this->connect_errno,__FUNCTION__); } else return true; } } catch(Mysqli_exception_config $e) { self::handle_exception($e); return false; }catch(Mysqli_exception_connect $e) { self::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /* handle exceptions :
  • @Argument : $e :object of exception class
  • if $this->option['SHOW_EXCEPTIONS'] = true it will display exceptions on screen
  • = false it will keep trace of exception in an array
  • if $this->option['SHOW_EXCEPTIONS'] = true script will die when an exception is caught
  • trace of error when no
  • /
public function handle_exception($e){ if( self::$option['SHOW_EXCEPTIONS'] === true ){ if( self::$option['DIE_ON_EXCEPTION'] === true ){ die( $e->__tostring() ); } else echo $e->__tostring(); } else { $error_message=$this->option['ERROR_MESSAGE']; echo $error_message; self::$ErrorTrace[]=array ( 'date' => date('d/m/y H:i:s'), 'num' => $e->getCode(), 'msg' => $e->getMessage(), 'class' => $e->_class, 'func' => $e->_methode ); if( self::$option['DIE_ON_EXCEPTION'] === true ){ die(); } } } /* set_table
  • if $this->table is null and $this->login['TABLE'] it will trigger an error.
  • if $this->table is null it will set teh table to select to $this->login['TABLE']
  • @ Return true if $this->table is set.
  • /
public function set_table(){ try{ if( ! is_null($this->table) ){ return true; } elseif( ! $this->login['TABLE'] === false ) { $this->table=$this->login['TABLE']; return true; }else { throw new Mysqli_exception_config('You did not set $table property',0,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } }catch(Mysqli_exception_config $e) { self::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /*Get_Data from $this->table
  • Has to have $line as get_data(__LINE__) to trigger error.
  • Arguments are optionals
  • $fields : to build field clause
  • $wherearray : to build WHERE clause
  • $group : to build GROUP BY clause
  • $sort : to build ORDER BY clause
  • $limit : to build LIMIT clause
  • @ BuildQueryString
  • @ Prepare, Bind_param, Execute
  • @ Use function fetch() of class mysql_access_stmt
  • @ Return data as an array
  • /
function get_data($fields=null,$wherearray=null,$group=null,$sort=null,$limit=null) { if( $this->set_table() === false){ return false; } BuildQueryString::$table=$this->table; $query=BuildQueryString::Get_select($fields,$wherearray,$group,$sort,$limit); $this->param_array=BuildQueryString::$param_array; if ( $query === false ) { return false; } if ( $this->prep_bind_execute($query,$this->param_array) === false ) { return false; } else { $data = $this->stmt->fetch(); if( $data === false ) { return false; } else { $this->num_rows=$this->stmt->num_rows; $this->stmt->close(); unset($this->stmt); return $data; } } } /*Insert_data into $this->table
  • @ Arguments : $values : string or array : values to insert into the table
  • @ BuildQueryString
  • @ Prepare, Bind_param, Execute
  • /
public function insert_data($values) { if( $this->set_table() === false){ return false; } BuildQueryString::$table=$this->table; $query=BuildQueryString::Get_insert($values); $this->param_array=BuildQueryString::$param_array; if ( $query === false ) { return false; } if( $this->prep_bind_execute($query,$this->param_array) === false ) { return false; } else { $this->stmt->close(); unset($this->stmt); return true; } } /*Update_data into $this->table
  • @ Arguments : $wherearray : array
  • : $values : string or array
  • Optional: $fields : has to be as $values type if not null
  • @ BuildQueryString
  • @ Prepare, Bind_param, Execute
  • /
public function update_data($wherearray,$values,$fields=null) { if( $this->set_table() === false){ return false; } BuildQueryString::$table=$this->table; $query=BuildQueryString::Get_update($values,$fields,$wherearray); $this->param_array=BuildQueryString::$param_array; if ( $query === false){ return false; } if( ! $this->prep_bind_execute($query,$this->param_array) ) { return false; } else { $this->stmt->close(); unset($this->stmt); return true; } } /*Delete_data from $this->table
  • @ Arguments : $wherearray : array
  • @ BuildQueryString
  • @ Prepare, Bind_param, Execute
  • /
public function delete_data($wherearray) { if( $this->set_table() === false){ return false; } BuildQueryString::$table=$this->table; $query=BuildQueryString::Get_delete($wherearray); $this->param_array=BuildQueryString::$param_array; if( $query === false ){ return false; } if( ! $this->prep_bind_execute($query,$this->param_array) ) { return false; }else{ $this->stmt->close(); unset($this->stmt); return true; } } /*get fields names from $this->table
  • @ BuildQueryString
  • @ Prepare, Bind_param, Execute
  • @ Get result_metadata
  • @ create new object $this->result from the class mysqli_access_result
  • @ Use fetch_list() from $this->result
  • @ Return $this->fieldlist populated with fields names of $this->table
  • /
public function Get_table_fields($tablename=false){ if( $tablename=== false ){ $tablename=$this->table; } BuildQueryString::$table = $tablename; $query=BuildQueryString::Get_select(); if( $query === false ) { return false; } if( ! $this->prep_bind_execute($query) ){ return false; } $metadata=$this->stmt->result_metadata(); $this->stmt->close(); unset($this->result); if( $metadata=== false) { return false; } $this->result=new mysqli_access_result($this); $this->fieldlist=$this->result->Fields_list($metadata); unset($this->result); if( $this->fieldlist === false){ return false; } else return $this->fieldlist; } /*Prepare Bind execute statment
  • @ Arguments : $query : statement to be prepared.
  • : $param_array if got 1 argument or more bind_param()
  • @ Prepare, bind_param(), execute()
  • /
private function prep_bind_execute($query,$param_array=array()){ if( $this->prepare($query) ) { if( count($param_array)>0 ) { $this->bind_param($param_array); } $this->execute(); return true; } else return false; } /*Prepare statment
  • @ Argument : $query : statement to be prepared.
  • @ Create new object $this->stmt from class mysqli_stmt_access
  • Or Trigger Error
  • @ return new object $this->stmt
  • /
public function prepare($query){ $this->last_query=$query; $this->stmt=new mysqli_access_stmt($this, $this->last_query ); if( $this->stmt->error ) { unset($this->stmt); return false; } else return $this->stmt; } /*Bind parametres
  • @ Argument : $param_array : array
  • @ Use function bind_param of class mysqli_stmt_access
  • /
public function bind_param($param_array){ try{ if( ! is_array($param_array) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter array',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } if( ! $this->stmt->bind_param($param_array) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_query('bind_param',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__,null,$this->last_query); } else return true; } catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { $this->handle_exception($e); return false; } catch(Mysqli_exception_query $e) { $this->handle_exception($e); return false; } } /*Execute
  • @ Use function Execute of class mysqli_stmt_access
  • /
public function execute(){ Try { if( ! $this->stmt->execute() ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_query('execute',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__,null,$this->last_query); } else return true; } catch(Mysqli_exception_query $e) { $this->handle_exception($e); return false; } } } ?> <?php /**
  • Msqli_access_stmt
* *
  • TODO : function affected_rows();
  • /
class mysqli_access_stmt extends mysqli_stmt{ protected static $option=array(); //config options protected $login=array(); //config login public static $ErrorTrace=array(); private $last_stmt; //to hold last statement protected $data=array(); //store data to be returned as an array public function __construct($link, $stmt) { require '\mysqli_config.php'; $this->last_stmt=$stmt; try{ if ( ! is_object($link) ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter object',0,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } if ( ! is_string( $stmt) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter string',0,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } parent::__construct($link, $stmt) ; if( $this->error ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_query($this->error,$this->errno,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__,null,$this->last_stmt); } else return true; }catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); unset($this); return false; }catch(Mysqli_exception_query $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); unset($this); return false; } } /* GET_PARAM TYPES set the type string i.d or s
  • @ Argument : $param : string, integer, double or otehr
  • @ Redurn the type of the param as a string
  • /
function Get_param_type($param){ if( is_integer($param ) ){ $type='i'; } elseif( is_double($param) ){ $type='d'; } elseif( is_string($param) ){ $type='s'; } else { $type='s'; } return $type; } /* Get type string of param_array
  • @ Arguments :$param_array accepts array
  • @ Return a string with the type of each argument of the array
  • /
function Get_type_string($param_array) { $type_str=NULL; try{ if( ! is_array($param_array) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter array',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } else { foreach($param_array as $key=>$param){ $type=self::Get_param_type($param); if( is_null($type_str) ) { $type_str=$type; } else { $type_str .=$type; } } return $type_str; } }catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /* BIND_PARAM
  • @ Argument : $param_array : array
  • @ Bind_param()
  • /
function bind_param($param_array){ try{ if( ! is_array($param_array) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter array',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } else { $bind_array=array(); $type_str=self::Get_type_string($param_array); $bind_array[0]=$type_str; foreach($param_array as $key=>$param){ $bind_array[]=&$param_array[$key]; } if ( ! call_user_func_array('parent::bind_param',$bind_array) ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_query('bind_param',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__,null,$this->last_stmt); } return true; } }catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; }catch(Mysqli_exception_query $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /* BIND RESULT
  • @ Argument :$field_array : array
  • /
function bind_result($field_array){ try{ if( ! is_array($field_array) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter array',null,__FUNCTION__); } elseif( ! call_user_func_array('parent::bind_result',$field_array) ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_query('bind_result',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__,null,$this->last_stmt); }else return true; }catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; }catch(Mysqli_exception_query $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } function execute() { try{ parent::execute(); if( $this->error ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_query($this->error ,$this->errno,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__,null,$this->last_stmt); } else return true; }catch(Mysqli_exception_query $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } function store_result() { try{ parent::store_result(); if( $this->error ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_query($this->error ,$this->errno,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__,null,$this->last_stmt); } else return true; }catch(Mysqli_exception_query $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /*FETCH
  • Has to be use after
  • mysqli->prepare, mysqli->bind_param , mysqli ->execute
  • @ parent Store results
  • @ bind results depending num of field
  • @ access to properties $this->field_count, $this->num_rows
  • @ parent fetch()
  • @ Return data as an array
  • /
public function fetch(){ if( ! $this->store_result() ) { return false; } $result_set=array(); for($i=0 ; $i<$this->field_count ;$i++ ) { $result_set[]=&$row[$i]; } if( ! $this->bind_result($result_set) ) { return false; } for( $i=0 ; $i<$this->num_rows ; $i++) { parent::fetch() ; $temp=array(); foreach( $result_set as $k=>$v ) { $temp[$k]=$v; } array_push($this->data,$temp); } return $this->data; } public function result_metadata(){ try{ $metadata=parent::result_metadata(); if( ! is_object($metadata) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_query('Could not get metadata',null,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } else return $metadata; }catch(Mysqli_exception_query $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } } ?> <?php /**
  • Msqli_access_result
* *
  • /
class mysqli_access_result extends mysqli_result { public $fieldlist=array(); protected static $option; public static $ErrorTrace=array(); public function __construct($mysqli){ try{ require '\mysqli_config.php'; if( ! is_object($mysqli) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter object',0,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } parent::__construct($mysqli); } catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /*Field_list
  • @ Argument : $metadata : object.
  • @ Return fields name of the table as an array
  • /
public function Fields_list($metadata){ try{ if( !is_object($metadata) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st argument object',0,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } $finfo=$metadata->fetch_fields(); foreach ($finfo as $val) { $this->fieldlist[]=$val->name; } return $this->fieldlist; } catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } } ?> <?php <?php /**
  • BuildQueryString
* Class BuildQueryString{ public static $table; //tablename to create strings public static $param_array; //param_array to return for bind_param public static $ErrorTrace=array(); public function __construct($table_name){ self::$table=$table_name; self::$param_array =array(); } /*Build SELECT values_str
  • The string is build for the table this->table which has to be define.
  • @Arguments : are all optional
  • $fields : string or array
  • $wherearray : array
  • $group : string
  • $sort : string or array
  • $limit : string
  • @ Return string
  • For exemple : 'SELECT * FROM table'
  • : 'SELECT field1 FROM table WHERE field1=?'
  • /
public static function Get_select($fields=null,$wherearray=null,$group=null,$sort=null,$limit=null) { $field_str = ( is_null($fields) ) ? '*' : self::Get_fields($fields); self::$param_array=array(); if( !is_null($wherearray) ) { $where_str=self::Get_where($wherearray); }else $where_str=null; if( ! is_null($group) ) { $group_str=" GROUP BY $group "; } else $group_str=null; if( !is_null($sort) ) { $sort_str=self::Get_sort($sort); } else $sort_str=null; if (! is_null($limit) && is_numeric($limit) ) { $limit= " LIMIT " . $limit; } else $limit_str=null; if( $field_str === false || $where_str === false || $group_str=== false || $sort_str=== false || $limit_str=== false ){ return false; } else { $query='SELECT '.$field_str.' FROM ' .self::$table.$where_str.$group_str.$sort_str.$limit_str; return $query; } } /*Build INSERT string
  • The string is build for the table this->table which has to be define.
  • @ Argument : $values : array
  • @ Populate self::$param_array
  • @ Return string
  • For exemple : 'INSERT into table VALUES (?,?,?)
  • /
public static function Get_insert($values) { try{ if( ! is_array($values) ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter array',null,'BuildQueryString',__FUNCTION__); } else { $values_str=NULL; self::$param_array=array(); $values_str=self::Get_fields($values,false,true); $query='INSERT INTO '. self::$table.' VALUES ('.$values_str.')'; return $query; } } catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /*Build UPDATE string
  • The string is build for the table this->table which has to be define.
  • @ Arguments : $values : string or array
  • : $fields : string or array
  • : has to be as $values type,
  • : if is null get_table_fields()
  • : $wherearray : array
  • @ Populate self::$param_array
  • @ Return string
  • For exemple : 'UPDATE table SET $field1=?,$field2=? WHERE $field1=?
  • /
public static function Get_update($values,$fields,$wherearray){ try{ self::$param_array=array(); if( is_null($fields) ){ $sqli=new Mysqli_access(); $fields=$sqli->Get_table_fields(self::$table); $sqli->close(); unset($sqli); } if ( is_array($fields) || is_array($values) ){ if( ! is_array($fields) ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter array',null,'BuildQueryString',__FUNCTION__); } if( ! is_array($values) ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('2nd parameter array',null,'BuildQueryString',__FUNCTION__); } if( count($values) != count($fields) ){ Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('$values and $fields arguments count are different',6,get_class($this),__FUNCTION__); } else{ $values_str=self::Get_fields($fields,$values,false); } } else{ $values_str=$fields .'=?'; self::$param_array[]=$values; } $where_str=self::Get_where($wherearray); $query= 'UPDATE '.self::$table.' SET '.$values_str.$where_str ; return $query; } catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /*Build DELETE string
  • The string is build for the table this->table which has to be define.
  • @ Arguments : $wherearray : array
  • @ Populate self::$param_array
  • @ Return string
  • For exemple : 'DELETE FROM table WHERE $field1=?'
  • /
public static function Get_delete($wherearray) { self::$param_array=array(); $where_str=self::Get_where($wherearray); $query='DELETE FROM '.self::$table. $where_str; return $query; } /*Build Field String (to use with get_select)
  • @ Arguments: $fields : string or array
  • For Exemple : $fields=$field1
  • : $fields=array($filed1,$filed2, .......)
  • Optionals: $values or $bind Thus populate self::$param_array
  • : $values : array or string [ $bind has to be false ]
  • : $bind : boleen true of false
  • @ Return field string as : '$field1,$field2,... '
  • : if $values : '$field1=?','$field2=?'
  • : if $bind : '?,?'
  • /
public static function Get_fields($fields,$values=false,$bind=false) { $field_str=NULL; if( is_array($fields) ) { foreach($fields as $key=>$field) { if( is_null($field_str) ) { $field_str = ( $bind ) ? '?' :"$field"; }else{ $field_str .= ( $bind ) ? ', ?' :", $field"; } if($values){ $field_str .= '=?'; self::$param_array[]=$values[$key]; } else{ self::$param_array[]=$field; } } } elseif( is_string($fields) ) { $field_str = $fields; if( $values ){ $field_str = $fields . '=?'; self::$param_array[]=$values; } } return $field_str; } /*Build WHERE string
  • @Argument : $wherearray : Array
  • For Exemple : $wherearray[$field1]=$value1;
  • : $wherearray=array( $field1=>$value1, $field2=>$value2)
  • @ Populate self::$param_array as : self::$param_array=($value1,$value2);
  • @ Return Where string as : 'Where $field1= ? AND $field1= ?'
  • /
public static function Get_where($wherearray) { try{ if( ! is_array($wherearray) ) { Throw new Mysqli_exception_param('1st parameter array',null,'BuildQueryString',__FUNCTION__); return false; } else { $where_str=NULL; foreach($wherearray as $field=>$value) { if( is_null($where_str) ) { $where_str =" WHERE $field=? "; self::$param_array[]=$value; } else { $where_str .=" AND $field=? "; self::$param_array[]=$value; } } return $where_str; } }catch(Mysqli_exception_param $e) { Mysqli_access::handle_exception($e); return false; } } /*Build SORT clause (to use with get_select)
  • @ Argument : $sort : string or array
  • For Exemple : $sort=$field;
  • : $sort=array($filed1,$field2);
  • ->Can specify the order to sort as $order= 'DESC' or 'ASC'
  • : $sort[$field1]=$order1;
  • : $sort=array( $field1=>$order1, $field2=>$order2)
  • @ Return Sort string as : ' ORDER BY $field1'
  • : ' ORDER BY $field1 $order1 '
  • /
public static function Get_sort($sort){ $sort_str=NULL; if( is_array($sort) ) { foreach($sort as $field=>$order) { $field = ( is_numeric($field) ) ? NULL : $field; if( is_null($sort_str) ) { $sort_str= " ORDER BY $field $order "; } else { $sort_str .= ", $field $order"; } } } elseif( is_string($sort) ) { $sort_str = " ORDER BY $sort"; } return $sort_str; } } ?>

Conclusion :

Je ne suis aps developpeur apres avoir lu et relu sur ce sujet je me suis lancee, peut etre je m y suis mal prise, les conseils seront les bienvenus.
Il reste a faire sur ces classes dont developper Mysqli_result et ameliorer ma gestion d erreur pourrait etre dans une classe a part plus generale (je reflechie la dessus).
->chose faite mais surement loin d etre parfaite toujous ouverte aux commentaures

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