Récupérer les photos d'un album sur zooomr

Contenu du snippet

Ce petit script permet de récupérer simplement toutes les photos d'un album sur le site Zooomr. Il utilise les API de Zooomr censées être interopérable avec Flickr.

Source / Exemple :

__author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme"
__date__ = "$Date: 2008/07/29 18:22 $"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008 Cedric Bonhomme"
__license__ = "GPL 3"

class Photo(object):
    """Represent a photo.
    def __init__(self):
      self.title = ""
      self.secret = ""
      self.owner = ""
      self.id = ""

def getPhoto(photoset = "35479"):
    """Donwload all the photographs from the _photoset_ set.
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    print "Creating statement..."
    liste = []
    method = "zooomr.photosets.getPhotos"
    photoset_id = photoset
    apiApps = "http://api.zooomr.com/services/rest/?method=" + method + "&api_key=" + myAPIkey + "&photoset_id=" + photoset
    print apiApps

    print 'Getting info...'
    doc = parse(urllib2.urlopen(apiApps))
    print 'Parsing XML file...'

    for tag in doc.getElementsByTagName("rsp"):
        for foto in tag.getElementsByTagName("photo"):
            if foto.getAttribute("isprimary") == "0": # the primary photo occurs twice
                p = photo.Photo()
                p.title = foto.getAttribute("title")
                p.secret = foto.getAttribute("secret")
                p.owner = foto.getAttribute("owner")
                p.id = foto.getAttribute("id")


    if liste: # if the set is not empty
        print "Downloading " + str(len(liste)) + " photographs"
        for photographs in liste:
            image_url = "http://static.zooomr.com/images/" + photographs.id + "_" + photographs.secret + "_b.jpg"
            # Download the image:
            print 'Downloading %s' % image_url
            filein = urllib2.urlopen(image_url)
                image = filein.read()
            except MemoryError:
                return None

            # Checking
            if len(image) == 0:
                print "Zooomr return none."
                return None
            if len(image) >= 5000000:
                print "Photograph too big."
                return None
            if image.startswith('5426276'):
                print "Photograph not available."
                return None

            # Save to disk
            filename = photographs.title + '-' + photographs.id
            fileout = open(filename,'w+b')
            print "Photograph " + photographs.title +  " downloaded."
        print "Done."
        print "Empty set."

if __name__ == '__main__':
    myAPIkey = None
    while not myAPIkey:
        myAPIkey = raw_input("Your API Key:\n")
        if myAPIkey:

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