Fast base64 / uuencoding encodage/decodage


Classes C++ permettant de coder/décoder rapidement et simplement une string en/depuis Base64/Uuencoding.

Source / Exemple :

#ifndef __ENCODING_BASE64_HPP__
#define __ENCODING_BASE64_HPP__

#include <iostream>

/// Base64 alphabet
static const std::string b64table = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";

class Base64
private :
  /// Filling character
  static const char fillchar = '=';
  // The masks
  static const uint32_t mask1 = 0xFC000000;
  static const uint32_t mask2 = 0x03F00000;
  static const uint32_t mask3 = 0x000FC000;
  static const uint32_t mask4 = 0x00003F00;

  typedef union
    uint32_t l   ;
    char     c[4];
  static std::string encode(const std::string & data);
  static std::string decode(const std::string & data);


#include <base64.hpp>

using namespace std;

string Base64::encode(const std::string & data)
  const size_t trail = data.size()%3;
  size_t sz          = data.size()/3*4;
  sz += (trail != 0) ? 4 : 0;
  un32 b64; 

  string out;

  size_t i = 0, k = 0;
  while(i < data.size()-trail)
      b64.c[3] = data[i++];
      b64.c[2] = data[i++];
      b64.c[1] = data[i++];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask1) >> 26)];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask2) >> 20)];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask3) >> 14)];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask4) >>  8)];

  b64.l = 0;
    case 1:
      b64.c[3] = data[i++];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask1) >> 26)];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask2) >> 20)];
      out[k++] = fillchar;
      out[k++] = fillchar; 

    case 2:
      b64.c[3] = data[i++];
      b64.c[2] = data[i++];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask1) >> 26)];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask2) >> 20)];
      out[k++] = b64table[static_cast <int> ((b64.l & mask3) >> 14)];
      out[k++] = fillchar;
  return out;

string Base64::decode(const std::string & data)
  // Number of trailing '='
  const size_t trail = (data[data.size()-1] == fillchar) ? ((data[data.size()-2] == fillchar) ? 2 : 1 ) : 0;
  // Number of char to decode
  const size_t szin  = (trail == 0) ? data.size() : data.size()-4;
  // Output string size
  const size_t szout = szin/4*3+ ((trail == 0)? 0 : ((trail == 1) ? 3 : 2)); 

  un32 b64; 

  string out;

  size_t i = 0, k = 0;

  while(i < szin)
      b64.l  = 0; 
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<  26;
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<  20;
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<  14;
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<   8;

      out[k++] = b64.c[3];
      out[k++] = b64.c[2];
      out[k++] = b64.c[1];

  b64.l = 0;
    case 1:
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<  26;
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<  20;
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<  14;
      out[k++] =  b64.c[3];
      out[k++] =  b64.c[2];

    case 2:
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<  26;
      b64.l += (static_cast < uint32_t > (b64table.find_first_of(data[i++])) ) <<  20;
      out[k++] = b64.c[3];
  return out;


Conclusion :

Ici pour le Base64, le Uuencoding est dans le zip mais le principe reste le même.

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