Il était une fois ou j'ai du faire des recherches sur l'utilisation des objets wmi et manipulation d'internet, concretement ça ne servira pas directement tel quel mais ç'est peut être pratique pour ceux qui pourrons recupérer les bouts de codes qui pourons leur être util. pas de zip, c'est à copier dans un .txt et renommer .vbs ou autre pg vb
Source / Exemple :
public sub quickList(arg,suffix)
dim obj
dim fw
dim fname
dim fserv
dim fsw
fname = GetTempFile("listingChampProcessIexp.txt")
fserv = GetTempFile("listingSercices.txt")
Set obj = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if obj.fileExists(fname) then
fname = GetTempFile("listingChampProcessIexp" & suffix & ".txt")
end if
set fw = obj.createTextFile(fname,true)
set fsw = obj.createTextFile(fserv,true)
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
reqVbs = "Select * from Win32_process"
For Each oproc In objWMI.execquery(reqVbs)
if oproc.Name="iexplore.exe" then
fw.writeline "Caption; " & oproc.Caption
fw.writeline "CommandLine; " & oproc.CommandLine
fw.writeline "CreationClassName; " & oproc.CreationClassName
fw.writeline "CreationDate; " & oproc.CreationDate
fw.writeline "CSCreationClassName; " & oproc.CSCreationClassName
fw.writeline "CSName; " & oproc.CSName
fw.writeline "Description; " & oproc.Description
fw.writeline "ExecutablePath; " & oproc.ExecutablePath
fw.writeline "ExecutionState; " & oproc.ExecutionState
fw.writeline "Handle; " & oproc.Handle
fw.writeline "HandleCount; " & oproc.HandleCount
fw.writeline "InstallDate; " & oproc.InstallDate
fw.writeline "KernelModeTime; " & oproc.KernelModeTime
fw.writeline "MaximumWorkingSetSize; " & oproc.MaximumWorkingSetSize
fw.writeline "MinimumWorkingSetSize; " & oproc.MinimumWorkingSetSize
fw.writeline "Name; " & oproc.Name
fw.writeline "OSCreationClassName; " & oproc.OSCreationClassName
fw.writeline "OSName; " & oproc.OSName
fw.writeline "OtherOperationCount; " & oproc.OtherOperationCount
fw.writeline "OtherTransferCount; " & oproc.OtherTransferCount
fw.writeline "PageFaults; " & oproc.PageFaults
fw.writeline "PageFileUsage; " & oproc.PageFileUsage
fw.writeline "ParentProcessId; " & oproc.ParentProcessId
fw.writeline "PeakPageFileUsage; " & oproc.PeakPageFileUsage
fw.writeline "PeakVirtualSize; " & oproc.PeakVirtualSize
fw.writeline "PeakWorkingSetSize; " & oproc.PeakWorkingSetSize
fw.writeline "Priority; " & oproc.Priority
fw.writeline "PrivatePageCount; " & oproc.PrivatePageCount
fw.writeline "ProcessId; " & oproc.ProcessId
fw.writeline "QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; " & oproc.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage
fw.writeline "QuotaPagedPoolUsage; " & oproc.QuotaPagedPoolUsage
fw.writeline "QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; " & oproc.QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage
fw.writeline "QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; " & oproc.QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage
fw.writeline "ReadOperationCount; " & oproc.ReadOperationCount
fw.writeline "ReadTransferCount; " & oproc.ReadTransferCount
fw.writeline "SessionId; " & oproc.SessionId
fw.writeline "Status; " & oproc.Status
fw.writeline "TerminationDate; " & oproc.TerminationDate
fw.writeline "ThreadCount; " & oproc.ThreadCount
fw.writeline "UserModeTime; " & oproc.UserModeTime
fw.writeline "VirtualSize; " & oproc.VirtualSize
fw.writeline "WindowsVersion; " & oproc.WindowsVersion
fw.writeline "WorkingSetSize; " & oproc.WorkingSetSize
fw.writeline "WriteOperationCount; " & oproc.WriteOperationCount
fw.writeline "WriteTransferCount; " & oproc.WriteTransferCount
end if ' FIN DE oproc.Name="iexplore.exe"
call jexecute(fname)
if arg then
reqVbs = "select * from win32_service"
For Each oproc In objWMI.execquery(reqVbs)
'Wscript.echo oproc.Name & " = " & oproc.State
fsw.writeline oproc.Name & " = " & oproc.State
call jexecute(fserv)
end if
Set objWMI = Nothing
set obj = nothing
end sub
public sub pro()
dim obj
dim fw
dim fname
dim fserv
dim fsw
fname = GetTempFile("listingChampProcessIexp.txt")
fserv = GetTempFile("listingSercices.txt")
Set obj = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fw = obj.createTextFile(fname,true)
set fsw = obj.createTextFile(fserv,true)
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
if msgbox("liste process",vbyesNo,"liste process") = vbYes then
reqVbs = "Select * from Win32_process"
For Each oproc In objWMI.execquery(reqVbs)
if oproc.Name="iexplore.exe" then
fw.writeline "Caption; " & oproc.Caption
fw.writeline "CommandLine; " & oproc.CommandLine
fw.writeline "CreationClassName; " & oproc.CreationClassName
fw.writeline "CreationDate; " & oproc.CreationDate
fw.writeline "CSCreationClassName; " & oproc.CSCreationClassName
fw.writeline "CSName; " & oproc.CSName
fw.writeline "Description; " & oproc.Description
fw.writeline "ExecutablePath; " & oproc.ExecutablePath
fw.writeline "ExecutionState; " & oproc.ExecutionState
fw.writeline "Handle; " & oproc.Handle
fw.writeline "HandleCount; " & oproc.HandleCount
fw.writeline "InstallDate; " & oproc.InstallDate
fw.writeline "KernelModeTime; " & oproc.KernelModeTime
fw.writeline "MaximumWorkingSetSize; " & oproc.MaximumWorkingSetSize
fw.writeline "MinimumWorkingSetSize; " & oproc.MinimumWorkingSetSize
fw.writeline "Name; " & oproc.Name
fw.writeline "OSCreationClassName; " & oproc.OSCreationClassName
fw.writeline "OSName; " & oproc.OSName
fw.writeline "OtherOperationCount; " & oproc.OtherOperationCount
fw.writeline "OtherTransferCount; " & oproc.OtherTransferCount
fw.writeline "PageFaults; " & oproc.PageFaults
fw.writeline "PageFileUsage; " & oproc.PageFileUsage
fw.writeline "ParentProcessId; " & oproc.ParentProcessId
fw.writeline "PeakPageFileUsage; " & oproc.PeakPageFileUsage
fw.writeline "PeakVirtualSize; " & oproc.PeakVirtualSize
fw.writeline "PeakWorkingSetSize; " & oproc.PeakWorkingSetSize
fw.writeline "Priority; " & oproc.Priority
fw.writeline "PrivatePageCount; " & oproc.PrivatePageCount
fw.writeline "ProcessId; " & oproc.ProcessId
fw.writeline "QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; " & oproc.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage
fw.writeline "QuotaPagedPoolUsage; " & oproc.QuotaPagedPoolUsage
fw.writeline "QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; " & oproc.QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage
fw.writeline "QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; " & oproc.QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage
fw.writeline "ReadOperationCount; " & oproc.ReadOperationCount
fw.writeline "ReadTransferCount; " & oproc.ReadTransferCount
fw.writeline "SessionId; " & oproc.SessionId
fw.writeline "Status; " & oproc.Status
fw.writeline "TerminationDate; " & oproc.TerminationDate
fw.writeline "ThreadCount; " & oproc.ThreadCount
fw.writeline "UserModeTime; " & oproc.UserModeTime
fw.writeline "VirtualSize; " & oproc.VirtualSize
fw.writeline "WindowsVersion; " & oproc.WindowsVersion
fw.writeline "WorkingSetSize; " & oproc.WorkingSetSize
fw.writeline "WriteOperationCount; " & oproc.WriteOperationCount
fw.writeline "WriteTransferCount; " & oproc.WriteTransferCount
end if ' FIN DE oproc.Name="iexplore.exe"
call jexecute(fname)
end if ' FIN DE if msgbox("liste process",vbyesNo,"liste process") = vbYes
if msgbox("liste sercices",vbyesNo,"liste services") = vbYes then
reqVbs = "select * from win32_service"
For Each oproc In objWMI.execquery(reqVbs)
'Wscript.echo oproc.Name & " = " & oproc.State
fsw.writeline oproc.Name & " = " & oproc.State
call jexecute(fserv)
end if
if msgbox("afficher nom processeur",vbyesNo,"truc acec processor") = vbYes then
reqVbs = "select * from win32_Processor"
For Each oproc In objWMI.execquery(reqVbs)
'if oproc.Name="iexplorer.exe" then
Wscript.echo oproc.Name & " = " & oproc.ProcessorId
'end if
end if
Set objWMI = Nothing
set obj = nothing
end sub
'*****************METHODE MAIN LA PRINCIPALE QUOI!!!***********************
Dim WshShell,obj
Set WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
if msgbox ("test sur les processus?",vbyesNo,"test processus?") = vbYes then
call pro
end if
if msgbox ("autre test sur les nom de processus?",vbYesNo,"autre test?") = vbYes then
call autreTest
end if
dim testnet
Dim IE
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
testnet = msgbox ("test chrono conexion internet?",vbyesNo,"test net?")
Dim a
a = inputbox("url A tester","url a tester")
if a = "" then a = ""
'*****je voulais voir les differances de processus*******************************
call quickList(false,"")
With IE
.Left = 200
.Top = 200
.Height = 400
.Width = 400
.menubar = 0
.toolbar = 1
.statusBar = 0
.navigate2 a
.Visible = 1
End With
if testnet = vbYes then
dim t
t = time
Dim iered
If Not IsNull(IE.readystate) Then
iered = IE.readystate
End If
Do While iered < 4
iered = IE.readystate
dim f
f = time
'*****je voulais voir les differances de processus*******************************
call quickList(false,"2")
dim diff
diff = minute(f)-minute(t)
msgbox f & " - " & t & " = " & diff
end if
if false then
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'Notepad.exe'")
For Each objProcess in colProcessList
end if
public sub autreTest()
dim wshShell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
msgbox "- Nom du processeur : " & WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\ProcessorNameString")
msgbox "- Fréquence : " & WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\~mhz")
msgbox "- Fabriquant : " & WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\VendorIdentifier")
msgbox "- Identifiant du processeur : " & WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier")
end sub
'***pour la proc pro avoir des mess aulieu de tout ecrire dans un .txt****
' Wscript.echo "handle " & oproc.Handle
' Wscript.echo "caption " & oproc.Caption
' Wscript.echo "CommandLine " & oproc.CommandLine
' Wscript.echo "CSCreationClassName " & oproc.CSCreationClassName
' Wscript.echo "CSName " & oproc.CSName
' Wscript.echo "Description " & oproc.Description
' Wscript.echo "ExecutionState " & oproc.ExecutionState
' Wscript.echo "HandleCount " & oproc.HandleCount
' Wscript.echo "KernelModeTime " & oproc.KernelModeTime
' Wscript.echo "OSName " & oproc.OSName
' Wscript.echo "OtherOperationCount " & oproc.OtherOperationCount
' Wscript.echo " PrivatePageCount " & oproc.PrivatePageCount
' Wscript.echo "ProcessId " & oproc.ProcessId
' Wscript.echo oproc.Name & " = " & oproc.ExecutablePath & " statut "
'***********************CREATION DE FICHIER DANS REP TEMP******************
Function GetTempFile(File)
' WshShell declaree dans main
GetTempFile=WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") & "\" & File
End Function
Public sub jexecute(path)
dim executeur
set executeur = wscript.createObject("")
set executeur = nothing
end sub
Conclusion :
l'important c'est l'utilisation des objets GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2") ou CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") le reste c'est de la déco