Recherche dans une string (asterisque, étoile)

Contenu du snippet

Cette fonction Asterisk permet de comparer deux strings

exemple :
Nom = "*bonj*vb*e" et NomEntier="Bonjour Vb France !"
Asterisk(Nomentier,Nom) ===> True

Nom = "*bondqsd*e" et NomEntier="Bonjour Vb France !"
Asterisk(Nomentier,Nom) ===> False

Source / Exemple :

Function Asterisk(ByVal Nomentier As String, ByVal Nom As String) As Boolean
    Dim pt_encour As Integer
    Dim pt_encourEntier As Integer
    Dim C As String
    Dim X As Integer
    Asterisk = False
    pt_encour = 1
    pt_encourEntier = 1
    C = "*"
    RemoveMultipleChar Nom, C
    If InStr(Nomentier, C) Then Exit Function
    If Nom = C Then
        Asterisk = True
        Exit Function
    End If
    If InStr(Nom, C) <> 1 And InStr(Len(Nom), Nom, C) = Len(Nom) Then
        ch = Left(Nom, InStr(Nom, C) - 1)
        If Left(Nomentier, Len(ch)) <> ch Then Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(Len(Nom), Nom, C) <> Len(Nom) And InStr(Nom, C) = 1 Then
        old_X = 0
        X = 1
        While old_X < X
            ch = Right(Nom, Len(Nom) - X + 1)
            old_X = X
            X = InStr(X, Nom, C) + 1
        If Right(Nomentier, Len(ch)) <> ch Then Exit Function
    ElseIf InStr(Nom, C) <> 1 And InStr(Len(Nom), Nom, C) <> Len(Nom) Then
        If InStr(Nom, C) = 0 Then
            If Nom = Nomentier Then
                Asterisk = True
                Exit Function
            End If
            ch = Left(Nom, InStr(Nom, C) - 1)
            If Left(Nomentier, Len(ch)) <> ch Then Exit Function
                    old_X = 0
            X = 1
            While old_X < X
                ch = Right(Nom, Len(Nom) - X + 1)
                old_X = X
                X = InStr(X, Nom, C) + 1
            If Right(Nomentier, Len(ch)) <> ch Then Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    Asterisk = False
    Nom = "*" & Nom & "*"
    RemoveMultipleChar Nom, C
    pt_encour = 2
    ch = ""
    While (pt_encour <= Len(Nom))
        extrait = Mid(Nom, pt_encour, 1)
        If extrait = C Then
            If InStr(pt_encourEntier, Nomentier, ch) = 0 Then
                Asterisk = False
                Exit Function
                pt_encourEntier = InStr(pt_encourEntier, Nomentier, ch) + Len(ch)
            End If
            ch = ""
            ch = ch + extrait
        End If
        pt_encour = pt_encour + 1
    Asterisk = True
End Function

Private Sub RemoveMultipleChar(ByRef chaine As String, ByVal Char As String)
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim temoin As Boolean
    Dim extrait As String
    Dim ch As String
    ch = ""
    temoin = False
    ch = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(chaine)
        extrait = Mid(chaine, i, 1)
        If extrait = Char Then
            If temoin = True Then
                temoin = True
                ch = ch + extrait
            End If
            temoin = False
            ch = ch + extrait
        End If
    chaine = ch
End Sub

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