Moteur physique


Moteur Physique

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
import KeyDetection;
// on importe les classe easing pour les effets visuels.
_global.encart_count = 10;
_global.Encarts = new Array();
var keyDet = new KeyDetection();
keyDet.addCombination("automatique", Key.CONTROL, 90);
keyDet.addCombination("manual", Key.CONTROL, 89);
_global.automatique = true;
myObj = new Object();
myObj.onKeyCombination = function(name:String) {
switch (name) {
case "automatique" :
_global.automatique = true;
case "manual" :
_global.automatique = false;
modebutton.onPress = function() {
_global.automatique = !_global.automatique;
for (var i = 1; i<=_global.encart_count; i++) {
var current_encart:String = "encart"+i;
duplicateMovieClip(encart0, current_encart, i);
eval(current_encart)._x = eval("encart"+(i-1))._x+eval("encart"+(i-1))._width+20;
eval(current_encart)._y += random(40);
eval(current_encart).back._width = 60+random(40);
eval(current_encart).back._height = 30+random(40);
with (eval(current_encart)) {
createTextField("tbox", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
tbox.border = false;
tbox.type = "dynamic";
tbox.autoSize = true;
tbox.embedfonts = true;
tbox.text = i;
myf = new TextFormat();
myf.color = 0x000000;
myf.font = "Arial";
myf.size = 18;
myf.align = "center";
_global.Encarts.push({clip:eval("encart"+(i-1)), px:eval("encart"+(i-1))._x, py:eval("encart"+(i-1))._y});
_global.Targets = new Array();
var Page = new Object();
Page.Target = _root.page1;
Page.ClipsIn = new Array();
var BestPlace = new Object();
BestPlace.px = 0; = 0;
Page.BestPlace = BestPlace;
Page = new Object();
Page.Target = _root.page2;
Page.ClipsIn = new Array();
Page = new Object();
Page.Target = _root.page3;
Page.ClipsIn = new Array();
//, _root.page2
function getsurface(MC:MovieClip) {
return MC._width*MC._height;
function getavailablesurface(MC:MovieClip, clips:Array) {
var cumul = 0;
for (var i = 0; i<clips.length; i++) {
var obj:Object = clips[i].clip;
cumul += obj._width*obj._height;
return getsurface(MC)-cumul;
function getbestplace(Current_Clip:MovieClip, Target_Clip:MovieClip, clips:Array, BestPlace:Object) {
oldX = Current_Clip._x;
oldY = Current_Clip._y;
var startX:Number = Number(Math.round(Target_Clip._x));
var endX:Number = Number(Math.round(Target_Clip._x+Target_Clip._width));
var startY:Number = Number(Math.round(Target_Clip._y));
var endY:Number = Number(Math.round(Target_Clip._y+Target_Clip._height));
pasy = 1;
yy = startY;
xx = startX;
var Touch = false;
Current_Clip._x = BestPlace.px;
Current_Clip._y =;
for (l=0; l<clips.length && !Touch; l++) {
var obj:Object = clips[l].clip;
if (Current_Clip.hitTest(obj) && Current_Clip != obj) {
Touch = true;
if (Current_Clip._x+Current_Clip._width>=endX) {
Touch = true;
BestPlace.px = 0; = clips[l+1].clip._y;
if (Current_Clip._y+Current_Clip._height>=endY) {
Touch = true;
if (clips.length == 0) {
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.px = xx; = yy;
return obj;
if (_global.automatique) {
k = 0;
avant = true;
for (i=startY; i<endY; i++) {
for (j=startX; j<endX; ) {
var Touch = false;
for (l=0; l<clips.length && !Touch; l++) {
var obj:Object = clips[l].clip;
Current_Clip._x = j;
Current_Clip._y = i;
if (Current_Clip.hitTest(obj) && Current_Clip != obj) {
Touch = true;
if (Current_Clip._x+Current_Clip._width>=endX) {
avant = false;
Touch = true;
if (Current_Clip._y+Current_Clip._height>=endY) {
Touch = true;
if (!Touch) {
//il faut retourner
Current_Clip._x = oldX;
Current_Clip._y = oldY;
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.px = j; = i;
trace2("trouvée iteration : "+k+" x : "+j+" y :"+i);
return obj;
} else {
trace2("conflit avec le clip : "+obj);
j += obj._width+1;
trace2("non trouvée iteration : "+k);
return undefined;
} else {
var Touch = false;
for (l=0; l<clips.length && !Touch; l++) {
var obj:Object = clips[l].clip;
if (Current_Clip.hitTest(obj) && Current_Clip != obj) {
Touch = true;
if (Current_Clip._x+Current_Clip._width>=endX) {
avant = false;
Touch = true;
if (Current_Clip._y+Current_Clip._height>=endY) {
Touch = true;
if (!Touch) {
trace2("trouvée ");
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.px = Current_Clip._x; = Current_Clip._y;
return obj;
} else {
trace2("conflit avec le clip : "+obj);
return undefined;
function findInArray(MC:MovieClip, clips:Array) {
for (var i = 0; i<clips.length; i++) {
if (MC == clips[i].clip) {
return i;
return -1;
function removeFromArray(obj:Object, clips:Array) {
tmp = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i<clips.length; i++) {
if (clips[i].clip != obj) {
return tmp;
function goAway(MC:MovieClip, Targets:Array) {
//var obj:Object = clipsMap.findKey("encart"+substring(MC, 15, 2),"name");
var obj:Object = _global.Encarts[findInArray(MC, _global.Encarts)];
//trace2(obj.px+" ";
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(MC, "_x", Regular.easeOut, MC._x, obj.px, 20, false);
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(MC, "_y", Regular.easeOut, MC._y,, 20, false);
//trace2("Targets[i].clip -------------------------: "+Targets.join());
return removeFromTargets(MC, Targets);
function goTarget(MC:MovieClip, Targets:Array) {
//var obj:Object = clipsMap.findKey("encart"+substring(MC, 15, 2),"name");
var obj:Object = Targets[findInArray(MC, Targets)];
trace2(Targets[findInArray(MC, Targets)].px);
//trace2(obj.px+" ";
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(MC, "_x", Regular.easeOut, MC._x, obj.px, 20, false);
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(MC, "_y", Regular.easeOut, MC._y,, 20, false);
//return removeTarget(MC, Targets);
function removeFromTargets(MC:MovieClip, Targets:Array) {
NotFound = true;
for (var i = 0; i<Targets.length && NotFound; i++) {
// trace2("---------------"+findInArray(MC, Targets[i].ClipsIn));
if (findInArray(MC, Targets[i].ClipsIn) != -1) {
// trace2("---------------found");
NotFound = false;
Targets[i].ClipsIn = removeFromArray(MC, Targets[i].ClipsIn);
return Targets;
function getTargetIndex(MC:MovieClip, Targets:Array) {
NotFound = true;
Index = -1;
for (var i = 0; i<Targets.length && NotFound; i++) {
if (findInArray(MC, Targets[i].ClipsIn) != -1) {
Index = i;
NotFound = false;
return Index;
function targetNotExiste(MC:MovieClip, Targets:Array) {
for (var i = 0; i<Targets.length; i++) {
if (MC == Targets[i].clip) {
return false;
return true;
function dropTarget(MC:MovieClip, Targets:Array) {
for (var i = 0; i<Targets.length; i++) {
if (eval(MC._droptarget) == Targets[i]) {
return Targets[i];
return undefined;
ReleaseTarget = function () {
function optimizePlace(newX:Number, newY:Number, Index:Number, Targets:Array) {
trace2("OPTIMIZE : ------------------------- Targets[Index].Target "+Targets[Index].ClipsIn);
/*for (var i = 0; i<Targets.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j<Targets.length; j++) {
var objGetBestPlace:Object = getbestplace(_global.Targets[i].ClipsIn[j].clip, _global.Targets[i].Target, _global.Targets[i].ClipsIn);
trace2("objGetBestPlace x : "+objGetBestPlace.px+" y : ";
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(_global.Targets[i].ClipsIn[j].clip, "_x", Regular.easeOut, _global.Targets[i].ClipsIn[j].clip._x, objGetBestPlace.px, 20, false);
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(_global.Targets[i].ClipsIn[j].clip, "_y", Regular.easeOut, _global.Targets[i].ClipsIn[j].clip._y,, 20, false);
//newX -= startX;
//newY -= startY;
Target_Clip = Targets[Index].Target;
var startX:Number = Number(Math.round(Target_Clip._x));
var endX:Number = Number(Math.round(Target_Clip._x+Target_Clip._width));
var startY:Number = Number(Math.round(Target_Clip._y));
var endY:Number = Number(Math.round(Target_Clip._y+Target_Clip._height));
for (var i = 0; i<1; i++) {
var Current_Clip:MovieClip = Targets[Index].ClipsIn[i].clip;
trace2("OPTIMIZE : -------------------------"+Current_Clip);
oldX = Current_Clip._x;
oldY = Current_Clip._y;
trace2("new --- "+newX+" "+newY);
Current_Clip._x = newX;
Current_Clip._y = newY;
for (var j = 0; j<Targets[Index].ClipsIn.length; j++) {
Touch = false;
if (i != j) {
var obj:Object = Targets[Index].ClipsIn[j].clip;
if (Current_Clip.hitTest(obj)) {
Touch = true;
if (Current_Clip._x+Current_Clip._width>endX) {
Touch = true;
if (Current_Clip._y+Current_Clip._height>endY) {
Touch = true;
if (!Touch) {
//Current_Clip._x = oldX;
//Current_Clip._y = oldY;
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(Current_Clip, "_x", Regular.easeOut, oldX, newX, 20, false);
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(Current_Clip, "_y", Regular.easeOut, oldY, newY, 20, false);
Targets[Index].ClipsIn[i].px = newX;
Targets[Index].ClipsIn[i].py = newY;
newX = oldX;
newY = oldY;
//return optimizePlace(newX, newY, Index, Targets);
/*for (var i = 0; i<_global.Targets[Index].ClipsIn.length; i++) {
Current_Clip = Targets[Index].ClipsIn[i].clip;
var objGetBestPlace:Object = getbestplace(Current_Clip, _global.Targets[Index].Target, _global.Targets[Index].ClipsIn);
if (objGetBestPlace != undefined) {
// this.stopDrag();
//trace2(objGetBestPlace+" x : "+objGetBestPlace.px+" y : ";
_global.Targets[Index].ClipsIn.push({clip:Current_Clip, px:objGetBestPlace.px,});
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(Current_Clip, "_x", Regular.easeOut, Current_Clip._x, objGetBestPlace.px, 20, false);
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(Current_Clip, "_y", Regular.easeOut, Current_Clip._y,, 20, false);
} else {
trace2("OPTIMIZE : there is no fit surface return to first place");
//_global.Targets = goAway(this, _global.Targets);
return Targets;
for (var i = 1; i<=_global.encart_count; i++) {
var current_encart:String = "encart"+i;
//clipsMap.addItem({name:current_encart, px:eval(current_encart)._x,py:eval(current_encart)._y});
eval(current_encart).onPress = function() {
eval(current_encart).onRelease = function() {
var Target:MovieClip;
NoTarget = true;
for (var j = 0; j<_global.Targets.length && NoTarget; j++) {
//trace2("eval(this._droptarget) == _global.Targets[j].Target : "+eval(this._droptarget) +" "+_global.Targets[j].Target);
if (eval(this._droptarget) == _global.Targets[j].Target) {
NoTarget = false;
//trace2("targetNotExiste(this, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn : "+targetNotExiste(this, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn));
if (targetNotExiste(this, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn)) {
if (getsurface(this)<=getavailablesurface(_global.Targets[j].Target, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn)) {
var objGetBestPlace:Object = getbestplace(this, _global.Targets[j].Target, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn, _global.Targets[j].BestPlace);
if (objGetBestPlace != undefined) {
trace2(objGetBestPlace+" x : "+objGetBestPlace.px+" y : ";
_global.Targets[j].ClipsIn.push({clip:this, px:objGetBestPlace.px,});
if (_global.automatique) {
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(this, "_x", Regular.easeOut, this._x, objGetBestPlace.px, 20, false);
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(this, "_y", Regular.easeOut, this._y,, 20, false);
} else {
trace2("there is no fit surface return to first place");
_global.Targets = goAway(this, _global.Targets);
} else {
trace2("there is no available surface return to first place");
_global.Targets = goAway(this, _global.Targets);
} else {
trace2("encart already existe return to target"+this);
//goTarget(this, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn);
var objGetBestPlace:Object = getbestplace(this, _global.Targets[j].Target, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn, _global.Targets[j].BestPlace);
if (objGetBestPlace != undefined) {
//trace2(objGetBestPlace+" x : "+objGetBestPlace.px+" y : ";
var index = findInArray(this, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn);
_global.Targets[j].ClipsIn[index].px = objGetBestPlace.px;
_global.Targets[j].ClipsIn[index].py =;
if (_global.automatique) {
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(this, "_x", Regular.easeOut, this._x, objGetBestPlace.px, 20, false);
var maTween:Tween = new Tween(this, "_y", Regular.easeOut, this._y,, 20, false);
} else {
trace2("there is no fit surface return to old place in target");
//_global.Targets = goAway(this, _global.Targets);
goTarget(this, _global.Targets[j].ClipsIn);
if (NoTarget) {
Index = getTargetIndex(this, _global.Targets);
var obj:Object = _global.Targets[Index].ClipsIn[findInArray(this, _global.Targets[Index].ClipsIn)];
var oldX:Number = obj.px;
var oldY:Number =;
trace2("No Target return to first place ");
_global.Targets = goAway(this, _global.Targets);
/*if (Index>=0) {
trace2(" old --- "+oldX+" "+oldY);
_global.Targets = optimizePlace(oldX, oldY, Index, _global.Targets);
function trace2(msg) {
_root.traceclip.text = msg+'\n'+_root.traceclip.text;

Source / Exemple :

Moteur Physique

Conclusion :

Moteur Physique

Codes Sources

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