Algorithme de fft en c


Les fonctionnalites:
DIF Radix2, DIF Radix4
DIT Radix2, DIT Radix4
FFT complex, IFFT complex
FFT real, IFFT real

Le mode d'emploi:
lguo@lguo-enst:~$ unzip -r
lguo@lguo-enst:~$ cd Algo/DIF
lguo@lguo-enst:~/Algo/DIF$ gcc -o FFT_DIF_R2 FFT_DIF_R2.c -lm
lguo@lguo-enst:~/Algo/DIF$ ./FFT_DIF_R2

lguo@lguo-enst:~$ cd Algo/FFT_Test_Linux
lguo@lguo-enst:~/Algo/FFT_Test_Linux$ make
lguo@lguo-enst:~/Algo/FFT_Test_Linux$ ./FFT

Source / Exemple :

// DIT radix-4  FFT  complex 
// 1. Maximium points are 1024.
// 2. The last stage is 2 DFT ( for 8, 32, 128, 512...)
// or all stages are 4 DFT ( for 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024 ...).
// 3. The functions special for FFT real .
// 24 juillet 2007
// purcharse*

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#include "FFT.h" static complex multicomplex( complex b1, complex b2) /* multiplication of complex */ { complex b3; b3.real=b1.real*b2.real-b1.imag*b2.imag; b3.imag=b1.real*b2.imag+b1.imag*b2.real; return(b3); } static int mylog2(int N) /* Max(N) = 4098 */ { int k=0; if (N>>12) { k+=12; N>>=12; } if (N>>8) { k+=8; N>>=8; } if (N>>4) { k+=4; N>>=4; } if (N>>2) { k+=2; N>>=2; } if (N>>1) { k+=1; N>>=1; } return k ; } static void BitReverse(complex *xin, int N) { int LH, i, j, k; struct complex tmp; LH=N/2; j = N/2; for( i = 1; i <= (N -2); i++) { if(i < j) { tmp = xin[j]; xin[j] = xin[i]; xin[i] = tmp; } k = LH; while(j >= k) { j = j-k; k = k/2; } j = j + k; } } static void DFT_2(complex *b1, complex *b2) { struct complex tmp; tmp = *b1; (*b1).real = (*b1).real + (*b2).real; (*b1).imag = (*b1).imag + (*b2).imag; (*b2).real = tmp.real - (*b2).real; (*b2).imag = tmp.imag - (*b2).imag; } static void DFT_4(complex* b0, complex* b1, complex* b2, complex* b3) { /*variables locales*/ struct complex temp[4]; /*calcul x1*/ temp[0].real=(*b0).real+(*b1).real; temp[0].imag=(*b0).imag+(*b1).imag; /*calcul x2*/ temp[1].real=(*b0).real-(*b1).real; temp[1].imag=(*b0).imag-(*b1).imag; /*calcul x3*/ temp[2].real=(*b2).real+(*b3).real; temp[2].imag=(*b2).imag+(*b3).imag; /*calcul x4 + multiplication with -j*/ temp[3].imag=(*b3).real-(*b2).real; temp[3].real=(*b2).imag-(*b3).imag; /*the last stage*/ (*b0).real=temp[0].real+temp[2].real; (*b0).imag=temp[0].imag+temp[2].imag; (*b1).real=temp[1].real+temp[3].real; (*b1).imag=temp[1].imag+temp[3].imag; (*b2).real=temp[0].real-temp[2].real; (*b2).imag=temp[0].imag-temp[2].imag; (*b3).real=temp[1].real-temp[3].real; (*b3).imag=temp[1].imag-temp[3].imag; } static void FFT_R4(complex *xin, int N, int m) { int i, L, j; double ps1, ps2, ps3; int le,B; struct complex w[4]; for( L = 1; L <= m; L++) { le = pow(4 ,L); B = le/4; /*the distance of buttefly*/ for(j = 0; j <= B-1 ; j++) { // ps0 = (TWICEPI/N) * 0 * j; // w[0].real = cos(ps0); // w[0].imag = -sin(ps0); ps1 = ((TWICEPI)/le)*2*j; w[1].real = cos(ps1); w[1].imag = -sin(ps1); ps2 = (TWICEPI/le)*j; w[2].real = cos(ps2); w[2].imag = -sin(ps2); ps3 = (TWICEPI/le)*3*j; w[3].real = cos(ps3); w[3].imag = -sin(ps3); for(i = j; i <= N-1; i = i + le) /* controle those same butteflies*/ { /* multiple with W */ // xin[i] = multicomplex(xin[i], w[0]); xin[i + B] = multicomplex(xin[i + B], w[1]); xin[i + 2*B] = multicomplex(xin[i + 2*B], w[2]); xin[i + 3*B] = multicomplex(xin[i + 3*B], w[3]); /* DFT-4 */ DFT_4(xin + i, xin + i + B, xin + i + 2*B, xin + i + 3*B); } } /* printf("*****N°%d **********\n", L); for(i=0;i<N;i++) { printf("%.8f\t\t",xin[i].real); printf("%.8f\n",xin[i].imag); }
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} }//end of FFT_R4 static void FFT_L2(complex *xin, int N) { /* For the last stage 2 DFT*/ int j, B; double p, ps ; struct complex w; B = N/2; for(j = 0; j <= B - 1; j++) { ps = (TWICEPI/N)*j; w.real = cos(ps); w.imag = -sin(ps); /* multiple avec W */ xin[j+ B] = multicomplex(xin[j + B], w); DFT_2(xin + j ,xin + j + B); } }//end of FFT_L2 /**************** FFT complex ***************/ void RunFFT(complex *xin, int N) { int m, i; BitReverse(xin, N); m = mylog2(N); if( (m%2) == 0 ) { /*All the stages are radix 4*/ FFT_R4(xin, N, m/2); } else { /*the last stage is radix 2*/ FFT_R4(xin, N, m/2); FFT_L2(xin, N); } } void RunIFFT(complex *xin,int N) { /* inverse FFT */ int i; for(i=0; i < N + 1 ; i++) { xin[i].imag = -xin[i].imag; } RunFFT(xin,N); for(i = 0; i < N + 1 ; i++) { xin[i].real = xin[i].real/N; xin[i].imag = -xin[i].imag/N; } } /************** FFT real ****************/ void RunFFTR(complex *xin, int N) { int i; double ps; complex *Realin; complex Realtmp1; complex Realtmp2; complex w; Realin = (complex *)malloc((N/2)*sizeof(complex)); /*** X(n)= A(2n) +j*A(2n+1) ***/ for(i = 0 ; i < N/2 ; i++) { Realin[i].real = xin[2*i].real; Realin[i].imag = xin[2*i + 1].real; } RunFFT(Realin, N/2); for(i = 0; i < N/2 ; i++) { /***** factor w *****/ ps = (TWICEPI/N)*i; w.real = cos(ps); w.imag = -sin(ps); /***** conjugue *****/ Realtmp1.real = Realin[(N/2) - i].real; Realtmp1.imag = -Realin[(N/2) - i].imag; if(i == 0) { Realtmp1.real = Realin[0].real; Realtmp1.imag = -Realin[0].imag; } /***** part 2 *****/ Realtmp2.real = Realin[i].imag - Realtmp1.imag; Realtmp2.imag = Realtmp1.real - Realin[i].real; if(i > 0) Realtmp2 = multicomplex(Realtmp2, w); /**** part 1 ****/ Realtmp1.real = Realin[i].real + Realtmp1.real; Realtmp1.imag = Realin[i].imag + Realtmp1.imag; xin[i].real = (Realtmp1.real + Realtmp2.real)/2; xin[i].imag = (Realtmp1.imag + Realtmp2.imag)/2; xin[N/2 + i].real = (Realtmp1.real - Realtmp2.real)/2; xin[N/2 + i].imag = (Realtmp1.imag - Realtmp2.imag)/2; } } void RunIFFTR(complex *xin, int N) { int i; double ps; complex *Realin; complex Realtmp1; complex Realtmp2; complex w; Realin = (complex *)malloc((N/2)*sizeof(complex)); /*** X(n)= A(2n) +j*A(2n+1) ***/ for(i = 0 ; i < N/2 ; i++) { Realin[i].real = xin[2*i].real; Realin[i].imag = xin[2*i + 1].real; } RunIFFT(Realin, N/2); for(i = 0; i < N/2 ; i++) { /***** factor w *****/ ps = (TWICEPI/N)*i; w.real = cos(ps); w.imag = -sin(ps); /***** conjugue *****/ Realtmp1.real = Realin[(N/2) - i].real; Realtmp1.imag = -Realin[(N/2) - i].imag; if(i == 0) { Realtmp1.real = Realin[0].real; Realtmp1.imag = -Realin[0].imag; } /***** part 2 *****/ Realtmp2.real = Realin[i].imag - Realtmp1.imag; Realtmp2.imag = Realtmp1.real - Realin[i].real; if(i > 0) Realtmp2 = multicomplex(Realtmp2, w); /**** part 1 ****/ Realtmp1.real = Realin[i].real + Realtmp1.real; Realtmp1.imag = Realin[i].imag + Realtmp1.imag; xin[i].real = (Realtmp1.real + Realtmp2.real)/2; xin[i].imag = (Realtmp1.imag + Realtmp2.imag)/2; xin[N/2 + i].real = (Realtmp1.real - Realtmp2.real)/2; xin[N/2 + i].imag = (Realtmp1.imag - Realtmp2.imag)/2; } }

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