Clone kicker on join

Contenu du snippet

Et bien voila, j'apprécie le scripting et cela fait maintenant un mois que je script seulement.
j'en ai eu marre de voir des bots (clones) faire interruption dans mon channel...
c'est un script qui kick un clone quand il join mon channel ,donc.
C'est trés simpliste mais ça marche trés bien !
(je l'utilise sur cyanide-x donc il n'y a pas de possibilité que quelqu'un joigne avec deux fois le meme pseudo , ce qui fait de ce script qu'il est suffisant.)

Source / Exemple :

menu * {
  .Configuration : /clonekick

on *:start:{
  if ($exists(htables) == $false) { mkdir htables }
  hmake cloneconf 100
  if ($exists(htables/cloneconf) == $false) {
    hadd cloneconf Nghost 1
    hadd cloneconf BAN 4
    hadd cloneconf chan $null
    hadd cloneconf nick $null
    hadd cloneconf message $null
    hsave cloneconf htables/cloneconf

  hload cloneconf htables/cloneconf

alias clonekick { dialog -m clonekick clonekick }
dialog clonekick {
  title Cl0neKicker : MADE BY HACKMAN[TeTa]
  icon mirc.exe,18
  size -1 -1 200 100
  option dbu
  tab "Channel", 10, 10 12 183 70
  tab "Except", 20
  tab "Message", 30
  tab "Config +", 40

  box "",1,5 0 192 97
  check ": clonekick State ON/OFF",2,68 4 80 10
  text "Channel Used (with #):",11,12 30 80 10, tab 10
  edit "",12,11 40 150 10, tab 10
  list 13,11 50 150 40,sort vsbar tab 10
  button "Add",14,161 50 30 10,push tab 10
  button "Remove",15,161 60 30 10,push tab 10
  text "Exception (type the nick of the exeption :NEED TO BE ONLINE)",21,12 30 180 10, tab 20
  edit "",22,11 40 150 10, tab 20
  list 23,11 50 150 40,sort vsbar tab 20
  button "Add",24,161 50 30 10,push tab 20
  button "Remove",25,161 60 30 10,push tab 20

  text "Kick message",31,12 30 180 10, tab 30
  text "you can type CLONE1 or CLONE2 on the message , those values will be replaced by the nicks of both clones (CLONE1 = kicked one)",32,12 38 180 20, tab 30
  text "If you don't set one, it will use a default one ",34,12 51 180 10, tab 30
  edit "",33,11 60 180 10, tab 30

  text "Max Clone Number Per Channel",41,20 30 170 10, tab 40
  edit "",43,20 40 80 10, tab 40
  text "Number Of Rejoin/Kick Before BAN",44,20 55 170 10, tab 40
  edit "",45,20 65 80 10, tab 40

  button "Close&Save",9,80 87 40 10,flat,ok
  icon 4,160 2 20 20,mirc.exe,18,large

on *:dialog:clonekick:sclick:14:{
  if ($did(12) isin $hget(cloneconf,chan)) { did -ra clonekick 12 Already on the list ! }
  else {
    hadd -m cloneconf chan $iif($hget(cloneconf,chan), $hget(cloneconf,chan) $+ $chr(32) $+ $did(12), $did(12))
  did -r clonekick 13
  didtok clonekick 13 32 $hget(cloneconf,chan)
  if (!$hget(cloneconf,chan)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { did -b clonekick 2,9 }
  else { did -e clonekick 2,9 }
on *:dialog:clonekick:sclick:15:{
  hadd cloneconf chan $replacex($remove($hget(cloneconf,chan), $did(13).seltext), $chr(32) $+ $chr(32), $chr(32))
  did -r clonekick 13
  didtok clonekick 13 32 $hget(cloneconf,chan)
  if (!$hget(cloneconf,chan)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { did -b clonekick 2,9 }
  else { did -e clonekick 2,9 }
on *:dialog:clonekick:sclick:24:{
  if ($address($did(22),4) isin $hget(cloneconf,nick)) { did -ra clonekick 22 Already on the list ! }
  else {
    hadd -m cloneconf nick $iif($hget(cloneconf,nick), $hget(cloneconf,nick) $+ $chr(32) $+ $address($did(22),4), $address($did(22),4))
  did -r clonekick 23
  didtok clonekick 23 32 $hget(cloneconf,nick)
  if (!$hget(cloneconf,chan)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { did -b clonekick 2,9 }
  else { did -e clonekick 2,9 }
on *:dialog:clonekick:sclick:25:{
  hadd cloneconf nick $replacex($remove($hget(cloneconf,nick), $did(23).seltext), $chr(32) $+ $chr(32), $chr(32))
  did -r clonekick 23
  didtok clonekick 23 32 $hget(cloneconf,nick)
  if (!$hget(cloneconf,chan)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { did -b clonekick 2,9 }
  else { did -e clonekick 2,9 }
on *:dialog:clonekick:sclick:9:{
  hadd cloneconf Nghost $did(43)
  hadd cloneconf BAN $did(45)
  if ($did(33) == $null) { hadd cloneconf message No Clones admitted *( $+(%,clone.nick1) & $+(%,clone.nick2) )* }
  else { hadd cloneconf message $replace($did(33), CLONE1, $+(%,clone.nick1), CLONE2, $+(%,clone.nick2)) }
  if (!$hget(cloneconf,chan)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { did -b clonekick 2,9 }
  else { did -e clonekick 2,9 }

  hsave cloneconf htables/cloneconf
on *:dialog:clonekick:edit:43:{
  hadd cloneconf Nghost $did(43)
  if (!$hget(cloneconf,chan)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { did -b clonekick 2,9 }
  else { did -e clonekick 2,9 }
on *:dialog:clonekick:edit:45:{
  hadd cloneconf BAN $did(45)
  if (!$hget(cloneconf,chan)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { did -b clonekick 2,9 }
  else { did -e clonekick 2,9 }
on *:dialog:clonekick:init:0:{
  did -r clonekick 13
  didtok clonekick 13 32 $hget(cloneconf,chan)
  did -r clonekick 23
  didtok clonekick 23 32 $hget(cloneconf,nick)
  if (%CLONEKICK.State == ON) { did -c clonekick 2 }
  if (!$hget(cloneconf,chan)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) || (!$hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { did -b clonekick 2,9 }
  else { did -e clonekick 2,9 }
  did -r clonekick 43
  didtok clonekick 43 32 $hget(cloneconf,Nghost)
  did -r clonekick 45
  didtok clonekick 45 32 $hget(cloneconf,BAN)
on *:dialog:clonekick:sclick:2:{
  if $did(2).state == 1 { set %CLONEKICK.State ON | echo -a %CLONEKICK.Chan 4 clonekick : 2ON 6annoying $hget(cloneconf,chan) }
  else { set %CLONEKICK.State OFF | echo -a %CLONEKICK.Chan 4 clonekick : 2OFF }

alias clonestart {
  .who %clone.chan
  var %nnick = 1
  while (%nnick <= $nick(%clone.chan,0)) {
    var %address = $address($nick(%clone.chan,%nnick),4)
    hadd $+(clonekick,%clone.chan) %address $iif($hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan),%address) == $null, $nick(%clone.chan,%nnick), $hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan),%address) $+ $chr(32) $+ $nick(%clone.chan,%nnick))
    tokenize 32 $hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan),%address)
    while ($0 > $hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) {
      var %clone.nick1 = $1
      var %clone.nick2 = $2
      if (%address == $address($me,4)) || (%address isin $hget(cloneconf,nick)) { echo -a %clone.nick excepted | break }
      hadd $+(clonekick,%clone.chan) %address $remove($hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan),%address), $1)
      $iif(!$($+(%,ban,$1),2),set -u10,inc) $+(%,ban,$1) 1
      if ($($+(%,ban,$1),2) > $hget(cloneconf,BAN)) { ban -u30 %clone.chan $1 }
      kick %clone.chan $1 $($hget(cloneconf,message),2)
      tokenize 32 $hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan),%address)
    inc %nnick
alias clonejoin {
  if (!$address(%clone.nick,4)) { .who %clone.chan }
  var %address.join = $address(%clone.nick,4)
  hadd -m $+(clonekick,%clone.chan) %address.join $iif($hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan), %address.join) == $null, %clone.nick, $hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan), %address.join) $+ $chr(32) $+ %clone.nick)
  tokenize 32 $hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan), %address.join)
  while ($0 > $hget(cloneconf,Nghost)) {
    var %clone.nick1 = $1
    var %clone.nick2 = $2
    if (%address.join == $address($me,4)) || (%address.join isin $hget(cloneconf,nick)) { echo -a %clone.nick excepted | return }
    hadd $+(clonekick,%clone.chan) %address.join $remove($hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan), %address.join), $1)
    kick %clone.chan $1 $($hget(cloneconf,message),2)
    tokenize 32 $hget($+(clonekick,%clone.chan),%address.join)

on *:join:*:{
  if (%CLONEKICK.State == ON) {
    if ($chan isin $hget(cloneconf,chan)) {
      set %clone.nick $nick
      set %clone.chan $chan
      if ($nick == $me) {
        var %nchan = 1
        while ($gettok($hget(cloneconf,chan),%nchan,32)) {
          .who $gettok($hget(cloneconf,chan),%nchan,32)
          inc %nchan
        hfree $+(clonekick,%clone.chan)
        hmake $+(clonekick,%clone.chan) 1000
        timer 1 1 clonestart
      else { clonejoin }
on *:part:*:{
  if (%CLONEKICK.State == ON) {
    if ($chan isin $hget(cloneconf,chan)) {
      var %address.part = $address($nick,4)
      hadd $+(clonekick,$chan) %address.part $replace($removecs($hget($+(clonekick,$chan), %address.part), $nick), $chr(32) $+ $chr(32), $chr(32), $chr(32) $+ $null, $null)
on *:kick:*:{
  if (%CLONEKICK.State == ON) {
    if ($chan isin $hget(cloneconf,chan)) {
      var %address.part = $address($knick,4)
      hadd $+(clonekick,$chan) %address.part $replace($removecs($hget($+(clonekick,$chan), %address.part), $knick), $chr(32) $+ $chr(32), $chr(32), $chr(32) $+ $null, $null)

on *:quit:{
  if (%CLONEKICK.State == ON) {
    tokenize 32 $hget(cloneconf,chan))
    var %chann = 1   
    var %chane = $($+($,%chann),2)
    while (%chane) {
      var %address.part = $address($nick,4)
      hadd $($+(clonekick,%chane),2) %address.part $replace($removecs($hget($+(clonekick,%chane), %address.part), $nick), $chr(32) $+ $chr(32), $chr(32), $chr(32) $+ $null, $null)
      inc %chann
      var %chane = $($+($,%chann),2)


on *:nick:{
  if (%CLONEKICK.State == ON) {
    var %ncount = 1
    while ($gettok($hget(cloneconf,chan),%ncount,32)) {
      if ($newnick ison $gettok($hget(cloneconf,chan),%ncount,32)) {
        var %address.change = $address($newnick,4)
        hadd $+(clonekick,$gettok($hget(cloneconf,chan),%ncount,32)) %address.change $replace($hget($+(clonekick,$gettok($hget(cloneconf,chan),%ncount,32)), %address.change), $nick, $newnick)

      inc %ncount

A voir également

Vous n'êtes pas encore membre ?

inscrivez-vous, c'est gratuit et ça prend moins d'une minute !

Les membres obtiennent plus de réponses que les utilisateurs anonymes.

Le fait d'être membre vous permet d'avoir un suivi détaillé de vos demandes et codes sources.

Le fait d'être membre vous permet d'avoir des options supplémentaires.