Utilitaire de copie de fichiers, application console, visual basic

Contenu du snippet

Cet utilitaire réalise une chose simple :
- il "copie-colle" une liste de fichiers depuis un dossier source (réseau-local) vers un dossier destination
- il évite l'opération laborieuse de sélection, un à un, des fichiers à copier,grâce à une liste des fichiers à copier contenue dans un fichier .txt
- à la fin de la procédure, deux fichiers textes ont été générés : l'un 'SavedFiles.txt' contient tous les fichiers effectivement copiés, l'autre 'NotFoundFiles' inclût les noms de fichiers qui n'ont pas été trouvés au sein du dossier source.

Source / Exemple :

' Author   : Jean-Michel BRASSEUR
' date     : 23 May 2007
' copyright: lestwins59
' language : English

' Import the required Libraries
Imports system '
Imports system.IO '
Imports System.Math '

' Main module
Module ConsCopyFile

    Sub Main()

        Console.Title = "Files Copy Management Utility, Console Application, Visual Basic"
        ' required elements
        ' sourcefile name : parameter
        Dim strPriSourceFileName As String = "FileSource.txt"
        ' to save all of the files names of a directory, without their fullpath:
        ' C:\Documents and Settings\infdev13>dir \\Srvssedriis\GESTDOC\SUD_EST\Commercial\Photothèque\CBM_Batiment /B > "C:\Documents and Settings\infdev13\My Documents\ESPACE_TRAVAIL\listeImgCBMBatiment.txt"
        Dim strPriSourceFileFolderPath As String '= "C:\Documents and Settings\infdev13\My Documents\ESPACE_TRAVAIL\"
        ' sourcefolder's path : parameter
        Dim strPriSourceFolderPath As String '= "\\Srvssedriis\GESTDOC\SUD_EST\Commercial\Photothèque\CBM_Batiment\"
        ' destination's path : parameter
        Dim strPriDestinationFolderPath As String '= "C:\Documents and Settings\infdev13\My Documents\ESPACE_TRAVAIL\Test\"
        ' number of rows of the sourcefile
        Dim intPriNbrRowsTextFile As Integer = 0
        ' maximum length of caracters within the text file
        Dim intPriMaxLengthFileNameTextFile As Integer = 0

        ' the file parameters are being keyed in prominently
        Console.WriteLine("To enable Quick Edit Mode ")
        Console.WriteLine("1. Open a command prompt/command console")
        Console.WriteLine("2. Right-click on the title bar")
        Console.WriteLine("3. Select(properties)")
        Console.WriteLine("4. Select QuickEdit Mode")
        Console.WriteLine("5. Select Save Properties for future windows with same title if you want to keep this change forever. " & Chr(13) _
        & "   Select Apply Properties for current window only if you only want to enable QuickEdit for this session.")
        Console.WriteLine("6. Click(OK)")


            Console.Write("Path towards the Filenames Source Text File Folder :")
            strPriSourceFileFolderPath = Console.ReadLine()
            Console.Write("Filenames Source Text File (*.txt):")
            strPriSourceFileName = Console.ReadLine()
            Console.Write("Path towards the Source Folder :")
            strPriSourceFolderPath = Console.ReadLine()
            Console.Write("Path towards the Destination Folder :")
            strPriDestinationFolderPath = Console.ReadLine()

            ' get the number of rows of the sourcefile
            intPriNbrRowsTextFile = FunPriGetNbrRowsTextFile(strPriSourceFileFolderPath, strPriSourceFileName)

            ' enables to check if the filenames source text file has been found
        Loop Until intPriNbrRowsTextFile > 0

        ' loop : from the starting row number row within the text file up to reach the finishing row number or the end of file
        Dim intPriRowNberToStartAt As Integer '= 1
        Dim intPriRowNberToFinishAt As Integer '= 20
        Dim boolTestAnswerCopyAllWishedFiles As Boolean = False
            Dim ckiCopyAllWishedFiles As ConsoleKeyInfo
            Dim strCopyAllWishedFiles As String
            Console.WriteLine("Do you want to copy a certain numbers of files (N) or copy all of them (A)?")
            ckiCopyAllWishedFiles = Console.ReadKey(True)
            strCopyAllWishedFiles = StrConv(ckiCopyAllWishedFiles.KeyChar(), VbStrConv.Uppercase)
            Select Case strCopyAllWishedFiles
                Case Is = "N"
                    Console.Write("Start Line Number :")
                    intPriRowNberToStartAt = Console.ReadLine()
                    Console.Write("End Line Number :")
                    intPriRowNberToFinishAt = Console.ReadLine()
                    boolTestAnswerCopyAllWishedFiles = True
                Case Is = "A"
                    intPriRowNberToStartAt = 1
                    intPriRowNberToFinishAt = FunPriGetNbrRowsTextFile(strPriSourceFileFolderPath, strPriSourceFileName)
                    boolTestAnswerCopyAllWishedFiles = True
                Case Else
                    Console.WriteLine("You did have key in a wrong value")
            End Select
        Loop While boolTestAnswerCopyAllWishedFiles = False

        'the subprocedure bound to the copy core function of the program is being processed
        Console.WriteLine("Processing :")
        Call SubPriCopyCurrentFileWithinTextFile(strPriSourceFileFolderPath, _
        strPriSourceFileName, _
        strPriSourceFolderPath, _
        strPriDestinationFolderPath, _
        intPriRowNberToStartAt, _
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit")

    End Sub

    Private Function FunPriGetNbrRowsTextFile(ByVal strPriSourceFileFolderPath As String, _
    ByVal strPriSourceFileName As String) As Integer

            Dim sr As StreamReader
            Dim intPriCounterOfRowsWithinTextFile As Integer = 0
            Dim strPriFileName As String = ""
            Console.WriteLine("Unfolding of the Task:")
            sr = File.OpenText(strPriSourceFileFolderPath & "\" & strPriSourceFileName)
            Do While sr.Peek() >= 0
                strPriFileName = sr.ReadLine()
                intPriCounterOfRowsWithinTextFile += 1
            Console.WriteLine("The source File contains : " & intPriCounterOfRowsWithinTextFile & " Filenames.")
            Return (intPriCounterOfRowsWithinTextFile)
            Console.WriteLine("The Source File containing the Filenames to be copied from has not been found..")
            Return (0)
        End Try

    End Function

    Private Function funPriMaxLengthFileNameTextFile(ByVal strPriSourceFileFolderPath As String, _
    ByVal strPriSourceFileName As String) As Integer

            Dim sr As StreamReader
            Dim intPriMaxLengthFileNameTextFile As Integer = 0
            Dim strPriFileName As String = ""
            sr = File.OpenText(strPriSourceFileFolderPath & "\" & strPriSourceFileName)
            Do While sr.Peek() >= 0
                strPriFileName = sr.ReadLine()
                If Len(strPriFileName) > intPriMaxLengthFileNameTextFile Then intPriMaxLengthFileNameTextFile = Len(strPriFileName)
            Return (intPriMaxLengthFileNameTextFile)
            Return (0)
        End Try

    End Function

    Private Function strPriAddSpacesOnDisplay(ByVal strPriFileName As String, ByVal strPriSourceFileFolderPath As String, ByVal strPriSourceFileName As String) As String

        Dim intMaxLengthFileNameTextFile As Integer = 0
        Dim strAddOneSpaceToStringValue = ""
        Dim intAddOneSpaceToStringValue As Integer = 0
        intMaxLengthFileNameTextFile = funPriMaxLengthFileNameTextFile(strPriSourceFileFolderPath, strPriSourceFileName)
        strPriAddSpacesOnDisplay = ""

            strPriAddSpacesOnDisplay += " "
            intAddOneSpaceToStringValue += 1
        Loop Until intAddOneSpaceToStringValue > (intMaxLengthFileNameTextFile - Len(strPriFileName))
        Return (strPriAddSpacesOnDisplay)

    End Function

    Private Sub SubPriCopyCurrentFileWithinTextFile(ByVal strPriSourceFileFolderPath As String, _
    ByVal strPriSourceFileName As String, _
    ByVal strPriSourceFolderPath As String, _
    ByVal strPriDestinationFolderPath As String, _
    ByVal intPriRowNberToStartAt As Integer, _
    ByVal intPriRowNberToFinishAt As Integer)

        Dim strPriFileName As String = ""
        Dim intPriCurrentRowNberWithinTextFile As Integer = 1

            Dim sr As StreamReader
            Dim floPriPctOfTaskDone As Single = 0
            Dim intPriNbrOfFilesToBeCopied As Integer = 0

            intPriNbrOfFilesToBeCopied = intPriRowNberToFinishAt - intPriRowNberToStartAt + 1

            Console.WriteLine(intPriNbrOfFilesToBeCopied & " Files to be copied. From the row number : " & intPriRowNberToStartAt & " to the row number : " & intPriRowNberToFinishAt)

            sr = File.OpenText(strPriSourceFileFolderPath & "\" & strPriSourceFileName)

            ' Do
        Do While sr.Peek() >= 0

                strPriFileName = sr.ReadLine()
                ' get the filename
                Select Case intPriCurrentRowNberWithinTextFile
                    Case intPriRowNberToStartAt To intPriRowNberToFinishAt
                        ' the file is being copied only if intPriCurrentRowNberWithinText is in between > intPriNbrRowsTextFile
                        ' copy the corresponding file
                        Select Case File.Exists(strPriDestinationFolderPath & "\" & strPriFileName)
                            Case Is = True
                                Console.WriteLine("The file :" & strPriFileName & " has been already copied")
                                ' increment intPriCurrentRowNberWithinText
                                intPriCurrentRowNberWithinTextFile += 1
                            Case Else
                                'Console.WriteLine("{0} already exists.", strFileA)
                                File.Copy(strPriSourceFolderPath & "\" & strPriFileName, strPriDestinationFolderPath & "\" & strPriFileName)
                                ' udpate the progress rate
                                floPriPctOfTaskDone = (intPriCurrentRowNberWithinTextFile / intPriNbrOfFilesToBeCopied) * 100
                                Console.WriteLine(strPriFileName & _
                                strPriAddSpacesOnDisplay(strPriFileName, strPriSourceFileFolderPath, strPriSourceFileName) & _
                                " has been copied," & Format(Round(floPriPctOfTaskDone, 1), "#0.0") & "% of job processed")
                                subPriFilesDealtReports(strPriSourceFileFolderPath, strPriFileName, True)
                        End Select
                    Case Else
                End Select
                ' increment intPriCurrentRowNberWithinText
                intPriCurrentRowNberWithinTextFile += 1

                ' exit in case a file exception has been caught
                Console.WriteLine("The File :" & strPriFileName & " to be copied from has not been found..")
                subPriFilesDealtReports(strPriSourceFileFolderPath, strPriFileName, False)
                Select Case intPriCurrentRowNberWithinTextFile
                    Case intPriRowNberToStartAt To intPriRowNberToFinishAt
                        ' increment intPriCurrentRowNberWithinText
                        intPriCurrentRowNberWithinTextFile += 1
                    Case Else
                End Select
            End Try

        ' end of loop

    End Sub

    Public Sub subPriFilesDealtReports(ByVal strPriSourceFileFolderPath As String, ByVal strPriFileName As String, ByVal BooPriFileStatus As Boolean)

        Select Case BooPriFileStatus
            Case Is = True
                ' if the file has been found, its name is being copied within the SavedFiles text file
                Using sw As StreamWriter = File.AppendText(strPriSourceFileFolderPath & "\" & "SavedFiles.txt")
                    ' Add some text to the file.
                    ' Arbitrary objects can also be written to the file.
                End Using
            Case Is = False
                ' if the file has not been found, its name is being copied within the NotFoundFiles text file
                Using sw As StreamWriter = File.AppendText(strPriSourceFileFolderPath & "\" & "NotFoundFiles.txt")
                    ' Add some text to the file.
                    ' Arbitrary objects can also be written to the file.
                End Using

        End Select

    End Sub

End Module

Conclusion :

L'activation de 'QuickEdit mode', accessible lors de l'execution de l'application compilée, par un click sur la barre de titre, puis sur le boutton 'propriétés' permet de copier coller les différents chemins d'accès. Ce qui permet une bien moindre pénébilité lors du passage de paramètres.
Pour un affichage plus agréable de l'application console, modifiez à cette occasion les paramètres d'affichage de la console avec :
- screen buffer size de 120 x 30
- windows size de 120 x 50
- window preview de 8 x 12, police Raster fonts, taille 8 x 12
- Screen text : RGB : 0,128,128
- Screen color : RGB : 0,255,0
Annotation : le dossier destination doit être existant, dans le cas contraire la copie ne se fait pas;

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