Classe objet dao couche d'accès à mysql data access object

Contenu du snippet

EN fait, c'est une layer au-dessus de MySQL

Ne marche que si ta connexion à Mysql a déjà été activée !!!!
mon conseil : fait 2 fichiers :
- req_connect.php // connecte à la BD MySQL
- req_disconnect.php // mysql_free = libère la connexion

Comment marche la classe DAO ?
Exemple concret :
  • /


$dao_object = new DAO(); // instancie le nouvel object dao_object de type DAO
$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=1";
$dao_object->DAO_query($query); // lance la requete et récupère le résultat
$dao_object->DAO_numrows(); // nombre d'enregistrements retournés

// requête UPDATE INSERT
$query = "INSERT INTO table (col1, col2) VALUES (1,'text')";
$dao_object->DAO_execute($query); // unbuffered query = sans retour de ligne
$dao_object->DAO_affrows(); // number of affected rows pour les requêtes UPDATE / INSERT / DELETE / DROP

pour afficher, 3 possibilité comme mysql :
while($val = $dao_object->DAO_fetch_object())
echo $val->id;

while($val = $dao_object->DAO_fetch_array())
echo $val["col1"]; // le nom de la colonne
// ou encore :
echo $val[0]; // le numéro de la colonne en commançant par zéro

while($val = $dao_object->DAO_fetch_assoc())
echo $val["col2"]; // le nom de la colonne seulement

Attention, si tu as un object $this->dao_object dans une de tes classes,
et qui tu t'en sers dans plusieurs méthodes, tu vas avoir un conflit entre les 2 méthodes.
Il faut donc instancier un objet par boucle while, exemple :
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while($val1 = $dao_object1->DAO_fetch_assoc())
while($val2 = $dao_object2->DAO_fetch_object())
echo $val1["col1"] . " is not equal to " . $val2["col1"];

Source / Exemple :


  • class DAO
  • DataAccessObject
  • @version 0.1
  • @copyright 2006
  • /
class DAO{ var $dao_query = NULL; var $dao_result = NULL; var $badquery = NULL; /**
  • Throws an error
  • @param : nothing, uses the last query
  • @return : die and display the error message
  • /
function DAO_error(){ $this->badquery = "Erreur dans la reqête."; die($this->badquery . ":" . $this->dao_query . "<br />" . mysql_error()); } /**
  • Sets the query and sends the query to recover a result
  • @param : all SQL query types (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ...)
  • @return : nothing, sets the query and resultset
  • /
function DAO_query($dao_query){ $this->dao_query = $dao_query; $this->dao_result = mysql_query($dao_query) or $this->DAO_error(); } /**
  • Sets the query and sends the query to recover a result
  • For UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE operations
  • @param : a SQL query (UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE)
  • @return : nothing, sets the query and resultset without waiting
  • /
function DAO_execute($dao_query){ $this->dao_query = $dao_query; $this->dao_result = mysql_unbuffered_query($dao_query) or $this->DAO_error(); } /**
  • Retruns the number of rows returns by the last query
  • @param : nothing
  • @return : the number of rows returned in the the last resultset
  • For SELECT queries
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function DAO_numrows(){ $dao_numrows = mysql_num_rows($this->dao_result); return $dao_numrows; } /**
  • Returns the number of affected rows in the last operation
  • @param : nothing
  • @return : the number of rows affected by the last UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE query
  • /
function DAO_affrows(){ $dao_affrows = mysql_affected_rows(); return $dao_affrows; } /**
  • Returns the number of fields returned by the last request
  • @param : nothing
  • @return : the number of fields contened if the last resultset
  • /
function DAO_num_fields(){ $dao_num_fields = mysql_num_fields($this->dao_result); return $dao_num_fields; } /**
  • Returns the field name of the field
  • @param : indice of the field in the query
  • @return : the name of the field at the $indice position
  • /
function DAO_field_name($indice){ $dao_field_name = mysql_field_name($this->dao_result,$indice); return $dao_field_name; } /**
  • Returns an object containing the fields of the query
  • @param : nothing takes the last resultset
  • @return : an object accessible with the query fields
  • /
function DAO_fetch_object(){ $dao_object = mysql_fetch_object($this->dao_result); //or die($bad_query); return $dao_object; } /**
  • Return an associative array only
  • @param : nothing, takes the last resutset
  • @return : an associative array
  • /
function DAO_fetch_assoc(){ $dao_assoc = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->dao_result); return $dao_assoc; } /**
  • Returns a mixed array
  • @param : nothing, takes the last resutset
  • @return : a mixed array
  • /
function DAO_fetch_array(){ $dao_array = mysql_fetch_array($this->dao_result); return $dao_array; } /**
  • Returns the last auto_increment id
  • @param : the identifier and the table name
  • @return : the last auto_increment id
  • /
function DAO_last_id($id,$table){ $li=mysql_query("SELECT $id FROM $table ORDER BY $id DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $r=mysql_fetch_assoc($li); if (mysql_num_rows($li)==1) { return $r[$id]; }else{ return NULL; } } /**
  • Save the transaction at the name given in parameter
  • @param : the SAVEPOINT name
  • @return : nothing, sets the query and resultset
  • /
function DAO_savepoint($dao_savepoint){ $this->dao_query="SAVEPOINT $dao_savepoint"; $this->dao_result=mysql_unbuffered_query($this->dao_query) or $this->DAO_error(); } /**
  • Starts a transaction
  • @param : nothing, takes the last resutset
  • @return : nothing, sets the resultset
  • /
function DAO_start_transaction(){ $this->dao_query = "START TRANSACTION;"; $this->dao_result=mysql_unbuffered_query($this->dao_query) or $this->DAO_error(); $this->dao_query = "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;"; $this->dao_result=mysql_unbuffered_query($this->dao_query) or $this->DAO_error(); } /**
  • Perform a COMMIT to the database
  • @param: nothing
  • @return : nothing, sets the query and resultset
  • /
function DAO_commit(){ $this->dao_query = "COMMIT"; $this->dao_result = mysql_unbuffered_query("COMMIT") or $this->DAO_error(); } /**
  • Rollback To Savepoint
  • @param : the SAVEPOINT
  • @return : nothing, sets the query and resultset
  • /
function DAO_r2s($dao_savepoint){ $this->dao_query = "ROLLBACK TO $dao_savepoint"; $this->dao_result = mysql_unbuffered_query("ROLLBACK TO $dao_savepoint") or $this->DAO_error(); } /**
  • Rollback to the last transaction started
  • @param : nothing
  • @return : nothing, sets the query and resultset
  • /
function DAO_rollback(){ $this->dao_query = "ROLLBACK"; $this->dao_result = mysql_unbuffered_query("ROLLBACK") or $this->DAO_error(); } } ?>

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