Classe pour utiliser cards.dll facilement


Il s'agit d'une classe très simple qui permet une utilisation simplifiée et facile de la librairie Cards.dll.

Source / Exemple :

// MyCards.h


MyCards : Classe permettant d'utiliser facilement la librairie Cards.dll

Guillaume Bourgeois ( 14/06/06 )

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#include "windows.h" #define CLUBS 0 #define DIAMONDS 1 #define HEARTS 2 #define SPADES 3 #define ACE 0 #define TWO 1 #define THREE 2 #define FOUR 3 #define FIVE 4 #define SIX 5 #define SEVEN 6 #define EIGHT 7 #define NINE 8 #define TEN 9 #define JACK 10 #define QUEEN 11 #define KING 12 #define CS_CROSSHATCH 53 #define CS_WEAVE1 54 #define CS_WEAVE2 55 #define CS_ROBOT 56 #define CS_FLOWERS 57 #define CS_VINE1 58 #define CS_VINE2 59 #define CS_FISH1 60 #define CS_FISH2 61 #define CS_SHELLS 62 #define CS_CASTLE 63 #define CS_ISLAND 64 #define CS_CARDHAND 65 #define CS_UNUSED 66 #define CS_THE_X 67 #define CS_THE_O 68 #define MAKE_CARD_VALUE(Face, Suit) (Face * 4 + Suit) // Faces : 0 = Ace, 1 = Two , ... 10 = Jack, 11 = Queen, 12 = King. // Suit : 0 = Clubs, 1 = Diamond, 2 = Heart, 3 = Spades typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pfcdtInit)(int *, int *); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pfcdtDraw)(HDC, int x, int y, int card, int type, DWORD color); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pfcdtDrawEx)(HDC, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int card, int type, DWORD color); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pfcdtAnimate)(HDC hdc, int cardback, int x, int y, int state); typedef void (WINAPI *pfcdtTerm) (void); class MyCards { public: MyCards(); //Constructeur ~MyCards(); //Destructeur private: bool InitCardsDll(void); HMODULE hCardDll; pfcdtInit cdtInit; pfcdtDraw cdtDraw; pfcdtDrawEx cdtDrawEx; pfcdtAnimate cdtAnimate; pfcdtTerm cdtTerm; public: bool SetDefaultCardSize(int Height, int Width); bool DrawCard(HDC hDC, int x, int y, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color=0x00FFFFFF); bool DrawCard(HDC hDC, POINT Position, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color=0x00FFFFFF); bool DrawCard(HDC hDC, int x, int y, int Height, int Width, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color=0x00FFFFFF); bool DrawCard(HDC hDC, POINT Position, int Height, int Width, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color=0x00FFFFFF); bool DrawCard(HDC hDC, RECT Position, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color=0x00FFFFFF); // To make a card value use MAKE_CARD_VALUE(Face,Suit) // Type = 0 -> Front Face // Type = 1 -> Back face // Type = 3 -> Front Face ( Inverted colors ) }; /*************************************************************
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#include "MyCards.h" MyCards::MyCards() { if ( !InitCardsDll() ) ::MessageBox(0,"Unable to load Cards.dll","Error",MB_ICONERROR); SetDefaultCardSize(30,20); } MyCards::~MyCards() { cdtTerm(); ::FreeLibrary(hCardDll); } bool MyCards::InitCardsDll(void) { hCardDll = ::LoadLibrary("cards.dll"); if(hCardDll == 0) return 0; cdtInit = (pfcdtInit) GetProcAddress(hCardDll, "cdtInit"); cdtDraw = (pfcdtDraw) GetProcAddress(hCardDll, "cdtDraw"); cdtDrawEx = (pfcdtDrawEx) GetProcAddress(hCardDll, "cdtDrawExt"); cdtAnimate = (pfcdtAnimate) GetProcAddress(hCardDll, "cdtAnimate"); cdtTerm = (pfcdtTerm) GetProcAddress(hCardDll, "cdtTerm"); return 1; } bool MyCards::SetDefaultCardSize(int Height, int Width) { return cdtInit(&Height,&Width); } bool MyCards::DrawCard(HDC hDC, int x, int y, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color) { return cdtDraw(hDC,x,y,CardValue,Type,Color); } bool MyCards::DrawCard(HDC hDC, POINT Position, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color) { return cdtDraw(hDC,Position.x,Position.y,CardValue,Type,Color); } bool MyCards::DrawCard(HDC hDC, int x, int y, int Height, int Width, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color) { return cdtDrawEx(hDC,x,y,Height,Width,CardValue,Type,Color); } bool MyCards::DrawCard(HDC hDC, POINT Position, int Height, int Width, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color) { return cdtDrawEx(hDC,Position.x,Position.y,Height,Width,CardValue,Type,Color); } bool MyCards::DrawCard(HDC hDC, RECT Position, int CardValue, int Type, DWORD Color) { return cdtDrawEx(hDC,Position.left,, (Position.right-Position.left),(,CardValue,Type,Color); }

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