Convertisseur binaire

Contenu du snippet


J'ai lutter pour pouvoir convertir un buffer(Byte) en Bits avec la fontion BitConverter du fait de l'inversion des Bits du à littleendian.

J'ai donc du faire qq fonction pour remedier à ce petit probleme.
Si vous avez mieux,ou critique, je suis preneur.


Ps:Je debute en prog et cette fonction est destiner à lire des Bits bien precis dans un buffer Icmp

Source / Exemple :

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On 
Option Compare Binary

Namespace Convert

    Public Module Bin

        Public Const BinByteMaxLength As Integer = 8
        Public Const BinIntegerMaxLength As Integer = 31
        Public Const BinLongMaxLength As Integer = 63

        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Value As Byte) As Byte()  'ok

            Dim BinOut(BinByteMaxLength - 1) As Byte
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Value))
            Dim i As Integer

            For i = 0 To BinByteMaxLength - 1
                BinOut(i) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(BinByteMaxLength - i - 1))

            GetBin = BinOut

            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Value As Byte, ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As Byte()

            Dim BinOut(Length - 1) As Byte
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Value))
            Dim i, i2 As Integer

            For i = Index To Index + Length - 1
                BinOut(i2) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(BinByteMaxLength - i - 1))
                i2 += 1

            GetBin = BinOut

            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            i2 = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Value As Byte()) As Byte()  'ok

            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(Value)
            Dim BinOut(BitArray.Length - 1) As Byte
            Dim i As Integer

            For i = 0 To BitArray.Length - 1
                BinOut(i) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(i))

            GetBin = BinOut

            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Value As Byte(), ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As Byte()

            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(Value)
            Dim BinOut(Length - 1) As Byte
            Dim i, i2 As Integer

            For i = Index To Index + Length - 1
                BinOut(i2) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(i))
                i2 += 1

            GetBin = BinOut

            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            i2 = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Byte_1 As Byte, ByVal Byte_2 As Byte) As Byte()  'ok

            Dim ByteArray() As Byte = {Byte_2, Byte_1}
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(ByteArray)
            Dim BinOut(16 - 1) As Byte
            Dim i As Integer

            For i = 0 To BitArray.Length - 1
                BinOut(i) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(16 - i - 1))

            GetBin = BinOut

            ByteArray = Nothing
            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Byte_1 As Byte, ByVal Byte_2 As Byte, ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As Byte()

            Dim ByteArray() As Byte = {Byte_2, Byte_1}
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(ByteArray)
            Dim BinOut(Length - 1) As Byte
            Dim i, i2 As Integer

            For i = Index To Index + Length - 1
                BinOut(i2) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(16 - i - 1))
                i2 += 1

            GetBin = BinOut

            ByteArray = Nothing
            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            i2 = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Byte_1 As Byte, ByVal Byte_2 As Byte, ByVal Byte_3 As Byte) As Byte()  'ok

            Dim ByteArray() As Byte = {Byte_3, Byte_2, Byte_1}
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(ByteArray)
            Dim BinOut(24 - 1) As Byte
            Dim i As Integer

            For i = 0 To BitArray.Length - 1
                BinOut(i) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(24 - i - 1))

            GetBin = BinOut

            ByteArray = Nothing
            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Byte_1 As Byte, ByVal Byte_2 As Byte, ByVal Byte_3 As Byte, ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As Byte()

            Dim ByteArray() As Byte = {Byte_3, Byte_2, Byte_1}
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(ByteArray)
            Dim BinOut(Length - 1) As Byte
            Dim i, i2 As Integer

            For i = Index To Index + Length - 1
                BinOut(i2) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(24 - i - 1))
                i2 += 1

            GetBin = BinOut

            ByteArray = Nothing
            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            i2 = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Byte_1 As Byte, ByVal Byte_2 As Byte, ByVal Byte_3 As Byte, ByVal Byte_4 As Byte) As Byte()  'ok

            Dim ByteArray() As Byte = {Byte_4, Byte_3, Byte_2, Byte_1}
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(ByteArray)
            Dim BinOut(32 - 1) As Byte
            Dim i As Integer

            For i = 0 To BitArray.Length - 1
                BinOut(i) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(32 - i - 1))

            GetBin = BinOut

            ByteArray = Nothing
            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Byte_1 As Byte, ByVal Byte_2 As Byte, ByVal Byte_3 As Byte, ByVal Byte_4 As Byte, ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As Byte()

            Dim ByteArray() As Byte = {Byte_4, Byte_3, Byte_2, Byte_1}
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(ByteArray)
            Dim BinOut(Length - 1) As Byte
            Dim i, i2 As Integer

            For i = Index To Index + Length - 1
                BinOut(i2) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(32 - i - 1))
                i2 += 1

            GetBin = BinOut

            ByteArray = Nothing
            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            i2 = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Value As Integer) As Byte()  'ok

            Dim BinOut(BinIntegerMaxLength - 1) As Byte
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Value))
            Dim i, Begin As Integer

            Select Case Value
                Case Is < &H100
                    Begin = 23
                Case Is < &H10000
                    Begin = 15
                Case Is < &H1000000
                    Begin = 7
                Case Else
                    Begin = 0
            End Select

            For i = Begin To BinIntegerMaxLength - 1
                BinOut(i) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(BinIntegerMaxLength - i - 1))

            GetBin = BinOut

            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            Begin = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Value As Integer, ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As Byte()  'ok

            Dim BinOut(Length - 1) As Byte
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Value))
            Dim i, i2, Begin As Integer

            Select Case Value
                Case Is < &H100
                    Begin = 23
                Case Is < &H10000
                    Begin = 15
                Case Is < &H1000000
                    Begin = 7
                Case Else
                    Begin = 0
            End Select

            If Begin > Index Then
                i2 = Begin - Index
                Begin = Index
            End If

            For i = Begin To Index + Length - 1
                BinOut(i2) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(BinIntegerMaxLength - i - 1))
                i2 += 1

            GetBin = BinOut

            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            i2 = Nothing
            Begin = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Value As Long) As Byte()

            Dim BinOut(BinLongMaxLength - 1) As Byte
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Value))
            Dim i, Begin As Integer

            Select Case Value
                Case Is < &H100
                    Begin = 55
                Case Is < &H10000
                    Begin = 47
                Case Is < &H1000000
                    Begin = 39
                Case Is < &H100000000
                    Begin = 31
                Case Is < &H10000000000
                    Begin = 23
                Case Is < &H1000000000000
                    Begin = 15
                Case Is < &H100000000000000
                    Begin = 7
                Case Else
                    Begin = 0
            End Select

            For i = Begin To BinLongMaxLength - 1
                BinOut(i) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(BinLongMaxLength - i - 1))

            GetBin = BinOut

            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            Begin = Nothing

        End Function
        Public Function GetBin(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Length As Integer) As Byte()

            Dim BinOut(Length - 1) As Byte
            Dim BitArray As System.Collections.BitArray = New System.Collections.BitArray(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Value))
            Dim i, i2, Begin As Integer

            Select Case Value
                Case Is < &H100
                    Begin = 55
                Case Is < &H10000
                    Begin = 47
                Case Is < &H1000000
                    Begin = 39
                Case Is < &H100000000
                    Begin = 31
                Case Is < &H10000000000
                    Begin = 23
                Case Is < &H1000000000000
                    Begin = 15
                Case Is < &H100000000000000
                    Begin = 7
                Case Else
                    Begin = 0
            End Select

            If Begin > Index Then
                i2 = Begin - Index
                Begin = Index
            End If

            For i = Begin To Index + Length - 1
                BinOut(i2) = System.Convert.ToByte(BitArray.Get(BinLongMaxLength - i - 1))
                i2 += 1

            GetBin = BinOut

            BinOut = Nothing
            BitArray = Nothing
            i = Nothing
            i2 = Nothing
            Begin = Nothing

        End Function

        Public Function BinToByte(ByVal Value() As Byte) As Byte

            If Not Value Is Nothing Then

                Dim Result As Byte
                Dim i As Integer

                For i = 0 To Value.Length - 1
                    If Value(Value.Length - i - 1) = 1 Then
                        Result += Value(Value.Length - i - 1) * CType(2 ^ i, Byte)
                    End If

                BinToByte = Result

                Result = Nothing
                i = Nothing

                BinToByte = Nothing

            End If

        End Function
        Public Function BinToInteger(ByVal Value() As Byte) As Integer

            If Not Value Is Nothing Then

                Dim Result As Integer
                Dim i As Integer

                For i = 0 To Value.Length - 1
                    If Value(Value.Length - i - 1) = 1 Then
                        Result += Value(Value.Length - i - 1) * CType(2 ^ i, Integer)
                    End If

                BinToInteger = Result

                Result = Nothing
                i = Nothing

                BinToInteger = Nothing

            End If

        End Function
        Public Function BinToLong(ByVal Value() As Byte) As Long

            If Not Value Is Nothing Then

                Dim Result As Long
                Dim i As Integer

                For i = 0 To Value.Length - 1
                    If Value(Value.Length - i - 1) = 1 Then
                        Result += Value(Value.Length - i - 1) * CType(2 ^ i, Long)
                    End If

                BinToLong = Result

                Result = Nothing
                i = Nothing

                BinToLong = Nothing

            End If

        End Function
        Public Function BinToString(ByVal Value() As Byte) As String

            If Not Value Is Nothing Then

                Dim Result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
                Dim i As Integer
                Dim CultureInfo As System.Globalization.CultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture

                For i = 0 To Value.Length - 1
                    Result.Insert(Result.Length, Value(i).ToString(CultureInfo), 1)

                BinToString = Result.ToString

                Result = Nothing
                CultureInfo = Nothing
                i = Nothing

                BinToString = Nothing

            End If

        End Function

    End Module
End Namespace

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