[php5] classe de log


Ceci est une classe de log.
La classe en elle-même se trouve dans le répertoire class/class.oLogger.php

Les 2 fichiers log.consult.php et log.detail.php sont là pour un exemple d'utilisation.
Je les ai extirpé de ma propre interface...donc c'est du bidouillage pour que ça tourne en local lol :-) A vous de bidouiller la css fournie.
Mais vous avez déjà une bonne base quand même, un bon exemple d'utilisation des logs créés.

Les logs sont déjà créés évidemment.

Pour créer les logs, personnellement, je les ai mis dans ma classe DB, dans la méthode effectuant une requête (oDB::query). Je ne logge pas les SELECT, mais ça, c'est un choix :-)
Donc, je lance mon log ainsi :

if (true === $log && substr (strtoupper (trim ($this->s_db_sql)), 0, 6) !== 'SELECT') {
$ologger = new oLogger;
$destId = (isset ($_SESSION['dest_id']))?$_SESSION['dest_id']:0;
$ologger -> init ($this -> s_db_sql, $destId);

C'est tout! C'est ce petit bout de code qui a généré les quelques logs que je montre ici.

Source / Exemple :


  • class oLogger
  • @author : johan <barbier_johan@hotmail.com>
  • @version : 2006-04-20
  • /
class oLogger { /**
  • const sLogDir
  • path to the logs
  • /
const sLogDir ='logs'; /**
  • private array aLogs
  • array to store each log line
  • /
private $aLogs = array ( 'PAGE' => '', 'DATE' => '', 'QUERY' => '', 'TYPE' => '' ); /**
  • private array aLevels
  • array to store the query types
  • /
private $aLevels = array ( 0 => 'UNKNOWN', 1 => 'SELECT', 2 => 'UPDATE', 3 => 'INSERT', 4 => 'DELETE' ); /**
  • public array aDir
  • array to store all the log folders and log files
  • /
public $aDir = array (); /**
  • private object oXml
  • a simple_xml object
  • /
private $oXml = null; /**
  • public function __construct
  • the constructor
  • initailizes the simple_xml object if needed
  • @param (string) file : the xml log file from which will be set the simple_xml object property
  • /
public function __construct ($file = '') { if (!empty ($file)) { $this -> oXml = simplexml_load_file(self::sLogDir.'/'.$file); } } /**
  • public function init
  • initializes the logger
  • gets the sql query, the user id, current date, filename, query type, and builds the aLogs array with all of that
  • @param (string) sSql : the sql query we want to log
  • @param (int) destId : the user id (depends on your system)
  • /
public function init ($sSql, $destId) { $page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $this -> checkDir ($destId); $date = date ('H:i:s'); $file = date ('Ymd').'.xml'; $sSql = trim (preg_replace ('@(\s)+@', ' ', $sSql)); $aSql = explode (' ', $sSql); if (false === ($level = array_search ($aSql[0], $this -> aLevels))) { $level = 0; } $this -> aLogs = array ( 'PAGE' => $page, 'DATE' => $date, 'QUERY' => $sSql, 'TYPE' => $this -> aLevels[$level] ); $this -> logIt ($file, $destId); } /**
  • private function checkDir
  • used to check if a log folder exists for a given user id. If not, creates it.
  • @param (int) id : the user id
  • /
private function checkDir ($id) { if (!file_exists (self::sLogDir.'/'.$id)) { mkdir (self::sLogDir.'/'.$id); } } /**
  • private function logIt
  • build the xml from the aLogs array, and saves it into the given file
  • if the given file already exists, it appends the new xml to the existing one
  • @param (string) file : the filename in which the xml log will be written
  • @param (int) destId : the user id (depends on your system)
  • /
private function logIt ($file, $destId) { if (file_exists (self::sLogDir.'/'.$destId.'/'.$file)) { $docXml = DOMDocument::load (self::sLogDir.'/'.$destId.'/'.$file); $root = $docXml -> documentElement; } else { $docXml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1'); $root = $docXml -> createElement ('logs'); $root = $docXml -> appendChild ($root); } $log = $docXml -> createElement ('log'); $log = $root -> appendChild ($log); foreach ($this -> aLogs as $clef => $val) { $xmlClef = $docXml -> createElement ($clef); $xmlClef = $log -> appendChild ($xmlClef); $xmlVal = $docXml -> createTextNode ($val); $xmlVal = $xmlClef -> appendChild ($xmlVal); } $docXml -> save (self::sLogDir.'/'.$destId.'/'.$file); $this -> aLogs = array (); } /**
  • public function getaDir
  • builds the aDir array, in which are stored all the log folders and log files
  • @param (bool) ordID : if set to true, orders the array by users id ASC
  • /
public function getaDir ($ordID = false) { $aDestLogs = scandir (self::sLogDir); $aDestLogs = array_splice ($aDestLogs, 2); if (true === $ordID) { sort ($aDestLogs, SORT_NUMERIC); } if (!empty ($aDestLogs)) { foreach ($aDestLogs as $v) { $aFiles = scandir (self::sLogDir.'/'.$v); $aFiles = array_splice ($aFiles, 2); $this -> aDir[$v] = $aFiles; } } else { $this -> aDir = array (); } } /**
  • public function getList
  • builds an array from the oXml simple_xml object with all the values it contains in the $type xml element (the available types are the aLogs array keys)
  • used for the logs UI : with this method, I can display only the UPDATE, or the INSERT, or only a given page on the logged website...
  • @param (string) type : the type on wihch we want to filter. Must be a valid aLogs key.
  • /
public function getList ($type) { if (!array_key_exists ($type, $this -> aLogs)) { trigger_error ('Type '.$type.' non reconnu', E_USER_ERROR); } $oTypes = $this -> oXml -> xpath ('log/'.$type); $aType = array_unique ($oTypes); return $aType; } /**
  • public function getDetail
  • transforms the xml in a log file to html. Could unfortunately not use the XSLTProcessor, because my server did not implement it :-(
  • the html can, be changed, of course. The javascript is a javascript function used to get a filter, if needed.
  • @param (bool) ord : if set to true, we reverse the xml; as the xml is logged chronologically, we will reverse the dates.
  • @param (string) type : if not empty, we filter on that type.
  • @param (string) page : if not empty, we filter on that page.
  • /
public function getDetail ($ord = false, $type = '', $page = '') { $sXml = ''; $oLignes = $this -> oXml -> xpath ('log'); if (true === $ord) { $oLignes = array_reverse ($oLignes); } $iCpt = 0; foreach ($oLignes as $log) { if (!empty ($type) && $log -> TYPE != $type) { continue; } if (!empty ($page) && $log -> PAGE != $page) { continue; } $sColor = ($iCpt%2) ? 'ct1' : 'ct2'; $sXml .= <<<HTML <tr> <td class="$sColor">{$log -> DATE}</td> <td class="$sColor"><a href="javascript:filtrePage('{$log -> PAGE}');">{$log -> PAGE}</a></td> <td class="$sColor"><a href="javascript:filtreType('{$log -> TYPE}');">{$log -> TYPE}</a></td> <td class="$sColor">{$log -> QUERY}</td> </tr> HTML; $iCpt ++; } return $sXml; } } ?>

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