Simple mais puissant dégradé


Petit programme qui dessine un dégradé en deux couleurs choisies avec un nombre de traits choisi en décomposant la couleur.
Il n'y a pas de commentaires mais je pense que c'est assez clair.
La source est en VB 3 mais le code est compatible VB 6.

Le Zip contient :
- le fichier présenté ci-dessous (la feuille)
- le fichier projet (sert pas à grand chose)
- les 5 EXE des 5 versions
taille : 15,1 Ko (3 sec max).

Source / Exemple :

Begin Form Feuille1 
   BackColor       =   &H8000000F&
   Caption         =   "Dégradé"
   ClientHeight    =   4020
   ClientLeft      =   1905
   ClientTop       =   2145
   ClientWidth     =   6915
   Height          =   4425
   Left            =   1845
   LinkTopic       =   "Feuille1"
   ScaleHeight     =   268
   ScaleMode       =   3  'Pixel
   ScaleWidth      =   461
   Top             =   1800
   Width           =   7035
   Begin CommandButton Commande1 
      Caption         =   "OK"
      Default         =   -1  'True
      FontBold        =   0   'False
      FontItalic      =   0   'False
      FontName        =   "MS Sans Serif"
      FontSize        =   8.25
      FontStrikethru  =   0   'False
      FontUnderline   =   0   'False
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   3960
      TabIndex        =   3
      Top             =   90
      Width           =   1185
   Begin TextBox nb 
      Alignment       =   1  'Justifié à droite
      FontBold        =   0   'False
      FontItalic      =   0   'False
      FontName        =   "MS Sans Serif"
      FontSize        =   8.25
      FontStrikethru  =   0   'False
      FontUnderline   =   0   'False
      Height          =   285
      Left            =   90
      MaxLength       =   5
      TabIndex        =   1
      Text            =   "250"
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   825
   Begin PictureBox Limage 
      AutoRedraw      =   -1  'True
      Height          =   3360
      Left            =   0
      ScaleHeight     =   222
      ScaleMode       =   3  'Pixel
      ScaleWidth      =   498
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   630
      Width           =   7500
   Begin CommonDialog Dialog 
      CancelError     =   -1  'True
      DialogTitle     =   "Programme de Mehdi - Couleurs"
      Flags           =   3
      Left            =   900
      Top             =   630
   Begin Label coul 
      BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
      BorderStyle     =   1  'Trait simple fixe
      Height          =   465
      Index           =   0
      Left            =   2430
      TabIndex        =   4
      Top             =   90
      Width           =   465
   Begin Label Etiquette1 
      AutoSize        =   -1  'True
      BackStyle       =   0  'Transparent
      Caption         =   "traits                   de               à"
      FontBold        =   0   'False
      FontItalic      =   0   'False
      FontName        =   "MS Sans Serif"
      FontSize        =   8.25
      FontStrikethru  =   0   'False
      FontUnderline   =   0   'False
      Height          =   195
      Left            =   990
      TabIndex        =   2
      Top             =   180
      Width           =   2130
   Begin Label coul 
      BackColor       =   &H00FFFFFF&
      BorderStyle     =   1  'Trait simple fixe
      Height          =   465
      Index           =   1
      Left            =   3240
      TabIndex        =   5
      Top             =   90
      Width           =   465
Dim touche As Integer

Sub Commande1_Click ()
screen.MousePointer = 11
limage.AutoRedraw = False
n = Val(nb)
Me.Caption = "Dégradé de #" & UCase$(Hex$(coul(0).BackColor)) & " à #" & UCase$(Hex$(coul(1).BackColor)) & " en " & CStr(n) & " traits"
ReDim colo(1 To 6)
colo(3) = coul(0).BackColor \ 256 \ 256
colo(2) = coul(0).BackColor \ 256 Mod 256
colo(1) = coul(0).BackColor Mod 256 Mod 256
colo(6) = coul(1).BackColor \ 256 \ 256
colo(5) = coul(1).BackColor \ 256 Mod 256
colo(4) = coul(1).BackColor Mod 256 Mod 256
w = limage.Width
h = limage.Height
Dim r As Integer, g As Integer, b As Integer
If n <> 1 Then
    For i = 0 To n - 1
    r = Int((colo(1) * (n - i - 1) + colo(4) * (i)) / (n - 1))
    g = Int((colo(2) * (n - i - 1) + colo(5) * (i)) / (n - 1))
    b = Int((colo(3) * (n - i - 1) + colo(6) * (i)) / (n - 1))
    limage.Line (CSng(i / n * w), 0)-(CSng((i + 1) / n * w), h / 6 - .1), RGB(r, 0, 0), BF
    limage.Line (CSng(i / n * w), h / 6)-(CSng((i + 1) / n * w), h / 3 - .1), RGB(0, g, 0), BF
    limage.Line (CSng(i / n * w), h / 3)-(CSng((i + 1) / n * w), h / 2 - .1), RGB(0, 0, b), BF
    limage.Line (CSng(i / n * w), h / 2)-(CSng((i + 1) / n * w), h - .1), RGB(r, g, b), BF
    Next i
    r = (colo(1) + colo(4)) / 2
    g = (colo(2) + colo(5)) / 2
    b = (colo(3) + colo(6)) / 2
    limage.Line (0, 0)-(w, h / 6 - .1), RGB(r, 0, 0), BF
    limage.Line (0, h / 6)-(w, h / 3 - .1), RGB(0, g, 0), BF
    limage.Line (0, h / 3)-(w, h / 2 - .1), RGB(0, 0, b), BF
    limage.Line (0, h / 2)-(w, h - .1), RGB(r, g, b), BF
End If
limage.AutoRedraw = True
screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub

Sub coul_Click (index As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
dialog.Color = coul(index).BackColor
dialog.Action = 3
If Err = 32755 Then Exit Sub
coul(index).BackColor = dialog.Color
End Sub

Sub Form_Resize ()
If Me.Width < 5410 Then Me.Width = 5430
If Me.Height < 2330 Then Me.Height = 2350
limage.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
limage.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - 42
End Sub

Sub nb_KeyDown (keycode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
touche = IIf(keycode = 8, True, False)
End Sub

Sub nb_KeyPress (keyascii As Integer)
If (keyascii < 48 Or keyascii > 57) And touche <> True Then keyascii = 0
End Sub

Conclusion :

pour + d'infos, contactez moi.

Codes Sources

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