Les valeurs possible pour la base vont de 2 a 37.
Source / Exemple :
' Name : xBase2Dec
' Purpose : Convert a number from a base x to a decimal number.
' Syntax : xBase2Dec(Base, Number)
' Parameters : Base : Base of the number to convert
' Number : Number to convert
' Return : Decimal number
Public Function xBase2Dec(ByVal Base As Byte, ByVal Number As String) As String
Dim bytPos As Integer
Dim bytLen As Byte
Dim bytValue As Byte
Dim strChar As String * 1
Dim lngResult As Long
If Base > 1 And Base < 38 Then
bytLen = Len(Number)
For bytPos = bytLen To 1 Step -1
strChar = Mid(Number, bytPos, 1)
If IsNumeric(strChar) Then
bytValue = strChar
bytValue = Asc(strChar) - 55
End If
If bytValue > Base Then
Err.Raise 6, , "The number to convert is bigger than the base."
End If
lngResult = lngResult + (bytValue * (Base ^ (bytLen - bytPos)))
xBase2Dec = lngResult
Err.Raise 6, , "Cannot convert from base " & Base
End If
End Function