Sofficebutton 1.0.2


All rights Reserved © HACKPRO TM 2005
Version 1.0.2
Control: SOfficeButton
Author: Heriberto Mantilla Santamaría
Description: This usercontrol simulates a Office button.
Started on: Sunday, 09-jan-2005.
Release date: Sunday, 09-jan-2005.
All rights Reserved © HACKPRO TM 2005

Source / Exemple :

'* English: Draw appearance of the control.
Private Sub Refresh(Optional ByVal State As OfficeState = 0)
 Dim lColor  As Long, lBase   As Long, iColor1 As Long
 Dim iColor2 As Long, iColor3 As Long, iColor4 As Long
 Dim iColor5 As Long, iColor6 As Long
 '* Crea la apariencia del control.
 If (isSystemColor = False) Then
  iColor1 = isBackColor
  iColor2 = isBorderColor
  iColor3 = isDisabledColor
  iColor4 = isForeColor
  iColor5 = isHighLightColor
  iColor6 = isHotColor
  iColor1 = ConvertSystemColor(defBackColor)
  iColor2 = ConvertSystemColor(defBorderColor)
  iColor3 = ConvertSystemColor(defDisabledColor)
  iColor4 = ConvertSystemColor(defForeColor)
  iColor5 = ConvertSystemColor(defHighLightColor)
  iColor6 = ConvertSystemColor(defHotColor)
 End If
 With UserControl
  isHeight = .ScaleHeight
  isWidth = .ScaleWidth
  .AutoRedraw = True
  .ScaleMode = vbPixels
 On Error Resume Next
  Set .Font = g_Font
  Call GetClientRect(.hWnd, RectButton)
  Call GetClientRect(.hWnd, isTxtRect)
  .BackColor = iColor1
  lBase = &HB0
  Select Case State
   Case &H0 '* Normal State.
    If (isSetBorder = True) Then
     If (isButtonShape = &H0) Then
      Call DrawRectangle(.hDC, 0, 0, isWidth, isHeight, iColor1, iColor2, False)
      Call DrawBox(.hDC, 4, 5, iColor1, iColor2, RectButton.Right + 2, RectButton.Bottom + 3)
     End If
     Call DrawRectangle(.hDC, 0, 0, isWidth, isHeight, iColor1, iColor1)
    End If
   Case &H1, &H2 '* HighLight or Hot State.
    If (isSetHighLight = True) Then
     If (State = &H1) Then
      lColor = ShiftColorOXP(iColor5, &H40)
      lColor = iColor6
      lBase = &H9C
     End If
    ElseIf (isSetBorder = True) Then
     lColor = iColor1
     lBase = 0
    End If
    If (isButtonShape = &H0) Then
     Call DrawRectangle(.hDC, 0, 0, isWidth, isHeight, ShiftColorOXP(lColor, lBase), iColor2)
     Call DrawBox(.hDC, 4, 5, ShiftColorOXP(lColor, lBase), iColor2, RectButton.Right + 2, RectButton.Bottom + 3)
    End If
   Case &H3 '* Disabled State.
    lColor = iColor3
    If (isSetBorder = True) Then
     If (isButtonShape = &H0) Then
      Call DrawRectangle(.hDC, 0, 0, isWidth, isHeight, iColor1, lColor)
      Call DrawBox(.hDC, 4, 5, iColor1, lColor, RectButton.Right + 2, RectButton.Bottom + 3)
     End If
    End If
  End Select
  isState = State
  If (isAutoSizePic = True) Then
   .Width = isPicture.Width
   .Height = isPicture.Height
   isHeight = .ScaleHeight
   isWidth = .ScaleWidth
  End If
  Call DrawCaption(iColor3, iColor4)
  Call DrawPicture
  If (isState <> &H3) Then Call DrawFocus
 End With
End Sub

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