Cards.ocx : le controle pour faire vos réussites est maintenant en licence gnu !


Le but de cette ActiveX est de donnée un accès plus facile aux fonctionnalités de la Dll Cards32.dll de Microsoft.

Cette ActiveX est maintenant libre : vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU-GPL publiée par la Free Software Foundation (version 2).

Liste des Méthodes & propriétés : (un fichier d'aide acompagne l'OCX)

CardValue : permet de définir la valeur de la carte (As, Roi,...)
CardColor : permet de définir la couleur de la carte (Carreau, Pique,...)
CardId : donne le numéro de la carte dans le paquet (combinaison des deux propriétés précédentes
CardBack : permet de définir le motif du verso (Robots, Coquillage,...)
Picture : permet de définir un motif depuis un fichier BMP,WMF,...
Animate : permet de définir si le recto est animé.
AnimateSpeed : donne la vitesse de l'animation.
CardDraw : indique la méthode d'affichage (Recto, Verso,...)
Stretch : indique si l'on utilise une dimension de carte personnalisée.
Visible : indique si la carte visible ou non.
CardPaquet : indique la méthode d'affichage (Recto, Verso,...)
CardPaquet_Index : indique si l'on utilise une dimension de carte personnalisée.
MetaTag : donne une référence sur un objet de l'utilisateur.
CreateGame : permet de créer un paquet de cartes mélangé.

Source / Exemple :

Begin VB.UserControl Cards 
   CanGetFocus     =   0   'False
   ClientHeight    =   2655
   ClientLeft      =   0
   ClientTop       =   0
   ClientWidth     =   2295
   ClipControls    =   0   'False
   OLEDropMode     =   1  'Manual
   ScaleHeight     =   2655
   ScaleWidth      =   2295
   ToolboxBitmap   =   "Cards.ctx":0000
   Begin VB.Timer iAnimate 
      Interval        =   1000
      Left            =   1680
      Top             =   240
   Begin VB.Image UserPicture 
      Enabled         =   0   'False
      Height          =   2415
      Left            =   0
      Stretch         =   -1  'True
      Top             =   0
      Width           =   2175
Attribute VB_Name = "Cards"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
' (C) 2000 by Patrick
' email:
Option Explicit
'                                         Fonctions Externe

Private Declare Function cdtInit Lib "Cards32.Dll" (Dx As Long, Dy As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function cdtDraw Lib "Cards32.Dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal iCard As Long, ByVal iDraw As Long, ByVal BkGrnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function cdtDrawExt Lib "Cards32.Dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal Dx As Long, ByVal Dy As Long, ByVal iCard As Long, ByVal iDraw As Long, ByVal BkGrnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function cdtAnimate Lib "Cards32.Dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal iCardBack As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal iState As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function cdtTerm Lib "Cards32.Dll" () As Long

'                                            Working

Private Dx       As Long                                ' Working
Private Dy       As Long                                '
Private Motif    As Integer                             '
Private UserMode As Boolean                             '

Private iCardDraw As Long                               ' Backup Property
Private iCardId   As Integer                            '
Private iCardBack As Integer                            '
Private iStretch  As Boolean                            '
Private iPaquet   As Collection                         '
Private iPqIndex  As Long                               '
Private iMetaTAG  As Object                             '

'                                            Constantes

Public Enum PaquetEnum                                  ' Definition des rangs
  Souche = 1                                            '
  Haut = 2                                              '
End Enum                                                '

Public Enum CopyrightEnum                               ' Affichage Copyright
  Copyright = 1                                         '
End Enum                                                '

Public Enum TypeGameEnum                                ' Liste des Jeux
  Paquet_32_Cartes = 32                                 '
  Paquet_52_Cartes = 52                                 '
End Enum                                                '

Public Enum CardColorEnum                               ' Liste des Couleurs de carte
  Trefle                                               '
  Carreaux                                              '
  Coeur                                                 '
  Pique                                                 '
End Enum                                                '
Public Enum CardDrawEnum                                ' Liste des modes d'affichage (Cards32.dll)
  FACEUP                                                '
  FACEDOWN                                              '
  HILITE                                                '
  GHOST                                                 '
  SUPPR                                                 '
  INVISIBLEGHOST                                        '
  DECKX                                                 '
  DECKO                                                 '
End Enum                                                '

Public Enum CardBackEnum                                ' Liste des Motifs des Rectos des cartes (Cards32.dll)
  Black = 53                                            '
  Plaid = 54                                            '
  Weave = 55                                            '
  Robot = 56                                            '
  Roses = 57                                            '
  IvyBlack = 58                                         '
  IvyBlue = 59                                          '
  FishCyan = 60                                         '
  FishBlue = 61                                         '
  Shell = 62                                            '
  Castle = 63                                           '
  Beach = 64                                            '
  CardHand = 65                                         '
  UserPicture = 99
End Enum                                                '
'                                           Evenements

Public Event Click()
Attribute Click.VB_UserMemId = -600
Public Event DblClick()
Attribute DblClick.VB_UserMemId = -601
Public Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Attribute MouseDown.VB_UserMemId = -605
Public Event MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Attribute MouseMove.VB_UserMemId = -606
Public Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Attribute MouseUp.VB_UserMemId = -607

'------- Click
Private Sub UserControl_Click()
  RaiseEvent Click
End Sub

'------- Double Click
Private Sub UserControl_DblClick()
  RaiseEvent DblClick
End Sub

'------- Mouse Down
Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  RaiseEvent MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub

'------- Mouse Move
Private Sub UserControl_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  RaiseEvent MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub

'------- Mouse Up
Private Sub UserControl_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  RaiseEvent MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub

'                                           Propriétés

'------------------------------------ A propos de... -------------------------------------
Public Sub A_Propos_de()
Attribute A_Propos_de.VB_Description = " Site:"
Attribute A_Propos_de.VB_UserMemId = -552
  FrmCopyright.Show vbModeless, Me
End Sub

'---------------------------------- Paquet de la carte -----------------------------------

Public Property Get CardPaquet() As Collection
Attribute CardPaquet.VB_Description = "Collection définisant le PAQUET auquel appartient la carte"
Attribute CardPaquet.VB_HelpID = 12
  Set CardPaquet = iPaquet
End Property

Public Property Set CardPaquet(Value As Collection)
 '- - - - Retire de la collection précédente
  If Not (iPaquet Is Nothing) Then
    iPaquet.Remove Str(iPqIndex)
    Set iPaquet = Nothing
  End If
 '- - - - fixe dans la nouvelle collection
  Set iPaquet = Value
  If Not Value Is Nothing Then
    iPaquet.Add UserControl.Extender, Str(iPaquet.Count + 1)
    iPqIndex = iPaquet.Count
  End If
End Property

Public Property Get CardPaquetIndex() As Long
Attribute CardPaquetIndex.VB_Description = "Indice de la carte dans le PAQUET. l'indice 1 doit être réservé au talon du paquet."
Attribute CardPaquetIndex.VB_HelpID = 13
  CardPaquetIndex = iPqIndex
End Property

'------------------------------ Valeur de la Cartes (0 à 12) -----------------------------

Public Property Let CardValue(Value As Integer)
Attribute CardValue.VB_Description = "Valeur de la carte : 1=As, 2=2, 11=Valet, 12=Dame, 13=Roi"
Attribute CardValue.VB_HelpID = 8
  Value = IIf(Value < 1, 1, IIf(Value > 13, 13, Value))
  Me.CardId = (((Value - 1) * 4) + Me.CardColor) + 1
End Property

Public Property Get CardValue() As Integer
  CardValue = Int(iCardId / 4) + 1
End Property

'------------------------------ Couleur de la cartes (0 à 3) -----------------------------

Public Property Let CardColor(Value As CardColorEnum)
Attribute CardColor.VB_Description = "Couleur de la carte"
Attribute CardColor.VB_HelpID = 4
  Value = IIf(Value < 0, 0, IIf(Value > 3, 3, Value))
  Me.CardId = (((Me.CardValue - 1) * 4) + Value) + 1
End Property

Public Property Get CardColor() As CardColorEnum
  CardColor = iCardId Mod 4
End Property

'----------------------- Numero de la carte dans le paquet (1 à 52) ----------------------

Public Property Let CardId(Value As Integer)
Attribute CardId.VB_Description = "Numero de la carte dans le paquet : de 1 à 52 pas de joker !"
Attribute CardId.VB_HelpID = 6
  iCardId = IIf(Value < 1, 1, IIf(Value > 52, 52, Value)) - 1
  PropertyChanged ("CardId")
  Call Refresh
End Property

Public Property Get CardId() As Integer
  CardId = iCardId + 1
End Property

'-------------------------------- Recto, Verso,.... (0 à 7) ------------------------------

Public Property Let CardDraw(Value As CardDrawEnum)
Attribute CardDraw.VB_Description = "Facede la carte dessine, sélection, ..."
Attribute CardDraw.VB_HelpID = 5
  iCardDraw = IIf(Value < 0, 0, IIf(Value > 7, 7, Value))
  PropertyChanged ("CardDraw")
  Call Refresh
End Property

Public Property Get CardDraw() As CardDrawEnum
  CardDraw = iCardDraw
End Property

'------------------------------- Modif du recto de la Carte ------------------------------

Public Property Let CardBack(Value As CardBackEnum)
Attribute CardBack.VB_Description = "Modif du recto de la carte"
Attribute CardBack.VB_HelpID = 3
  If Value = UserPicture Then
    iCardBack = UserPicture
    iCardBack = IIf(Value < 53, 53, IIf(Value > 65, 65, Value))
    Set Me.Picture = Nothing
  End If
  PropertyChanged ("CardBack")
  Call Refresh
End Property

Public Property Get CardBack() As CardBackEnum
  CardBack = iCardBack
End Property

Public Property Set Picture(ByVal NewPicture As Picture)
Attribute Picture.VB_Description = "Modif de Fond définie par l'utilisateur"
Attribute Picture.VB_HelpID = 11
 Dim PictureType As Long
  On Error Resume Next
   PictureType = NewPicture.Type
  On Error GoTo 0
  If PictureType > 0 Then
    Me.CardBack = UserPicture
    Me.Animate = False
  End If
  Set UserControl.UserPicture.Picture = NewPicture
  PropertyChanged ("Picture")
  Call Refresh
End Property

Public Property Get Picture() As Picture
  Set Picture = UserControl.UserPicture.Picture
End Property

'------------------------------------ Animation sur la carte ---------------------------------
Public Property Let Animate(Value As Boolean)
Attribute Animate.VB_Description = "Active l'animation de certain motif de carte (Robot, Beach, ...) Disponible uniquement si la propriété Stretch=False"
Attribute Animate.VB_HelpID = 1
  iAnimate.Enabled = Value
  PropertyChanged ("Animate")
End Property

Public Property Get Animate() As Boolean
  Animate = iAnimate.Enabled
End Property

Public Property Let AnimateSpeed(Value As Integer)
Attribute AnimateSpeed.VB_Description = "Vitesse de l'animation"
Attribute AnimateSpeed.VB_HelpID = 2
  iAnimate.Interval = Value
  PropertyChanged ("AnimateSpeed")
End Property

Public Property Get AnimateSpeed() As Integer
  AnimateSpeed = iAnimate.Interval
End Property

'------------------------------------ Taille de la carte ---------------------------------

Public Property Let Stretch(Value As Boolean)
Attribute Stretch.VB_Description = "False:Taille Standard, True= Taille definie par les propriété Height et With"
Attribute Stretch.VB_HelpID = 10
  iStretch = Value
  PropertyChanged ("Stretch")
  If iAnimate.Enabled And Value = True Then Me.Animate = False
  Call UserControl_Paint
End Property

Public Property Get Stretch() As Boolean
  Stretch = iStretch
End Property

'------------------------------------------- Actif ? --------------------------------------

Public Property Let Enabled(Value As Boolean)
  UserControl.Enabled = Value
  PropertyChanged ("Enabled")
End Property

Public Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
Attribute Enabled.VB_UserMemId = -514
  Enabled = UserControl.Enabled
End Property

'-------------------------------------- Aspect de la sourie ------------------------------

Public Property Let MousePointer(Value As MousePointerConstants)
  UserControl.MousePointer = Value
End Property

Public Property Get MousePointer() As MousePointerConstants
Attribute MousePointer.VB_UserMemId = 0
  MousePointer = UserControl.MousePointer
End Property

'-------------------------------------- MetaTAG ------------------------------

Public Property Set MetaTAG(Value As Object)
Attribute MetaTAG.VB_HelpID = 9
  Set iMetaTAG = Value
End Property

Public Property Get MetaTAG() As Object
  Set MetaTAG = iMetaTAG
End Property

'                                         Initialisation

Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
  '- - - - - - - - Initialisation de la Dll
   On Error GoTo Erreur
     Call cdtInit(Dx, Dy)
   On Error GoTo 0
  '- - - - - - - - Initialisation Working
   iCardDraw = FACEUP
   iCardId = 0
   iCardBack = Robot
   iAnimate = False
   Set iPaquet = Nothing
   Set iMetaTAG = Nothing
   Exit Sub
  If MsgBox("Erreur " & Err.Number & " Intialisation de Cards32.dll :" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbRetryCancel) = vbCancel Then
    Unload Me
  End If
End Sub

'---------------------------- Chargement Valeur depuis Source ----------------------------

Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
  '- - - - - - - - Lecture des valeurs implicites
  On Error Resume Next
    Me.CardId = PropBag.ReadProperty("CardId", 1)
    Me.CardDraw = PropBag.ReadProperty("CardDraw", FACEUP)
    Me.CardBack = PropBag.ReadProperty("CardBack", Robot)
    Me.Animate = PropBag.ReadProperty("Animate", False)
    Me.AnimateSpeed = PropBag.ReadProperty("AnimateSpeed", 1000)
    Me.Stretch = PropBag.ReadProperty("Stretch", False)
    Me.Enabled = PropBag.ReadProperty("Enabled", UserControl.Enabled)
    Set Me.Picture = PropBag.ReadProperty("Picture", UserControl.UserPicture.Picture)
  On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

'---------------------------- Sauvegarde Valeur dans le Source ---------------------------

Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
  '- - - - - - - - Ecriture des valeurs implicites
  On Error Resume Next
    PropBag.WriteProperty "CardId", Me.CardId, 1
    PropBag.WriteProperty "CardDraw", Me.CardDraw, FACEUP
    PropBag.WriteProperty "CardBack", Me.CardBack, Robot
    PropBag.WriteProperty "Animate", Me.Animate, False
    PropBag.WriteProperty "AnimateSpeed", Me.AnimateSpeed, 1000
    PropBag.WriteProperty "Stretch", Me.Stretch
    PropBag.WriteProperty "Enabled", Me.Enabled
    PropBag.WriteProperty "Picture", UserControl.UserPicture.Picture
  On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

'---------------------------------------- Fin DLL ------------------------------------------

Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
  '- - - - - - - - Fermeture de la Dll
  '- - - - - - - - Libération Mémoire
   Set Me.CardPaquet = Nothing
   Set Me.MetaTAG = Nothing
End Sub

'                                         Controle

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
  Call Refresh
  UserControl.UserPicture.Width = UserControl.Width
  UserControl.UserPicture.Height = UserControl.Height
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Paint()
  Call Refresh
End Sub

Public Sub Refresh()
Attribute Refresh.VB_UserMemId = -550

  '- - - - - - - Working
   Dim iCards As Long
  '- - - - - - Calcul du code carte : 0 => As Treffle, 1 => As Carreaux, 2 => As Coeur, 3 => As Pique, 4 => 2 Treffle, 5 => 2 Carreaux,...
   iCards = IIf(iCardDraw = FACEDOWN, iCardBack, iCardId)
  '- - - - - - Desine la Carte...
   On Error Resume Next
    UserControl.BackColor = UserControl.Extender.Parent.BackColor
   On Error GoTo 0
  '- - - - - - ...Avec Stretching
   If iStretch Then
     UserControl.UserPicture.Visible = (iCardDraw = FACEDOWN And iCardBack = UserPicture)
     If UserControl.UserPicture.Visible = False Then
       Call cdtDrawExt(UserControl.hDC, 0, 0, UserControl.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, UserControl.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY, iCards, iCardDraw, UserControl.BackColor)
     End If
  '- - - - - - ...Sans Stretching
    '- - - - - - Resize du controle...
     If UserControl.Width <> Dx * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX Then UserControl.Width = Dx * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
     If UserControl.Height <> Dy * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY Then UserControl.Height = Dy * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    '- - - - - - Dessine la carte...
     UserControl.UserPicture.Visible = (iCardDraw = FACEDOWN And iCardBack = UserPicture)
     If UserControl.UserPicture.Visible = False Then
       Call cdtDraw(UserControl.hDC, 0, 0, iCards, iCardDraw, UserControl.BackColor)
      '- - - - - - Remet l'animation...
       If iCardDraw = FACEDOWN And iAnimate.Enabled Then
         Call cdtAnimate(UserControl.hDC, iCardBack, 0, 0, Motif)
       End If
     End If
   End If
End Sub

'                                     Animation

Private Sub iAnimate_Timer()
    If iCardDraw = FACEDOWN Then
      Motif = (Motif Mod 3) + 1
      Call cdtAnimate(UserControl.hDC, iCardBack, 0, 0, Motif)
    End If
End Sub

'                                Calcul d'un jeux de carte

Public Function CreateGame(TypeGame As TypeGameEnum, Optional Nombre As Integer = 1, Optional InitialRandom As Integer) As Collection
Attribute CreateGame.VB_HelpID = 20

 '- - - - - - - - Paquet de carte
  Dim PAQUET() As Integer
  Dim Game As New Collection
 '- - - - - - - - Working
  Dim Indice As Integer
  Dim Ind1 As Integer
  Dim Ind2 As Integer
  Dim Value As Integer
 '- - - - - - - - Création du paquet de carte
  Screen.MousePointer = vbArrowHourglass
  ReDim PAQUET(TypeGame * Nombre)
  Ind1 = 1
  For Ind2 = 1 To Nombre
    For Indice = 1 To 52
      Select Case TypeGame
       '- - - - - - 32 Cartes
        Case Paquet_32_Cartes
          If Indice < 5 Or Indice > 24 Then
            PAQUET(Ind1) = Indice
            Ind1 = Ind1 + 1
          End If
       '- - - - - - Paquet_52_Cartes
        Case Else
          PAQUET(Ind1) = Indice
          Ind1 = Ind1 + 1
      End Select
 '- - - - - - - - On bat le paquet
  If InitialRandom > 0 Then Randomize InitialRandom Else Randomize
  For Indice = 1 To 100 * Nombre
    Ind1 = Int(TypeGame * Nombre * Rnd) + 1
    Ind2 = Int(TypeGame * Nombre * Rnd) + 1
    Value = PAQUET(Ind1)
    PAQUET(Ind1) = PAQUET(Ind2)
    PAQUET(Ind2) = Value
 '- - - - - - - - Retour sous forme de collection
  For Indice = 1 To TypeGame * Nombre
    Game.Add PAQUET(Indice)
  Set CreateGame = Game
  Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

End Function

'                                     Deplacement d'une carte
Private Function Mini(Val1, Val2) As Variant
  Mini = IIf(Val1 > Val2, Val2, Val1)
End Function

Private Function Maxi(Val1, Val2) As Variant
  Maxi = IIf(Val1 < Val2, Val2, Val1)
End Function

Public Sub CardMove(X As Single, Y As Single, Optional Vitesse As Integer)
Attribute CardMove.VB_Description = "Déplace une carte à l'écran"
Attribute CardMove.VB_HelpID = 21
  '- - - - - Working
   Dim IncX As Double
   Dim IncY As Double
   Dim NbrSaut As Integer
   Dim Indice As Integer
  '- - - - - Initialisation
   NbrSaut = IIf(Vitesse <= 0, 6, Vitesse)
   IncX = (X - UserControl.Extender.Left) / NbrSaut
   IncY = (Y - UserControl.Extender.Top) / NbrSaut
  '- - - - - Execute les sauts
   While NbrSaut > 1
     NbrSaut = NbrSaut - 1
     For Indice = 1 To 400
     UserControl.Extender.Move (UserControl.Extender.Left + IncX), (UserControl.Extender.Top + IncY)
   UserControl.Extender.Move X, Y
End Sub

Public Sub CardMovePaquet(NewPaquet As Collection, Optional IncX As Single, Optional IncY As Single, Optional Vitesse As Integer)
Attribute CardMovePaquet.VB_Description = "Déplace d'une pile de carte à l'écran d'un PAQUET à un autre "
Attribute CardMovePaquet.VB_HelpID = 22
  Dim Indice As Long
  Dim PaquetSource As Collection
  If Not (iPaquet Is NewPaquet) Then
    If iPaquet Is Nothing Then
      If NewPaquet.Count <= 1 Then IncX = 0: IncY = 0
      Me.CardMove NewPaquet(NewPaquet.Count).Left + IncX, NewPaquet(NewPaquet.Count).Top + IncY, IIf(Vitesse = 0, 1, Vitesse)
      Set Me.CardPaquet = NewPaquet
      Indice = iPqIndex
      Set PaquetSource = iPaquet
        PaquetSource.Item(Indice).CardMove NewPaquet(NewPaquet.Count).Left + IIf(NewPaquet.Count <= 1, 0, IncX), NewPaquet(NewPaquet.Count).Top + IIf(NewPaquet.Count <= 1, 0, IncY), IIf(Vitesse = 0, 1, Vitesse)
        Set PaquetSource.Item(Indice).CardPaquet = NewPaquet
      Loop Until PaquetSource.Count < Indice
      Set PaquetSource = Nothing
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Conclusion :

Je vous engage tous particulièrement à visiter mon site http:// consacré aux réussites, et tout particulièrement à leurs développements... ; Vous y trouverez des exemples d'utilisation de Cards32.dll, de sa version 16 bits Cards.dll, et, bien sur, des sources de réussites utilisant Cards.OCX.

Codes Sources

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