Code pour afficher des nombres en format digital -- avec des barres...


Ce code sert a afficher des nombres au format Digital
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | | _| _| |_| |_ |_ | |_| |_|
|_| | |_ _| | _| |_| | |_| |

Source / Exemple :

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Text1.Text = GetLCD(Text2.Text)
End Sub

Public Function GetLCD(strNombre As String) As String
    'Data pour le LCD
    Dim TableauLCD_Ligne1(0 To 9) As String
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(0) = " _ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(1) = "   "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(2) = " _ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(3) = " _ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(4) = "   "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(5) = " _ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(6) = " _ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(7) = " _ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(8) = " _ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne1(9) = " _ "
    Dim TableauLCD_Ligne2(0 To 9) As String
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(0) = "| |"
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(1) = "  |"
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(2) = " _|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(3) = " _|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(4) = "|_|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(5) = "|_ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(6) = "|_ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(7) = "  |"
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(8) = "|_|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne2(9) = "|_|"
    Dim TableauLCD_Ligne3(0 To 9) As String
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(0) = "|_|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(1) = "  |"
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(2) = "|_ "
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(3) = " _|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(4) = "  |"
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(5) = " _|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(6) = "|_|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(7) = "  |"
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(8) = "|_|"
    TableauLCD_Ligne3(9) = "  |"
    Dim Tmp As Integer
    Dim strLCDLigne1 As String
    Dim strLCDLigne2 As String
    Dim strLCDLigne3 As String
    For x = 1 To Len(strNombre)
        Tmp = Val(Mid(strNombre, x, 1))
        strLCDLigne1 = strLCDLigne1 & TableauLCD_Ligne1(Tmp)
        strLCDLigne2 = strLCDLigne2 & TableauLCD_Ligne2(Tmp)
        strLCDLigne3 = strLCDLigne3 & TableauLCD_Ligne3(Tmp)
    Next x
    GetLCD = strLCDLigne1 & vbCrLf & strLCDLigne2 & vbCrLf & strLCDLigne3
End Function

Codes Sources

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