

cette calculatrice est mon premier programme donc elle est faite avec des truk simple (if then ...).
la source est lourde mais facille a comprendre enfin ... je croi.

Source / Exemple :

Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 7
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 7
End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()
If Text2 = "" Then
  Text2 = Text1
  Text6 = "+"
End If

If Text3 = "" And Text2 <> Text1 Then
  Text3 = Text1
  Text7 = "+"
End If

If Text4 = "" And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then
Text4 = Text1
Text8 = "+"
End If

If Text5 = "" And Text4 <> Text1 And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text5 = Text1
Text1 = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command12_Click()
n1 = 0
n2 = 0
n3 = 0
n4 = 0
If Text3 = "" And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text3 = Text1
If Text4 = "" And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text4 = Text1
If Text5 = "" And Text4 <> Text1 And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text5 = Text1

If Text6 = "+" Then n1 = 1
If Text6 = "-" Then n1 = 2
If Text6 = "*" Then n1 = 3
If Text6 = "/" Then n1 = 4

If Text7 = "+" Then n2 = 1
If Text7 = "-" Then n2 = 2
If Text7 = "*" Then n2 = 3
If Text7 = "/" Then n2 = 4

If Text8 = "+" Then n3 = 1
If Text8 = "-" Then n3 = 2
If Text8 = "*" Then n3 = 3
If Text8 = "/" Then n3 = 4

If n1 = 1 Then n4 = Text2 - 1 + 1 + Text3
If n1 = 2 Then n4 = Text2 - Text3
If n1 = 3 Then n4 = Text2 * Text3
If n1 = 4 Then n4 = Text2 / Text3

If n2 = 1 Then n4 = n4 - 1 + 1 + Text4
If n2 = 2 Then n4 = n4 - Text4
If n2 = 3 Then n4 = n4 * Text4
If n2 = 4 Then n4 = n4 / Text4

If n3 = 1 Then n4 = n4 - 1 + 1 + Text5
If n3 = 2 Then n4 = n4 - Text5
If n3 = 3 Then n4 = n4 * Text5
If n3 = 4 Then n4 = n4 / Text5

Text1 = n4
End Sub

Private Sub Command13_Click()
If Text2 = "" Then Text2 = Text1
If Text2 = Text1 Then Text6 = "-"
If Text3 = "" And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text3 = Text1
If Text3 = Text1 Then Text7 = "-"
If Text4 = "" And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text4 = Text1
If Text4 = Text1 Then Text8 = "-"
If Text5 = "" And Text4 <> Text1 And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text5 = Text1
Text1 = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command14_Click()
If Text2 = "" Then Text2 = Text1
If Text2 = Text1 Then Text6 = "*"
If Text3 = "" And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text3 = Text1
If Text3 = Text1 Then Text7 = "*"
If Text4 = "" And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text4 = Text1
If Text4 = Text1 Then Text8 = "*"
If Text5 = "" And Text4 <> Text1 And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text5 = Text1
Text1 = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command15_Click()
If Text2 = "" Then Text2 = Text1
If Text2 = Text1 Then Text6 = "/"
If Text3 = "" And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text3 = Text1
If Text3 = Text1 Then Text7 = "/"
If Text4 = "" And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text4 = Text1
If Text4 = Text1 Then Text8 = "/"
If Text5 = "" And Text4 <> Text1 And Text3 <> Text1 And Text2 <> Text1 Then Text5 = Text1
Text1 = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command16_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command17_Click()
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
Text5 = ""
Text6 = ""
Text7 = ""
Text8 = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 8
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 8
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 9
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 9
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 4
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 4
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 5
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 5
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 6
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 6
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 1
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 2
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 2
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()
If Text1 <> "" Then Text1 = Text1 * 10 + 3
If Text1 = "" Then Text1 = 3
End Sub

Codes Sources

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