Gestion chaînes de caractères : "token"

Contenu du snippet

Ce sont tout simplement pour ceux qui connaissent mIRC la reproduction des fonctions "token" (qui signifie "marque" je crois) comme $gettok, $numtok, $findtok et d'autres... qui permettent de gérer des chaînes de caractère.

Utilisation :

- AddTok(chaine As String, add As String, char As String) :
Ajoute un token à la fin du texte.
addtok("a.b.c","d",".") retourne a.b.c.d
addtok("a.b.c.d","c",".") retourne a.b.c.d.c

- DelTok(chaine As String, n As Integer, char As String) :
Efface le Nième token du texte.
deltok("a.b.c.d",3,".") retourne a.b.d

- FindTok(chaine As String, ch As String, n As Integer, char As String) :
Retourne la position du Nième token correspondant dans le texte.
findtok("a.b.c.d","c",1,".") retourne 3

- GetTok(chaine As String, n As Integer, char As String) :
Retourne le Nième token du texte.
gettok("a.b.c.d.e",3,".") retourne c

- InsTok(chaine As String, ins As String, n As Integer, char As String) :
Insère le token à la Nième position dans le texte.
instok("a.b.d","c",3,".") retourne a.b.c.d

- IsTok(chaine As String, ch As String, char As String) :
Retourne true si le token existe, sinon false.

- NumTok(chaine As String, char As String) :
Retourne le nombre de tokens dans le texte.

- PutTok(chaine As String, ch As String, n As Integer, char As String) :
Réécrit par-dessus le Nième token dans le texte avec un nouveau token.
puttok("a.b.c.d","e",2,".") retourne a.e.c.d

- RemTok(chaine As String, ch As String, n As Integer, char As String) :
Enlève le Nième token correspondant du texte.
remtok("a.b.c.d","b",1,".") retourne a.c.d
remtok("a.b.c.d","e",1,".") retourne a.b.c.d
remtok("a.c.c.d","c",1,".") retourne a.c.d

- RepTok(chaine As String, ch As String, nouv As String, nb As Integer, char As String) :
Remplace le Nième token correspondant du texte avec un nouveau token.
reptok("a.b.c.d","b","e",1,".") retourne a.e.c.d
reptok("a.b.c.d","f","e",1,".") retourne a.b.c.d
reptok("a.b.a.c","a","e",2,".") retourne a.b.e.c

- TrimTok(chaine As String, char As String) :
trimtok("..a.....b.c...d....", ".") retourne a.b.c.d

Source / Exemple :

'Fonctions "TOKEN" ("marque") : fonctions de gestion de chaînes de caractères codées en VB6 par Tim alias HeXoR ( - :)
'AddTok(...) ; DelTok(...) ; FindTok(...); GetTok(...) ; InsTok(...) ; IsTok(...) ; NumTok(...) ; PutTok(...) ; RemTok(...) ; RepTok(...) ; TrimTok(...)
'Dernière mise à jour le 05/03/2004 à 14h17 GMT+1
'Attention il est fortement conseillé d'insérer toutes les fonctions et non pas seulement celle qui vous intéresse car chaque de fonction a besoin des autres fonctions (à part TrimTok(...))

Public Function AddTok(chaine As String, add As String, char As String)
AddTok = TrimTok(chaine, char) & char & add
End Function

Public Function DelTok(chaine As String, nb As Integer, char As String)
Dim x As Integer
Dim result As String
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
While x < nb
result = result & char & GetTok(chaine, x, char)
x = x + 1
While x < NumTok(chaine, char)
x = x + 1
result = result & char & GetTok(chaine, x, char)
DelTok = TrimTok(result, char)
End Function

Public Function FindTok(chaine As String, ch As String, nb As Integer, char As String)
Dim y As Integer
Dim x As Integer
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
'y = 0
While y < nb
x = x + 1
If GetTok(chaine, x, char) = ch And nb = 1 Then FindTok = x
If GetTok(chaine, x, char) = ch Then y = y + 1
If y = nb Then FindTok = x
End Function

Public Function GetTok(chaine As String, nb As Integer, char As String)
Dim x, y, d As Integer
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
x = 1
y = y + 1
If Mid(chaine, y, 1) = char Then x = x + 1
Loop While x < nb And y <= Len(chaine)
d = IIf(nb = 1, y, y + 1)
y = y + 1
While Mid(chaine, y, 1) <> char And y <= Len(chaine)
y = y + 1
GetTok = Mid(chaine, d, (y - d))
End Function

Public Function InsTok(chaine As String, ins As String, nb As Integer, char As String)
Dim x As Integer
Dim result As String
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
While x < (nb - 1)
x = x + 1
result = result & char & GetTok(chaine, x, char)
result = result & char & ins
While x < NumTok(chaine, char)
x = x + 1
result = result & char & GetTok(chaine, x, char)
InsTok = TrimTok(result, char)
End Function

Public Function IsTok(chaine As String, ch As String, char As String)
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Boolean
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
For x = 1 To NumTok(chaine, char)
If GetTok(chaine, x, char) = ch Then
y = True
IsTok = y
End If
Next x
IsTok = y
End Function

Public Function NumTok(chaine As String, char As String)
Dim x, y As Integer
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
x = 1
For y = 1 To Len(chaine)
If Mid(chaine, y, 1) = char Then x = x + 1
Next y
NumTok = x
End Function

Public Function PutTok(chaine As String, ch As String, nb As Integer, char As String)
Dim x As Integer
Dim result As String
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
While x < nb
result = result & char & GetTok(chaine, x, char)
x = x + 1
result = result & char & ch
While x < NumTok(chaine, char)
x = x + 1
result = result & char & GetTok(chaine, x, char)
PutTok = TrimTok(result, char)
End Function

Public Function RemTok(chaine As String, ch As String, nb As Integer, char As String)
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
RemTok = DelTok(chaine, FindTok(chaine, ch, nb, char), char)
End Function

Public Function RepTok(chaine As String, ch As String, nouv As String, nb As Integer, char As String)
chaine = TrimTok(chaine, char)
RepTok = PutTok(chaine, nouv, FindTok(chaine, ch, nb, char), char)
End Function

Public Function TrimTok(chaine As String, char As String)
Dim x As Integer
If Left(chaine, 1) = char Then chaine = Right(chaine, (Len(chaine) - 1))
If Right(chaine, 1) = char Then chaine = Left(chaine, (Len(chaine) - 1))
If Left(chaine, 1) = char Or Right(chaine, 1) = char Then GoTo a
While x < Len(chaine)
x = x + 1
If Mid(chaine, x, 1) = char And Mid(chaine, x, 1) = Mid(chaine, x + 1, 1) Then
chaine = Left(chaine, x) & Right(chaine, (Len(chaine) - x - 1))
x = x - 1
End If
TrimTok = chaine
End Function

Conclusion :

Je pense ajouter d'autre fonctions. Donnez-moi votre avis, posez des questions si vous en avez, dites-moi si des bugs sont présents, besoin d'autres exemples ? -> commentaires :)

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