Lag bar sur mirc :)


Hem , tout d'abord je tient a dire que cette source n'est pas du tout de moi ! ( très sincérement je crois que j'en aurait été imcapable ... :) mon niveau étant bien en dessous de ce niveau de scripting )
Bon c'est une petite bar qui mesure en temps réel votre lag sur mIRC .
Euuh bien sur ca marche qd on est connecté ( lol )
Bah voila faut le mettre ds les remote , sinon ya un petit dll qui est ds le zip ... c'est possible que mIRC le demande alors à ce moment là faut le rajouter ds le dossier mIRC :-)


Ps: J'espère qu'il y aurat plein de commentaire c'est la première source que je met ( même si elle n'est pas de moi ... )

Source / Exemple :

; technique lag bar v.09 June 6 2002 for mIRC 5.91, 6.0, 6.01 and above by ex|l- (Ryan) 
; Contact Email: Website: or
; For my friends and those who want a sweet pic win lagbar with options!
; Thanks to dohcan for tbwin.dll and sample script from which I learned from. :)
; Important note if you ignore notices or ctcps this wont work, depends on the method! <------------------ IMPORTANT
; The script will stop itself if it detects notice or ctcp ignores on yourself! Change your ignore status
; then type /lag.start to turn back on! Ignores on other users wont affect this, just yourself!
; Use the raw method if you have probs with the ignores!
; If you right click on lagbar it has popup and if you close lagbar to turn it back on type /lag.start
; Leave all this code in the same file and make sure tbwin.dll is in script dir or mirc dir!
; This is a bug fix version with oval switch added as well.
on master:TEXT:`lag:*:{ lag.msg }
menu {
  ..&red:{ }
  ..&blue:{ }
  ..&green:{ }
  ..&yellow:{ lag.yellow }
  ..&orange:{ }
  ..&custom:{ lag.custom }
  .&text:{ lag.stext }
  .&border:{ lag.sborder }
  .&background:{ lag.sface }
  .&default values:{ lag.defaults }
  .&current $+($lag.delay,s):{ lag.stime }
  .$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,oval) == 1,$style(1) &oval,&oval):{ lag.oval.set $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,oval) == 1,0,1) | $ }
  .$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,style) == small,$style(1) &small,&small):{ small | $ }
  .$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,style) == classic,$style(1) &classic,&classic):{ classic | $ } 
  $iif($active ischan,&say lag):{ lag.msg }
  .$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == raw,$style(1) &raw,&raw):{ lag.method.raw }
  .$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == ctcp,$style(1) &ctcp,&ctcp):{ lag.method.ctcp }
  .$iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == notice,$style(1) &notice,&notice):{ lag.method.notice }
  $iif($version >= 6.0,&network)
  .&current $lower($scid($timer(.lag.chk).cid).network):{ echo $color(info) -a *** Currently checking your lag on Network: $+($chr(2),$scid($timer(.lag.chk).cid).network,$chr(2)) Server: $+($chr(2),$scid($timer(.lag.chk).cid).server,$chr(2)) }
  &close:{ lag.stop | echo $color(info) -a *** Stopped all lag bar functions, to turn back on type /lag.start }
alias -l { 
  tbwin Attach
  var %z = $dll($_tbwin,GetTBInfo,NOT_USED),%w = $gettok(%z,1,32),%h = $gettok(%z,2,32)
  lagbar.size %w %h
  tbwin OnSize /lagbar.size
  window -a
alias lag.update { if ($window( { $ } }
alias { window -phB +d 0 0 200 22 }
alias lagbar.size { window $calc($1 - 195) $int($calc(($2 - 22) / 2)) 200 22 }
alias -l lag.oval.set { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff oval $1 }
alias -l lag.oval { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,oval) == 1,d)) } 
alias -l { writeini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff style $1 }
alias -l lag.sface { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff face $$input(Enter a rgb color/value for the background eg. $+($chr(36),rgb,$chr(40),face,$chr(41)),129) | $ }
alias -l { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,style),$+(lag.,$ifmatch),$+(lag.,classic)) }
alias -l lag.face { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,face),$ifmatch,$rgb(face))) } 
alias -l lag.stext {  writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff text $$input(Enter a rgb color/value for the text eg. $+($chr(36),rgb,$chr(40),text,$chr(41)),129) | $ }
alias -l lag.text { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,text),$ifmatch,$rgb(text))) } 
alias -l lag.sborder { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff border $$input(Enter a rgb color/value for the border eg. $+($chr(36),rgb,$chr(40),text,$chr(41)),129) | $ }
alias -l lag.border { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,border),$ifmatch,$rgb(text))) } 
alias -l lag.defaults { remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff face | remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff text | remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff border | remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color | $ }
alias -l lag.classic {
  var %l = $hget(txlag,curlag),%t = Lag: $lag.isms($hget(txlag,curlag))
  drawrect -nrf $lag.face 1 0 0 200 22
  drawtext -nro $lag.text Tahoma -7 $calc(65 - $int($width(%t, Tahoma, -7))) 7 %t
  drawrect $+(-nr,$lag.oval) $lag.border 2 83 3 105 18
  drawrect $+(-nrf,$lag.oval) $lag.color 1 85 5 $iif(%l > 10,$iif(%l != ??,101,0),$int($calc(%l * 10.1))) 14
alias -l lag.small {
  var %l = $hget(txlag,curlag),%t = Lag: $lag.isms($hget(txlag,curlag))
  drawrect -nrf $lag.face 1 0 0 200 22
  drawtext -nr $lag.text Tahoma -7 $int($calc((110 - $width(%t, Tahoma, -7)) / 2)) 7 %t
  drawrect $+(-nr,$lag.oval) $lag.border 1 83 7 105 12
  drawrect $+(-nrf,$lag.oval) $lag.color 1 85 9 $iif(%l > 10,$iif(%l != ??,101,0),$int($calc(%l * 10.1))) 8
alias lag.deploy { 
  if ($1) { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff text $1 }
  if ($2) { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff border $2 }
  if ($3) { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $3 }
  if ($4) { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff face $4 }
alias lag.scheme { echo $color(info) -a *** technique lag bar scheme settings, pass this to a friend /lag.deploy $lag.text $lag.border $lag.color $lag.face }
on ^*:notice:lag*:?: { 
  if ($nick == $me) && ($2 isnum) && ($hget(txlag)) { 
    hadd txlag curlag $calc($calc($ticks - $2) / 1000) 
  elseif (!$hget(txlag)) { 
    echo $color(info) -a *** Hash table error shutting down lag bar!
ctcp *:lag*:?:{ 
  if ($nick == $me) && ($2 isnum) && ($hget(txlag)) {
    hadd txlag curlag $calc($calc($ticks - $2) / 1000)
  elseif (!$hget(txlag)) { 
    echo $color(info) -a *** Hash table error shutting down lag bar!
raw 421:*:{
  if ($1 == $me) && ($2 isnum) { 
    if ($hget(txlag)) hadd txlag curlag $calc($calc($ticks - $2) / 1000) 
alias lag.start {
  if (!$readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method)) { lag.method }
  if (!$hget(txlag)) { 
    hmake txlag 1 
    hadd txlag curlag ?? 
alias -l lag.method { 
  $iif($input(Would you like to use a notice for lag check if not press no then a ctcp will be used you can also use the raw method from popup!,8,Lag method.),writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method notice,writeini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method ctcp) 
alias -l _tbwin { 
  if ($isfile($+($scriptdir,tbwin.dll))) {
    return $lag.spc($+($scriptdir,tbwin.dll))
  elseif ($findfile($mircdir,tbwin.dll,1)) {
    return $lag.spc($ifmatch)
  else {
    .timer.lag.error $iif($version >= 6.0,-i) 2 5 echo $color(info) -a *** Couldn't locate tbwin.dll in your mIRC or script directory, please put tbwin.dll in your mIRC or script directory so lag bar can function!
alias -l lag.color { 
  if ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,color)) {
    return $ifmatch
  else {
    return $rgb(255,0,0)
alias -l lag.spc { return $+($chr(34),$1-,$chr(34)) }
alias -l { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(255,0,0) | lag.fill }
alias -l { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(0,0,255) | lag.fill }
alias -l { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(12,240,30) | lag.fill }
alias -l lag.yellow { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(255,255,0) | lag.fill }
alias -l { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $rgb(252,127,0) | lag.fill }
alias -l lag.custom { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff color $$input(Enter a custom rgb color/value which you can get by using $+($chr(36),rgb) identifier!,129) | lag.fill }
alias -l tbwin { dll $_tbwin $1- }
alias -l lag.chk { 
  if ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) != raw) {
    .timer.lag.chk $iif($version >= 6.0,-i) 0 $lag.delay $&
      $+(lag.,$readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method)) | lag.ignore.chk
  else { 
    .timer.lag.chk $iif($version >= 6.0,-i) 0 $lag.delay $+(lag.,$readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method))
alias -l lag.delay { return $iif($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,delay),$ifmatch,20) }
alias lag.stime { 
  writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff delay $$input(Delay in seconds to check lag recommended 10 or more seconds!,129)
alias -l lag.method.raw { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method raw | lag.stop | $iif($server,lag.start) }
alias -l lag.method.ctcp { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method ctcp | lag.stop | $iif($server,lag.start) }
alias -l lag.method.notice { writeini -n $lag.spc($script) lagstuff method notice | lag.stop | $iif($server,lag.start) }
alias -l lag.ctcp { $iif($server,.ctcp $me lag $ticks) }
alias -l lag.notice { $iif($server,.notice $me lag $ticks) }
alias -l lag.raw { $iif($server,.raw $ticks) }
alias -l lag.isms { if ($1 isnum) { return $+($1,s) } | else { return $1 } }
alias -l lag.msg { $iif($active ischan,msg # Currently my lag is: $lag.isms($hget(txlag,curlag))) }
alias lag.stop { 
  $iif($window(,window -c
  .timer.lag.chk off 
  $iif($hget(txlag),hfree txlag)
on *:load: { 
  if ($version >= 5.91) { classic
    lag.oval.set 0
    echo $color(info) -a *** technique lag bar v.09 loaded successfully, right click on lagbar for options! 
  else {
    echo $color(info) -a *** This needs mIRC version 5.91+ this is $version , this addon wont work unloading it!
    .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "
on *:connect:{ 
  if ($version >= 6.0) && (!$window( { 
  elseif ($version == 5.91) {
on *:unload:{ lag.stop | remini $lag.spc($script) lagstuff }
on *:active:*:{ if ($version >= 6.0) && ($timer(.lag.chk)) && ($activecid != $timer(.lag.chk).cid) { scid $activecid lag.chk } }
on *:disconnect:{ 
  if ($version >= 6.0) { 
    var %s = 1,%t 
    while (%s <= $scon(0)) {
      if ($scon(%s).status == connected) { inc %t }
      inc %s
  elseif ($version == 5.91) {
alias -l lag.fill {
  if ($hget(txlag)) {
    var %f = 1,%g = 30,%h = $hget(txlag,curlag)
    while (%f <= 10) {
      $+(.timer.lag.fill,$r(1,999)) -h 1 %g hadd txlag curlag %f  
      $+(.timer.lag.fill2,$r(1,9999)) -h 1 $calc(%g + 1) lag.update
      inc %f
      inc %g 30
  if ($hget(txlag)) {
    var %i = 10,%j = 300
    while (%i >= 0) {
      $+(.timer.lag.clr,$r(1,999)) -h 1 %j hadd txlag curlag %i 
      $+(.timer.lag.clr2,$r(1,9999)) -h 1 $calc(%j + 1) lag.update
      dec %i
      inc %j 30
  .timer.lag.restore -h 1 1000 hadd txlag curlag %h
  .timer.lag.restore2 -h 1 1050 lag.update
alias -l lag.ignore.chk { 
  if ($ignore($address($me,5))) && (notice isin $ignore($ifmatch).type) && ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == notice) {   
    .timer.lag.error2 1 5 echo $color(info) -a *** You are ignoring notice's from yourself lag bar wont work,fix then type /lag.start
  elseif ($ignore($address($me,5))) && (ctcp isin $ignore($ifmatch).type) && ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == ctcp) {
    .timer.lag.error3 1 5 echo $color(info) -a *** You are ignoring ctcp's from yourself lag bar wont work, fix then type /lag.start
  elseif ($ignore(*!*@*)) && (notice isin $ignore($ifmatch).type) && ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == notice) {
    .timer.lag.error4 1 5 echo $color(info) -a *** You are ignoring notice's, your lag bar wont work, fix then type /lag.start
  elseif ($ignore(*!*@*)) && (ctcp isin $ignore($ifmatch).type) && ($readini($lag.spc($script),lagstuff,method) == ctcp) {
    .timer.lag.error5 1 5 echo $color(info) -a *** You are ignoring ctcps, your lag bar wont work, fix then type /lag.start

; End of technique lag bar v.09 "Show some technique"

Conclusion :

Le script est a mettre ds le remote ...
Euu bah j'pense que ca marche sur toutes les versions de mIRC .
Si mIRC demande tbwin.dll faut regarder ds le zip il y est ...
Enjoy It ^^

Codes Sources

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