Tracé d'étoiles

Contenu du snippet

Ce code trace une étoile centrée en (x0,y0), à n branches, de rayon r et d'angle initial a.

Source / Exemple :

If n / 2 = Int(n / 2) Then
    Px = r * Cos(a) + x0
    Py = r * Sin(a) + y0
    For j = 1 To n / 2
        Px2 = r * Cos(a + 4 * Pi * j / n) + x0
        Py2 = r * Sin(a + 4 * Pi * j / n) + y0
        Picture1.Line (Px, Py)-(Px2, Py2)
        Picture1.Line (Px, Py)-(Px2, Py2)
        txtLaTeX.Text = txtLaTeX.Text & vbCrLf & "\put(" & Px & "," & Py & "){\line{...}}"
        Px = Px2
        Py = Py2
    Next j
    Px = r * Cos(a + 2 * Pi / n) + x0
    Py = r * Sin(a + 2 * Pi / n) + y0
    For j = 1 To n / 2
        Px2 = r * Cos(a + 2 * Pi / n + 4 * Pi * j / n) + x0
        Py2 = r * Sin(a + 2 * Pi / n + 4 * Pi * j / n) + y0
        Picture1.Line (Px, Py)-(Px2, Py2)
        Picture1.Line (Px, Py)-(Px2, Py2)
        txtLaTeX.Text = txtLaTeX.Text & vbCrLf & "\put(" & Px & "," & Py & "){\line{...}}"
        Px = Px2
        Py = Py2
    Next j
    Px = r * Cos(a) + x0
    Py = r * Sin(a) + y0
    For j = 1 To n
        Px2 = r * Cos(a + 2 * Pi * j * (n - 1) / 2 / n) + x0
        Py2 = r * Sin(a + 2 * Pi * j * (n - 1) / 2 / n) + y0
        Picture1.Line (Px, Py)-(Px2, Py2)
        txtLaTeX.Text = txtLaTeX.Text & vbCrLf & "\put(" & Px & "," & Py & "){\line{...}}"
        Px = Px2
        Py = Py2
    Next j
End If

Conclusion :

La sortie se fait sur une picturebox modifiée pour avoir un repère orthonormal direct.

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