Classe de type unsigned byte


Permet de manipuler des unsigned byte, plusieurs operations logiques sont implementees.

Source / Exemple :

class Pi_byte
	private int pi_byte;
	private char[] codehexa;
	public Pi_byte( int value )
		codehexa = new char[2];
	public Pi_byte()
		codehexa = new char[2];

	public Pi_byte( String hexa )
		codehexa = new char[2];
		codehexa = hexa.toCharArray();
		pi_byte = ( charToHex( codehexa[0] ) << 4 ) & 0xf0;
		pi_byte = pi_byte | ( charToHex( codehexa[1]) & 0x0f);
	private int charToHex( char c )
		switch( c )
			case '0': return(0);
			case '1': return(1);
			case '2': return(2);
			case '3': return(3);
			case '4': return(4);
			case '5': return(5);
			case '6': return(6);
			case '7': return(7);
			case '8': return(8);
			case '9': return(9);
			case 'A': return(10);
			case 'B': return(11);
			case 'C': return(12);
			case 'D': return(13);
			case 'E': return(14);
			case 'F': return(15);
			default : return(0);
	private char hexToChar( int value )
		value = value & 0xf;
		switch( value )
			case 0: return('0');
			case 1: return('1');
			case 2: return('2');
			case 3: return('3');
			case 4: return('4');
			case 5: return('5');
			case 6: return('6');
			case 7: return('7');
			case 8: return('8');
			case 9: return('9');
			case 10: return('A');
			case 11: return('B');
			case 12: return('C');
			case 13: return('D');
			case 14: return('E');
			case 15: return('F');
			default : return('0'); /* dead code */
	int getValue()
		return( pi_byte );
	void setValue( int value )
		pi_byte = value;

	void setValue( String hexa )
		codehexa = hexa.toCharArray();
		pi_byte = ( charToHex( codehexa[0] ) << 4 ) & 0xf0;
		pi_byte = pi_byte | ( charToHex( codehexa[1]) & 0x0f);

	void swap()
		int swp;
		swp=((pi_byte & 0xf)<<4);
		pi_byte=(pi_byte>>4 ) & 0xf;
		pi_byte |= swp;
	void shiftL( int value )
		pi_byte = (pi_byte<<(((value-1) & 0x7)+1 ) & 0xFF );
	void shiftR( int value )
		pi_byte = (pi_byte>>(((value-1) & 0x7)+1 ) & 0xFF );
	String toHexString()
		codehexa[1] = hexToChar( pi_byte & 0xf );
		codehexa[0] = hexToChar( (pi_byte>>4) & 0xf );
		return( String.valueOf( codehexa ));
	void xor( Pi_byte pb2 )
		pi_byte = pb2.getValue() ^ pi_byte;
	void xor( int value )
		pi_byte = ( value & 0xff )^ pi_byte;

	void xor( String hexa )
		int value;
		codehexa = hexa.toCharArray();
		value = ( charToHex( codehexa[0] ) << 4 ) & 0xf0;
		value = value | ( charToHex( codehexa[1]) & 0x0f);
		pi_byte = (value & 0xff ) ^ pi_byte;
	void and( Pi_byte pb2 )
		pi_byte = pb2.getValue() & pi_byte;
	void and( int value )
		pi_byte = (value & 0xff ) & pi_byte; 
	void and( String hexa )
		int value;
		codehexa = hexa.toCharArray();
		value = ( charToHex( codehexa[0] ) << 4 ) & 0xf0;
		value = value | ( charToHex( codehexa[1]) & 0x0f);
		pi_byte = (value & 0xff ) & pi_byte;
	void or( Pi_byte pb2 )
		pi_byte = pb2.getValue() | pi_byte;
	void or( int value )
		pi_byte = ( value & 0xff ) | pi_byte;
	void or( String hexa )
		int value;
		codehexa = hexa.toCharArray();
		value = ( charToHex( codehexa[0] ) << 4 ) & 0xf0;
		value = value | ( charToHex( codehexa[1]) & 0x0f);
		pi_byte = (value & 0xff ) | pi_byte;		
	void not()
		pi_byte = ( ~pi_byte ) & 0xff;
	void setBit( int value )
		pi_byte = pi_byte | ( 1<<(value & 0x7) );
	void clrBit( int value )
		pi_byte = pi_byte & (~( 1<<(value & 0x7 ) ));
	public static void main( String argv[] )
		Pi_byte v1, v2;
		v1 = new Pi_byte( 100 );
		v2 = new Pi_byte();
		System.out.println( "Value v1 = "+v1.getValue());
		System.out.println( "Value v2 = "+v2.getValue());
		v2.setValue( 224 );
		System.out.println( "Value v2 = "+v2.getValue());
		System.out.println( "V1 to hexa = "+v1.toHexString());
		System.out.println( "V2 to hexa = "+v2.toHexString());
		System.out.println( "Value of V2 swap = "+v2.getValue());
		System.out.println( "Value of V1 shiftleft 1 = "+v1.getValue());
		System.out.println( "Value of V1 shiftright 1 = "+v1.getValue());
		v2.setValue( "C0" );
		System.out.println( "Value of v2 set C0 = "+v2.getValue());
		v1.setValue( "55" );
		v2.setValue( "AA" );
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.toHexString()+" v2 = "+v2.toHexString());
		v1.and( v2 );
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.getValue());
		v1.or( v2 );
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.getValue());
		v1.xor( "55" );
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.getValue());
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.getValue());
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.getValue());
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.getValue());
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.getValue());
		System.out.println( "Value of v1 = "+v1.toHexString());

Conclusion :

Bientot une version 16 bits pour manipuler des unsigned word.

Codes Sources

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