Address book [ en mdx ]


Carnet d'addresse gérant les notifié , couleur (Cline) par personne repertorié , son de notifié personalisable , wala si vous detecter des bug dite la :)

Source / Exemple :

alias book  dialog $iif($dialog($decode(Ym9vaw==,m)) != $null,-x,-m) book book 
dialog book {
  title ".: Address Book By PuMaZ :."
  size -1 -1 237 217
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 1 2 161 69
  list 2, 3 90 228 110, size
  box "", 3, 161 2 72 87
  text "Pseudo", 4, 5 12 22 8
  edit "", 5, 29 11 63 10, autohs
  button "Whois", 6, 97 9 29 12
  button "Pv", 7, 128 9 29 12
  list 8, 164 6 66 68, size
  button "Détaicher", 9, 165 76 34 11
  button "Reflesh", 10, 201 76 27 11
  text "Prenom", 11, 5 23 22 8
  edit "", 12, 29 22 52 10, autohs
  text "Tel", 13, 85 23 13 8
  edit "", 14, 102 22 55 10, autohs
  text "E-Mail", 15, 5 35 19 8
  edit "", 16, 29 33 52 10, autohs
  text "Website", 17, 84 34 23 8, center
  edit "", 18, 108 33 50 10, autohs
  text "Son notify", 19, 5 47 28 8
  edit "", 20, 35 46 49 10, read
  button "Choisir", 21, 85 46 35 9
  check "Activer", 22, 123 45 33 10, flat
  text "Color Cline", 23, 5 58 28 8
  combo 24, 35 57 85 143, size drop
  check "Activer", 25, 123 58 33 10, flat
  box "", 28, 1 85 232 116
  button "Ajouter", 26, 20 74 42 10
  button "Modifier", 27, 64 74 42 10
  button "Supprim&er", 29, 108 74 42 10
  box "", 30, 1 67 161 22
  button "F&ermer", 31, 172 203 59 12, ok
  text "Address Book For mIRC By PuMaZ", 32, 2 206 107 8
on *:dialog:*:*:*:{
  if ($dname == notify) {
    if ($devent == init) { dll book\mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version | dll book\mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname
      dll book\mdx.dll SetDialog $dname icon 0 book\N\1.ico 
      dll book\mdx.dll SetControlMDX 2 treeview haslines hasbuttons linesatroot showsel > book\views.mdx  
      did -i $dname 2 1 iconsize normal small
      did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal book\N\1.ico | did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal book\N\2.ico | did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal book\N\3.ico
    if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 10) { 
        var %action = $gettok($did($dname,10),1,32) | if (%action == size) {
          var %e = $dialog($dname).cw, %c = $dialog($dname).ch | dll book\mdx.dll MoveControl $dname 2 * * %e %c 
      if ($did == 2) {
        var %t = $did($dname,2,1) | if ($gettok(%t,1,32) != rclick) || if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == $null) { halt }
        dll $popup New not 16 16 | unset %nick.not
        var %y = $iif($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null,$ini(book\temp.ini, $+ $iif($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2,On,Off), $+ $calc($gettok(%t,4,32) -1))) |  set %nick.not %y 
        dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\add.ico | dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\DEL.ico
        dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\WHOIS.ico | dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\PV.ico |  dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\CHAT.ico | dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\SEND.ico
        dll $popup AddItem not end 1 1 Ajouter un Ami $cr Addnotify | dll $popup AddItem not end $iif(%y == $null,+d) 2 2 Supprimer %y $cr delnotify
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) != $null)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null)   dll $popup AddItem not end 
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end 3 3 Whois %y  $cr whois %y }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 3)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end +d 3 3 Whois %y  $cr halt }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end 4 4 Pv Avec %y  $cr query %y }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 3)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end +d 4 4 Pv Avec %y  $cr halt }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) != $null)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null)   dll $popup AddItem not end 
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end 5 5 DCC &Chat avec %y  $cr chatnot }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 3)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end +d 5 5 DCC &Chat avec %y  $cr halt }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end 6 6 DCC &Send avec %y  $cr sendnot }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 3)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end +d 6 6 DCC &Send à %y  $cr halt }
        pop not $mouse.dx $mouse.dy
  if ($dname == book) {
    if ($devent == edit) {
      if ($did == 5)   { set %TEMPB.nick $did($did)   } 
      if ($did == 12)  { set %TEMPB.prenom $did($did) }
      if ($did == 14)  { set $did($did)    } 
      if ($did == 16)  { set %TEMPB.mail $did($did)   } 
      if ($did == 18)  { set %TEMPB.url $did($did)    }
    if ($devent == sclick) {
      $iif($dialog(notify).title != $null,did -ra $dname 9 Ratacher,did -ra $dname 9 Détacher)
      if ($did == 9) {
        if ($dialog(notify).title == $null) { did -ra $dname 9 Ratacher | dialog -m notify notify | halt }
        else { did -ra $dname 9 Détacher | dialog -x notify notify | halt }
      if ($did == 21) && ($did(5) != $null) {
        var %x = $sfile($mircdir,Choisisez un son pour la notify de $did(5) ,set %son.temp $1-)
        if (%x != $null) { writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) Snot %x | did -ra $dname 20 $nopath(%x) }
      if ($did == 25)  { if ($did(5) != $null) {  writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) ClineE $iif($did(25).state == 0,Off,On)  }  }
      if ($did == 22)  { if ($did(5) != $null) {  writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) SnotE $iif($did(22).state == 0,Off,On)   }  }
      $iif($did == 10 ,actuzno) |  $iif($did == 6,whois $did(5))  | $iif($did == 7,query $did(5))
      if ($did == 26) || ($did == 27) {
        writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) Pseudo $iif($did(5) != $null,$did(5),Aucun)
        writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) Prenom $iif($did(12) != $null,$did(12),Aucun)
        writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) tel $iif($did(14) != $null,$did(14),Aucun)
        writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) Mail $iif($did(16) != $null,$did(16),Aucun)
        writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) Site $iif($did(18) != $null,$did(18),Aucun)
        writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) Cline $iif($gettok($did(24).seltext,1,45) != $null,$gettok($did(24).seltext,1,45),10)
        writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) ClineE $iif($did(22).state == 0,Off,On) 
        writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) SnotE $iif($did(25).state == 0,Off,On) |  ActuazationCarnet
      if ($did == 8) { 
        var %t = $did($dname,8,1) |  if ($gettok(%t,1,32) != rclick) || if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == $null) { halt }
        dll $popup New not 16 16 | unset %nick.not
        var %y = $iif($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null,$ini(book\temp.ini, $+ $iif($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2,On,Off), $+ $calc($gettok(%t,4,32) -1))) |  set %nick.not %y 
        dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\add.ico | dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\DEL.ico
        dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\WHOIS.ico | dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\PV.ico |  dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\CHAT.ico | dll $popup LoadImg not icon small book\n\SEND.ico
        dll $popup AddItem not end 1 1 Ajouter un Ami $cr Addnotify | dll $popup AddItem not end $iif(%y == $null,+d) 2 2 Supprimer %y $cr delnotify
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) != $null)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null)   dll $popup AddItem not end 
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end 3 3 Whois %y  $cr whois %y }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 3)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end +d 3 3 Whois %y  $cr halt }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end 4 4 Pv Avec %y  $cr query %y }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 3)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end +d 4 4 Pv Avec %y  $cr halt }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) != $null)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null)   dll $popup AddItem not end 
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end 5 5 DCC &Chat avec %y  $cr chatnot }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 3)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end +d 5 5 DCC &Chat avec %y  $cr halt }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 2)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end 6 6 DCC &Send avec %y  $cr sendnot }
        if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == 3)  && ($gettok(%t,4,32) != $null) { dll $popup AddItem not end +d 6 6 DCC &Send à %y  $cr halt }
        pop not $mouse.dx $mouse.dy
      if ($did == 29) { remini book\carnet.ini $did(5) |  ActuazationCarnet  } 
      if ($did == 24) { set %TEMPB.Cline $gettok($did($did).seltext,1,45)
        if ($did(5) != $null) {        $iif($ini(book\carnet.ini,$did(5)) != 0,writeini book\carnet.ini $did(5) Cline $gettok($did(24).seltext,1,45)) }
      if ($did == 2) { 
        tokenize 32 $did($did).seltext | if ($did($did).seltext != $null) { 
          var %TEMPB.nick = $gettok($mid($1-,24,99),1,9) | var %TEMPB.prenom =  $mid($gettok($mid($1-,24,99),2,9),11,999)
          var = $mid($gettok($mid($1-,24,99),3,9),11,999) | var %TEMPB.mail =  $mid($gettok($mid($1-,24,99),4,9),10,999)
          var %TEMPB.url = $mid($gettok($mid($1-,24,99),5,9),11,999) | set %Abchiiii %TEMPB.nick
          did -ra $dname 5 %TEMPB.nick | did -ra $dname 12 %TEMPB.prenom | did -ra $dname 14 | did -ra $dname 16 %TEMPB.mail
          did -ra $dname 18 %TEmpb.url 
          var %y = $iif($readini(book\carnet.ini,$did(5),SNot) == $null,Aucun,$readini(book\carnet.ini,$did(5),SNot)) 
          did -ra $dname 20 $nopath(%y)
          var %y = $iif($readini(book\carnet.ini,$did(5),Cline) == $null,Aucun,$readini(book\carnet.ini,$did(5),Cline)) 
          did -c $dname 24 $calc(%y +1)
          did -u $dname 22,25
          if ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$did(5),ClineE) == on) { did -c $dname 25 }
          if ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$did(5),SnotE) == on) { did -c $dname 22 }
          var %t = $did($dname,2,1) |  if ($gettok(%t,1,32) != rclick) || if ($gettok(%t,3,32) == $null) { halt }
          if (%Abchiiii != $null) {
            dll $popup New carnet 16 16 
            dll $popup LoadImg carnet icon small book\n\DEL1.ico | dll $popup LoadImg carnet icon small book\n\del2.ico 
            dll $popup LoadImg carnet icon small book\n\DEL3.ico | dll $popup LoadImg carnet icon small book\n\net.ico  
            dll $popup LoadImg carnet icon small book\n\net2.ico | dll $popup LoadImg carnet icon small book\n\email.ico
            dll $popup LoadImg carnet icon small book\n\info.ico
            dll $popup AddItem carnet end 7 7 Afficher en echo $cr echoinfonot
            dll $popup AddItem carnet end      
            dll $popup AddItem carnet end $iif($chr(64) !isin $did(16),+d,$null) 6 6 Envoyer un Mail à %Abchiiii $cr run mailto: $+ $did(16) 
            dll $popup AddItem carnet end $iif(aucun isin $did(18),+d,$null) 4 5 Visitez le site de %Abchiiii $cr run $did(18) 
            dll $popup AddItem carnet end           
            dll $popup AddItem carnet end 1 3 Supprimer  %Abchiiii $cr delcarnet
            dll $popup AddItem carnet end     
            dll $popup AddItem carnet end 2 3 Supprimer tout le répertoire $cr delallcarnet
            pop carnet $mouse.dx $mouse.dy
    if ($devent == init) { 
      $iif($dialog(notify).title != $null,did -ra $dname 9 Ratacher,did -ra $dname 9 Détacher)
      dll book\mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version | dll book\mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname | dll book\mdx.dll SetDialog $dname icon 0 book\N\A.ico
      dll book\mdx.dll SetControlMDX 2 ListView report flatsb grid rowselect showsel nosortheader single > book\views.mdx      
      did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 
      dll book\mdx.dll SetControlMDX 8 treeview haslines hasbuttons linesatroot showsel > book\views.mdx   
      dll book\mdx.dll SetBorderStyle  5,12,14,16,18,24,20,6,7,26,27,29,9,10,31  border
      dll book\mdx.dll SetFont $dname 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 +ab 12 400 verdana
      did -i $dname 8 1 iconsize normal small
      did -i $dname 8 1 seticon normal book\N\1.ico | did -i $dname 8 1 seticon normal book\N\2.ico | did -i $dname 8 1 seticon normal book\N\3.ico
      did -i $dname 8 1 cb root 
      did -a $dname 8 +be 1 1 Connecté(s) | did -i $dname 8 1 cb last
      $iif($isfile(book\temp.ini) == $true,.remove book\temp.ini) | cprectly
      var %i = 1 | while (%i <= $notify(0)) { var %nicknot = $notify(%i).ison  |  $iif(%nicknot == $true,writeini book\temp.ini On $notify(%i) $notify(%i)) 
        $iif(%nicknot == $true,did -a $dname 8 3 3 $notify(%i))  |  inc %i
      } | did -i $dname 8 1 cb up   
      did -a $dname 8 +b 2 2 Déonnecté(s) | did -i $dname 8 1 cb last | var %i = 1 | while (%i <= $notify(0)) { var %nicknot = $notify(%i).ison 
        $iif(%nicknot != $true,writeini book\temp.ini Off $notify(%i) $notify(%i)) | $iif(%nicknot == $false,did -a $dname 8 +c 3 3 $notify(%i)) 
        inc %i 
      did -i $dname 2 1 headertext $tab($chr(32),Pseudonyme,Prénom,Tel,E-Mail,Website,Etat)  | did -i $dname 2 1 seticon list 0,book\n\B.ico | ActuazationCarnet
      colz 0 - Blanc | colz 1 - Noir  | colz 2 - Bleu foncé | colz 3 - Vert 
      colz 4 - Rouge | colz 5 - Marorn | colz 6 - Violet | colz 7 - Orange | colz 8 - Jaune | colz 9 - Vert Clair 
      colz 10 - Bleu pâle | colz 11 - Bleu clair | colz 12 - Bleu marine | colz 13 - Roses | colz 14 - Gris foncé | colz 15 - Gris Clair 
alias colz  { did -a book 24 $1- } 
alias verifhiz { if ($did(5).text == $null) || ($mid($did(5).text,1,1) == $chr(32)) { did -b book 26,27,29 } | else { did -e book 26,27,29 } }
alias tab {
  if (!$1) return $chr(9) | var %t,%w = 1
  while ($eval($+($,%w),2)) { %t = $instok(%t,$($+($,%w),2),0,9) | inc %w }
  return %t
alias -l popup { return book\popups.dll }
alias -l pop { tokenize 32 $dll($popup,Popup,$1-) | if ($isid) return $1- | $iif($4- != did not select a menu item,$4-) }
alias chatnot { .localinfo -u |  dcc chat %nick.not }
alias delnotify { .notify -r %nick.not | actuzno }
alias addnotify { .notify $$?="Qui ajouter à la notify ?" $$?="Entrez une note pour ce pseudo" | actuzno }
alias sendnot { .localinfo -u |  dcc send %nick.not }
alias actuzno { did -r book 8 |  $iif($isfile(book\temp.ini) == $true,.remove book\temp.ini) | cprectly
  did -i book 8 1 cb root | did -a book 8 +be 1 1 Connecté(s) | did -i book 8 1 cb last
  var %i = 1 | while (%i <= $notify(0)) { var %nicknot = $notify(%i).ison 
    $iif(%nicknot == $true,writeini book\temp.ini On $notify(%i) $notify(%i)) 
  $iif(%nicknot == $true,did -a book 8 3 3 $notify(%i)) | inc %i }
  did -i book 8 1 cb up   
  did -a book 8 +b 2 2 Déonnecté(s) | did -i book 8 1 cb last     
  var %i = 1 | while (%i <= $notify(0)) { var %nicknot = $notify(%i).ison 
    $iif(%nicknot != $true,writeini book\temp.ini Off $notify(%i) $notify(%i)) 
  $iif(%nicknot == $false,did -a book 8 +c 3 3 $notify(%i))  | inc %i }
alias delcarnet { var %x = %Abchiiii | .remini book\carnet.ini %x | ActuazationCarnet |  verifhiz | did -r book 5,12,16,14,1  | did -c book 24 1 }
alias delallcarnet { var %x = $$?="Etes vous sur de vouloir tout supprimer ? (Si oui tape OUI)"  
  if (%x == oui) { did -u book 22,25 | verifhiz | did -r book 5,12,16,14,1  | did -c book 24 1 | .remove book\carnet.ini | ActuazationCarnet }
alias ActuazationCarnet { did -r book 2 | var %i = 1 
  if (%i <= $ini(book\carnet.ini,0)) {
    var %y = $readini(book\carnet.ini,$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i),$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i,1)) | var %Bpseudo = $iif(%y == $null,Vide,%y)
    var %y = $readini(book\carnet.ini,$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i),$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i,2)) | var %Bprenom = $iif(%y == $null,Vide,%y)
    var %y = $readini(book\carnet.ini,$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i),$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i,3)) | var %Btel = $iif(%y == $null,Vide,$chr(32) $+ %y)
    var %y = $readini(book\carnet.ini,$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i),$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i,4)) | var %BMail = $iif(%y == $null,Vide,%y)
    var %y = $readini(book\carnet.ini,$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i),$ini(book\carnet.ini,%i,5)) | var %BUrl = $iif(%y == $null,Vide,%y)
    did -a book 2 0 1 $tab($chr(32),%Bpseudo,%bprenom,%Btel,%Bmail,%Burl,$iif($notify(%BPseudo).ison == $true,On Line,Off Line)) 
    inc %i  | goto Actu
alias echoinfonot {
  echo -a --[ Fiche de $did(5) ]-- |  echo -a  | echo -a 12Pseudo7 »2 $did(5) | echo -a 12Prénom7 »2 $did(12)
  echo -a 12Téléphone7 »2 $did(14) |  echo -a 12Mail7 »2 $replace($did(16),@,4@2) | echo -a 12Site Web7 »2 $did(18) |  echo -a 
  echo -a 12Notify7 »2 $iif($notify($did(5)) == $null,4/!\1 Il n'est pas dans la Notify,$iif($notify($did(5)).ison == $true,4OnLine,1OffLine))
alias clineactu {
  var %c = $1 | var %i = 1 | while (%i <= $nick(%c,0)) {
    var %y = $nick(%c,%i) | if ($readini(book\carnet.ini,%y,ClineE) == on) { .timer [ $+ [ $chan ] ] [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  0 3 cline22 %y %c }
    inc %i
dialog notify {
  title "Notify"
  size 97 77 82 118
  option dbu
  list 2, 0 0 82 118, size 
  button "", 10, 0 0 0 0
  button "", 999, 0 0 0 0, ok
alias -l nfil return book\notify\n.ini
alias -l dial return book\dialog.mdx
alias -l mdx return book\mdx.dll
on *:connect:.localinfo -uh
alias not dialog -m notify notify
alias adx { dll book\mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version | dll book\mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname }
on *:join:#:{
  if ($nick != $me) {
    if ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$nick,pseudo) == $nick) {  if ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$nick,ClineE) == on) {  .timer [ $+ [ $chan ] ] [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 2 cline22 $nick $chan }   }
  else { if ($nick == $me) { .timercline [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 5 3 clineactu $chan } }
alias cline22 { if ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$1,ClineE) == on) { cline $readini(book\carnet.ini,$1,Cline) $2 $1 } }
alias cprectly { .writeini book\temp.ini On X X | .remini book\temp.ini On X | .writeini book\temp.ini Off X X | .remini book\temp.ini Off X }
on *:notify:{ if ($dialog(book).title != $null) { actuzno | ActuazationCarnet } 
  echo -a 2[ $+ $timestamp $+ ]3 Notify 7» 1(2 $+ $nick $+ 1) 1(4 $+ $server $+ 1) 
  if ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$nick,SnotE) == on) && ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$nick,Snot) != $null) {  var %x = $readini(book\carnet.ini,$nick,Snot) |  $iif($isfile(%x) == $true,splay %x)  }
  $iif($dialog(notify).title != $null,actunot)
on *:unotify:{ if ($dialog(book).title != $null) { actuzno | ActuazationCarnet }
  echo -a 2[ $+ $timestamp $+ ]6 Unotify 7» 1(2 $+ $nick $+ 1) 1(4 $+ $server $+ 1) 
  if ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$nick,SnotE) == on) && ($readini(book\carnet.ini,$nick,Snot) != $null) { var %x = $readini(book\carnet.ini,$nick,Snot) |  $iif($isfile(%x) == $true,splay %x) }
  $iif($dialog(notify).title != $null,actunot)
alias actunot { 
  did -r notify 2 |  $iif($isfile(book\temp.ini) == $true,.remove book\temp.ini) | cprectly
  did -i notify 2 1 cb root | did -a notify 2 +be 1 1 Connecté(s) | did -i notify 2 1 cb last
  var %i = 1 | while (%i <= $notify(0)) { var %nicknot = $notify(%i).ison 
    $iif(%nicknot == $true,writeini book\temp.ini On $notify(%i) $notify(%i)) 
  $iif(%nicknot == $true,did -a notify 2 3 3 $notify(%i)) | inc %i }
  did -i notify 2 1 cb up   
  did -a notify 2 +b 2 2 Déonnecté(s) | did -i notify 2 1 cb last     
  var %i = 1 | while (%i <= $notify(0)) { var %nicknot = $notify(%i).ison 
    $iif(%nicknot != $true,writeini book\temp.ini Off $notify(%i) $notify(%i)) 
  $iif(%nicknot == $false,did -a notify 2 +c 3 3 $notify(%i))  | inc %i }
alias notnotnot { unset %n.not | actunot }
Menu menubar,channel,query {
  » Address BooK :book

Conclusion :

A noté que book.mrc est dans le zip :)

Donc pour vous aider lors de "l'installation"
Admetons que le dossier de votre script est:
C:\Documents and Settings\PuMaZ\Bureau\PuMa ScRipT\
Normalement il devrais y avoir
C:\Documents and Settings\PuMaZ\Bureau\PuMa ScRipT\Book.mrc
C:\Documents and Settings\PuMaZ\Bureau\PuMa ScRipT\Book\mdx.dll et tout le dossier book

Si vous avez des pb essayer avec le commande $isfile voir si tout es bien placé :)

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