Klient[vbs] - computer informations

Contenu du snippet

Des infos hardware sur vot pc

Source / Exemple :

Dim I
For i=1 to Sysinfo.DriveCount-1
    Dim DriveLetter
    if DriveLetter<>"" then
        Dim FDriveInfo
        FDriveInfo = "1 - " & SysInfo.Drive(I) & "[12" & sysinfo.drivetype(DriveLetter) & "1]"
        if SysInfo.VolumeName(DriveLetter)<>"" then
             FDriveInfo =  FDriveInfo & " [12" & SysInfo.VolumeName(DriveLetter) & "1]"
        end if
        FDriveInfo =  FDriveInfo & ": 12" & OctetsToKoMoGo(SysInfo.DiskSpaceFree(DriveLetter))  & "1 free/12" & OctetsToKoMoGo(SysInfo.DiskSpace(DriveLetter))
    end if

    display.echo windowhandle, FDriveInfo

        display.echo windowhandle,"0,0"
display.echo windowhandle,"1Memory: 12" & Sysinfo.MemoryAvailable & "1 Mo avaible/12" & sysinfo.MemoryTotal & "1 Mo"
display.echo windowhandle,"0,0"

Function OctetsToKoMoGo(DATA)
    Dim Decimales
    Decimales = 2
    If DATA < 1024 Then ' - d'1 Ko
        OctetsToKoMoGo = DATA & " Octets"

    ElseIf DATA > 1024 And DATA < (1024 ^ 2) Then ' Entre 1 Ko et 1023Ko
        OctetsToKoMoGo = (Round((DATA / 1024), Decimales)) & " Ko"

    ElseIf DATA > (1024 ^ 2) And DATA < (1024 ^ 3) Then 'Entre 1 Mo et 1023 Mo
        OctetsToKoMoGo = (Round((DATA / (1024 ^ 2)), Decimales)) & " Mo"

    Else 'If DATA > (1024 ^ 3) And DATA < (1024 ^ 4) Then 'Entre 1 Go et 1023 Go
        OctetsToKoMoGo = (Round(DATA / (1024 ^ 3), Decimales)) & " Go"

    End If
End Function

Conclusion :

vela c un truc de newbi ms bon je tente klient alors c le debut :D

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