

J'ai trouvé un debut de source buggée sur un news Group et je l'ai réecrite.
Elle utilise : delegate, event, enum, struct, classe (héritage), socket, thread.

Il reste des améliorations à faire ... et surtout il faut commenter le bazar, dès que j'ai le temps promis je le fait !! ;-)

Source / Exemple :

public class PortScan
	public class PortScanEvent : EventArgs
		public PortScanEvent(string ip, long port, EventType eventType)
			this.ip = ip;
			this.port = port;
			this.eventType = eventType;
		public PortScanEvent(string ip, long port, EventType eventType, SocketException socketException)
			this.ip = ip;
			this.port = port;
			this.eventType = eventType;
			this.socketException = socketException;
		public string ip;
		public long port;
		public EventType eventType;
		public SocketException socketException;

	[Flags] public enum EventType : ushort
	public struct ParamFunct
		public ParamFunct(string ip, int port)
			this.ip = ip;
			this.port = port;
		public string ip;
		public int port;

	public int count = 0;
	public int maxCount = 0;
	public ManualResetEvent eventDone = new ManualResetEvent(false);

	public delegate void PortScanHandler(object sender, PortScanEvent e);
	public event PortScanHandler OnPortScanEvent;

	public EventType eventTypeSouscrib = EventType.Open;

	public void Scan(object portArg)
		ParamFunct paramFunctScan = (ParamFunct)portArg;
		TcpClient objTCP = new TcpClient();
			objTCP.Connect(paramFunctScan.ip, paramFunctScan.port);
			if(eventTypeSouscrib == EventType.Open && OnPortScanEvent != null)
				OnPortScanEvent(this, new PortScanEvent(paramFunctScan.ip, paramFunctScan.port, EventType.Open));
		catch(SocketException e)
			if (e.ErrorCode == 11001 || e.ErrorCode == 10060)
				if(eventTypeSouscrib == EventType.Error && OnPortScanEvent != null)
					OnPortScanEvent(this, new PortScanEvent(paramFunctScan.ip, paramFunctScan.port, EventType.Error, e));
				if(eventTypeSouscrib == EventType.Close && OnPortScanEvent != null)
					OnPortScanEvent(this, new PortScanEvent(paramFunctScan.ip, paramFunctScan.port, EventType.Close, e));
			Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
			if (count == maxCount) 

Conclusion :

fonctionnement :
Usage: portscan host startport endport

host - IP/hostname of machine to scan
startport - port number to start scan from [0-65536]
endport - port number to end scan on [0-65536]

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