La commande cusd avec gsm

Contenu du snippet

bonjour a tout le monde
code pour vérifier le solde de gsm attacher avec pc
voila :
Sub soldDJEZZY()

        strCommand = String.Format("AT+CUSD=1," & Chr(34) & "{0}" & Chr(34) & ",15", "*" & parrametre.TextBox9.Text & "#")
        Dim strName As String = parrametre.cbxDevices2.Text()
        Dim iDeviceSpeed As Integer
        If (Not Integer.TryParse(parrametre.cbxDeviceSpeed2.Text, iDeviceSpeed)) Then
            iDeviceSpeed = 0
        End If
        objGsm.Open(strName, "0000", iDeviceSpeed)
        If (objGsm.LastError <> 0) Then
            If (objGsm.LastError = 36103) Then
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Pin entered: SIM card can be blocked after a number of false attempts in a row.", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
            End If
        End If

        ' Sends the USSD Command though the selected GSM Modem

        If (objGsm.LastError = 0) Then
        End If

        ' Reads the response from the GSM Modem
        If (objGsm.LastError = 0) Then
            strResponse = objGsm.ReadResponse(10000)
        End If

        If (objGsm.LastError = 0) Then

            If (strResponse.Contains("OK")) Then ' Response should be OK
                strResponse = objGsm.ReadResponse(10000)

                If (objGsm.LastError <> 0) Then
                End If

                If (strResponse.Contains("+CUSD:")) Then

                    strFields = strResponse.Split(Char.Parse(Chr(34)))

                    If (strFields.Length > 1) Then
                        strResponse = strFields(1)
                        strResponse = strFields(0)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Cursor = Cursors.Default

    End Sub

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