Gendal67 Messages postés 627 Date d'inscription mercredi 16 juin 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 24 juillet 2011 - 26 oct. 2005 à 20:57
cs_vinz78 Messages postés 207 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 24 juillet 2007 - 15 juin 2007 à 15:33
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cs_vinz78 Messages postés 207 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 mai 2007 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 24 juillet 2007
15 juin 2007 à 15:33
Très bon code cependant je ne vois pas pourquoi tu dis que tu débute. Moi même j'ai a peine commencé ce langage et j'ai preque rien pigé a ton code ^^
bien dans tous les cas bonne continuation =)
cs_satellite34 Messages postés 688 Date d'inscription mercredi 6 avril 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 2 juin 2006 1
13 avril 2006 à 18:41
salut, je viens de tomber sur ton code, trés joli, je suis vivement intéressé par le graphisme de ta fenetre, mais décu, j'ai rien vu de spécial ds le code, bon, je vais pas compiler, pas le temps de faires les options, donc je te demande, le graphisme de ta fenetre est géré par un theme windows spécial ou bien ya une partie du code que j'ai zappé??

wxccxw Messages postés 755 Date d'inscription samedi 15 mai 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 30 janvier 2011
27 janv. 2006 à 22:06
Hello World !
Tres symaptoch ton code
mais je n'ai pas tres bien compris comment tu appliquer les points ? (rand ???)
enfin si tu a le temps !
Merci :)
PierreAd Messages postés 63 Date d'inscription mardi 23 septembre 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 février 2006
24 janv. 2006 à 10:19
oops, dsl, il fallait bien sur lire "en remplaçant -lwxmsw25 et -lwxmsw25_gl par -lwxmsw26 et -lwxmsw26_gl"... Copier coller malheureux ;-)
PierreAd Messages postés 63 Date d'inscription mardi 23 septembre 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 février 2006
24 janv. 2006 à 10:18

ça fonctionne très bien chez moi en remaplaçant seulement -lwxmsw25 et -lwxmsw25_gl par -lwxmsw25 et -lwxmsw25_gl dans le linker...! Sinon c'est sympa, je trouve ça bien mimi (le smiley est pas mal ^_^)... Sinon pas encore regardé le code mais ça va me servir pour commencer les wxWidgets, depuis le temps que j'veux m'y mettre,

Bonne continuation,

victorcoasne Messages postés 1101 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 avril 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 juillet 2023 7
28 oct. 2005 à 19:04
C'est avec la mise à jour Dev-C++ que je l'ai installé donc devpacks !
cs_Thaeron Messages postés 202 Date d'inscription vendredi 6 juillet 2001 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 octobre 2007
28 oct. 2005 à 19:00
Vous avez essayé de mettre wx avec des devpaks ?
Alpacha Messages postés 95 Date d'inscription mardi 9 mars 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mars 2006
28 oct. 2005 à 17:50
Hmmm ... vous avez essayé avec wx-devcpp ?
Un petit RAD/IDE pour wxWidgets pas encore au point mais très fonctionnel déjà! ^^
Gendal67 Messages postés 627 Date d'inscription mercredi 16 juin 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 24 juillet 2011 2
28 oct. 2005 à 17:30
moi pzreil enfait (comme Victor)... j'ai dl trois versions de la lib comme j'avais dit plus haut... wxWidgets 2.5, la 2.6 et le pack spécial de la lib avec le logiciel intégré de mise a jour de Dev-C++...et rien à faire, j'ai des tas de "undefined reference to" ou autre...et ça ressemble fortement à ce que victor a copié-collé plus haut. En plus , il ne reconnait de loin pas tous les identifiers "-bidule" ... donc bref!
J'ai meme essayer, à l'aide d'un tuto sur le net sur cte lib de lancer juste une fonction native de la lib, et ça veut pas...pas de compilation à cause du même problême...ou alors il me met des trucs du genre "please choose case insensitive for identifier" ou un truc du genre....à plusieurs reprises....enfin voila...

Bonne fin d'aprem :)
victorcoasne Messages postés 1101 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 avril 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 juillet 2023 7
28 oct. 2005 à 14:39
oui mais marche pas !
Alpacha Messages postés 95 Date d'inscription mardi 9 mars 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mars 2006
28 oct. 2005 à 14:20
T'as essayé en c/C les miennes et en remplaçant 25 par 26 toussa?
victorcoasne Messages postés 1101 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 avril 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 juillet 2023 7
28 oct. 2005 à 14:09

J'ai la 2.6 ça passe pas du tout !
Alpacha Messages postés 95 Date d'inscription mardi 9 mars 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mars 2006
28 oct. 2005 à 13:48
Pour le linker j'ai ça, avec la 2.5 et ca passe nickel ^^ :

Beaucoup ne concernent pas wxwidgets directement car elle s'en sert pour ses class... Essaye nous et tiens nous au courant.
victorcoasne Messages postés 1101 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 avril 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 juillet 2023 7
28 oct. 2005 à 08:17
Voici les options :
Compilateur :

Compilateur C++:

Linker :

Il manque quoi ?
J'ai la dernière version de WxWidjet avec les contribs la zlib, la libjpeg et la libtiff
Alpacha Messages postés 95 Date d'inscription mardi 9 mars 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mars 2006
28 oct. 2005 à 02:41
Ah et au fait : animate.h fait partie de la lib wxcontrib, cad les contributions de personnes extérieures à wxwidgets.org, pour rajouter quelques controls et objets ma foi bien utiles ;) Mais parfois durs à faire marcher, comme wxGIFAnimatedCtrl, mais bon ...
En tous cas, ayant réussi à compiler, bravo, j'aime bien ^^
Alpacha Messages postés 95 Date d'inscription mardi 9 mars 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 20 mars 2006
28 oct. 2005 à 02:39
Il faudrait que tu link les librairies de wxWidgets :)
Pour ça, options du projet, bibliothèque, et fais ajouter fichier, à droite là : puis tu vas chercher les fichier .a concernant wx ;)
Ca compilera surement mieux ;)
victorcoasne Messages postés 1101 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 avril 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 juillet 2023 7
28 oct. 2005 à 00:59
Compilateur: Default compiler
Building Makefile: "C:\Documents and Settings\Coasne Victor.VICTOR\Bureau\Temp\tamagoshi\Makefile.win"
Exécution de make clean
rm -f Appli.o Index.o Kamagoshi_private.res Kamagoshi.exe

g++.exe -c Appli.cpp -o Appli.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/include" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/mingw32" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include" -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-pcc-struct-return -fstrict-aliasing -Wall -D__WXMSW__ -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WIN95__ -fexpensive-optimizations -O3

In file included from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward/iostream.h:31,
from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/wx/memory.h:33,
from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/wx/object.h:20,

from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/wx/wx.h:16,
from Appli.h:4,
from Appli.cpp:1:
C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or instead of the deprecated header . To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.

g++.exe -c Index.cpp -o Index.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/include" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/mingw32" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include" -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-pcc-struct-return -fstrict-aliasing -Wall -D__WXMSW__ -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WIN95__ -fexpensive-optimizations -O3

In file included from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward/iostream.h:31,
from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/wx/memory.h:33,
from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/wx/object.h:20,

from C:/Dev-Cpp/include/wx/wx.h:16,
from Index.cpp:1:
C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or instead of the deprecated header . To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.

windres.exe -i Kamagoshi_private.rc --input-format=rc -o Kamagoshi_private.res -O coff --include-dir C:/Dev-Cpp/include

g++.exe Appli.o Index.o Kamagoshi_private.res -o "Kamagoshi.exe" -L"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib" -mwindows -lwx_msw-2.6 -lwx_msw_gl-2.6 -ltiff -ljpeg -lpng -lz -lwxregex-2.6 -lwxexpat-2.6 -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwinspool -lwinmm -lshell32 -lcomctl32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lrpcrt4 -ladvapi32 -lwsock32 -lodbc32 -lopengl32

C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x510): multiple definition of `wxApp::GetClassInfo() const'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text$_ZNK5wxApp12GetClassInfoEv[wxApp::GetClassInfo() const]+0x0): first defined here
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_appcmn.o):appcmn.cpp:(.text+0x620): multiple definition of `wxAppBase::OnInitGui()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text$_ZN9wxAppBase9OnInitGuiEv[wxAppBase::OnInitGui()]+0x0): first defined here
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_appcmn.o):appcmn.cpp:(.text+0x630): multiple definition of `wxAppBase::OnRun()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text$_ZN9wxAppBase5OnRunEv[wxAppBase::OnRun()]+0x0): first defined here
C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_logg.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList[vtable for wxMenuItemList]' has different size

C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_frame.o):frame.cpp:(.text+0x40): multiple definition of `wxFrame::GetClassInfo() const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZNK7wxFrame12GetClassInfoEv[wxFrame::GetClassInfo() const]+0x0): first defined here
C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_wincmn.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV12wxWindowList[vtable for wxWindowList]' has different size

C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_menucmn.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList[vtable for wxMenuItemList]' has different size

C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_datacmn.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV12wxWindowList[vtable for wxWindowList]' has different size

C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_window.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV12wxWindowList[vtable for wxWindowList]' has different size

C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_menu.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList[vtable for wxMenuItemList]' has different size

C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_framecmn.o):framecmn.cpp:(.text+0x13e0): multiple definition of `wxFrameBase::SetToolBar(wxToolBar*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZN11wxFrameBase10SetToolBarEP9wxToolBar[wxFrameBase::SetToolBar(wxToolBar*)]+0x0): first defined here
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_object.o):object.cpp:(.text+0x190): multiple definition of `wxObject::GetClassInfo() const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZNK8wxObject12GetClassInfoEv[wxObject::GetClassInfo() const]+0x0): first defined here
C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_utilscmn.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV12wxWindowList[vtable for wxWindowList]' has different size

C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_textctrl.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList[vtable for wxMenuItemList]' has different size

C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_fontcmn.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV10wxFontBase[vtable for wxFontBase]' has different size

C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_fontcmn.o):fontcmn.cpp:(.text+0x70): multiple definition of `wxFontBase::~wxFontBase()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZN10wxFontBaseD1Ev[wxFontBase::~wxFontBase()]+0x0): first defined here
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_fontcmn.o):fontcmn.cpp:(.text+0x90): multiple definition of `wxFontBase::~wxFontBase()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZN10wxFontBaseD0Ev[wxFontBase::~wxFontBase()]+0x0): first defined here
C:\Dev-Cpp\Bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_gdiobj.o): warning: duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV11wxGDIObject[vtable for wxGDIObject]' has different size

C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwx_msw-2.6.a(monolib_gdiobj.o):gdiobj.cpp:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `wxGDIObject::GetClassInfo() const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZNK11wxGDIObject12GetClassInfoEv[wxGDIObject::GetClassInfo() const]+0x0): first defined here
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text+0x32): undefined reference to `wxTheApp'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text+0x64): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text+0x92): undefined reference to `wxString::operator=(char const*)'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text+0xa3): undefined reference to `wxString::operator=(char const*)'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text+0xc1): undefined reference to `wxString::operator=(char const*)'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text+0xd7): undefined reference to `wxString::operator=(char const*)'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text+0xed): undefined reference to `wxString::operator=(char const*)'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text+0x195): undefined reference to `wxAppBase::m_appInitFn'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x14): undefined reference to `wxObject::CopyObject(wxObject&) const'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x38): undefined reference to `wxApp::MainLoop()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x3c): undefined reference to `wxApp::ExitMainLoop()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x40): undefined reference to `wxApp::Initialized()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x44): undefined reference to `wxApp::Pending()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x48): undefined reference to `wxApp::Dispatch()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x50): undefined reference to `wxApp::GetStdIcon(int) const'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x58): undefined reference to `wxAppBase::ProcessPendingEvents()'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Appli[vtable for Appli]+0x64): undefined reference to `wxApp::ProcessMessage(void**)'
Appli.o:Appli.cpp:(.text$_ZNK5wxApp12GetClassInfoEv[wxApp::GetClassInfo() const]+0x2): undefined reference to `wxApp::sm_classwxApp'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x68): undefined reference to `wxString::ConcatSelf(int, char const*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x178): undefined reference to `wxString::ConcatSelf(int, char const*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x288): undefined reference to `wxString::ConcatSelf(int, char const*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x3e6): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x3fe): undefined reference to `wxBitmap::wxBitmap(wxString const&, long)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x514): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x539): undefined reference to `wxString::operator=(wxString const&)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x615): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x652): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x71c): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x756): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x819): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x856): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0xcc6): undefined reference to `wxBitmap::wxBitmap(wxString const&, long)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0xcf8): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0xee1): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0xf1e): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0xfcd): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1022): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1053): undefined reference to `wxFrame::SetIcon(wxIcon const&)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1084): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'

Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x10ab): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x10dd): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1101): undefined reference to `wxColour::wxColour()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x110e): undefined reference to `wxColour::wxColour()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x112a): undefined reference to `wxAcceleratorTable::wxAcceleratorTable()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x113e): undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::InitBase()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x11cd): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x120a): undefined reference to `wxBaseArray::wxBaseArray()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1246): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1266): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x12d1): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1311): undefined reference to `wxBaseArray::wxBaseArray()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x134e): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x136a): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x13ca): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x13e8): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1449): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x146f): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x151b): undefined reference to `wxMenuItemBase::New(wxMenu*, int, wxString const&, wxString const&, bool, wxMenu*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1582): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x15a6): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1605): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1620): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1686): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x16a7): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1755): undefined reference to `wxMenuItemBase::New(wxMenu*, int, wxString const&, wxString const&, bool, wxMenu*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x17be): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x17dc): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1842): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x185e): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x18c1): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x18df): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x194a): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1985): undefined reference to `wxBaseArray::wxBaseArray()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x19c2): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x19e8): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1a45): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1a68): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1ac9): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1ae7): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1c56): undefined reference to `wxFrame::SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1c85): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1cd1): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1d71): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1dae): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1e5d): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1eb2): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1ee3): undefined reference to `wxFrame::SetIcon(wxIcon const&)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1f14): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'

Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1f3b): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1f6d): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1f91): undefined reference to `wxColour::wxColour()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1f9e): undefined reference to `wxColour::wxColour()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1fba): undefined reference to `wxAcceleratorTable::wxAcceleratorTable()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x1fce): undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::InitBase()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x205d): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x209d): undefined reference to `wxBaseArray::wxBaseArray()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x20d8): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x20f6): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2162): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x21a2): undefined reference to `wxBaseArray::wxBaseArray()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x21e0): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x21fc): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x225c): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x227a): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x22db): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2301): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x23ad): undefined reference to `wxMenuItemBase::New(wxMenu*, int, wxString const&, wxString const&, bool, wxMenu*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2414): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2438): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2497): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x24b2): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2518): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2539): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x25e7): undefined reference to `wxMenuItemBase::New(wxMenu*, int, wxString const&, wxString const&, bool, wxMenu*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2650): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x266e): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x26d4): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x26f0): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2753): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2771): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x27dc): undefined reference to `wxObject::wxObject()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2817): undefined reference to `wxBaseArray::wxBaseArray()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2854): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x287a): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x28d7): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x28fa): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x295b): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2979): more undefined references to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' follow
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2ae8): undefined reference to `wxFrame::SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2b17): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text+0x2b63): undefined reference to `wxString::InitWith(char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x14): undefined reference to `wxObject::CopyObject(wxObject&) const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x24): undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::LoadFromResource(wxWindow*, wxString const&, wxResourceTable const*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x28): undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::CreateItem(wxItemResource const*, wxItemResource const*, wxResourceTable const*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x2c): undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::Destroy()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x58): undefined reference to `wxFrame::Show(bool)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x6c): undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::MakeModal(bool)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x84): undefined reference to `wxFrame::RemoveChild(wxWindowBase*)'

Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0xa8): undefined reference to `wxWindow::CaptureMouse()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0xac): undefined reference to `wxWindow::ReleaseMouse()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0xb4): undefined reference to `wxWindow::Clear()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x124): undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::DoClientToScreen(int*, int*) const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x128): undefined reference to `wxFrameBase::DoScreenToClient(int*, int*) const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x12c): undefined reference to `wxFrame::DoGetPosition(int*, int*) const'

Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x130): undefined reference to `wxFrame::DoGetSize(int*, int*) const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x150): undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoSetClientObject(wxClientData*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x154): undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoGetClientObject() const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x158): undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoSetClientData(void*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x15c): undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::DoGetClientData() const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x160): undefined reference to `wxWindow::Reparent(wxWindow*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x174): undefined reference to `wxWindow::AdjustForParentClientOrigin(int&, int&, int)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x180): undefined reference to `wxWindow::CreateWindowFromHWND(wxWindow*, unsigned long)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x18c): undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWOnScroll(int, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned long)'

Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1a4): undefined reference to `wxWindow::MSWProcessMessage(void**)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1a8): undefined reference to `wxFrame::MSWTranslateMessage(void**)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1b0): undefined reference to `wxWindow::OnCtlColor(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, long)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1b4): undefined reference to `wxFrame::Maximize(bool)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1b8): undefined reference to `wxFrame::Restore()'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1bc): undefined reference to `wxFrame::Iconize(bool)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1c0): undefined reference to `wxFrame::IsMaximized() const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1c4): undefined reference to `wxFrame::IsIconized() const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1c8): undefined reference to `wxFrame::SetIcon(wxIcon const&)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV5Index[vtable for Index]+0x1cc): undefined reference to `wxFrame::SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV12wxWindowList[vtable for wxWindowList]+0x14): undefined reference to `wxObject::CopyObject(wxObject&) const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV10wxFontBase[vtable for wxFontBase]+0x14): undefined reference to `wxObject::CopyObject(wxObject&) const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV11wxGDIObject[vtable for wxGDIObject]+0x14): undefined reference to `wxObject::CopyObject(wxObject&) const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTV14wxMenuItemList[vtable for wxMenuItemList]+0x14): undefined reference to `wxObject::CopyObject(wxObject&) const'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZNK8wxObject12GetClassInfoEv[wxObject::GetClassInfo() const]+0x2): undefined reference to `wxObject::sm_classwxObject'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZNK11wxGDIObject12GetClassInfoEv[wxGDIObject::GetClassInfo() const]+0x2): undefined reference to `wxGDIObject::sm_classwxGDIObject'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZN12wxWindowBase7SetNameERK8wxString[wxWindowBase::SetName(wxString const&)]+0x10): undefined reference to `wxString::operator=(wxString const&)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZNK7wxFrame12GetClassInfoEv[wxFrame::GetClassInfo() const]+0x2): undefined reference to `wxFrame::sm_classwxFrame'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZN10wxMenuBase6AppendEiRK8wxStringS2_b[wxMenuBase::Append(int, wxString const&, wxString const&, bool)]+0x38): undefined reference to `wxMenuItemBase::New(wxMenu*, int, wxString const&, wxString const&, bool, wxMenu*)'
Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZN18wxAcceleratorArrayD1Ev[wxAcceleratorArray::~wxAcceleratorArray()]+0x13): undefined reference to `wxBaseArray::~wxBaseArray()'

Index.o:Index.cpp:(.text$_ZN18wxAcceleratorArrayD0Ev[wxAcceleratorArray::~wxAcceleratorArray()]+0x14): undefined reference to `wxBaseArray::~wxBaseArray()'
C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libmingw32.a(main.o):main.c:(.text+0x106): undefined reference to `WinMain@16'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make.exe: *** [Kamagoshi.exe] Error 1

Exécution terminée
Rhazou Messages postés 31 Date d'inscription jeudi 30 novembre 2000 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 juillet 2009
26 oct. 2005 à 23:42
je vasi eviter d'utiliser itoa et faire attention a la case maintenant ^^.

en revanche pour l'icone je ne comprend pas, peut etre que linux a besoin d'un declaration suplémentaire ...
Que le text ne soit pas apparent je ne comprend pas non plus :s

J'esserais de jetter un coup d'oeil.

merci pour tes encouragements

cs_Thaeron Messages postés 202 Date d'inscription vendredi 6 juillet 2001 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 31 octobre 2007
26 oct. 2005 à 23:14
Je viens de le compiler sous GNU/Linux, il m'a fallut modifier 2/3 petites choses comme itoa() qui n'existe pas sous nux (j'ai remplacé par sprintf).
Sous nux faut respecter la casse des fichiers donc #include <wx/Image.h> devient #include <wx/image.h>
Pour finir quelque chose que je n'ai pas compris :
Index.cpp: In constructor `Index::Index()':
Index.cpp:12: erreur: « ico_xpm » non déclaré (première utilisation dans cette fonction)
Index.cpp:12: erreur: (Chaque identificateur non déclaré est rapporté seulement une seule fois pour la fonction dans laquelle il apparaît.)
La ligne 12 de Index.cpp étant : SetIcon(wxICON(ico));
J'ai donc commenté cette ligne et tout compile bien.
En revanche à l'exécution je n'ai pas de texte au dessus des barres de progressions.
Pour note j'ai compilé comme ça :
g++ *.cpp -c `wx-config --cxxflags`
g++ *.o -o kamagoshi `wx-config --libs`
Bon code, ton tama est bien sympas =)
Rhazou Messages postés 31 Date d'inscription jeudi 30 novembre 2000 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 21 juillet 2009
26 oct. 2005 à 22:56
c'est pas grave :)
si animate.h est le seul fichier que dev trouve pas, tu peut enlever l'include car c'est une lib pour animer les gif et je n'ai finalement pas realiser le projet.
l'include restante est une erreur de ma part.

Mon compilateur est Dev-C++ Version
c'est une vielle version mais ca marche bien ^^

wxwidgets est tres puissante, elle premet de faire vraiment tout, en se disant que notre travail sera pas a refaire si on veux que ca marche sur les autres systeme ...
la liste des class wxwidgets : http://wxwidgets.org/manuals/2.6.2/wx_classref.html

ps : pour le graphisme, mon theme widnows y fait certaineemnt beaucoup :)
Gendal67 Messages postés 627 Date d'inscription mercredi 16 juin 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 24 juillet 2011 2
26 oct. 2005 à 20:59
wx/animate/animate.h <<< j'avais oublié le "x"

trois versions (oubli du s) et la librairie (sans s ici)...dsl :/
Gendal67 Messages postés 627 Date d'inscription mercredi 16 juin 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 24 juillet 2011 2
26 oct. 2005 à 20:57

Ton programme a l'air vraiment réussi! Rien qu'en regardant le screen, j'ai été étonné du graphisme! ça m'a donné envie de connaitre la librairie wxWidgets....

Malheuresement, ton code ne compile pas sous mon Dev-C++...
w/animate/animate.h <<< header manquant... et pourtant j'ai dl trois version différentes de la librairies...peut-tu m'expliquer d'ou ce fichier sort et comment l'obtenir surtout ?

Merci d'avance :)