dclic - 3 oct. 2001 à 00:52
LolPiratas Messages postés 80 Date d'inscription mardi 13 août 2002 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2010 - 31 août 2002 à 17:50
Cette discussion concerne un article du site. Pour la consulter dans son contexte d'origine, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.

LolPiratas Messages postés 80 Date d'inscription mardi 13 août 2002 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 15 décembre 2010
31 août 2002 à 17:50
ben aller voir dans la section reseau & internet

salon aol7 par lolpiratas

ya le module pour aol7 en faites c presque pareil que celui du dessus mais ya des tites choses qui change dans findroom et chatsend a pluche lol piratas
cs_Insight Messages postés 7 Date d'inscription mardi 21 août 2001 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 28 août 2002
26 août 2002 à 01:01
Voila qques fonctions interressantes pour aol7, a placer dans un module :

Option Explicit

Declare Function GetClassName& Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long)
Declare Function GetWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function EnableWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal fEnable As Long) As Long
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
Public Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Public Declare Function GetMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetMenuItemCount Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetMenuItemID Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPos As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetMenuString Lib "user32" Alias "GetMenuStringA" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal wIDItem As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long, ByVal wFlag As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFilename As String) As Long
Public Declare Function GetSubMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPos As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SendMessageByNum& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
Public Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function IsWindowVisible Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function MciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Public Declare Function SendMessageLong& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
Public Declare Function SendMessageByString Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As Long
Public Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function ShowCursor Lib "user32" (ByVal bShow As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function showwindow Lib "user32" Alias "ShowWindow" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long
Public Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lpFilename As String) As Long

Public Const BM_GETCHECK = &HF0
Public Const BM_SETCHECK = &HF1
Public Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2
Public Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1
Public Const WM_CLEAR = &H303
Public Const LB_GETCOUNT = &H18B
Public Const LB_GETITEMDATA = &H199
Public Const LB_GETTEXT = &H189
Public Const LB_GETTEXTLEN = &H18A
Public Const LB_SETCURSEL = &H186
Public Const LB_SETSEL = &H185
Public Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2
Public Const GW_CHILD = 5
Public Const SND_ASYNC = &H1
Public Const SND_NODEFAULT = &H2
Public Const SW_HIDE = 0
Public Const SW_SHOW = 5
Public Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2
Public Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1
Public Const VK_DOWN = &H28
Public Const VK_LEFT = &H25
Public Const VK_MENU = &H12
Public Const VK_RETURN = &HD
Public Const VK_RIGHT = &H27
Public Const VK_SHIFT = &H10
Public Const VK_SPACE = &H20
Public Const VK_UP = &H26
Public Const WM_CHAR = &H102
Public Const WM_CLOSE = &H10
Public Const WM_COMMAND = &H111
Public Const WM_GETTEXT = &HD
Public Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100
Public Const WM_KEYUP = &H101
Public Const WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203
Public Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201
Public Const WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202
Public Const WM_MOVE = &HF012
Public Const WM_SETTEXT = &HC
Public Const WM_SYSCOMMAND = &H112
Public Const CB_GETCOUNT = &H146
Public Const CB_GETLBTEXT = &H148
Public Const CB_SETCURSEL = &H14E
Public Const GW_HWNDFIRST = 0
Public Const SW_MAXIMIZE = 3
Public Const SW_MINIMIZE = 6
Public Const SW_NORMAL = 1
Public Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN = &H204
Public Const WM_RBUTTONUP = &H205
Public Const PROCESS_READ = &H10
Public Const RIGHTS_REQUIRED = &HF0000
Public Const ENTER_KEY = 13

Public Type POINTAPI
x As Long
y As Long
End Type

Public Declare Function SetFocusAPI Lib "user32" Alias "SetFocus" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, ByVal lpvParam As String, ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function ExitWindowsEx& Lib "user32" (ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long)
Public Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
Public Const SW_RESTORE = 9
Public Const LB_ADDSTRING& = &H180
Public Const LB_DELETESTRING = &H182
Public Const LB_GETCURSEL& = &H188
Public Const LB_INSERTSTRING = &H181
Public Const LB_RESETCONTENT& = &H184
Public Const CB_ADDSTRING& = &H143
Public Const CB_DELETESTRING& = &H144
Public Const CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT& = &H158
Public Const CB_GETITEMDATA = &H150
Public Const CB_RESETCONTENT& = &H14B
Global Const SND_SYNC = &H0
Global Const SND_LOOP = &H8
Global Const SND_NOSTOP = &H10
Public Const Sys_Add = &H0
Public Const Sys_Delete = &H2
Public Const Sys_Message = &H1
Public Const Sys_Icon = &H2
Public Const Sys_Tip = &H4
Public Const Snd_Flag2 = SND_ASYNC Or SND_LOOP
Public Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200
Public Const MF_BYPOSITION = &H400&

Public Enum MAILTYPE
End Enum

Public systray As NOTIFYICONDATA

cbSize As Long
hwnd As Long
uId As Long
uFlags As Long
ucallbackMessage As Long
hIcon As Long
szTip As String * 64
End Type

Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type

Public Enum OnScreen
End Enum
Public Declare Function FindParent& Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName$, ByVal lpWindowName$)
Public Declare Function FindChild& Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1&, ByVal hWnd2&, ByVal lpsz1$, ByVal lpsz2$)
Public Declare Function osQueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" Alias "QueryPerformance" (lpPerformanceCount As Currency) As Long
Public Declare Function osQueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" Alias "QueryFrequency" (lpFrequency As Currency) As Long
Public Declare Function SendIt& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd&, ByVal wMsg&, ByVal wParam&, lParam As Any)
Public Declare Function SenditByString& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd&, ByVal wMsg&, ByVal wParam&, ByVal lParam$)
Global Lines&
Global NewLineCount&

Private Function FindRoom() As Long
Dim aol As Long, mdi As Long, child As Long
Dim Rich As Long, AOLList As Long
Dim AOLIcon As Long, AOLStatic As Long
aol& = FindWindow("AOL Frame25", vbNullString)
mdi& = FindWindowEx(aol&, 0&, "MDIClient", vbNullString)
child& = FindWindowEx(mdi&, 0&, "AOL Child", vbNullString)
Rich& = FindWindowEx(child&, 0&, "RICHCNTL", vbNullString)
AOLList& = FindWindowEx(child&, 0&, "_AOL_Listbox", vbNullString)
AOLIcon& = FindWindowEx(child&, 0&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
AOLStatic& = FindWindowEx(child&, 0&, "_AOL_Static", vbNullString)
If Rich& <> 0& And AOLList& <> 0& And AOLIcon& <> 0& And AOLStatic& <> 0& Then
FindRoom& = child&
Exit Function
child& = FindWindowEx(mdi&, child&, "AOL Child", vbNullString)
Rich& = FindWindowEx(child&, 0&, "RICHCNTL", vbNullString)
AOLList& = FindWindowEx(child&, 0&, "_AOL_Listbox", vbNullString)
AOLIcon& = FindWindowEx(child&, 0&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
AOLStatic& = FindWindowEx(child&, 0&, "_AOL_Static", vbNullString)
If Rich& <> 0& And AOLList& <> 0& And AOLIcon& <> 0& And AOLStatic& <> 0& Then
FindRoom& = child&
Exit Function
End If
Loop Until child& = 0&
End If
FindRoom& = child&
End Function

Public Sub AddRoomToList(TheList As ListBox, AddUser As Boolean)
' Only use this sub if you know that you it's AOL 6
On Error Resume Next
Dim cprocess As Long, itmhold As Long, ScreenName As String
Dim psnhold As Long, rbytes As Long, Index As Long, room As Long
Dim rlist As Long, sthread As Long, mthread As Long
room& = FindRoom&
If room& = 0& Then Exit Sub
rlist& = FindWindowEx(room&, 0&, "_AOL_Listbox", vbNullString)
sthread& = GetWindowThreadProcessId(rlist, cprocess&)
mthread& = OpenProcess(PROCESS_READ Or RIGHTS_REQUIRED, False, cprocess&)
If mthread& Then
For Index& = 0 To SendMessage(rlist, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) - 1
ScreenName$ = String$(4, vbNullChar)
itmhold& = SendMessage(rlist, LB_GETITEMDATA, ByVal CLng(Index&), ByVal 0&)
'this was the orginal line for AOL 5: itmHold& = itmHold& + 24
itmhold& = itmhold& + 28
Call ReadProcessMemory(mthread&, itmhold&, ScreenName$, 4, rbytes)
Call CopyMemory(psnhold&, ByVal ScreenName$, 4)
psnhold& = psnhold& + 6
ScreenName$ = String$(16, vbNullChar)
Call ReadProcessMemory(mthread&, psnhold&, ScreenName$, Len(ScreenName$), rbytes&)
ScreenName$ = Left$(ScreenName$, InStr(ScreenName$, vbNullChar) - 1)
If ScreenName$ <> GetUser Or AddUser = True Then
TheList.AddItem ScreenName$
End If
Next Index&
Call CloseHandle(mthread)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub OldAddRoomToList(TheList As ListBox, AddUser As Boolean)
' Only use this sub if you know it's AOL 5 or below..
On Error Resume Next
Dim cprocess As Long, itmhold As Long, ScreenName As String
Dim psnhold As Long, rbytes As Long, Index As Long, room As Long
Dim rlist As Long, sthread As Long, mthread As Long
room& = FindRoom&
If room& = 0& Then Exit Sub
rlist& = FindWindowEx(room&, 0&, "_AOL_Listbox", vbNullString)
sthread& = GetWindowThreadProcessId(rlist, cprocess&)
mthread& = OpenProcess(PROCESS_READ Or RIGHTS_REQUIRED, False, cprocess&)
If mthread& Then
For Index& = 0 To SendMessage(rlist, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) - 1
ScreenName$ = String$(4, vbNullChar)
itmhold& = SendMessage(rlist, LB_GETITEMDATA, ByVal CLng(Index&), ByVal 0&)
itmhold& = itmhold& + 24
Call ReadProcessMemory(mthread&, itmhold&, ScreenName$, 4, rbytes)
Call CopyMemory(psnhold&, ByVal ScreenName$, 4)
psnhold& = psnhold& + 6
ScreenName$ = String$(16, vbNullChar)
Call ReadProcessMemory(mthread&, psnhold&, ScreenName$, Len(ScreenName$), rbytes&)
ScreenName$ = Left$(ScreenName$, InStr(ScreenName$, vbNullChar) - 1)
If ScreenName$ <> GetUser Or AddUser = True Then
TheList.AddItem ScreenName$
End If
Next Index&
Call CloseHandle(mthread)
End If
End Sub

Public Sub NewAddRoomToList(TheList As ListBox, AddUser As Boolean)
' You can use this sub with any AOL
On Error Resume Next
Dim cprocess As Long, itmhold As Long, ScreenName As String
Dim psnhold As Long, rbytes As Long, Index As Long, room As Long
Dim rlist As Long, sthread As Long, mthread As Long, itmNum As Long
room& = FindRoom&
If room& = 0& Then Exit Sub
itmNum& = 24
rlist& = FindWindowEx(room&, 0&, "_AOL_Listbox", vbNullString)
sthread& = GetWindowThreadProcessId(rlist, cprocess&)
mthread& = OpenProcess(PROCESS_READ Or RIGHTS_REQUIRED, False, cprocess&)
If mthread& Then
For Index& = 0 To SendMessage(rlist, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) - 1
ScreenName$ = String$(4, vbNullChar)
itmhold& = SendMessage(rlist, LB_GETITEMDATA, ByVal CLng(Index&), ByVal 0&)
itmhold& = itmhold& + itmNum&
Call ReadProcessMemory(mthread&, itmhold&, ScreenName$, 4, rbytes)
Call CopyMemory(psnhold&, ByVal ScreenName$, 4)
psnhold& = psnhold& + 6
ScreenName$ = String$(16, vbNullChar)
Call ReadProcessMemory(mthread&, psnhold&, ScreenName$, Len(ScreenName$), rbytes&)
ScreenName$ = Left$(ScreenName$, InStr(ScreenName$, vbNullChar) - 1)
'This is used because if you use the old way it returns either
'a blank or just a 'p'
If Trim(ScreenName$) "" Or Trim(ScreenName$) "p" Then
itmNum& = 28
Call CloseHandle(mthread)
GoTo Top
End If
If ScreenName$ <> GetUser Or AddUser = True Then
TheList.AddItem ScreenName$
End If
Next Index&
Call CloseHandle(mthread)
End If
End Sub

Public Function LineCount&(ByVal hwnd&)
If hwnd& 0& Then Let LineCount& 0: Exit Function
Dim findchar&
Dim TheChar$
Dim lineNum&
Dim TextLength&
Dim Text$

Let Text$ = GetText$(hwnd&)
Let TextLength& = Len(Text$)
If TextLength& = 0 Then Exit Function

For findchar& = 1 To TextLength&
Let TheChar$ = Mid(Text$, findchar&, 1)
If TheChar$ Chr(13) Then lineNum& lineNum& + 1

If Mid(Text$, TextLength&, 1) = Chr(13) Then
Let LineCount& = lineNum&
Let LineCount& = lineNum& + 1
End If
End Function

Public Function GetLineCount&(ByVal Text$)
Dim findchar&
Dim TheChar$
Dim lineNum&
Dim TextLength&

Let TextLength& = Len(Text$)
If TextLength& = 0 Then Exit Function

For findchar& = 1 To TextLength&
Let TheChar$ = Mid(Text$, findchar&, 1)
If TheChar$ Chr(13) Then lineNum& lineNum& + 1

If Mid(Text$, TextLength&, 1) = Chr(13) Then
Let GetLineCount& = lineNum&
Let GetLineCount& = lineNum& + 1
End If
End Function
Public Function ReplaceText$(ByVal Text$, ByVal find$, ByVal Replace$)
Dim FindIt&
Dim txtBefore$
Dim txtAfter$
Dim txtNew$
Let FindIt& = InStr(Text$, find$)
If FindIt& 0 Then Let ReplaceText$ Text$: Exit Function
Let txtBefore$ = Left(Text$, FindIt& - 1)
Let txtAfter$ = Mid(Text$, FindIt& + Len(find))
Let txtNew$ = txtBefore$ & Replace$ & txtAfter$
Let Text$ = txtNew$
Let FindIt& = InStr(Text$, find$)
Loop Until FindIt& = 0
Let ReplaceText$ = Text$
End Function

Public Function LineText$(ByVal hwnd&, ByVal theline&)
Dim findchar&
Dim TheChar$
Dim TheChars$
Dim TempNum&
Dim TheText$
Dim TextLength&
Dim TheCharsLength&
Dim Text$

Let Text$ = GetText$(hwnd&)
Let TextLength& = Len(Text$)
For findchar& = 1 To TextLength&
Let TheChar$ = Mid$(Text$, findchar&, 1)
Let TheChars$ = TheChars$ & TheChar$
If TheChar$ = Chr(13) Then
TempNum& = TempNum& + 1
Let TheCharsLength& = Len(TheChars$)
Let TheText$ = Mid$(TheChars$, 1, TheCharsLength& - 1)
If theline& = TempNum& Then GoTo skipit
Let TheChars = ""
End If
Let LineText$ = TheChars$
Exit Function
Let TheText$ = ReplaceText$(TheText$, Chr(13), "")
Let LineText$ = TheText$
End Function

Public Function GetText$(ByVal hwnd&)
Dim TextLength&
Dim NullString$
Dim Text$

Let TextLength& = SendIt&(hwnd&, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0&, 0&)
Let NullString$ = String$(TextLength&, 0&)
Call SenditByString&(hwnd&, WM_GETTEXT, TextLength& + 1, NullString$)
Let Text$ = NullString$
Let GetText$ = Text$
End Function

Public Function ShorterText$(ByVal hwnd&, ByVal theline&)
Dim findchar&
Dim TheChar$
Dim TheChars$
Dim TempNum&
Dim TheText$
Dim TextLength&
Dim TheCharsLength&
Dim Text$
Dim SumNum&

Let Text$ = GetText$(hwnd&)
Let TextLength& = Len(Text$)
For findchar& = 1 To TextLength&
Let TheChar$ = Mid$(Text$, findchar&, 1)
Let TheChars$ = TheChars$ & TheChar$
If TheChar$ = Chr(13) Then
TempNum& = TempNum& + 1
Let TheCharsLength& = Len(TheChars$)
Let SumNum& = TheCharsLength& + SumNum&
Let TheText$ = Mid$(Text$, SumNum&)
If theline& = TempNum& Then GoTo skipit
TheChars$ = ""
End If
Let ShorterText$ = TheChars$
Exit Function
Let TheText$ = ReplaceText$(TheText$, Chr(13), "")
Let ShorterText$ = TheText$
End Function

Public Function LineFromText$(ByVal Text$, ByVal theline&)

Dim findchar&
Dim TheChar$
Dim TheChars$
Dim TempNum&
Dim TheText$
Dim TextLength&
Dim TheCharsLength&

Let TextLength& = Len(Text$)
For findchar& = 1 To TextLength&
Let TheChar$ = Mid(Text$, findchar&, 1)
Let TheChars$ = TheChars$ & TheChar$
If TheChar$ = Chr(13) Then
TempNum& = TempNum& + 1
Let TheCharsLength& = Len(TheChars$)
Let TheText$ = Mid(TheChars$, 1, TheCharsLength& - 1)
If theline& = TempNum& Then GoTo skipit
Let TheChars = ""
End If
Let LineFromText$ = TheChars$
Exit Function

Let TheText$ = ReplaceText(TheText$, Chr(13), "")
Let LineFromText$ = TheText$

End Function

Public Sub clickToolbar(IconNumber&, Letter$)

Dim AOLFrame As Long
Dim menu As Long
Dim clickToolbar1 As Long
Dim clickToolbar2 As Long
Dim AOLIcon As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim found As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
clickToolbar1 = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "AOL Toolbar", vbNullString)
clickToolbar2 = FindWindowEx(clickToolbar1, 0&, "_AOL_Toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(clickToolbar2, 0&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
For Count = 1 To IconNumber
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(clickToolbar2, AOLIcon, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
Next Count
Call PostMessage(AOLIcon, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, 0&)
Call PostMessage(AOLIcon, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0&, 0&)
menu = FindWindow("#32768", vbNullString)
found = IsWindowVisible(menu)
Loop Until found <> 0
Letter = Asc(Letter)
Call PostMessage(menu, WM_CHAR, Letter, 0&)
End Sub
Public Sub clickToolbar2(IconNumber&, Letter$, letter2$)

Dim AOLFrame As Long
Dim menu As Long
Dim clickToolbar1 As Long
Dim clickToolbar2 As Long
Dim AOLIcon As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim found As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
clickToolbar1 = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "AOL Toolbar", vbNullString)
clickToolbar2 = FindWindowEx(clickToolbar1, 0&, "_AOL_Toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(clickToolbar2, 0&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
For Count = 1 To IconNumber
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(clickToolbar2, AOLIcon, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
Next Count
Call PostMessage(AOLIcon, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, 0&)
Call PostMessage(AOLIcon, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0&, 0&)
menu = FindWindow("#32768", vbNullString)
found = IsWindowVisible(menu)
Loop Until found <> 0
Letter = Asc(Letter)
letter2 = Asc(letter2)
Call PostMessage(menu, WM_CHAR, Letter, 0&)
Call PostMessage(menu, WM_CHAR, letter2, 0&)
End Sub

Public Function OpenScreenNames()
Call clickToolbar("9", "S")
End Function

Public Function OpenPrefrences()
Call clickToolbar("9", "P")
End Function

Public Function OpenMyDirectoryListing()
Call clickToolbar("9", "L")
End Function

Public Function OpenPasswords()
Call clickToolbar("9", "A")
End Function

Public Function OpenBilling()
Call clickToolbar("9", "B")
End Function
Public Function OpenParentalControls()
Call clickToolbar("9", "C")
End Function
Public Function OpenAccessNumber()
Call clickToolbar("9", "A")
End Function
Public Function OpenMYAOL()
Call clickToolbar("9", "M")
End Function
Public Function OpenAOL_Quick_Checkout()
Call clickToolbar("9", "Q")
End Function
Public Function OpenAOL_devices()
Call clickToolbar("9", "D")
End Function
Public Function OpenAOL_ACCESS_PhoneNumbers()
Call clickToolbar("9", "A")
End Function

Public Function OpenMailCenter()
Call clickToolbar("0", "M")
End Function

Public Function OpenRecentlyDeletedMail()
Call clickToolbar("0", "D")
End Function

Public Function OpenFilingCabinet()
Call clickToolbar("0", "F")
End Function

Public Function OpenMailWaiting2besent()
Call clickToolbar("0", "B")
End Function

Public Function OpenAutoAOL()
Call clickToolbar("0", "U")
End Function

Public Function OpenMailSignatures()
Call clickToolbar("0", "S")
End Function

Public Function OpenMailPrefrences()
Call clickToolbar("0", "P")
End Function
Public Function OpenWriteMail()
Call clickToolbar("0", "W")
End Function
Public Function OpenMailControls()
Call clickToolbar("0", "C")
End Function
Public Function OpenMailWaiting_toBeSent()
Call clickToolbar("0", "B")
End Function
Public Function OpenGreetings_Mail_extras()
Call clickToolbar("0", "G")
End Function
Public Function OpenNewsLetters()
Call clickToolbar("0", "N")
End Function
Public Function OpenRead_NewMail()
Call clickToolbar2("0", "R", "N")
End Function
Public Function OpenRead_OLDMail()
Call clickToolbar2("0", "R", "O")
End Function
Public Function OpenRead_SentMail()
Call clickToolbar2("0", "R", "S")
End Function

Public Function OpenChatNow()
Call clickToolbar("3", "N")
End Function
Public Function OpenSendInstantMessage()
Call clickToolbar("3", "I")
End Function
Public Function Open_Chat_PeopleConnection()
Call clickToolbar("3", "C")
End Function
Public Function OpenGetMemberProfile()
Call clickToolbar("3", "G")
End Function
Public Function OpenFindAChat()
Call clickToolbar("3", "F")
End Function
Public Function OpenCreateHomePage()
Call clickToolbar("3", "H")
End Function
Public Function OpenStartYourOwnChat()
Call clickToolbar("3", "S")
End Function
Public Function OpenJoinOnlineGroup()
Call clickToolbar("3", "J")
End Function
Public Function OpenLiveEvents()
Call clickToolbar("3", "E")
End Function
Public Function OpenSignOnAFriend()
Call clickToolbar("3", "O")
End Function
Public Function OpenBuddylist()
Call clickToolbar("3", "B")
End Function
Public Function OpenInvitations()
Call clickToolbar("3", "V")
End Function
Public Function OpenLocateMemOnline()
Call clickToolbar("3", "L")
End Function
Public Function OpenMemberDirectory()
Call clickToolbar("3", "N")
End Function
Public Function OpenMessage2Pager()
Call clickToolbar("3", "M")
End Function
Public Function OpenPersonals()
Call clickToolbar("3", "P")
End Function
Public Function OpenWhitePages()
Call clickToolbar("3", "W")
End Function

Public Function opentvkistings()
Call clickToolbar("6", "T")
End Function
Public Function openshopataol()
Call clickToolbar("6", "S")
End Function
Public Function addtocalender()
Call clickToolbar("6", "A")
End Function

Public Function OpenCalender()
Call clickToolbar("6", "C")
End Function
Public Function openCarBuying()
Call clickToolbar("6", "B")
End Function
Public Function openDownloadcenter()
Call clickToolbar("6", "D")
End Function
Public Function openHomeWorkHelp()
Call clickToolbar("6", "K")
End Function
Public Function openMapsnDirections()
Call clickToolbar("6", "M")
End Function
Public Function openGovermentGuide()
Call clickToolbar("6", "U")
End Function
Public Function openMedicalReferences()
Call clickToolbar("6", "N")
End Function
Public Function openMovieShowtimes()
Call clickToolbar("6", "W")
End Function
Public Function OpenPersonals2()
Call clickToolbar("6", "P")
End Function
Public Function openRadio()
Call clickToolbar("6", "R")
End Function
Public Function openRecipeFinder()
Call clickToolbar("6", "F")
End Function
Public Function openSportsScores()
Call clickToolbar("6", "O")
End Function
Public Function openStockPortfolios()
Call clickToolbar("6", "L")
End Function
Public Function openStockQuotes()
Call clickToolbar("6", "Q")
End Function
Public Function openTravelReservations()
Call clickToolbar("6", "V")
End Function
Public Function openYellowPages()
Call clickToolbar("6", "E")
End Function
Public Function openYouveGotPictures()
Call clickToolbar("6", "Y")
End Function

Public Function OpenFavorites()
Call clickToolbar("11", "F")
End Function

Public Function ADD_Top_Window_to_Favorites()
Call clickToolbar("11", "A")
End Function
Public Function Go_to_keyword()
Call clickToolbar("11", "G")
End Function
Public Function My_Hot_Keys()
Call clickToolbar2("11", "M", "E")
End Function

Public Sub WavyText(Text As TextBox)
Dim i%, x%, Wave$
ReDim Waver(1 To 4) As String
Waver(1) = "<sup>"
Waver(2) = "</sup>"
Waver(3) = "<sub>"
Waver(4) = "</sub>"
For i = 1 To Len(Text)
x = x + 1
If x > 4 Then x = 1
Wave$ = Wave$ & Waver(x) & Mid$(Text, i, 1)
Text = Wave$
End Sub
Public Sub Hex2RGB(strHexColor As String, r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte)
Dim HexColor As String
Dim i As Byte
On Error Resume Next
' make sure the string is 6 characters l
' ong
' (it may have been given in &H###### fo
' rmat, we want ######)
strHexColor = Right((strHexColor), 6)
' however, it may also have been given a
' s or #***** format, so add 0's in front

For i = 1 To (6 - Len(strHexColor))
HexColor = HexColor & "0"
HexColor = HexColor & strHexColor
' convert each set of 2 characters into
' bytes, using vb's cbyte function
r = CByte("&H" & Right$(HexColor, 2))
g = CByte("&H" & Mid$(HexColor, 3, 2))
b = CByte("&H" & Left$(HexColor, 2))
End Sub

Public Function RGB2Hex(r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) As String
On Error Resume Next
' convert to long using vb's rgb functio
' n, then use the long2rgb function
RGB2Hex = Long2Hex(RGB(r, g, b))
End Function

Public Function RGB2Long(r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte) As Long
On Error Resume Next
' use vb's rgb function
RGB2Long = RGB(r, g, b)
End Function

Public Function Long2Hex(LongColor As Long) As String
On Error Resume Next
' use vb's hex function
Long2Hex = Hex(LongColor)
End Function

Public Function Hex2Long(strHexColor As String) As Long
Dim r As Byte
Dim g As Byte
Dim b As Byte
On Error Resume Next
' use the hex2rgb function to get the re
' d green and blue bytes
Hex2RGB strHexColor, r, g, b
' convert to long using vb's rgb functio
' n
Hex2Long = RGB(r, g, b)
End Function

Public Sub AOLSearch(Txt As String)
Dim AOLFrame As Long, AOLToolbar As Long, AOLEdit As Long, AOLIcon As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "aol toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLEdit = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_edit", vbNullString)
AOLEdit = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLEdit, "_aol_edit", vbNullString)
AOLEdit = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLEdit, "_aol_edit", vbNullString)
AOLEdit = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLEdit, "_aol_edit", vbNullString)
AOLEdit = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLEdit, "_aol_edit", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageByString(AOLEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Txt$)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, 0&)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
End Sub

Public Function SendChat(txtChat As String)
Dim RICHCNTL As Long, AOLChild As Long, MDIClient As Long
Dim AOLFrame As Long, i As Long, AOLIcon As Long
AOLFrame& = FindWindow("AOL Frame25", vbNullString)
MDIClient& = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame&, 0&, "MDIClient", vbNullString)
AOLChild& = FindWindowEx(MDIClient&, 0&, "AOL Child", vbNullString)
RICHCNTL& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild&, 0&, "RICHCNTL", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL&, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, txtChat$)
AOLIcon& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild&, 0&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
For i& = 1& To 5&
AOLIcon& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild&, AOLIcon&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
Next i&
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon&, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, 0&)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon&, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
End Function

Public Function SendInstantMessage(txtSN As String, txtMSG As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim AOLIcon As Long
Dim AolToolBar2 As Long
Dim AOLToolbar As Long
Dim AOLFrame As Long
Dim AOLEdit As Long
Dim AOLChild As Long
Dim MDIClient As Long
Dim AOLIcon2 As Long

AOLFrame& = FindWindow("AOL Frame25", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar& = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame&, 0&, "AOL Toolbar", vbNullString)
AolToolBar2& = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar&, 0&, "_AOL_Toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLIcon& = FindWindowEx(AolToolBar2&, 0&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
For i& = 1& To 4&
AOLIcon& = FindWindowEx(AolToolBar2&, AOLIcon&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
Next i&
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon&, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, 0&)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon&, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
' lower pause to increase speed
' to low will make it leave the
' im blank until you call the
' instantmessage again
Pause 1
MDIClient& = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame&, 0&, "MDIClient", vbNullString)
AOLChild& = FindWindowEx(MDIClient&, 0&, "AOL Child", "Send Instant Message")
AOLEdit& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild&, 0&, "_AOL_Edit", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageByString(AOLEdit&, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, txtSN$)
RICHCNTL& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild&, 0&, "RICHCNTL", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL&, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, txtMSG$)
AOLIcon2& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild&, 0&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
For x& = 1& To 9&
AOLIcon2& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild&, AOLIcon2&, "_AOL_Icon", vbNullString)
Next x&
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon2&, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, 0&)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon2&, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
End Function
Public Function Pause(Time As Long)
Dim Current As Long
Current = Timer
Do Until Timer - Current >= Time
End Function

Public Function FindRoomFull()

Dim x As Long
x = FindWindow("#32770", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageLong(x, WM_CLOSE, 0&, 0&)
End Function
Public Sub SendIM(Person As String, Message As String)

Dim IM&, Text&, sn&, send&, errorwin&, Count&, errorbut&
Dim AOLFrame As Long, MDIClient As Long, AOLChild As Long, AOLEdit As Long
Call Keyword7("im")
IM& = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", "Send Instant Message")
AOLEdit = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "_aol_edit", "Send Instant Message")
Text& = FindWindowEx(IM&, 0&, "richcntl", "Send Instant Message")
send& = FindWindowEx(IM&, 0&, "_AOL_Icon", "Send Instant Message")
sn& = FindWindowEx(IM&, 0&, "_AOL_Edit", "Send Instant Message")
For Count& = 0 To 7
send& = FindWindowEx(IM&, send&, "_AOL_Icone", vbNullString)
Next Count&
Loop Until IM& <> 0& And send& <> 0& And Text& <> 0&
Call SendMessageByString(sn&, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Person$)
Call SendMessageByString(Text&, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Message$)
Call SendMessage(send&, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0&)
Call SendMessage(send&, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0&)
errorwin& = FindWindow("#32770", "America Online")
IM& = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", "Send Instant Message")
Loop Until errorwin& <> 0 Or IM& = 0
If errorwin <> 0 Then
errorbut& = FindWindowEx(errorwin&, 0&, "Button", vbNullString)
Call PostMessage(errorbut&, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0&)
Call PostMessage(errorbut&, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
Call PostMessage(IM&, WM_CLOSE, 0&, 0&)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ChatSend(Chat As String)

Dim AOLFrame As Long, MDIClient As Long, AOLChild As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
MDIClient = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "mdiclient", vbNullString)
AOLChild = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", vbNullString)
RICHCNTL = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "richcntl", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Chat$)
Call WaitForTextToLoad(RICHCNTL)
Call SendMessageLong(RICHCNTL, WM_CHAR, ENTER_KEY, 0&)
End Sub
Public Sub ChatSend2(Chat As String)

Dim AOLFrame As Long, MDIClient As Long, AOLChild As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
MDIClient = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "mdiclient", vbNullString)
AOLChild = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", vbNullString)
RICHCNTL = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "richcntl", vbNullString)
Dim TheText As String, TL As Long
TL = SendMessageLong(RICHCNTL, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0&, 0&)
TheText = String(TL + 1, " ")
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL, WM_GETTEXT, TL + 1, TheText)
TheText = Left(TheText, TL)
If TheText = "" Then GoTo justsendchat
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL, WM_CLEAR, 0&, 0&)
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Chat$)
Call SendMessageLong(RICHCNTL, WM_CHAR, ENTER_KEY, 0&)
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, TheText)
Exit Sub
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Chat$)
Call SendMessageLong(RICHCNTL, WM_CHAR, ENTER_KEY, 0&)
End Sub
Public Sub SendToChat(Message As String)
Dim RICHCNTL As Long, textlen As Long, RICHCNTLTxt As String
Dim AOLFrame As Long, MDIClient As Long, AOLChild As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
MDIClient = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "mdiclient", vbNullString)
AOLChild = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", vbNullString)
RICHCNTL = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "richcntl", vbNullString)
textlen& = SendMessage(RICHCNTL&, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0&, 0&)
RICHCNTLTxt$ = String(textlen&, 0&)
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL&, WM_GETTEXT, textlen& + 1&, RICHCNTLTxt$)
Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL&, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Message$)
Call SendMessageByNum(RICHCNTL&, WM_CHAR, 13&, 0&)
If Len(RICHCNTLTxt$) <> 0& Then Call SendMessageByString(RICHCNTL&, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, RICHCNTLTxt$)
End Sub
Public Sub getchattext(Txt As TextBox)
Dim RICHCNTL As Long, textlen As Long, RICHCNTLTxt As String
Dim AOLFrame As Long, MDIClient As Long, AOLChild As Long, txt1 As String
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
MDIClient = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "mdiclient", vbNullString)
AOLChild = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", vbNullString)
RICHCNTL = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "richcntlreadonly", vbNullString)
Txt = GetText(RICHCNTL&)
End Sub
Public Function ChatBox() As String
Dim RICHCNTL As Long, textlen As Long, RICHCNTLTxt As String
Dim AOLFrame As Long, MDIClient As Long, AOLChild As Long, txt1 As String
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
MDIClient = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "mdiclient", vbNullString)
AOLChild = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", vbNullString)
RICHCNTL = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "richcntlreadonly", vbNullString)
If (RICHCNTL&) = 0 Then
ChatBox = ""
ChatBox = (RICHCNTL&)
End If
End Function
Public Sub Ims_On()
Call SendInstantMessage("$IM_OFF", "Bye")
End Sub

Function GetLastChatLine()
Dim Length, length1, chr1, txt1 As String
txt1 = GetChatText1
chr1 = InStr(txt1, Chr(13))
If Not chr1 = 0 Then
txt1 = Mid(txt1, chr1 + 1, Len(txt1))
GoTo done
End If
If InStr(txt1, "Link -1") = 0 Then GoTo skip:
txt1 = ReplaceString(txt1, Mid(txt1, InStr(txt1, "Link -1"), Len(txt1)), "")
GetLastChatLine = txt1
End Function
Function GetLastSN()
Dim chatline, Txt
chatline = GetLastChatLine
Txt = Left(chatline, InStr(chatline, ":") - 1)
GetLastSN = Txt
End Function
Function GetLastMSG()
Dim chatline, txt1 As String, space, Txt
chatline = GetLastChatLine
txt1 = Left(chatline, InStr(chatline, ":"))
txt1 = Mid(chatline, Len(txt1) + 2, Len(chatline))
Txt = ReplaceString(txt1, vbTab, "")
GetLastMSG = Txt
End Function

Public Sub WaitForTextToLoad(hwnd As Long)
Dim Count1 As Long, Count2 As Long, Count3 As Long
Do: DoEvents
Count1& = Len(GetText(hwnd&))
Call TimeOut(0.5)
Count2& = Len(GetText(hwnd&))
Call TimeOut(0.5)
Count3& = Len(GetText(hwnd&))
Loop Until Count2& Count1& And Count3& Count1& And Count3& <> 0&
End Sub
Public Sub WriteToINI(AppName As String, KeyName As String, KeyValue As String, FileName As String)
Call WritePrivateProfileString(AppName$, KeyName$, KeyValue$, FileName$)
End Sub
Public Function GetFromINI(AppName As String, KeyName As String, FileName As String) As String

Dim Buffer As String
Buffer$ = String(255&, Chr(0))
KeyName$ = LCase(KeyName$)
GetFromINI$ = Left(Buffer$, GetPrivateProfileString(AppName$, ByVal KeyName$, "", Buffer$, Len(Buffer$), FileName$))
End Function

Function GetChatText1()

Dim ChatText
Dim AORich As Long
Dim room As Long
room& = FindChat
AORich& = FindChildByClass(room&, "RICHCNTLREADONLY")
GetChatText1 = GetText(AORich&)
End Function
Public Function FindChildByClass(ByVal hParent As Long, ByVal sClassName As String, Optional ByVal nIndex) As Long
Dim hChild As Long
Dim i As Integer

If IsMissing(nIndex) Then
nIndex = 1
ElseIf nIndex < 1 Then
Exit Function
End If
hChild = GetWindow(hParent, GW_CHILD)
While i < nIndex And hChild
If GetWindowClassName(hChild) = sClassName Then
i = i + 1
End If

If i < nIndex Then
hChild = GetWindow(hChild, GW_HWNDNEXT)
End If
FindChildByClass = hChild
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function GetWindowClassName(ByVal hWindow As Long) As String
Dim sClassName As String * 100
Dim ret As Long
ret = GetClassName(hWindow, sClassName, 100)
GetWindowClassName = Trim$(Left(sClassName, ret))
End Function
Public Sub Save_ListBox(Directory As String, TheList As ListBox)
Dim SaveList As Long
On Error Resume Next
Open Directory$ For Output As #1
For SaveList& = 0 To TheList.ListCount - 1
Print #1, TheList.List(SaveList&)
Next SaveList&
Close #1
End Sub
Public Sub Load_ListBox(Directory As String, TheList As ListBox)
Dim MyString As String
On Error Resume Next
Open Directory$ For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, MyString$
TheList.AddItem MyString$
Close #1
End Sub
Public Sub FormOnTop(FormName As Form)
Call SetWindowPos(FormName.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&, FLAGS)
End Sub
Public Sub Keyword7(KW As String)

Dim AOLFrame As Long, AOLToolbar As Long, aolcombobox As Long
Dim editx As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "aol toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_toolbar", vbNullString)
aolcombobox = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_combobox", vbNullString)
editx = FindWindowEx(aolcombobox, 0&, "edit", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageByString(editx, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, KW$)
Call SendMessageLong(editx&, WM_CHAR, VK_SPACE, 0&)
Call SendMessageLong(editx&, WM_CHAR, VK_RETURN, 0&)

End Sub
Public Sub EnterPR(room As String)

Call Keyword7("aol://2719:2-2-" & room)
End Sub
Public Function ReplaceString(MyString As String, ToFind As String, ReplaceWith As String) As String
Dim Spot As Long, NewSpot As Long, LeftString As String
Dim RightString As String, NewString As String
Spot& = InStr(MyString$, (ToFind))
NewSpot& = Spot&
If NewSpot& > 0& Then
LeftString$ = Left(MyString$, NewSpot& - 1)
If Spot& + Len(ToFind$) <= Len(MyString$) Then
RightString$ = Right(MyString$, Len(MyString$) - NewSpot& - Len(ToFind$) + 1)
RightString = ""
End If
NewString$ = LeftString$ & ReplaceWith$ & RightString$
MyString$ = NewString$
NewString$ = MyString$
End If
Spot& = NewSpot& + Len(ReplaceWith$)
If Spot& > 0 Then
NewSpot& = InStr(Spot&, (MyString$), (ToFind$))
End If
Loop Until NewSpot& < 1
ReplaceString$ = NewString$
End Function
Public Sub WaitForOKOrRoom(room As String)

Dim RoomTitle As String, FullWindow As Long, FullButton As Long
room$ = (ReplaceString(room$, " ", ""))
RoomTitle$ = GetCaption(FindChat&)
RoomTitle$ = (ReplaceString(room$, " ", ""))
FullWindow& = FindWindow("#32770", "America Online")
FullButton& = FindWindowEx(FullWindow&, 0&, "Button", "OK")
Loop Until (FullWindow& <> 0& And FullButton& <> 0&) Or room$ = RoomTitle$
If FullWindow& <> 0& Then
Call SendMessage(FullButton&, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0&)
Call SendMessage(FullButton&, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
Call SendMessage(FullButton&, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0&)
Call SendMessage(FullButton&, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
FullWindow& = FindWindow("#32770", "America Online")
FullButton& = FindWindowEx(FullWindow&, 0&, "Button", "OK")
Loop Until FullWindow& 0& And FullButton& 0&

End If

End Sub

Public Function GetCaption(WindowHandle As Long) As String
Dim Buffer As String, TextLength As Long
TextLength& = GetWindowTextLength(WindowHandle&)
Buffer$ = String(TextLength&, 0&)
Call GetWindowText(WindowHandle&, Buffer$, TextLength& + 1)
GetCaption$ = Buffer$
End Function

Public Sub ChatNow()
Call clickToolbar("3", "N")
End Sub
Public Sub addroom(List As String)

Dim AOLFrame As Long, MDIClient As Long, AOLChild As Long
Dim aollistBox As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
MDIClient = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "mdiclient", vbNullString)
AOLChild = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", vbNullString)
aollistBox = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "_aol_listbox", vbNullString)
'Call AddAOLListToListbox(aollistbox, list)
End Sub
Function AddString(num As String, str As String) As String
Dim add
For add = 0 To num
AddString = AddString & str
End Function
Public Sub AddAOLListToListbox(ListToGet As Long, ListToPut As ListBox)
On Error Resume Next
Dim cprocess As Long, itmhold As Long, ListItem As String
Dim psnhold As Long, rbytes As Long, i As Integer
Dim sthread As Long, mthread As Long
' Obtain the identifiers of a thread and process that are associated
' with the window. A process is a running application and a thread
' is a task that the program is doing (like a program could be doing
' several things, each of these things would be a thread).
sthread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(ListToGet, cprocess)
' Open the handle to the existing process
mthread = OpenProcess(PROCESS_READ Or RIGHTS_REQUIRED, False, cprocess)
If mthread <> 0 Then
For i = 0 To SendMessage(ListToGet, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) - 1
ListItem = String(4, vbNullChar)
itmhold = SendMessage(ListToGet, LB_GETITEMDATA, ByVal CLng(i), ByVal 0&)
itmhold = itmhold + 24
' Read memory from the address space of the process
Call ReadProcessMemory(mthread, itmhold, ListItem, 4, rbytes)
Call CopyMemory(psnhold, ByVal ListItem, 4)
psnhold = psnhold + 6
ListItem = String(16, vbNullChar)
Call ReadProcessMemory(mthread, psnhold, ListItem, Len(ListItem), rbytes)
' cut nulls off
ListItem = Left(ListItem, InStr(ListItem, vbNullChar) - 1)
ListToPut.AddItem ListItem
Next i
Call CloseHandle(mthread)
End If
End Sub

Public Sub ListRemoveBlanks(TheList As ListBox)
' Self-explanitory
Dim Count&, Count2&
If TheList.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
Count& = 1
If TheList.List(Count&) = "" Then TheList.RemoveItem (Count&)
Count& = Count& + 1
Count2& = TheList.ListCount
Loop Until Count& >= Count2&
Loop Until InStr(TheList.hwnd, "") = 0
End Sub
Public Sub KillDupes(TheList As ListBox)
' Kills duplicates in a listbox.
Dim Count&, Count2&, Count3&
If TheList.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
For Count& = 0 To TheList.ListCount - 1
For Count2& = Count& + 1 To TheList.ListCount - 1
If TheList.List(Count&) = TheList.List(Count2&) Then TheList.RemoveItem (Count2&)
Next Count2&
Next Count&
End Sub
Public Sub TimeOut(Length&)
Dim Time As Long
Time = Timer
Loop Until Timer - Time >= Length
End Sub
Public Function direxists(Search As String) As Boolean

'If Right(Search$, 1) <> "" + "" Then
'Search$ = Search$ + ""
'End If
If Dir(Search$) <> "" Then
direxists = True
direxists = False
End If
End Function
Public Sub ReadNew()
' Opens New Mail
Dim AOLFrame As Long, AOLToolbar As Long, AOLIcon As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "aol toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, 0&)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
End Sub
Public Sub WriteMail()
' Opens Write Mail
Dim AOLFrame As Long, AOLToolbar As Long, AOLIcon As Long
AOLFrame = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "aol toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLToolbar = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_toolbar", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, 0&, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
AOLIcon = FindWindowEx(AOLToolbar, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, 0&)
Call SendMessageLong(AOLIcon, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&)
End Sub
Public Function FindChat() As Long
Dim AOLFrame As Long, MDIClient As Long, AOLChild As Long
Dim aollistBox As Long, AOLStatic As Long, AOLIcon As Long
AOLFrame& = FindWindow("aol frame25", vbNullString)
MDIClient& = FindWindowEx(AOLFrame, 0&, "mdiclient", vbNullString)
AOLChild& = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", vbNullString)
aollistBox& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "_aol_listbox", vbNullString)
AOLStatic& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, AOLStatic, "_aol_static", vbNullString)
AOLIcon& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
RICHCNTL& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "richcntl", vbNullString)
If RICHCNTL& <> 0& And aollistBox& <> 0& And AOLIcon& <> 0& And AOLStatic& <> 0& Then
FindChat& = AOLChild&
Exit Function

AOLChild& = FindWindowEx(MDIClient, 0&, "aol child", vbNullString)
aollistBox& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "_aol_listbox", vbNullString)
AOLStatic& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, AOLStatic, "_aol_static", vbNullString)
AOLIcon& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, AOLIcon, "_aol_icon", vbNullString)
RICHCNTL& = FindWindowEx(AOLChild, 0&, "richcntl", vbNullString)
If RICHCNTL& <> 0& And aollistBox& <> 0& And AOLIcon& <> 0& And AOLStatic& <> 0& Then
FindChat& = AOLChild&
Exit Function
End If
Loop Until AOLChild& = 0&
End If
FindChat& = AOLChild&
If FindChat& <> 0& Then MsgBox "chat not found"
End Function

Public Sub AddListToListbox(TheList As Long, NewList As ListBox)
' This sub will only work with standard listboxes.
Dim lCount As Long, Item As String, i As Integer, TheNull As Integer
' get the item count in the list
lCount = SendMessageLong(TheList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0&, 0&)
For i = 0 To lCount - 1
Item = String(255, Chr(0))
Call SendMessageByString(TheList, LB_GETTEXT, i, Item)
TheNull = InStr(Item, Chr(0))
' remove any null characters that might be on the end of the string
If TheNull <> 0 Then
NewList.AddItem Mid$(Item, 1, TheNull - 1)
cs_Jack94 Messages postés 10 Date d'inscription vendredi 21 décembre 2001 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 1 février 2005
6 juin 2002 à 18:36
sorry c
cs_Jack94 Messages postés 10 Date d'inscription vendredi 21 décembre 2001 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 1 février 2005
6 juin 2002 à 18:35
qq pouriat-il me donner 2 ou 3 conseils egalement je voudrait faire un prog qi permet l'envoie automatique de txte dans un salon d'aol tous cons quoi...
cs_Alien Messages postés 70 Date d'inscription mardi 4 juin 2002 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 mars 2024
6 juin 2002 à 01:33
y a plus le ZIP
possible que qqu'un me le file avec qque explication sur son utilisation
n empeche que j arrive toujours pas a recuperer les im ds mon apliccation, envoyer facile mais recevoir ????????? AIDEZ moi please
tu es un genie c pil poil ce que je cherchais merci , je te citerai sur mon prochain prog d im