Vbs--Questionner le taux d'utilisation du processeur pour lancer une application

alpia1234 Messages postés 1 Date d'inscription lundi 9 mai 2005 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 25 mai 2005 - 25 mai 2005 à 09:58
Bubar92Bubar92 Messages postés 51 Date d'inscription mercredi 24 novembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 août 2005 - 25 mai 2005 à 12:47
Salut à tous!

Je vous explique: Je fais tourner des calculs assez lourds sur mon pc
et hélas ce genre de calculs fait régulièrement planter le programme
qui les génère.

Lors du calcul, l'utilisation de mon processeur est de 99% et une fois planté, ce taux descend autour de 1%

Donc ma question est la suivante: comment puis-je faire un script qui
questionne toutes les genre 10sec l'utilisation du processeur (ou la
non utilisation) et qui relancerait mon programme de calcule

Merci beaucoup

3 réponses

Bubar92Bubar92 Messages postés 51 Date d'inscription mercredi 24 novembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 août 2005
25 mai 2005 à 12:36
a metre dans un module

Option Explicit

Private Const ClassName As String = "CPULoad"

Private Const Err_Initialize As Long = vbObjectError + 8001
Private Const Err_UnableToStartPerfmon As Long = vbObjectError + 8002
Private Const Err_CPUIndexOOB As Long = vbObjectError + 8003
Private Const Err_CantFindProcessorPerfMon As Long = vbObjectError + 8004
Private Const Err_CantFindCPUUsagePerfMon As Long = vbObjectError + 8005
Private Const Err_UnableToReadPDB As Long = vbObjectError + 8006

Private Declare Sub Memcopy Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As Any, pSource As Any, ByVal dwLength As Long)
Private Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SystemTime, lpFileTime As Currency) As Long
Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO)

Private Type SYSTEM_INFO
dwOemID As Long
dwPageSize As Long
lpMinimumApplicationAddress As Long
lpMaximumApplicationAddress As Long
dwActiveProcessorMask As Long
dwNumberOrfProcessors As Long
dwProcessorType As Long
dwAllocationGranularity As Long
dwReserved As Long
End Type

Private Const HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006
Private Const HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = &H80000004
Private Const REG_DWORD = 4
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&
Private Const ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234

dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
dwMajorVersion As Long
dwMinorVersion As Long
dwBuildNumber As Long
dwPlatformId As Long
szCSDVersion As String * 128
End Type

Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s = 0

Private Const READ_CONTROL = &H20000
Private Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1
Private Const KEY_SET_VALUE = &H2
Private Const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = &H4
Private Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10
Private Const KEY_CREATE_LINK = &H20
Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
Private Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL = &H1F0000



Private Type FILETIME
dwLowDateTime As Long
dwHighDateTime As Long
End Type

Private Type SystemTime
wYear As Integer
wMonth As Integer
wDayOfWeek As Integer
wDay As Integer
wHour As Integer
wMinute As Integer
wSecond As Integer
wMilliseconds As Integer
End Type

lowpart As Long
highpart As Long
End Type

ByteLength As Long
ParentObjectTitleIndex As Long
ParentObjectInstance As Long
UniqueID As Long
NameOffset As Long
NameLength As Long
End Type

ByteLength As Long
End Type

Signature As String * 4
LittleEndian As Long
Version As Long
Revision As Long
TotalByteLength As Long
HeaderLength As Long
NumObjectTypes As Long
DefaultObject As Long
SystemTime As SystemTime
SystemNameLength As Long
SystemNameOffset As Long
End Type

TotalByteLength As Long
DefinitionLength As Long
HeaderLength As Long
ObjectNameTitleIndex As Long
ObjectNameTitle As Long
ObjectHelpTitleIndex As Long
ObjectHelpTitle As Long
DetailLevel As Long
NumCounters As Long
DefaultCounter As Long
NumInstances As Long
CodePage As Long
End Type

ByteLength As Long
CounterNameTitleIndex As Long
CounterNameTitle As Long
CounterHelpTitleIndex As Long
CounterHelpTitle As Long
DefaultScale As Long
DetailLevel As Long
CounterType As Long
CounterSize As Long
CounterOffset As Long
End Type
Private Const Processor_IDX_Str As String = "238"
Private Const Processor_IDX As Long = 238
Private Const CPUUsageIDX As Long = 6

Private m_lProcessorsCount As Long
Private m_lBufferSize As Long
Private m_bIsWinNT As Boolean

Private m_bW9xCollecting As Boolean
Private m_lW9xCpuUsage As Long
Private m_hW9xCpuKey As Long



Private SysTime As Currency
Private PrevSysTime As Currency
Private m_aCounters() As Currency
Private m_aPrevCounters() As Currency

Private Const ByteIncrement As Long = 4096

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

VI.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(VI)

If GetVersionEx(VI) = 0 Then
Err.Raise Err_Initialize, ClassName & ".Initialize", "Impossible d'obtenir la version de Windows"
End If

m_bIsWinNT (VI.dwPlatformId VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
m_lProcessorsCount = -1
m_lBufferSize = ByteIncrement

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub

Public Function CollectCPUData() As Boolean
Dim H As Long, R As Long
Dim aBuf() As Byte, lAllocSz As Long
Dim lSrc As Long, lDest As Long
Dim ptrPOT As Long, ptrPCB As Long
Dim i As Long, lCPU As Long
Dim ST As Currency
Dim sInstanceName As String

If m_bIsWinNT = True Then
lAllocSz = m_lBufferSize
ReDim aBuf(1 To lAllocSz) As Byte
While RegQueryValueEx(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, Processor_IDX_Str, _
0&, 0&, aBuf(1), m_lBufferSize) = ERROR_MORE_DATA
lAllocSz = lAllocSz + ByteIncrement
ReDim aBuf(1 To lAllocSz) As Byte
m_lBufferSize = lAllocSz

lDest = VarPtr(PDB)
lSrc = VarPtr(aBuf(1))
Memcopy ByVal lDest, ByVal lSrc, LenB(PDB)
m_lBufferSize = lAllocSz
If PDB.Signature <> "PERF" Then
Err.Raise Err_UnableToReadPDB, ClassName & ".CollectCPUData()", "Unable to read performance data"
End If
lDest = VarPtr(POT)
lSrc = VarPtr(aBuf(1)) + PDB.HeaderLength
For i = 1 To PDB.NumObjectTypes
Memcopy ByVal lDest, ByVal lSrc, LenB(POT)
ptrPOT = lSrc
If POT.ObjectNameTitleIndex = Processor_IDX Then Exit For
lSrc = lSrc + POT.TotalByteLength
Next i
If POT.ObjectNameTitleIndex <> Processor_IDX Then
Err.Raise Err_CantFindProcessorPerfMon, ClassName & ".CollectData", "Unable to locate the 'Processor' performance object"
End If
If m_lProcessorsCount < 1 Then
m_lProcessorsCount = GetCPUCount()
End If
lDest = VarPtr(PCD)
lSrc = lSrc + POT.HeaderLength
For i = 1 To POT.NumCounters
Memcopy ByVal lDest, ByVal lSrc, LenB(PCD)
If PCD.CounterNameTitleIndex = CPUUsageIDX Then Exit For
lSrc = lSrc + PCD.ByteLength
Next i
If PCD.CounterNameTitleIndex <> CPUUsageIDX Then
Err.Raise Err_CantFindCPUUsagePerfMon, ClassName & ".CollectData", "Unable to locate the '% of CPU usage' performance counter"
End If
lSrc = ptrPOT + POT.DefinitionLength
For i = 1 To POT.NumInstances
lDest = VarPtr(PID)
Memcopy ByVal lDest, ByVal lSrc, LenB(PID)
sInstanceName = Space(PID.NameLength - 2)
Memcopy ByVal sInstanceName, ByVal lSrc + PID.NameOffset, PID.NameLength - 2
sInstanceName = StrConv(sInstanceName, vbFromUnicode)

lSrc = lSrc + PID.ByteLength
lDest = VarPtr(PCB)
Memcopy ByVal lDest, ByVal lSrc, LenB(PCB)
ptrPCB = lSrc
If IsNumeric(sInstanceName) Then
lCPU = CLng(sInstanceName)
m_aPrevCounters(lCPU) = m_aCounters(lCPU)
Memcopy ByVal VarPtr(m_aCounters(lCPU)), ByVal ptrPCB + PCD.CounterOffset, LenB(m_aCounters(lCPU))
End If

lSrc = lSrc + PCB.ByteLength
Next i
PrevSysTime = SysTime
SystemTimeToFileTime PDB.SystemTime, ST
SysTime = ST

If Not m_bW9xCollecting Then
R = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_DYN_DATA, "PerfStats\StartStat", 0&, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, H)
Err.Raise Err_UnableToStartPerfmon, ClassName & ".CollectCPRData()", "Unable to start performance monitoring"
End If

Call RegQueryValueEx(H, "KERNEL\CPUUsage", 0&, REG_DWORD, m_lW9xCpuUsage, LenB(m_lW9xCpuUsage))
Call RegCloseKey(H)

R = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_DYN_DATA, "PerfStats\StatData", 0&, KEY_READ, m_hW9xCpuKey)
Err.Raise Err_UnableToReadPDB, ClassName & ".CollectCPUData()", "Unable to read performance data"
End If

m_bW9xCollecting = True
End If

Call RegQueryValueEx(m_hW9xCpuKey, "KERNEL\CPUUsage", 0&, REG_DWORD, m_lW9xCpuUsage, LenB(m_lW9xCpuUsage))
End If

End Function

Public Function GetCPUCount() As Long

If m_lProcessorsCount < 1 Then
GetSystemInfo SI
GetCPUCount = SI.dwNumberOrfProcessors
m_lProcessorsCount = SI.dwNumberOrfProcessors
ReDim m_aPrevCounters(0 To m_lProcessorsCount - 1) As Currency
ReDim m_aCounters(0 To m_lProcessorsCount - 1) As Currency
GetCPUCount = m_lProcessorsCount
End If

End Function

Public Function GetCPUUsage(Optional ByVal CPU_Index As Long = 1) As Long
CPU_Index = CPU_Index - 1
If m_bIsWinNT Then
If m_lProcessorsCount < 0 Then CollectCPUData

If (CPU_Index >= m_lProcessorsCount) Or (CPU_Index < 0) Then
Err.Raise Err_CPUIndexOOB, ClassName & ".GetCPUUsage()", "CPU index out of bounds"
End If

If PrevSysTime = SysTime Then
GetCPUUsage = 0
GetCPUUsage = CLng(100 * (1 - (m_aCounters(CPU_Index) - m_aPrevCounters(CPU_Index)) / (SysTime - PrevSysTime)))
End If
If CPU_Index <> 0 Then
Err.Raise Err_CPUIndexOOB, ClassName & ".GetCPUUsage()", "CPU index out of bounds"
End If

If Not m_bW9xCollecting Then CollectCPUData
GetCPUUsage = m_lW9xCpuUsage
End If

End Function

Private Sub ReleaseCPUData()
Dim H As Long
Dim R As Long

If m_bIsWinNT Then Exit Sub
If Not m_bW9xCollecting Then Exit Sub

m_bW9xCollecting = False

Call RegCloseKey(m_hW9xCpuKey)
m_hW9xCpuKey = 0

R = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_DYN_DATA, "PerfStats\StopStat", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, H)
If R <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then Exit Sub

Call RegQueryValueEx(H, "KERNEL\CPUUsage", 0&, REG_DWORD, m_lW9xCpuUsage, LenB(m_lW9xCpuUsage))
Call RegCloseKey(H)

End Sub
Bubar92Bubar92 Messages postés 51 Date d'inscription mercredi 24 novembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 août 2005
25 mai 2005 à 12:40
le 1er module de classe

celui la module normal

Public TabCPU() As Integer
Public TabRAM() As Integer
Public CptCPU As Integer
Public Echelle As Integer
Public CoulCPU
Public CoulRAM
Public CoulEch
Public Sub Aff(CPU, RAMTotal, RAMDispo)
Dim ChargeCPU As Integer
Dim ChargeRAM As Integer
ReDim Preserve TabCPU(CptCPU)
ReDim Preserve TabRAM(CptCPU)
If CptCPU > 0 Then
For cpt = CptCPU To 1 Step -1
TabCPU(cpt) = TabCPU(cpt - 1)
TabRAM(cpt) = TabRAM(cpt - 1)
End If
TabCPU(0) = CPU
TabRAM(0) = Int(100 - ((RAMDispo * 100) / RAMTotal))
ChargeCPU = Int(TabCPU(0) / 5)
ChargeRAM = Int(TabRAM(0) / 5)
For cpt = 0 To 19
If cpt <= ChargeRAM Then
frmMain.RAM(cpt).BackColor = frmOption.ColorRamB.BackColor
frmMain.RAM(cpt).BackColor = frmOption.ColorRamA.BackColor
End If
If cpt <= ChargeCPU Then
frmMain.CPU(cpt).BackColor = frmOption.ColorCpuB.BackColor
'frmMain.Label5 = frmOption.Shape5
frmMain.CPU(cpt).BackColor = frmOption.ColorCpuA.BackColor
End If
If CptCPU < 200 Then CptCPU = CptCPU + 1
If frmOption.Check3 Then
For cpt = 0 To 100 Step Echelle
frmMain.Graph.Line (0, (cpt * frmMain.Graph.ScaleHeight) / 100)-(frmMain.Graph.ScaleWidth, (cpt * frmMain.Graph.ScaleHeight) / 100), CoulEch
End If
Dim Graph_ScaleHeight
Graph_ScaleHeight = frmMain.Graph.ScaleHeight - frmOption.Text2
For cpt = 1 To CptCPU - 1
If frmOption.Check1 Then frmMain.Graph.Line (frmMain.Graph.ScaleWidth - (cpt - 1), Graph_ScaleHeight - (Graph_ScaleHeight * TabCPU(cpt - 1)) / 100)-(frmMain.Graph.ScaleWidth - (cpt), Graph_ScaleHeight - (Graph_ScaleHeight * TabCPU(cpt)) / 100), CoulCPU
If frmOption.Check2 Then frmMain.Graph.Line (frmMain.Graph.ScaleWidth - (cpt - 1), frmMain.Graph.ScaleHeight - (frmMain.Graph.ScaleHeight * TabRAM(cpt - 1)) / 100)-(frmMain.Graph.ScaleWidth - (cpt), frmMain.Graph.ScaleHeight - (frmMain.Graph.ScaleHeight * TabRAM(cpt)) / 100), CoulRAM

End Sub
Bubar92Bubar92 Messages postés 51 Date d'inscription mercredi 24 novembre 2004 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 août 2005
25 mai 2005 à 12:47

dans une form
desole tu a du trie a faire

Option Explicit

Private Declare Sub GlobalMemoryStatus Lib "kernel32" (lpBuffer As MEMORYSTATUS)
Private Declare Function SetWindowPos& Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long)
dwLength As Long
dwMemoryLoad As Long
dwTotalPhys As Long
dwAvailPhys As Long
dwTotalPageFile As Long
dwAvailPageFile As Long
dwTotalVirtual As Long
dwAvailVirtual As Long
End Type
Public Ob
Public Click
Dim ClickX
Public ClickY

Private NamePrg, s, yy, TravauxEnCours
Private UsedPhysicalMemory As Long
Private TotalPhysicalMemory As Long
Private AvailablePhysicalMemory As Long
Private TotalPageFile As Long
Private AvailablePageFile As Long
Private TotalVirtualMemory As Long
Private AvailableVirtualMemory As Long

Private m_oCPULoad As CPULoad
Private m_lCPUs As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
CPU(0).BackColor = &HFF00&
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
If App.PrevInstance = True Then
MsgBox "Ce programme est déja en court d'excecution", vbInformation, "CPURAM"
End If
Call ld 'Système Moniteur
Call fffff
tmrUpdate.Interval = Val(GetSetting(App.Title, "Setting", "Update Interval", 500)) CptCPU 0: Echelle 5
Set m_oCPULoad = New CPULoad
m_lCPUs = m_oCPULoad.GetCPUCount
tmrUpdate.Enabled = True
CoulCPU = frmOption.ColorCourbeCpu.BackColor
CoulRAM = frmOption.ColorCourbeRam.BackColor
CoulEch = frmOption.ColorBarreEchelle.BackColor
Graph.BackColor = frmOption.ColorFondGraph.BackColor
PictInfCpuNum.BackColor = PictCpuRam.BackColor
frmMain.Label10.ForeColor = frmOption.ColorRamA.BackColor
frmMain.InfRamNum.ForeColor = frmOption.ColorRamB.BackColor
frmMain.InfRamTxt.ForeColor = frmOption.ColorRamB.BackColor
frmMain.InfCpuTxt.ForeColor = frmOption.ColorCpuB.BackColor
frmMain.InfCpuNum.ForeColor = frmOption.ColorCpuB.BackColor
frmMain.InfCpuMoy.ForeColor = frmOption.ColorCpuB.BackColor

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Click = True: ClickX = X: ClickY = Y

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Set Ob = Me: Call SpMouseMove(Ob, X, Y)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 2 And Shift 1 Then Call efIf Button 1 And Shift 0 Then Call SpFrmOptionShow
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
Call Sauvegarde("QueryUnload")
Unload frmOption
Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
'Graph.Width = 50
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Graph_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Click = True: ClickX = X: ClickY = Y
End Sub

Private Sub Graph_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 2 Then RedimControl Graph, X, YIf Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Set Ob = Graph: Call SpMouseMove(Ob, X, Y)
'If Button = 2 Then RedimControl Graph, X, Y
End Sub

Private Sub Graph_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 0 Then Call SpFrmOptionShowIf Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Call ef
End Sub

Private Sub InfCpuNum_Change()
Dim X, chrt, hh
X = InStr(2, InfCpuNum, " %")
X = Left(InfCpuNum, X - 1)
If X = 100 And frmOption.Combo1.ListCount < 2 Then Exit Sub
If Val(X) > Val(frmOption.Label1) Then frmOption.Label1 = X
frmOption.Combo1.AddItem X
For X = 0 To frmOption.Combo1.ListCount - 1
chrt = chrt + Val(frmOption.Combo1.List(X))
Next X
Dim nbdec, dec
hh = chrt / frmOption.Combo1.ListCount
nbdec = frmOption.NbApresVirgl
dec = 1
X = InStr(1, hh, ",")
'hh = hh * decIf X <> 0 And nbdec >1 Then dec Left(hh, X + nbdec) Else dec = Int(hh)
frmOption.Combo1.Text = dec
InfCpuMoy = dec
EncRemoveItem: If frmOption.TxtNbCpu < frmOption.Combo1.ListCount Then frmOption.Combo1.RemoveItem 0: GoTo EncRemoveItem
End Sub

Private Sub option_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub PictCpuRam_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Click = True: ClickX = X: ClickY = Y
End Sub

Private Sub PictCpuRam_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 2 Then RedimControl PictCpuRam, X, YIf Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Set Ob = PictCpuRam: Call SpMouseMove(Ob, X, Y)
Call fffff
End Sub
Sub fffff()
Dim X

Dim CPURAM_Width
Dim n
Dim v
Dim vg
Dim tt
tt = 1
v = CPU.Count
vg = ((PictCpuRam.Height - 3) / v)

X = (PictCpuRam.Width / 2) ' / 3 '
CPURAM_Width = CPU(0).Width
For n = CPU.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
CPU(n).Height = vg
RAM(n).Height = vg
CPU(n).Top = tt
RAM(n).Top = tt
CPU(n).Left = 0
RAM(n).Left = X
CPU(n).Width = X '/ 3
RAM(n).Width = X
tt = CPU(n).Top + CPU(n).Height
Next n
End Sub

Private Sub PictCpuRam_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 0 Then Call SpFrmOptionShowIf Button 2 And Shift 1 Then Call ef
End Sub

Private Sub PictInfCpuNum_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Click = True: ClickX = X: ClickY = Y

End Sub

Private Sub PictInfCpuNum_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Set Ob = PictInfCpuNum: Call SpMouseMove(Ob, X, Y)

End Sub

Private Sub PictInfCpuNum_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button 1 And Shift 1 Then Call ef

End Sub

Private Sub quit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub tmrUpdate_Timer()
tmrUpdate.Enabled = False
Dim CPU As Integer
Dim RAMTotal As Long
Dim RAMDispo As Long
Dim lCPULoad As Long
Dim lCPUIndex As Long
For lCPUIndex = 1 To m_lCPUs
lCPULoad = lCPULoad + m_oCPULoad.GetCPUUsage(lCPUIndex)
CPU = m_oCPULoad.GetCPUUsage(lCPUIndex)
Next lCPUIndex
RAMTotal = TotalPhysicalMemory / 1024
RAMDispo = AvailablePhysicalMemory / 1024
tmrUpdate.Enabled = True ' Label6.Caption CPU & " %": Label8.Caption RAMTotal & " Ko":
Label10.Caption = RAMDispo & " Ko"
InfCpuNum.Caption = CPU & " %"
InfRamNum.Caption = Int(100 - ((RAMDispo * 100) / RAMTotal)) & " %"
Call Aff(CPU, RAMTotal, RAMDispo)
End Sub

Public Sub GetMemoryInfo()
MemStatus.dwLength = Len(MemStatus)
GlobalMemoryStatus MemStatus
UsedPhysicalMemory = MemStatus.dwMemoryLoad
TotalPhysicalMemory = MemStatus.dwTotalPhys
AvailablePhysicalMemory = MemStatus.dwAvailPhys
TotalPageFile = MemStatus.dwTotalPageFile
AvailablePageFile = MemStatus.dwAvailPageFile
TotalVirtualMemory = MemStatus.dwTotalVirtual
AvailableVirtualMemory = MemStatus.dwAvailVirtual
End Sub
Sub SpMouseMove(Ob, X, Y)
If Click = True Then 'si la souris en enfoncé
Dim VariationX As Long
Dim VariationY As Long
VariationX = X - ClickX ' calcul de la variation de déplacement de la souris sur X
VariationY = Y - ClickY ' idem sur Y
Ob.Left = Ob.Left + VariationX ' Attribution des nouvelles coordonées
Ob.Top = Ob.Top + VariationY
End If
End Sub
Sub ef()
Click = False ' Pour savoir lorsque la souris n'est plus enfoncé
ClickX = 0
ClickY = 0
End Sub
Private Sub RedimControl(Obj As Object, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If X > 0 And Y > 0 Then
Obj.Height = Y
Obj.Width = X
End If
End Sub
Sub Sauvegarde(Sauve)
If TravauxEnCours = "Load" Then Exit Sub
'If Check3 Then Exit Sub
'If Check4 Then Exit Sub
NamePrg = "Système Moniteur"
s = "DimPos"
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Feuille a partir du haut", setting:=Me.Top
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Feuille a partir de gauche", setting:=Me.Left
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Hauteur de Feuille", setting:=Me.Height
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Largeur de Feuille", setting:=Me.Width
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Feuille BorderStyle", setting:=Me.BorderStyle
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Feuille BackColor", setting:=Me.BackColor

SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorCourbeCpu BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorCourbeCpu.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorCourbeRam BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorCourbeRam.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorBarreEchelle BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorBarreEchelle.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorFondGraph BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorFondGraph.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorCpuA BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorCpuA.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorCpuB BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorCpuB.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorRamA BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorRamA.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorRamB BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorRamB.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorFondFeuille BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorFondFeuille.BackColor
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorFondCpuRam BackColor", setting:=frmOption.ColorFondCpuRam.BackColor

SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Graph a partir du haut", setting:=Graph.Top
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Graph a partir de gauche", setting:=Graph.Left
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Hauteur de Graph", setting:=Graph.Height
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Largeur de Graph", setting:=Graph.Width

SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="PictCpuRam a partir du haut", setting:=PictCpuRam.Top
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="PictCpuRam a partir de gauche", setting:=PictCpuRam.Left
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Hauteur de PictCpuRam", setting:=PictCpuRam.Height
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Largeur de PictCpuRam", setting:=PictCpuRam.Width
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="PictCpuRam Visible", setting:=PictCpuRam.Visible
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="PictInfCpuNum Visible", setting:=PictInfCpuNum.Visible
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="frmOption WindowState", setting:=frmOption.WindowState

SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Visible Courbe du CPU", setting:=frmOption.Check1
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Visible Courbe de la RAM", setting:=frmOption.Check2
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Visible barres d'échelle", setting:=frmOption.Check3
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="nombre de valeur pour la moyenne", setting:=frmOption.TxtNbCpu
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="nombre de decimal", setting:=frmOption.NbApresVirgl
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="reajustement de la courbe en bas du graphique", setting:=frmOption.Text2
SaveSetting appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Espacement de l'échelle", setting:=frmOption.Text1

End Sub
Sub ld()
NamePrg = "Système Moniteur"
s = "DimPos"
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Feuille a partir du haut"): If yy <> "" Then Me.Top = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Feuille a partir de gauche"): If yy <> "" Then Me.Left = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Hauteur de Feuille"): If yy <> "" Then Me.Height = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Largeur de Feuille"): If yy <> "" Then Me.Width = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Feuille BorderStyle"): If yy <> "" Then Me.BorderStyle = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Feuille BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then Me.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorCourbeCpu BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorCourbeCpu.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorCourbeRam BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorCourbeRam.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorBarreEchelle BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorBarreEchelle.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorFondGraph BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorFondGraph.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorCpuA BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorCpuA.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorCpuB BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorCpuB.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorRamA BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorRamA.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorRamB BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorRamB.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorFondFeuille BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorFondFeuille.BackColor = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="ColorFondCpuRam BackColor"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.ColorFondCpuRam.BackColor = yy

yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Graph a partir du haut"): If yy <> "" Then Graph.Top = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Graph a partir de gauche"): If yy <> "" Then Graph.Left = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Hauteur de Graph"): If yy <> "" Then Graph.Height = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Largeur de Graph"): If yy <> "" Then Graph.Width = yy

yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="PictCpuRam a partir du haut"): If yy <> "" Then PictCpuRam.Top = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="PictCpuRam a partir de gauche"): If yy <> "" Then PictCpuRam.Left = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Hauteur de PictCpuRam"): If yy <> "" Then PictCpuRam.Height = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Largeur de PictCpuRam"): If yy <> "" Then PictCpuRam.Width = yy

yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="PictCpuRam Visible"): If yy <> "" Then PictCpuRam.Visible = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="PictInfCpuNum Visible"): If yy <> "" Then PictInfCpuNum.Visible = yy

yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="frmOption WindowState"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.WindowState = yy

yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Visible Courbe du CPU"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.Check1 = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Visible Courbe de la RAM"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.Check2 = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Visible barres d'échelle"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.Check3 = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="nombre de valeur pour la moyenne"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.TxtNbCpu = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="nombre de decimal"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.NbApresVirgl = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="reajustement de la courbe en bas du graphique"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.Text2 = yy
yy = GetSetting(appname:=NamePrg, section:=s, Key:="Espacement de l'échelle"): If yy <> "" Then frmOption.Text1 = yy

End Sub
Sub SpFrmOptionShow()
If frmOption.WindowState <> 0 Then frmOption.WindowState = 0
End Sub