Couleur de transparence

Mikonyx Messages postés 76 Date d'inscription jeudi 31 janvier 2002 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 1 septembre 2004 - 27 mars 2002 à 13:23
cs_Jo Messages postés 138 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 août 2000 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 6 avril 2002 - 28 mars 2002 à 22:08
Est-il possible de définir une couleur ki serait transparente pour une image....??merci

3 réponses

cs_Jo Messages postés 138 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 août 2000 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 6 avril 2002
28 mars 2002 à 12:37
Bon moi je viens de trouver ca sur mon disque dur, et ca devrait pouvoir t'aider:

Quelque note ki vont ave:

when Java's createImage method encounters a transparent colour in a gif. I solved this by manipulating the pixels in arrays (while cursing Netscape), and by passing the applet a value for a notional transparent pixel in the params.

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* The Watcher Applet by Don Clark. May be distributed freely for non-commercial use *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber;
import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;

public class Watcher extends Applet implements Runnable
String version = "Watcher version 3";

String filename; // params...
int more_movement, more_x, more_y, more_cross, bounces,
mask_topleft_x, mask_topleft_y, mask_botright_x, mask_botright_y,
left_topleft_x, left_topleft_y, left_botright_x, left_botright_y,
right_topleft_x, right_topleft_y, right_botright_x, right_botright_y,
lefteye_middle_x, lefteye_middle_y, righteye_middle_x, righteye_middle_y,
applet_background, transparent, eye_background, outer_border, inner_border;
Color outer_color, inner_color; // border colours

Thread wThread = null;

MemoryImageSource buildMIS;

Image loadedimage, mainpic;

int loadedimagewidth, loadedimageheight, // sizes of images...
mainpicwidth, mainpicheight, maskwidth, maskheight,
leftwidth, leftheight, rightwidth, rightheight,
pix[], // pixel array from loadedimage
m_pix[], b_pix[], //pixel arrays for mask, background,
l_pix[], r_pix[], //pixel arrays for left eye, right eye
m_pix_size; // size of m_pix (and b_pix) array

int lsocktlx=1000, lsocktly=1000, // offsets of eye sockets on mask
lsockbrx=-1, lsockbry=-1, // - left socket top left x etc.
rsocktlx=1000, rsocktly=1000, // - these values are temporary, the actual
rsockbrx=-1, rsockbry=-1; // - values are calculated in sockets()

int dpleft_topleft_x, dpleft_topleft_y, // offsets to topleft & botright x & y
dpleft_botright_x, dpleft_botright_y, // of left eye (l_pix) on drawpic.
dpright_topleft_x, dpright_topleft_y, // offsets to topleft & botright x & y
dpright_botright_x, dpright_botright_y; // of right eye (r_pix) on drawpic.

double DtoRfactor, wideH, highH, // for calculating eye movements
movewidth, moveheight, incx, incy; // in mouseDrag() and prepMath()
boolean got_params true, prepedMath false, // startup flags allLoaded false, allSetUp false, // startup flags animated false, dobounce false, // ongoing status flags
imageDone; // ongoing status flag

int leftx=0, lefty=0, rightx=0, righty=0, // for moving relative to eye-centres lx -9, ly -9, rx = -9, ry = -9, // copies above in buildImage() dragx -1, dragy -1; // old posns to test if changed by drag

Panel pnl;
boolean pnlsetup = false; private int pnlx -1, pnly -1;
private Image pnlimg;

// 'local' variables globally declared to save memory
// from buildImage():
int halfmask, larraysize, rarraysize,
currleft_tlx, currleft_tly, currleft_brx, currleft_bry,
currright_tlx, currright_tly, currright_brx, currright_bry;
// from mouseDrag():
double tracklx, trackly, trackrx, trackry, centy, centx, factorx,
tklx, tkrx, tkly, tkry;
// from bounce():
int bno=bounces+2, bmo = bno-1;
double dleftx, dlefty, drightx, drighty;
int lposns[][], rposns[][];

public Watcher()

public String getAppletInfo()
return "The Watcher Applet\r\n" +
"(c) 1998, Don Clark";

public void init()
String param = "";
Point p;
got_params = true;

try {
param = getParameter("picture");
if (param.equals(""))
filename = "picture.gif";
filename = param;

param = getParameter("applet_background");
applet_background = findColor(param);
if (applet_background != -1)
setBackground(new Color(applet_background));

param = getParameter("transparent");
transparent = findColor(param); if (transparent -1) transparent 0x01FF01;// default

param = getParameter("eye_background");
eye_background = findColor(param); if (eye_background -1) eye_background 0xFFDEDEDE;// default
else eye_background += 0xFF000000;// add FF000000 for max. opacity

param = getParameter("outer_border").toLowerCase();
outer_border = findColor(param); if (outer_border !-1) outer_color new Color(outer_border);

param = getParameter("inner_border").toLowerCase();
inner_border = findColor(param); if (inner_border !-1) inner_color new Color(inner_border);

param = getParameter("mask_topleft");
p = findPoint(param);
mask_topleft_x = p.x;
mask_topleft_y = p.y;

param = getParameter("mask_botright");
p = findPoint(param);
mask_botright_x = p.x;
mask_botright_y = p.y;

param = getParameter("lefteye_topleft");
p = findPoint(param);
left_topleft_x = p.x;
left_topleft_y = p.y;

param = getParameter("lefteye_botright");
p = findPoint(param);
left_botright_x = p.x;
left_botright_y = p.y;

param = getParameter("righteye_topleft");
p = findPoint(param);
right_topleft_x = p.x;
right_topleft_y = p.y;

param = getParameter("righteye_botright");
p = findPoint(param);
right_botright_x = p.x;
right_botright_y = p.y;

param = getParameter("lefteye_middle");
p = findPoint(param);
lefteye_middle_x = p.x;
lefteye_middle_y = p.y;

param = getParameter("righteye_middle");
p = findPoint(param);
righteye_middle_x = p.x;
righteye_middle_y = p.y;

param = getParameter("more_movement");
more_movement = Integer.parseInt(param);
if ((more_movement < -500) |
(more_movement > 500)) more_movement = 0;// default

param = getParameter("more_x_movement");
more_x = Integer.parseInt(param);
if ((more_x < 0) | (more_x > 100)) more_x = 0;// default

param = getParameter("more_y_movement");
more_y = Integer.parseInt(param);
if ((more_y < 0) | (more_y > 100)) more_y = 0;// default

param = getParameter("more_cross_eyed");
more_cross = Integer.parseInt(param);
if ((more_cross < 0) | (more_cross > 50)) more_cross = 0;// default

param = getParameter("bounces");
bounces = Integer.parseInt(param);
if ((bounces < 0) | (bounces > 20)) bounces = 5;// default
catch (Exception e)
got_params = false;

public void destroy()

private void displayImage(Graphics g)
if (!allLoaded)

if (!animated)
g.drawImage(mainpic, 0, 0, null);
if (buildImage())

private boolean buildImage()
if (!allSetUp) return false;
if ((lx leftx) & (ly lefty) & (rx == rightx) & (ry == righty)) return false;

int i, j, k = 0, lr, lrx, lry;

currleft_tlx = dpleft_topleft_x + leftx; // this and variables
currleft_tly = dpleft_topleft_y + lefty; // below are to reduce
currleft_brx = dpleft_botright_x + leftx; // calculation during
currleft_bry = dpleft_botright_y + lefty; // the loops
currright_tlx = dpright_topleft_x + rightx;
currright_tly = dpright_topleft_y + righty;
currright_brx = dpright_botright_x + rightx;
currright_bry = dpright_botright_y + righty;
larraysize = leftwidth * leftheight;
rarraysize = rightwidth * rightheight;
for (i = 0; i < maskheight; i++) // blend engine: puts bkgnd colour on b_pix,
{ // then adds the eyes, then the mask
for (j = 0; j < maskwidth; j++)
b_pix[k] = eye_background;// bkgnd colour onto b_pix
if (j <= halfmask)
if ((j >= currleft_tlx) && (j < currleft_brx) &&
(i >= currleft_tly) && (i < currleft_bry))
// here when left eye array overlaps left half of b_pix array
lrx = j - currleft_tlx;
lry = (i - currleft_tly) * leftwidth;
lr = lrx + lry;
if ((lr >= 0) && (lr < larraysize) && (l_pix[lr] != 0))
b_pix[k] = l_pix[lr];// left eye onto left half of b_pix
if ((j >= currright_tlx) && (j < currright_brx) &&
(i >= currright_tly) && (i < currright_bry))
// here when right eye array overlaps right half of b_pix array
lrx = j - currright_tlx;
lry = (i - currright_tly) * rightwidth;
lr = lrx + lry;
if ((lr >= 0) && (lr < rarraysize) && (r_pix[lr] != 0))
b_pix[k] = r_pix[lr];// right eye onto right half of b_pix

if (m_pix[k] != 0)
b_pix[k] = m_pix[k];// mask onto b_pix
lx leftx; ly lefty; rx = rightx; ry = righty;
return true;

private synchronized void drawb_pix(Graphics g)
imageDone = false;

g.drawImage(createImage(buildMIS), mask_topleft_x, mask_topleft_y, this);
catch(Exception e)
imageDone = true;
while (!imageDone) showStatus("...");

public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags,
int x, int y, int width, int height)
if ((infoflags & ImageObserver.ALLBITS) != 0)
imageDone = true;
return false;
return true;

private void pnlDraw()
if (pnlsetup && pnl.isVisible())
Graphics g = pnl.getGraphics();
g.drawImage(pnlimg, 1, 1, null);

public void paint(Graphics g)
if (allLoaded)
else if (!got_params)
g.drawString("Watcher applet", 5, 20);
g.drawString("parameter error", 5, 30);
g.drawString("Loading", 5, 20);
g.drawString("picture...", 5, 30);

public void start()
if (wThread == null)
wThread = new Thread(this);

public void stop()
if (wThread != null)
wThread = null;

private void loadImage()
MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
loadedimage = getImage(getCodeBase(), filename);
tracker.addImage(loadedimage, 0);

allLoaded = !tracker.isErrorAny();
catch (InterruptedException e)
showStatus("Loading interrupted");
allLoaded = false;

while (loadedimage.getWidth(null) == -1) ;
loadedimagewidth = loadedimage.getWidth(null);
loadedimageheight = loadedimage.getHeight(null);

private boolean getPix()
int arraysize = loadedimagewidth * loadedimageheight;

pix = new int[arraysize];
PixelGrabber pixGrab = new PixelGrabber(loadedimage, 0, 0, loadedimagewidth,
loadedimageheight, pix, 0,
catch (InterruptedException e)
return false;

for (int rgb, i = 0; i < arraysize; i++)
rgb = pix[i] & 0xFFFFFF; // get the colours
if (rgb == transparent)
pix[i] = 0; // transparent black
pix[i] = 0xFF000000 + rgb;// fully opaque alpha transparency + colours

return true;

public void run()
if (!got_params)
if (!allLoaded)

if (!allLoaded)
showStatus("Error loading picture");

if (!getPix())
showStatus("Error processing picture");

if (!prepedMath) prepMath();
if (!pnlsetup) pnlsetup();
allSetUp = true;

while (true)
if (dobounce) bounce();

catch (InterruptedException e)
showStatus("Watcher was interrupted");

private void createPicture()
mainpicwidth = loadedimagewidth / 2;
mainpicheight = loadedimageheight;
mainpic = createImage(mainpicwidth, mainpicheight);

reshape(0, 0, mainpicwidth, mainpicheight);
int i, j, k 0, mp_pix[] new int[mainpicwidth * mainpicheight];
for (i = 0; i < mainpicheight; i++)
for (j = mainpicwidth; j < (mainpicwidth+mainpicwidth); j++)
mp_pix[k++] = pix[i * loadedimagewidth + j];

Image temp = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(mainpicwidth, mainpicheight,
mp_pix, 0, mainpicwidth));
Graphics g = mainpic.getGraphics();
g.drawImage(temp, 0, 0, null);

if ((outer_border != -1) && (inner_border != -1))
g.drawRect(0, 0, mainpicwidth-1, mainpicheight-1);
g.drawRect(1, 1, mainpicwidth-2, mainpicheight-2);
g.drawRect(0, 0, mainpicwidth-2, mainpicheight-2);
else if (outer_border != -1)
g.drawRect(0, 0, mainpicwidth-1, mainpicheight-1);
else if (inner_border != -1)
g.drawRect(1, 1, mainpicwidth-3, mainpicheight-3);

private void createMask()
{ maskwidth 1 + mask_botright_x - mask_topleft_x; halfmask maskwidth / 2;
maskheight = 1 + mask_botright_y - mask_topleft_y;

int i, j, k = 0, start;

m_pix_size = maskwidth * maskheight;

m_pix = new int[m_pix_size];
start = mask_topleft_y * loadedimagewidth + mask_topleft_x;

for (i = 0; i < maskheight; i++)
for (j = 0; j < maskwidth; j++)
m_pix[k++] = pix[j + start + (i * loadedimagewidth)];

b_pix = new int[m_pix_size];// array for buildImage to lay bkgnd colour
// & eyes & mask on
buildMIS = new MemoryImageSource(maskwidth, maskheight, b_pix, 0, maskwidth);

private void sockets()
// finds offsets of eye sockets on mask by looking for pixel values of 0
int i, j, k 0, l maskwidth/2;

for (i = 0; i < maskheight; i++)
for (j = 0; j < maskwidth; j++)
if (m_pix[k++] == 0)
if (j <= l)// left half
if (j < lsocktlx) lsocktlx = j;
if (i < lsocktly) lsocktly = i;
if (j > lsockbrx) lsockbrx = j;
if (i > lsockbry) lsockbry = i;
else // right half
if (j < rsocktlx) rsocktlx = j;
if (i < rsocktly) rsocktly = i;
if (j > rsockbrx) rsockbrx = j;
if (i > rsockbry) rsockbry = i;

private void createLeft()
leftwidth = 1 + left_botright_x - left_topleft_x;
leftheight = 1 + left_botright_y - left_topleft_y;
larraysize = leftwidth * leftheight;

int i, j, k = 0, start;

l_pix = new int[larraysize];
start = left_topleft_y * loadedimagewidth + left_topleft_x;

for (i = 0; i < leftheight; i++)// copy eye pixels into l_pix array
for (j = 0; j < leftwidth; j++)
l_pix[k++] = pix[j + start + (i * loadedimagewidth)];

// offsets to topleft & botright x & y of eye (l_pix) on drawpic
dpleft_topleft_x = lefteye_middle_x - mask_topleft_x - (leftwidth/2);
dpleft_topleft_y = lefteye_middle_y - mask_topleft_y - (leftheight/2);
dpleft_botright_x = dpleft_topleft_x + leftwidth;
dpleft_botright_y = dpleft_topleft_y + leftheight;

private void createRight()
rightwidth = 1 + right_botright_x - right_topleft_x;
rightheight = 1 + right_botright_y - right_topleft_y;
rarraysize = rightwidth * rightheight;

int i, j, k = 0, start;

r_pix = new int[rarraysize];
start = right_topleft_y * loadedimagewidth + right_topleft_x;

for (i = 0; i < rightheight; i++)// copy eye pixels into r_pix array
for (j = 0; j < rightwidth; j++)
r_pix[k++] = pix[j + start + (i * loadedimagewidth)];

// offsets to topleft & botright x & y of eye (r_pix) on drawpic
dpright_topleft_x = righteye_middle_x - mask_topleft_x - (rightwidth/2);
dpright_topleft_y = righteye_middle_y - mask_topleft_y - (rightheight/2);
dpright_botright_x = dpright_topleft_x + rightwidth;
dpright_botright_y = dpright_topleft_y + rightheight;

private int findColor(String s)
int n, i;
Point p;
String t;
s = s.trim();

if (s.indexOf("none") != -1) return -1;
if (s.indexOf("black") != -1) return 0x000000; // (0, 0, 0);
if (s.indexOf("white") != -1) return 0xFFFFFF; // (255, 255, 255);
if (s.indexOf("red") != -1) return 0xFF0000; // (255, 0, 0);
if (s.indexOf("green") != -1) return 0x00FF00; // (0, 255, 0);
if (s.indexOf("blue") != -1) return 0x0000FF; // (0, 0, 255);
if (s.indexOf("dark") != -1) return 0x404040; // (64, 64, 64);
if (s.indexOf("light") != -1) return 0xC0C0C0; // (192, 192, 192);
if (s.indexOf("gray") != -1) return 0x808080; // (128, 128, 128);
if (s.indexOf("grey") != -1) return 0x808080; // (128, 128, 128);
if (s.indexOf("yellow") != -1) return 0xFFFF00; // (255, 255, 0);
if (s.indexOf("cyan") != -1) return 0x00FFFF; // (0, 255, 255);
if (s.indexOf("magenta") != -1) return 0xFF00FF; // (255, 0, 255);
if (s.indexOf("orange") != -1) return 0xFFC800; // (255, 200, 0);
if (s.indexOf("pink") != -1) return 0xFFAFAF; // (255, 175, 175);

if (s.indexOf("#") != -1)// if hex format #number
s = s.replace('#', ' ');
s = s.trim();
try {n = Integer.parseInt(s, 16);};
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {n = -1;}
return n % 0x1000000;
i s.indexOf(","); if (i -1) return -1;

try {t = s.substring(0, i+1) + " 0";}
catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {return -1;}
p = findPoint(t);
n = p.x << 16; // got red (p.y ignored)

try {t = s.substring(i+1);}
catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {return -1;}
p = findPoint(t);
n += p.x << 8; // got green
n += p.y; // got blue
return n % 0x1000000;

private Point findPoint(String s)
int i, j, len = s.length(); String one "", two ""; boolean building false, building_one false, building_two = false;
char c;

for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
c = s.charAt(i);
if (Character.isDigit(c))
if (!building)
building = true;
if (building_one)
building_two = true;
two += String.valueOf(c);
building_one = true;
one += String.valueOf(c);
if (building_two)
two += String.valueOf(c);
one += String.valueOf(c);
building = false;

try {i = Integer.parseInt(one);}
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {i = 0;}

try {j = Integer.parseInt(two);}
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {j = 0;}

return new Point(i, j);

private void pnlsetup()
pnl = new Panel();

pnlx = size().width-4;

String s = "The Watcher Applet from";
String t = "";
Font gf = pnl.getFont();
boolean toobig = true;
Font f = null;
FontMetrics fm = null; int w, sw 0, tw 0, ps = 19;
while (toobig)
{ ps -1; if (ps 8) toobig = false;
f = new Font(gf.getName(), Font.PLAIN, ps);
fm = pnl.getFontMetrics(f); sw fm.stringWidth(s); tw fm.stringWidth(t);
if (sw > tw) w sw; else w tw;
if (w < (pnlx - 4)) toobig = false;
int ma fm.getMaxAscent(), md fm.getMaxDescent(); int imgwidth pnlx - 2, imgheight (ma + md + 2) * 2;

pnly = imgheight + 2;
pnl.resize(pnlx, pnly);
pnl.move(2, mainpicheight-pnly-2);// allows for a 2 pixel border

pnlimg = pnl.createImage(imgwidth, imgheight);
Graphics g = pnlimg.getGraphics();
g.fillRect(0, 0, imgwidth-1, imgheight-1);
g.drawRect(0, 0, imgwidth-1, imgheight-1);
g.drawString(s, (imgwidth-sw-2)/2, imgheight/2 - md - 1);
g.drawString(t, (imgwidth-tw-2)/2, imgheight - md - 3);

pnlsetup = true;

private void bounce()
dobounce = false; if (bounces 0) { animated false; return; }

// lposns[][] & rposns[][] store the left & right x & y posns for moving the
// eyes to centre [x][0] & [y][0], from start posns [x][bmo] & [y][bmo]. // bno bounce number total no. of posns, from 0,0 to start positions.
// bmo = bounce number minus one
dleftx leftx; dlefty lefty; drightx = rightx; drighty = righty;

int count;
for (count = 0; count < bno; count++)
lposns[0][count] = (int)(dleftx / bmo * count);
lposns[1][count] = (int)(dlefty / bmo * count);
rposns[0][count] = (int)(drightx / bmo * count);
rposns[1][count] = (int)(drighty / bmo * count);

Graphics g = getGraphics();
animated = true;
int steps, rep_count, rep_total;

for (steps = bmo; steps > 0; steps--) // do steps (number of bounce sequences)
if (!(lposns[0][steps]==0 && lposns[1][steps]==0 && // if(!...) block to
rposns[0][steps]==0 && rposns[1][steps]==0)) // skip non-movements
rep_total = 1; // as bounce gets smaller it is repeated
if (bounces < 3)
{ if ((bounces 2) && (steps 1)) rep_total = 2;
} else if ((steps 2) || (steps 3)) rep_total = 2; else if (steps 1) rep_total 3;

for (rep_count = 0; rep_count < rep_total; rep_count++) // do repeats
for (count = steps; count >= 0; count--) // move to centre
leftx=lposns[0][count]; lefty=lposns[1][count];
rightx=rposns[0][count]; righty=rposns[1][count];
for (count = 1; count < steps; count++)// move to other side
leftx=-lposns[0][count]; lefty=-lposns[1][count];
rightx=-rposns[0][count]; righty=-rposns[1][count];
for (count = steps; count >= 0 ; count--)// move to centre again
leftx=-lposns[0][count]; lefty=-lposns[1][count];
rightx=-rposns[0][count]; righty=-rposns[1][count];
for (count = 1; count < steps; count++)// move to original posn.
leftx=lposns[0][count]; lefty=lposns[1][count];
rightx=rposns[0][count]; righty=rposns[1][count];
}// end of repeats loop
}// end of if (posns not 0) block
}//end of steps loop

animated = false;

public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)
{ dragx x; dragy y;
leftx=0; lefty=0;
rightx=0; righty=0;
lx = 1; // so that (lx != leftx) to make buildImage create new pic
animated = true;

return true;

public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)
{ if ((dragx x) && (dragy y))
animated = false;
dobounce = true;

return true;

private void prepMath()
DtoRfactor = Math.PI / 180;

int i, j;
Dimension d = getToolkit().getScreenSize();
int eyewidth, eyeheight, socketwidth, socketheight;
if (leftwidth > rightwidth) eyewidth leftwidth; else eyewidth rightwidth; i lsockbrx - lsocktlx; j rsockbrx - rsocktlx; if (i > j) socketwidth i + 1; else socketwidth j + 1;
movewidth = socketwidth + eyewidth + more_x;

if (leftheight > rightheight) eyeheight=leftheight; else eyeheight=rightheight; i lsockbry - lsocktly; j rsockbry - rsocktly; if (i > j) socketheight i + 1; else socketheight j + 1;
moveheight = socketheight + eyeheight + more_y;

centx = (righteye_middle_x - lefteye_middle_x) / 2;
centy = moveheight / 2;
factorx = centx - more_cross;
if (factorx < 1) factorx = 1;// prevents /0 (unlikely)

incx = 180 / (double)d.width;
incy = 180 / (double)d.height;
wideH = movewidth / 2 + more_movement; // width hypotenuse (radius)
highH = moveheight / 2 + more_movement; // height hypotenuse (radius)
// opposite = sine(angle) * hypotenuse bno bounces + 2; bmo bno - 1; lposns new int[2][bno]; rposns new int[2][bno];

prepedMath = true;

public boolean mouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y)
if (!prepedMath) return true; if ((dragx x) && (dragy y)) return true;

double temp;

tracklx = x - lefteye_middle_x;
trackly = y - lefteye_middle_y;
trackrx = x - righteye_middle_x;
trackry = y - righteye_middle_y;

tklx = Math.abs(tracklx);
tkrx = Math.abs(trackrx);
tkly = Math.abs(trackly);
tkry = Math.abs(trackry);

if (centy == tkly) tkly--; // prevents /0
if (centy == tkry) tkry--; // prevents /0

// left cross-eyed bit
if ((tracklx > 0) & (tracklx <= (centx + centx)) & (tkly <= centy))
{ if (tracklx <centx) temp tklx;
else temp = centx+centx-tklx;
tracklx += temp * (180/factorx) / (centy/(centy-tkly));
// right cross-eyed bit
if ((trackrx < 0) & (trackrx >= -(centx + centx)) & (tkry <= centy))
{ if (trackrx >-centx) temp tkrx;
else temp = centx+centx-tkrx;
trackrx -= temp * (180/factorx) / (centy/(centy-tkry));

leftx = (int)(Math.sin(DtoR(tracklx * incx)) * wideH);
lefty = (int)(Math.sin(DtoR(trackly * incy)) * highH);
rightx = (int)(Math.sin(DtoR(trackrx * incx)) * wideH);
righty = (int)(Math.sin(DtoR(trackry * incy)) * highH);

animated = true;

return true;

private double DtoR(double d)
//To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by pi/180.
return d * DtoRfactor;
//(To convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by 180/pi)

public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int nKey)
if (pnlsetup); if ((nKey 118) || (nKey 86) || (nKey == 22)) //v V CTRL+v
return true;

public boolean keyUp(Event evt, int nKey)
if (pnlsetup)
return true;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
Mikonyx Messages postés 76 Date d'inscription jeudi 31 janvier 2002 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 1 septembre 2004
28 mars 2002 à 18:57
oh put1 chuis vrément dans la merde moi...mdr rien de plus simple? du style SetInvisibleColor()...bouuuuuuuuuuuuhhh snirf :'(
cs_Jo Messages postés 138 Date d'inscription jeudi 24 août 2000 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 6 avril 2002
28 mars 2002 à 22:08
LOL sacre Mikonyx non g rien trouver de plsu simple, je n'est que ca :-p