Messages postés57Date d'inscriptionmardi 24 mai 2005StatutMembreDernière intervention10 janvier 2016
15 juil. 2008 à 12:42
Messages postés3275Date d'inscriptionjeudi 3 avril 2008StatutMembreDernière intervention14 septembre 2014
2 août 2008 à 09:15
Dans une application VB6, je voudrais avois la possibilité de convertir automatiquement les nombres saisis en lettre.
Exemple 18 en dix huit.
Merci de m'aider
Messages postés3275Date d'inscriptionjeudi 3 avril 2008StatutMembreDernière intervention14 septembre 20142 15 juil. 2008 à 12:51
Public Function NumberToTextDutch(sValue As String) As String
' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************
' * Author : Waty Thierry
' * Web Site : http://www.vbdiamond.com ' * E-Mail : [mailto:waty.thierry@vbdiamond.com waty.thierry@vbdiamond.com]
' * Date : 08/08/2005
' * Time : 18:14
' * Module Name : Lib_Module
' * Module Filename : Lib.bas
' * Procedure Name : NumberToTextDutch
' * Purpose :
' * Parameters :
' * sValue As String
' * Purpose :
' **********************************************************************
' * Comments :
' *
' *
' * Example :
' *
' * See Also :
' *
' * History :
' *
' *
' **********************************************************************
On Error GoTo ERROR_NumberToTextDutch
Static Ones(0 To 9) As String
Static Teens(0 To 9) As String
Static Tens(0 To 9) As String
Static Thousands(0 To 4) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim nPosition As Integer
Dim ValNb As Integer
Dim LesZeros As Integer
Dim sResult As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim tmpBuff As String
Dim strEn As String ' contains the value "en"
Dim iParts As Integer ' number of portions of three digits in sValue
Dim sParts(10) As String ' contains 3 digits, sParts(1) are the last three
Dim j As Integer ' for next to loop thru sParts
Dim sNLresult As String ' result for NL text
strEn = "en"
iParts = 1 ' must be one to maintain french when Langue <> "NL"
sValue = Replace(sValue, " ", "")
' *** Splitting sValue in portions of 3 digits (or less for the last one)
Do While True
If Len(sValue) > 3 Then
sParts(iParts) = right(sValue, 3)
iParts = iParts + 1
sValue = Mid(sValue, 1, Len(sValue) - 3)
sParts(iParts) = sValue
Exit Do
End If
Ones(0) = "nul"
Ones(1) = "een"
Ones(2) = "twee"
Ones(3) = "drie"
Ones(4) = "vier"
Ones(5) = "vijf"
Ones(6) = "zes"
Ones(7) = "zeven"
Ones(8) = "acht"
Ones(9) = "negen"
Teens(0) = "tien"
Teens(1) = "elf"
Teens(2) = "twaalf"
Teens(3) = "dertien"
Teens(4) = "veertien"
Teens(5) = "vijftien"
Teens(6) = "zestien"
Teens(7) = "zeventien"
Teens(8) = "achtien"
Teens(9) = "negentien"
Tens(0) = vbNullString
Tens(1) = "tien"
Tens(2) = "twintig"
Tens(3) = "dertig"
Tens(4) = "veertig"
Tens(5) = "vijftig"
Tens(6) = "zestig"
Tens(7) = "zeventig"
Tens(8) = "tachtig"
Tens(9) = "negentig"
Thousands(0) = vbNullString
Thousands(1) = "duizend"
Thousands(2) = "miljoen"
Thousands(3) = "miljard"
Thousands(4) = "duizend" ' starting the loop thru sParts, if iparts 1 then sValue sPart(1)
For j = 1 To iParts
If iParts = 1 Then
sTemp = CStr(Int(sValue))
sTemp = CStr(Int(sParts(j)))
End If
For i = Len(sTemp) To 1 Step -1
ValNb = Val(Mid$(sTemp, i, 1))
nPosition = (Len(sTemp) - i) + 1
Select Case (nPosition Mod 3)
Case 1
LesZeros = False
If i = 1 Then
If ValNb > 0 Then ' original -> If ValNb > 1 Then what i Changend for one digit numbers
tmpBuff = Ones(ValNb) & " "
tmpBuff = vbNullString
End If
ElseIf Mid$(sTemp, i - 1, 1) = "1" Then
tmpBuff = Teens(ValNb) & " "
i = i - 1
ElseIf Mid$(sTemp, i - 1, 1) = "9" Then
If Mid(sTemp, i, 1) <> 0 Then
tmpBuff = Ones(ValNb) & strEn & Tens(9) ' 91 to 99
tmpBuff = Tens(9) ' 90
End If
i = i - 1
ElseIf Mid$(sTemp, i - 1, 1) = "7" Then
If Mid(sTemp, i, 1) <> 0 Then
tmpBuff = Ones(ValNb) & strEn & Tens(7) '71 - 79
tmpBuff = Tens(7) ' 70
End If
i = i - 1
ElseIf ValNb > 0 Then
tmpBuff = Ones(ValNb) & " "
LesZeros = True
If i > 1 Then
If Mid$(sTemp, i - 1, 1) <> "0" Then
LesZeros = False
End If
End If
If i > 2 Then
If Mid$(sTemp, i - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
LesZeros = False
End If
End If
tmpBuff = vbNullString
End If
If LesZeros = False And nPosition > 1 Then
tmpBuff = tmpBuff & Thousands(nPosition / 3) & " "
End If
sResult = tmpBuff & sResult
Case 2
If ValNb > 0 Then
If Len(sResult) = 0 Then
sResult = Tens(ValNb)
sResult = Trim(sResult) & strEn & Tens(ValNb)
End If
End If
Case 0
If ValNb > 0 Then
If ValNb > 1 Then
sResult = Ones(ValNb) & "honderd" & sResult
sResult = "honderd" & sResult
End If
End If
End Select
Next i
' added for NL , to add the 1000, milj etc in front of
' the result
If iParts > 1 And iParts <> j Then
If j < iParts Then
If sParts(j + 1) = "000" Then ' no adding of 1000, million etc
sNLresult = sResult & sNLresult
sNLresult = Thousands(j) & sResult & sNLresult
End If
sResult = "" ' emptying the sresult for NL
End If
sResult = sResult & sNLresult
End If
Next j
If Len(sResult) > 0 Then
sResult = UCase$(left$(sResult, 1)) & Mid$(sResult, 2)
ElseIf sTemp = "0" Then
sResult = Ones(0)
End If
NumberToTextDutch = Trim$(sResult)
Exit Function
sResult = vbNullString
Resume EXIT_NumberToTextDutch
End Function
Public Function NumberToTextEnglish(sValue As String) As String
' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************
' * Author : Waty Thierry
' * Web Site : http://www.vbdiamond.com ' * E-Mail : [mailto:waty.thierry@vbdiamond.com waty.thierry@vbdiamond.com]
' * Date : 08/08/2005
' * Time : 14:49
' * Module Name : Lib_Module
' * Module Filename : Lib.bas
' * Procedure Name : NumberToTextEnglish
' * Purpose :
' * Parameters :
' * sValue As String
' * Purpose :
' **********************************************************************
' * Comments :
' *
' *
' * Example :
' *
' * See Also :
' *
' * History :
' *
' *
' **********************************************************************
On Error GoTo ERROR_NumberToTextEnglish
Static Ones(0 To 9) As String
Static Teens(0 To 9) As String
Static Tens(0 To 9) As String
Static Thousands(0 To 4) As String
Static bInit As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim bAllZeros As Boolean
Dim bShowThousands As Boolean
Dim sResult As String
Dim sBuff As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim nCol As Integer
Dim nChar As Integer
' *** Only handles positive values
Debug.Assert sValue >= 0
If bInit = False Then
' *** Initialize array
bInit = True
Ones(0) = "zero"
Ones(1) = "one"
Ones(2) = "two"
Ones(3) = "three"
Ones(4) = "four"
Ones(5) = "five"
Ones(6) = "six"
Ones(7) = "seven"
Ones(8) = "eight"
Ones(9) = "nine"
Teens(0) = "ten"
Teens(1) = "eleven"
Teens(2) = "twelve"
Teens(3) = "thirteen"
Teens(4) = "fourteen"
Teens(5) = "fifteen"
Teens(6) = "sixteen"
Teens(7) = "seventeen"
Teens(8) = "eighteen"
Teens(9) = "nineteen"
Tens(0) = ""
Tens(1) = "ten"
Tens(2) = "twenty"
Tens(3) = "thirty"
Tens(4) = "forty"
Tens(5) = "fifty"
Tens(6) = "sixty"
Tens(7) = "seventy"
Tens(8) = "eighty"
Tens(9) = "ninety"
Thousands(0) = ""
Thousands(1) = "thousand" 'US numbering
Thousands(2) = "million"
Thousands(3) = "billion"
Thousands(4) = "trillion"
End If
' *** Get fractional part
sBuff = vbNullString '"and " & Format((sValue - Int(sValue)) * 100, "00") & "/100"
' *** Convert rest to string and process each digit
sResult = CStr(Int(sValue))
' *** Non-zero digit not yet encountered
bAllZeros = True
' *** Iterate through string
For i = Len(sResult) To 1 Step -1
'*** Get value of this digit
nChar = Val(Mid$(sResult, i, 1))
' *** Get column position
nCol = (Len(sResult) - i) + 1
' *** Action depends on 1's, 10's or 100's column
Select Case (nCol Mod 3)
Case 1 '1's position
bShowThousands = True
If i = 1 Then
' *** First digit in number (last in loop)
sTemp = Ones(nChar) & " "
ElseIf Mid$(sResult, i - 1, 1) = "1" Then
' *** This digit is part of "teen" number
sTemp = Teens(nChar) & " "
i = i - 1 'Skip tens position
ElseIf nChar > 0 Then
' *** Any non-zero digit
sTemp = Ones(nChar) & " "
' *** This digit is zero. If digit in tens and hundreds column are also zero, don't show "thousands"
bShowThousands = False
' *** Test for non-zero digit in this grouping
If Mid$(sResult, i - 1, 1) <> "0" Then
bShowThousands = True
ElseIf i > 2 Then
If Mid$(sResult, i - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
bShowThousands = True
End If
End If
sTemp = ""
End If
' *** Show "thousands" if non-zero in grouping
If bShowThousands Then
If nCol > 1 Then
sTemp = sTemp & Thousands(nCol \ 3)
If bAllZeros Then
sTemp = sTemp & " "
sTemp = sTemp & ", "
End If
End If
' *** Indicate non-zero digit encountered
bAllZeros = False
End If
sBuff = sTemp & sBuff
Case 2 '10's position
If nChar > 0 Then
If Mid$(sResult, i + 1, 1) <> "0" Then
sBuff = Tens(nChar) & "-" & sBuff
sBuff = Tens(nChar) & " " & sBuff
End If
End If
Case 0 '100's position
If nChar > 0 Then
sBuff = Ones(nChar) & " hundred " & sBuff
End If
End Select
Next i
' *** Convert first letter to upper case
sBuff = UCase$(left$(sBuff, 1)) & Mid$(sBuff, 2)
' *** Return result
NumberToTextEnglish = sBuff
Exit Function
Resume EXIT_NumberToTextEnglish
End Function
Public Function NumberToTextFrench(sValue As String, Optional nPays As Integer = 0) As String
' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************
' * Author : Waty Thierry
' * Web Site : http://www.vbdiamond.com ' * E-Mail : [mailto:waty.thierry@vbdiamond.com waty.thierry@vbdiamond.com]
' * Date : 02/26/2003
' * Project Name : ImmoAssist
' * Module Name : Lib_Module
' * Module Filename : Lib.bas
' * Procedure Name : NumberToTextFrench
' * Purpose :
' * Parameters :
' * sValue As String
' * Optional nPays As Integer = 0
' **********************************************************************
' * Comments :
' *
' *
' * Example :
' *
' * Screenshot :
' *
' * See Also :
' *
' * History :
' *
' *
' **********************************************************************
On Error GoTo ERROR_NumberToTextFrench
Static Ones(0 To 9) As String
Static Teens(0 To 9) As String
Static Tens(0 To 9) As String
Static Thousands(0 To 5) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim nPosition As Integer
Dim ValNb As Integer
Dim LesZeros As Integer
Dim sResult As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim tmpBuff As String
Ones(0) = "zéro"
Ones(1) = "un"
Ones(2) = "deux"
Ones(3) = "trois"
Ones(4) = "quatre"
Ones(5) = "cinq"
Ones(6) = "six"
Ones(7) = "sept"
Ones(8) = "huit"
Ones(9) = "neuf"
Teens(0) = "dix"
Teens(1) = "onze"
Teens(2) = "douze"
Teens(3) = "treize"
Teens(4) = "quatorze"
Teens(5) = "quinze"
Teens(6) = "seize"
Teens(7) = "dix-sept"
Teens(8) = "dix-huit"
Teens(9) = "dix-neuf"
Tens(0) = vbNullString
Tens(1) = "dix"
Tens(2) = "vingt"
Tens(3) = "trente"
Tens(4) = "quarante"
Tens(5) = "cinquante"
Tens(6) = "soixante"
Select Case nPays
Case 0
' *** France
Tens(7) = "soixante-dix"
Tens(8) = "quatre-vingt"
Tens(9) = "quatre-vingt-dix"
End Select
Thousands(0) = vbNullString
Thousands(1) = "mille"
Thousands(2) = "million"
Thousands(3) = "millard"
Thousands(4) = "billion"
sTemp = CStr(Int(sValue))
For i = Len(sTemp) To 1 Step -1
ValNb = Val(Mid$(sTemp, i, 1))
nPosition = (Len(sTemp) - i) + 1
Select Case (nPosition Mod 3)
Case 1
LesZeros = False
If i = 1 Then
If ValNb > 1 Then
tmpBuff = Ones(ValNb) & " "
tmpBuff = vbNullString
End If
ElseIf Mid$(sTemp, i - 1, 1) = "1" Then
tmpBuff = Teens(ValNb) & " "
i = i - 1
ElseIf Mid$(sTemp, i - 1, 1) = "9" Then
If nPays = 0 Then
tmpBuff = Tens(8) & " " & Teens(ValNb) & " "
tmpBuff = Tens(9) & " " If ValNb > 0 Then tmpBuff tmpBuff & IIf(ValNb 1, "et ", "") & Ones(ValNb) & " "
End If
i = i - 1
ElseIf Mid$(sTemp, i - 1, 1) = "7" Then
If nPays = 0 Then
tmpBuff = Tens(6) & " " & Teens(ValNb) & " "
tmpBuff = Tens(7) & " " If ValNb > 0 Then tmpBuff tmpBuff & IIf(ValNb 1, "et ", "") & Ones(ValNb) & " "
End If
i = i - 1
ElseIf ValNb > 0 Then
tmpBuff = Ones(ValNb) & " "
LesZeros = True
If i > 1 Then
If Mid$(sTemp, i - 1, 1) <> "0" Then
LesZeros = False
End If
End If
If i > 2 Then
If Mid$(sTemp, i - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
LesZeros = False
End If
End If
tmpBuff = vbNullString
End If
If LesZeros = False And nPosition > 1 Then
tmpBuff = tmpBuff & Thousands(nPosition / 3) & " "
End If
sResult = tmpBuff & sResult
Case 2
If ValNb > 0 Then
sResult = Tens(ValNb) & " " & sResult
End If
Case 0
If ValNb > 0 Then
If ValNb > 1 Then
sResult = Ones(ValNb) & " cent " & sResult
sResult = "cent " & sResult
End If
End If
End Select
Next i
If Len(sResult) > 0 Then
sResult = UCase$(left$(sResult, 1)) & Mid$(sResult, 2)
ElseIf sTemp = "0" Then
sResult = Ones(0)
End If
NumberToTextFrench = Trim$(sResult)
Exit Function
sResult = vbNullString
Resume EXIT_NumberToTextFrench
End Function
Public Function NumberToTextSpanish(sValue As String) As String
' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************
' * Author : Waty Thierry
' * Web Site : http://www.vbdiamond.com ' * E-Mail : [mailto:waty.thierry@vbdiamond.com waty.thierry@vbdiamond.com]
' * Date : 08/08/2005
' * Time : 18:13
' * Module Name : Lib_Module
' * Module Filename : Lib.bas
' * Procedure Name : NumberToTextSpanish
' * Purpose :
' * Parameters :
' * sValue As String
' * Purpose :
' **********************************************************************
' * Comments :
' *
' *
' * Example :
' *
' * See Also :
' *
' * History :
' *
' *
' **********************************************************************
On Error GoTo ERROR_NumberToTextSpanish
Static Ones(0 To 9) As String
Static Teens(0 To 9) As String
Static Tens(0 To 9) As String
Static Thousands(0 To 5) As String
Static dup_Thousands(0 To 5) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim nPosition As Integer
Dim ValNb As Integer
Dim LesZeros As Integer
Dim sResult As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim tmpBuff As String
Dim bAllZeros As Boolean
Dim bShow1000 As Boolean
Dim bNintyNines As Boolean
Dim sReturn As String
Dim sBuff As String
Dim nCol As Long
Dim nChar As Long
bNintyNines = True
bAllZeros = False
bShow1000 = False
Ones(0) = "cero"
Ones(1) = "uno"
Ones(2) = "dos"
Ones(3) = "tres"
Ones(4) = "cuatro"
Ones(5) = "cinco"
Ones(6) = "seis"
Ones(7) = "siete"
Ones(8) = "ocho"
Ones(9) = "nueve"
Teens(0) = "diez"
Teens(1) = "once"
Teens(2) = "doce"
Teens(3) = "trece"
Teens(4) = "catorce"
Teens(5) = "quince"
Teens(6) = "dieciseis"
Teens(7) = "diecisiete"
Teens(8) = "dieciocho"
Teens(9) = "diecinueve"
Tens(0) = vbNullString
Tens(1) = "diez"
Tens(2) = "veinte"
Tens(3) = "treinta"
Tens(4) = "cuarenta"
Tens(5) = "cincuenta"
Tens(6) = "sesenta"
Tens(7) = "setenta"
Tens(8) = "ochenta"
Tens(9) = "noventa"
Thousands(0) = vbNullString
Thousands(1) = "mil"
Thousands(2) = "million"
Thousands(3) = "mil million"
Thousands(4) = "billion"
Thousands(5) = "trillion"
If IsNumeric(sValue) = False Then Exit Function
sReturn = sValue
bAllZeros = True
For i = Len(sReturn) To 1 Step -1
nChar = CInt(Mid(sReturn, i, 1))
nCol = (Len(sReturn) - i) + 1
Select Case (nCol Mod 3)
Case 1 '1'
bShow1000 = True
If i = 1 Then
If nChar = 1 Then
Select Case nCol
Case 1 sTemp IIf(nCol 1, "uno ", "un ")
Case 4
sTemp = ""
Case Else
sTemp = "Un "
End Select
sTemp = Ones(nChar) & " "
End If
If nChar > 1 Then
bNintyNines = True
End If
ElseIf Mid(sReturn, i - 1, 1) = "1" Then
sTemp = Teens(nChar) & " "
i = i - 1 'Skip
bNintyNines = True
ElseIf nChar > 0 Then sTemp IIf(nChar 1, IIf(nCol = 1, "Uno ", "Un "), Ones(nChar) & " ")
bNintyNines = True
bShow1000 = False
If Mid(sReturn, i - 1, 1) <> "0" Then
bShow1000 = True
ElseIf i > 2 Then
If Mid(sReturn, i - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
bShow1000 = True
End If
End If
sTemp = ""
bNintyNines = False
End If
If bShow1000 Then
If nCol > 1 Then
If nCol \ 3 > 5 Then
sTemp = sTemp & IIf(nChar > 1, dup_Thousands(5), Thousands(5))
sTemp = sTemp & IIf(nChar > 1, dup_Thousands(nCol \ 3), Thousands(nCol \ 3))
End If
If bAllZeros Then sTemp = sTemp & " "
End If
bAllZeros = False
End If
sBuff = sTemp & sBuff
Case 2 '10'
If nChar > 0 Then
If Mid(sReturn, i + 1, 1) <> "0" Then
sBuff = Tens(nChar) & " y " & sBuff
sBuff = Tens(nChar) & " " & sBuff
End If
If Not bNintyNines Then
bNintyNines = True
End If
End If
Case 0 '100'
If nChar > 0 Then
If nChar = 1 Then
If bNintyNines Then
sBuff = " ciento " & sBuff
bNintyNines = False
sBuff = " cien " & sBuff
bNintyNines = False
End If
If nChar = 5 Then
sBuff = "quinientos " & sBuff
sBuff = Ones(nChar) & "cientos " & sBuff
End If
End If
End If
End Select
sBuff = Trim$(sBuff)
sBuff = UCase(left$(sBuff, 1)) & Mid(sBuff, 2)
NumberToTextSpanish = sBuff
Exit Function
sBuff = vbNullString
Resume EXIT_NumberToTextSpanish
End Function