Problème de résultat après compilation de mon code source

bvdecky Messages postés 3 Date d'inscription mardi 13 mai 2008 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 23 mai 2008 - 23 mai 2008 à 15:26
cs_omnia Messages postés 240 Date d'inscription jeudi 9 janvier 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 22 mars 2009 - 25 mai 2008 à 11:29
Bonjour à tousje dois réalisé un programme en C qui permet de récupérer les informations d'une souris ( Positions XY) et les récupérer sur un port USB)voici les codes sources://================================================================code source.c//================================================================//// raw_mouse.c - Win XP access to multiple mice via raw input//// To do://// - Improve the method for weeding out the RDP Mouse. Find "status bits" (see below).////================================================================#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x501 // This specifies WinXP or later - it is needed to access rawmouse from the user32.dll#include#include#include"raw_mouse.h"//============================================================// Dynamically linked functions from rawinput//============================================================typedef WINUSERAPI INT (WINAPI *pGetRawInputDeviceList)(OUT PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST pRawInputDeviceList, IN OUT PINT puiNumDevices, IN UINT cbSize);typedef WINUSERAPI INT(WINAPI *pGetRawInputData)(IN HRAWINPUT hRawInput, IN UINT uiCommand, OUT LPVOID pData, IN OUT PINT pcbSize, IN UINT cbSizeHeader);typedef WINUSERAPI INT(WINAPI *pGetRawInputDeviceInfoA)(IN HANDLE hDevice, IN UINT uiCommand, OUT LPVOID pData, IN OUT PINT pcbSize);typedef WINUSERAPI BOOL (WINAPI *pRegisterRawInputDevices)(IN PCRAWINPUTDEVICE pRawInputDevices, IN UINT uiNumDevices, IN UINT cbSize);pGetRawInputDeviceList _GRIDL;pGetRawInputData _GRID;pGetRawInputDeviceInfoA _GRIDIA;pRegisterRawInputDevices _RRID;int nraw_mouse_count;//============================================================// PARAMETERS//============================================================#define RAW_SYS_MOUSE 0 // The sys mouse combines all the other usb mice into one#define MAX_RAW_MOUSE_BUTTONS 3//============================================================// DATA TYPES//============================================================typedefstruct STRUCT_RAW_MOUSE {// Identifier for the mouse. WM_INPUT passes the device HANDLE as lparam when registering a mousemoveHANDLE device_handle;// The running tally of mouse moves received from WM_INPUT (mouse delta). // Calling get_raw_mouse_[x | y] will reset the value so that every time// get_raw_mouse_[x | y] is called, the relative value from the last time// get_raw_mouse_[x | y] was called will be returned.ULONG x;ULONG y;ULONG z;// Used to determine if the HID is using absolute mode or relative mode// The Act Labs PC USB Light Gun is absolute mode (returns screen coordinates)// and mice are relative mode (returns delta)// NOTE: this value isn't updated until the device registers a WM_INPUT messageBOOL is_absolute;// This indicates if the coordinates are coming from a multi-monitor setup// NOTE: this value isn't updated until the device registers a WM_INPUT messageBOOL is_virtual_desktop;int buttonpressed[MAX_RAW_MOUSE_BUTTONS];// Identifying the name of the button may be useful in the future as a way to // use a mousewheel as a button and other neat tricks (button name: "wheel up", "wheel down")// -- not a bad way to look at it for a rotary joystickchar *button_name[MAX_RAW_MOUSE_BUTTONS];} RAW_MOUSE, *PRAW_MOUSE;//============================================================// LOCAL VARIABLES//============================================================// Pointer to our array of raw mice. Created by called init_raw_mouse()static PRAW_MOUSE raw_mice;static BOOL include_sys_mouse;static BOOL include_rdp_mouse;static BOOL include_individual_mice; staticint excluded_sysmouse_devices_count;//============================================================// PROTOTYPES//============================================================// A weak solution to weeding out the Terminal Services virtual mouse from the list of devices.// I read somewhere that you shouldn't trust the device name's format. In other words, you shouldn't do what I'm doing.// Here's the quote from "Note that you should not make any programmatic assumption about how an instance ID is formatted. // To determine root devices, you can check device status bits."// So tell me, what are these (how you say) "status bits" and where can I get some?static BOOL is_rm_rdp_mouse(char cDeviceString[]);static BOOL read_raw_input(PRAWINPUT);// register to reviece WM_INPUT messages in WNDPROCstatic BOOL register_raw_mouse(void);//============================================================// raw_mouse_count//============================================================int raw_mouse_count(){return nraw_mouse_count;}//============================================================// is_rm_rdp_mouse//============================================================static BOOL is_rm_rdp_mouse(char cDeviceString[]){int i;char cRDPString[] = "\\??\\Root#RDP_MOU#0000#";if (strlen(cDeviceString) < 22) {return 0;}for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) {if (cRDPString[i] != cDeviceString[i]) {return 0;}} return 1;}//============================================================// init_raw_mouse//============================================================BOOL init_raw_mouse(BOOL in_include_sys_mouse, BOOL in_include_rdp_mouse, BOOL in_include_individual_mice){// "0" to exclude, "1" to includeint nInputDevices, i, j;PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST pRawInputDeviceList;static BOOL bHasBeenInitialized = 0;int currentmouse = 0;int nSize;char *psName;char buffer[80];// Return 0 if rawinput is not availableHMODULE user32 = LoadLibrary("user32.dll");if (!user32) return 0;_RRID = (pRegisterRawInputDevices)GetProcAddress(user32,"RegisterRawInputDevices");if (!_RRID) return 0;_GRIDL = (pGetRawInputDeviceList)GetProcAddress(user32,"GetRawInputDeviceList");if (!_GRIDL) return 0;_GRIDIA = (pGetRawInputDeviceInfoA)GetProcAddress(user32,"GetRawInputDeviceInfoA");if (!_GRIDIA) return 0;_GRID = (pGetRawInputData)GetProcAddress(user32,"GetRawInputData");if (!_GRID) return 0;excluded_sysmouse_devices_count = 0;nraw_mouse_count = 0;if (bHasBeenInitialized) {fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: rawmouse init called after initialization already completed.");bHasBeenInitialized = 1;return 0;}include_sys_mouse = in_include_sys_mouse;include_rdp_mouse = in_include_rdp_mouse;include_individual_mice = in_include_individual_mice;// 1st call to GetRawInputDeviceList: Pass NULL to get the number of devices.if (/* GetRawInputDeviceList */ (*_GRIDL)(NULL, &nInputDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) != 0) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to count raw input devices.\n");return 0;}// Allocate the array to hold the DeviceListif ((pRawInputDeviceList = malloc(sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST) * nInputDevices)) == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for raw input device list.\n");return 0;}// 2nd call to GetRawInputDeviceList: Pass the pointer to our DeviceList and GetRawInputDeviceList() will fill the arrayif (/* GetRawInputDeviceList */ (*_GRIDL)(pRawInputDeviceList, &nInputDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) == -1) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to get raw input device list.\n");return 0;}// Loop through all devices and count the micefor (i = 0; i < nInputDevices; i++) {if (pRawInputDeviceList[i].dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE) {/* Get the device name and use it to determine if it's the RDP Terminal Services virtual device. */// 1st call to GetRawInputDeviceInfo: Pass NULL to get the size of the device name if (/* GetRawInputDeviceInfo */ (*_GRIDIA)(pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, NULL, &nSize) != 0) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to get size of raw input device name.\n");return 0;}// Allocate the array to hold the nameif ((psName = (char *)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * nSize)) == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for device name.\n");return 0;}// 2nd call to GetRawInputDeviceInfo: Pass our pointer to get the device nameif ((int)/* GetRawInputDeviceInfo */ (*_GRIDIA)(pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, psName, &nSize) < 0) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to get raw input device name.\n");return 0;} // Count this mouse for allocation if it's not an RDP mouse or if we want to include the rdp mouseif (is_rm_rdp_mouse(psName)) {if (include_rdp_mouse) nraw_mouse_count++;}else { // It's an ordinary mousenraw_mouse_count++;if (!include_individual_mice) excluded_sysmouse_devices_count++; // Don't count this in the final nraw_mouse_count value}}}if (include_sys_mouse)nraw_mouse_count++;// Allocate the array for the raw miceif ((raw_mice = malloc(sizeof(RAW_MOUSE) * nraw_mouse_count)) == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for raw input mice.\n");return 0;}// Define the sys mouseif (include_sys_mouse) {raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].device_handle = 0;raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].x = 0;raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].y = 0;raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].z = 0;raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].is_absolute = 0;raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].is_virtual_desktop = 0;currentmouse++;}// Loop through all devices and set the device handles and initialize the mouse valuesfor (i = 0; i < nInputDevices; i++) {if (pRawInputDeviceList[i].dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE) {// 1st call to GetRawInputDeviceInfo: Pass NULL to get the size of the device name if (/* GetRawInputDeviceInfo */ (*_GRIDIA)(pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, NULL, &nSize) != 0) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to get size of raw input device name (2).\n");return 0;}// Allocate the array to hold the nameif ((psName = (char *)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * nSize)) == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for raw input device name (2).\n");return 0;}// 2nd call to GetRawInputDeviceInfo: Pass our pointer to get the device nameif ((int)/* GetRawInputDeviceInfo */ (*_GRIDIA)(pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, psName, &nSize) < 0) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to get raw input device name (2).\n");return 0;} // Add this mouse to the array if it's not an RDPMouse or if we wish to include the RDP mouseif ((!is_rm_rdp_mouse(psName)) || include_rdp_mouse ) {raw_mice[currentmouse].device_handle = pRawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice;raw_mice[currentmouse].x = 0;raw_mice[currentmouse].y = 0;raw_mice[currentmouse].z = 0;raw_mice[currentmouse].is_absolute = 0;raw_mice[currentmouse].is_virtual_desktop = 0;currentmouse++;}}}// free the RAWINPUTDEVICELISTfree(pRawInputDeviceList);for (i = 0; i < nraw_mouse_count; i++) {for (j = 0; j < MAX_RAW_MOUSE_BUTTONS; j++) {raw_mice[i].buttonpressed[j] = 0;// Create the name for this buttonsprintf(buffer, "Button %i", j);raw_mice[i].button_name[j] = (char *)malloc(strlen(buffer) + 1);sprintf(raw_mice[i].button_name[j], "%s", buffer);}}nraw_mouse_count -= excluded_sysmouse_devices_count;// finally, register to recieve raw input WM_INPUT messagesif (!register_raw_mouse()) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to register raw input (2).\n");return 0;}bHasBeenInitialized = 1;return 1; }//============================================================// register_raw_mouse//============================================================BOOL register_raw_mouse(void){// This function registers to receive the WM_INPUT messagesRAWINPUTDEVICE Rid[1]; // Register only for mouse messages from wm_input. //register to get wm_input messagesRid[0].usUsagePage = 0x01; Rid[0].usUsage = 0x02; Rid[0].dwFlags = 0;// RIDEV_NOLEGACY; // adds HID mouse and also ignores legacy mouse messagesRid[0].hwndTarget = NULL;// Register to receive the WM_INPUT message for any change in mouse (buttons, wheel, and movement will all generate the same message)if (!/* RegisterRawInputDevices*/ (*_RRID)(Rid, 1, sizeof (Rid[0])))return 0;return 1;}//============================================================// destroy_raw_mouse//============================================================void destroy_raw_mouse(void){free(raw_mice);}//============================================================// read_raw_input//============================================================BOOL read_raw_input(PRAWINPUT raw){// should be static when I get around to itint i;// mouse 0 is sysmouse, so if there is not sysmouse start loop @0i = 0;if (include_sys_mouse) i++; for ( ; i < (nraw_mouse_count + excluded_sysmouse_devices_count); i++) {if (raw_mice[i].device_handle == raw->header.hDevice){// Update the values for the specified mouseif (include_individual_mice) {if (raw_mice[i].is_absolute) {raw_mice[i].x = raw->data.mouse.lLastX;raw_mice[i].y = raw->data.mouse.lLastY;}else { // relativeraw_mice[i].x += raw->data.mouse.lLastX;raw_mice[i].y += raw->data.mouse.lLastY;}if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_1_DOWN) raw_mice[i].buttonpressed[0] = 1;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_1_UP) raw_mice[i].buttonpressed[0] = 0;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_2_DOWN) raw_mice[i].buttonpressed[1] = 1;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_2_UP) raw_mice[i].buttonpressed[1] = 0;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_3_DOWN) raw_mice[i].buttonpressed[2] = 1;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_3_UP) raw_mice[i].buttonpressed[2] = 0;if (raw->data.mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE) raw_mice[i].is_absolute = 1;elseif (raw->data.mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_MOVE_RELATIVE) raw_mice[i].is_absolute = 0;if (raw->data.mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP) raw_mice[i].is_virtual_desktop = 1;else raw_mice[i].is_virtual_desktop = 0;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_WHEEL) { // If the current message has a mouse_wheel messageif ((SHORT)raw->data.mouse.usButtonData > 0) {raw_mice[i].z++;}if ((SHORT)raw->data.mouse.usButtonData < 0) {raw_mice[i].z--;}}}// Feed the values for every mouse into the system mouseif (include_sys_mouse) { if (raw_mice[i].is_absolute) {raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].x = raw->data.mouse.lLastX;raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].y = raw->data.mouse.lLastY;}else { // relativeraw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].x += raw->data.mouse.lLastX;raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].y += raw->data.mouse.lLastY;}// This is innacurate: If 2 mice have their buttons down and I lift up on one, this will register the// system mouse as being "up". I checked out on my windows desktop, and Microsoft was just as// lazy as I'm going to be. Drag an icon with the 2 left mouse buttons held down & let go of one.if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_1_DOWN) raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].buttonpressed[0] = 1;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_1_UP) raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].buttonpressed[0] = 0;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_2_DOWN) raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].buttonpressed[1] = 1;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_2_UP) raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].buttonpressed[1] = 0;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_3_DOWN) raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].buttonpressed[2] = 1;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_3_UP) raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].buttonpressed[2] = 0;// If an absolute mouse is triggered, sys mouse will be considered absolute till the end of time.if (raw->data.mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE) raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].is_absolute = 1;// Same goes for virtual desktopif (raw->data.mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP) raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].is_virtual_desktop = 1;if (raw->data.mouse.usButtonFlags & RI_MOUSE_WHEEL) { // If the current message has a mouse_wheel messageif ((SHORT)raw->data.mouse.usButtonData > 0) {raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].z++;}if ((SHORT)raw->data.mouse.usButtonData < 0) {raw_mice[RAW_SYS_MOUSE].z--;}}}}}return 1;}//============================================================// is_raw_mouse_button_pressed//============================================================BOOL is_raw_mouse_button_pressed(int mousenum, int buttonnum) {// It's ok to ask if buttons are pressed for unitialized mice - just tell 'em no button's pressedif (mousenum >= nraw_mouse_count || buttonnum >= MAX_RAW_MOUSE_BUTTONS || raw_mice == NULL) return 0;return (raw_mice[mousenum].buttonpressed[buttonnum]);}//============================================================// is_raw_mouse_absolute//============================================================BOOL is_raw_mouse_absolute(int mousenum){return (raw_mice[mousenum].is_absolute);}//============================================================// is_raw_mouse_virtual_desktop//============================================================BOOL is_raw_mouse_virtual_desktop(int mousenum){return (raw_mice[mousenum].is_virtual_desktop);}//============================================================// get_raw_mouse_button_name//============================================================char *get_raw_mouse_button_name(int mousenum, int buttonnum) {if (mousenum >= nraw_mouse_count || buttonnum >= MAX_RAW_MOUSE_BUTTONS || raw_mice == NULL) return NULL;return (raw_mice[mousenum].button_name[buttonnum]);}//============================================================// add_to_raw_mouse_x_and_y//============================================================BOOL add_to_raw_mouse_x_and_y(HANDLE in_device_handle){// When the WM_INPUT message is received, the lparam must be passed to this function to keep a running tally of// every mouse moves to maintain accurate results for get_raw_mouse_?_delta().// This function will take the HANDLE of the device and find the device in the raw_mice arrayand add the // x and y mousemove values according to the information stored in the RAWINPUT structure.LPBYTE lpb;int dwSize;if (/* GetRawInputData */(*_GRID)((HRAWINPUT)in_device_handle, RID_INPUT, NULL, &dwSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) == -1) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to add to get size of raw input header.\n");return 0;}lpb = (LPBYTE)malloc(sizeof(LPBYTE) * dwSize);if (lpb == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for raw input header.\n");return 0;} if (/* GetRawInputData */(*_GRID)((HRAWINPUT)in_device_handle, RID_INPUT, lpb, &dwSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) != dwSize ) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to add to get raw input header.\n");return 0;} read_raw_input((RAWINPUT*)lpb);free(lpb); return 1;}//============================================================// get_raw_mouse_x_delta//============================================================ULONG get_raw_mouse_x_delta(int mousenum){ULONG nReturn = 0;if (raw_mice != NULL && mousenum < nraw_mouse_count) {nReturn = raw_mice[mousenum].x;if(!raw_mice[mousenum].is_absolute) raw_mice[mousenum].x = 0;}return nReturn;}//============================================================// get_raw_mouse_y_delta//============================================================ULONG get_raw_mouse_y_delta(int mousenum){ULONG nReturn = 0;if (raw_mice != NULL && mousenum < nraw_mouse_count) {nReturn = raw_mice[mousenum].y;if(!raw_mice[mousenum].is_absolute) raw_mice[mousenum].y = 0;}return nReturn;}//============================================================// get_raw_mouse_z_delta//============================================================ULONG get_raw_mouse_z_delta(int mousenum){ULONG nReturn = 0;if (raw_mice != NULL && mousenum < nraw_mouse_count) {nReturn = raw_mice[mousenum].z;if(!raw_mice[mousenum].is_absolute) raw_mice[mousenum].z = 0;}return nReturn;}//================================================= code source.h//=================================================================//// raw_mouse.h - Windows XP implementation of multi-mouse input ////=================================================================#ifndef __RAW_MOUSE_H#define __RAW_MOUSE_H//============================================================// PROTOTYPES//============================================================// init raw mouse by creating the array of raw mice (include sysmouse, include rawmouse, include individual mice)// Number of mice stored in pRawMice array// NOTE: init_raw_mouse must be called before this can return the actual number of miceint raw_mouse_count();BOOL init_raw_mouse(BOOL, BOOL, BOOL);// Free up the memory allocated for the raw mouse arrayvoid destroy_raw_mouse(void);// Every time the WM_INPUT message is received, the lparam must be passed to this function to keep a running tally of// every mouse move to maintain accurate results for get_raw_mouse_x_delta() & get_raw_mouse_y_delta().BOOL add_to_raw_mouse_x_and_y(HANDLE); // device handle, x val, y val// Fetch the relative position of the mouse since the last time get_raw_mouse_x_delta() or get_raw_mouse_y_delta // was calledULONG get_raw_mouse_x_delta(int);ULONG get_raw_mouse_y_delta(int);ULONG get_raw_mouse_z_delta(int);// pass the mousenumber, button number, returns 0 if the button is up, 1 if the button is downBOOL is_raw_mouse_button_pressed(int, int);char *get_raw_mouse_button_name(int, int);// Used to determine if the HID is using absolute mode or relative mode// The Act Labs PC USB Light Gun is absolute mode (returns screen coordinates)// and mice are relative mode (returns delta)// NOTE: this value isn't updated until the device registers a WM_INPUT messageBOOL is_raw_mouse_absolute(int);// This indicates if the coordinates are coming from a multi-monitor setup// NOTE: this value isn't updated until the device registers a WM_INPUT messageBOOL is_raw_mouse_virtual_desktop(int);#endif/* ifndef __RAW_MOUSE_H *///================================================================résultat de la compilation1>------ Début de la génération : Projet : testtest_souris, Configuration : Debug Win32 ------1>Édition des liens en cours...1>MSVCRTD.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2019: symbole externe non résolu _WinMain@16 référencé dans la fonction ___tmainCRTStartup1>C:\Documents and Settings\20052609\Bureau\projet souris\testtest_souris\Debug\testtest_souris.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 externes non résolus1>Le journal de génération a été enregistré à l'emplacement "file://c:\Documents and Settings\20052609\Bureau\projet souris\testtest_souris\testtest_souris\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>testtest_souris - 2 erreur(s), 0 avertissement(s)========== Génération : 0 a réussi, 1 a échoué, 0 mis à jour, 0 a été ignoré ==========PROBLEME;je n'arrive pas à comprendre le problème d'erreur de cette compilation je developpe ce programme en application console sous visual studio 2005merci de me donner une aide si possible merci d'avance et bon week end à tous

2 réponses

BunoCS Messages postés 15475 Date d'inscription lundi 11 juillet 2005 Statut Modérateur Dernière intervention 23 avril 2024 103
23 mai 2008 à 16:35
En voyant la longueur du message, je me suis dis "houlah...ça va en rebuter plus d'un"!!
Mais en allant directement à la fin, j'ai vu les termes "WinMain" et "application console". Or, les 2 sont imcompatibles. Tu as du te tromper lors de la création de ton projet sous Visual: il faut choisir le projet "Application Console"

Bonne continuation!

L'urgent est fait, l'impossible est en cours. Pour les miracles, prévoir un délai...
Le site de mon mariage
cs_omnia Messages postés 240 Date d'inscription jeudi 9 janvier 2003 Statut Membre Dernière intervention 22 mars 2009
25 mai 2008 à 11:29

il y a quelque chose qui me turlupine la ton projet est de modifier/lire l'emplacement du curseur de la souris et de l'écrire sur un périphérique usb externe ou bien
simplement modifier l'emplacement du curseur d'une souris USB ???

si c'est le cas une simple utilisation des API windows suffira GetCursorPos et SetCursorPos

bonne continuation.