Creation de fichier zip en asp

Contenu du snippet

ce code permet de creer des fichier zip en asp

Source / Exemple :

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

	' This ASP script is a sample provided for the Xceed Zip Compression Library.
	' It is called by the frmSelect.htm web page file. 
	' Download the component in trial version : 
	' Download the application :

	Dim xZip			' Will represent an instance of the Xceed Zip object
	Dim ResultCode		' Result Code from the Zip method
	Dim sFilesChosen	' HTML output string 
	Dim sRandom			' Random number string
	Dim sFilename		' Filename of self-extracting zip file to create on server
	Dim sDownloadURL	' The URL where your browser will download the zip file from
	Dim Introtext		' The text for the self-extracting zip file's introduction dialog

	' Change these constants below for your own sever, and make
	' sure the File1.txt, File2.txt and File3.txt files are placed
	' in the PATH_FOR_SOURCE_FILES folder. The xcdsfx32.bin
	' self-extractor binary file should also be placed in this folder.

	Const PATH_FOR_SOURCE_FILES = "D:\InetPub\testwebsite\Send\"
	Const PATH_FOR_ZIP_FILE = "D:\InetPub\testwebsite\Send\Zipfiles\"
	Const DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://servername/Send/Zipfiles/"

	' Instanciate the Xceed Zip object (the xceedzip.dll should be
	' installed on the server, of course)

	Set xZip = Server.CreateObject("XceedSoftware.XceedZip.4")
	' If you are using the free trial version of Xceed Zip, you'll
	' need to run the Xceed Zip trial version's setup program on
	' the server, otherwise it will complain it is not licensed.
	' If you are a registered user, uncomment the following line
	' and replace the text in quotes with your license key.
	' xZip.License("your license key goes here")
	' Now, we tell Xceed Zip where to create the self-extracting
	' zip file.	For this sample, we make the zip file name include the
	' client's IP address or name in. That way, if multiple users
	' are using this ASP page to create zip files at the same time,
	' each user has a unique zip filename to download. 
	sFilename = PATH_FOR_ZIP_FILE & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST") & ".exe"
	xZip.ZipFilename = sFilename
	' Now lets set Xceed Zip's options to customize the self-extracting zip file
	sFilesChosen = ""		
	if uCase(Request("chkFile1")) = "ON" then
		sFilesChosen = "File1.txt<BR>"
		xZip.AddFilesToProcess (PATH_FOR_SOURCE_FILES & "File1.txt")
	end if
	if uCase(Request("chkFile2")) = "ON" then
		sFilesChosen = sFilesChosen & "File2.txt<BR>"
		xZip.AddFilesToProcess (PATH_FOR_SOURCE_FILES & "File2.txt")
	end if

	if uCase(Request("chkFile3")) = "ON" then
		sFilesChosen = sFilesChosen & "File3.txt<BR>"
		xZip.AddFilesToProcess (PATH_FOR_SOURCE_FILES & "File3.txt")
	end if
	xZip.UseTempFile = False			' No need for a temp file for this application
	xZip.PreservePaths = False			' Do not store the paths where the source files are from

	xZip.SfxBinaryModule = PATH_FOR_SOURCE_FILES & "xcdsfx32.bin"

	Introtext = "This self-extracting zip file contains the file(s) you selected "
	Introtext = Introtext + "to download. The files are password-protected, so you "
	Introtext = Introtext + "will need to enter a password. Click 'OK' to continue."

	xZip.SfxMessages(xsmIntro) = Introtext

	xZip.SfxStrings(xssTitle) = "Custom zip file for " + Trim(Request("txtIntro")) ' Uses name entered on the web page
	xZip.SfxDefaultUnzipToFolder = Trim(Request("txtUnzipFolder")) ' The unzip folder entered on the web page
	xZip.EncryptionPassword = Trim(Request("txtPassword")) ' The password entered on the web page

	' Now run the command to create the self-extracting zip file
	ResultCode = xZip.Zip  
	If ResultCode = 0 then
		sDownloadPath =  DOWNLOAD_URL & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST") & ".exe"
		Response.ContentType = "application/x-gzip"
		Response.Redirect (sDownloadPath)

Custom zip file creation error.

You have selected to download the following files:
But the following error from Xceed Zip was returned: <P>
		Response.Write(xZip.GetErrorDescription(xvtError ,ResultCode))

	end if	
	set xZip = Nothing



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