Tools html


C'est un petit exemple d'utilisation d'objet en ASP.
Le but étant de se simplifier la vie en ayant des objets formulaires prêts à l'emploi et de pouvoir facilement changer l'aspect d'un site sans se retaper tout le html.
Le zip comprend un fichier test qui utilise ces objets

Happy coding !

Source / Exemple :

'Toutes licences accordées à zappy

class typeItem
	public key
	public caption
end class

class optiComboBox
	public SelectName
	private myItem()
	private ItemCount
	public activeKey
	public function AddItem(key, caption)
		redim preserve myItem(ItemCount)
		set myItem(ItemCount) = new typeItem
		myItem(ItemCount).key = key
		myItem(ItemCount).caption = caption
		ItemCount = ItemCount + 1
	end function

	public sub Clear()
		erase MyItem
		ItemCount = 0
	end sub
	public function getStringHTML()
		dim strBuffer, i
		if ItemCount > 0 then
			for i=0 to (ItemCount - 1) step 1
				strBuffer = strBuffer & "<option value=" & chr(34) & myItem(i).key & chr(34)
				if myItem(i).key = activeKey then
					strBuffer = strBuffer & " selected"
				end if
				strBuffer = strBuffer & ">" & myItem(i).caption & "</option>" & VbCrLf
			strBuffer = "<select name=" & chr(34) & SelectName & chr(34) & ">" & VbCrLf & strBuffer & "</select>"
		end if
		getStringHTML = strBuffer
	end function
end class

class optiDateComboBox
	public intMinYear
	public intMaxYear
	public dtValue
	public strName
	private sub class_initialize()
		intMinYear = year(now()) - 100
		intMaxYear = year(now()) + 1
	end sub
	public function SetNewValue(strDay, strMonth, strYear)
		dim strBuffer
		strBuffer = strDay & "/" & strMonth & "/" & strYear
		if isdate(strbuffer) then
			dtValue = CDate(strBuffer)
			SetNewValue = true
			SetNewValue = false
		end if
	end function
	public function getStringHTML()
		Dim strBuffer
		Dim i
		If intMinYear > intMaxYear Then Exit Function
		if not isdate(dtValue) then dtValue = #01/01/1950#
		'Les jours
		strBuffer = "<select name=" & Chr(34) & strName & "jj" & Chr(34) & ">" & VbCrLf
		For i = 1 To 31 Step 1
		   strBuffer = strBuffer & "<option value=" & Chr(34) & CStr(i) & Chr(34)
		   If CInt(Day(dtValue)) = i Then strBuffer = strBuffer & " selected"
		   strBuffer = strBuffer & ">" & CStringNombre(i,2) & "</option>" & VbCrLf
		strBuffer = strBuffer & "</select>" & VbCrLf & "/" & VbCrLf
		'Les mois
		strBuffer = strBuffer & "<select name=" & Chr(34) & strName & "mm" & Chr(34) & ">" & VbCrLf
		For i = 1 To 12 Step 1
		   strBuffer = strBuffer & "<option value=" & Chr(34) & CStr(i) & Chr(34)
		   If CInt(Month(dtValue)) = i Then strBuffer = strBuffer & " selected"
		   strBuffer = strBuffer & ">" & CStringNombre(i,2) & "</option>" & VbCrLf
		strBuffer = strBuffer & "</select>" & VbCrLf & "/" & VbCrLf
		'Les annees
		strBuffer = strBuffer & "<select name=" & Chr(34) & strName & "aa" & Chr(34) & ">" & VbCrLf
		For i = intMinYear To intMaxYear Step 1
		   strBuffer = strBuffer & "<option value=" & Chr(34) & CStr(i) & Chr(34)
		   If CInt(Year(dtValue)) = i Then strBuffer = strBuffer & " selected"
		   strBuffer = strBuffer & ">" & CStringNombre(i,4) & "</option>" & VbCrLf
		strBuffer = strBuffer & "</select>" & VbCrLf
		getStringHTML = strBuffer
	end function
end class

class optiRadioBox
	public RadioName
	private myItem()
	private ItemCount
	public activeKey
	public function AddItem(key, caption)
		redim preserve myItem(ItemCount)
		set myItem(ItemCount) = new typeItem
		myItem(ItemCount).key = key
		myItem(ItemCount).caption = caption
		ItemCount = ItemCount + 1
	end function

	public sub Clear()
		erase MyItem
		ItemCount = 0
	end sub
	public property get CountItem()
		CountItem = ItemCount
	end property
	public function GetStringHTML(itemKey)
		for i = 0 to ItemCount - 1 step 1
			if myItem(i).key = itemKey then
				GetStringHTML = GetStringHTMLItem(i)
				exit for
			end if
	end function
	public function GetStringHTMLItem(indexItem)
		dim strBuffer
		strBuffer = "<input type=""radio"" name=""" & RadioName & """ value=""" & cstr(myItem(indexItem).key) & """"
		if myItem(indexItem).key = activeKey then
			strBuffer = strBuffer & " CHECKED"
		end if
		GetStringHTMLItem = strBuffer & ">" & myItem(indexItem).caption
	end function	
end class

public function CStringNombre(value, nbrChiffre)
	if len(cstr(value)) < nbrChiffre then
		CStringNombre = string(nbrChiffre - len(cstr(value)),"0") & cstr(value)
		CStringNombre = cstr(value)
	end if
end function

function opt_processArray(inArray, inStringRow)
	returnString = ""
	bufferString = ""
	on error resume next
	nbrRow = ubound(inArray) - lbound(inArray) 
	nbrField = ubound(inArray, 2) - lbound(inArray, 2)
	if err.number <> 0 then exit function
	on error goto 0
	for i = lbound(inArray) to ubound(inArray) step 1
		bufferString = inStringRow
		for n=lbound(inArray,2) to ubound(inArray,2) step 1
			bufferString = replace(bufferString, "{" & CStr(n) & "}",CStr(inArray(i,n)))
		returnString = returnString & bufferString 'Retour charriot dans la string passée en argument !!
	opt_processArray = returnString
end function

Codes Sources

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