Intyftp, class ftp puissante et accessible


Bonjour à tous, voici un objet Ftp en PHP5 qui vous permet de vous connecter sur un ftp distant, lire, déplacer, supprimer, rechercher un fichier à partir d'un mot complet ou d'une abréviation (utile pour des mises à jours sur fichiers générés automatiquement).

La classe a été créee de sorte à être très simple d'usage et accessible.
Pour toutes améliorations ou commentaires, n'hésitez pas à me faire vos propositions :).

PS: Télécharger la source pour éviter les espaces entre certains mots et variables qui se glissent lors du dépot du code source.

Source / Exemple :

###  Ftp class, allows you to read, search, move, delete a file on a ftp server.
###	 @name intyFtp
###	 @author Edoaurd Kombo <>

class intyFtp{

	protected $_path				= false;				//Path to go on the ftp
	protected $_ftp					= false;				//Ftp connexion
	protected $_localFile			= false;
	protected $_file				= false;	
	protected $_server;	
	protected $_user;	
	protected $_pass;	

	function __construct(){}
	function __destruct(){}
		private function setPath($path){ //On récupère le contenu du répertoire
			return $this->_path = $path;

		private function setFile($file){ //On récupère le contenu du répertoire
			return $this->_file = $file;

		private function setPassiveMode($mode){ //turn passive mode on/off for local ftp
				$getMode = ($mode) ? 'on' : 'off' ;
				if(!ftp_pasv($this->_ftp, $mode)){
					$error = 'Unable to turn passive mode "'.$getMode.'".';
					throw new Exception($error);				
			} catch(Exception $e) {
				echo 'Exception caught by method "'.__FUNCTION__.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n";			
		private function getList(){ //On récupère le contenu du répertoire
					return ftp_nlist($this->_ftp , $this->_path);
				} else {
					$error = 'Unable to connect to server "'.$server.'".';
					throw new Exception($error);
			} catch(Exception $e) {
				echo 'Exception caught by method "'.__FUNCTION__.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n";				
		function set($args){
				case 'path': $result = $this->setPath($args[1]);			    
				case 'file': $result = $this->setFile($args[1]);			    
				case 'passive_mode': $result = $this->setPassiveMode($args[1]);			    
			return $result;

		function get($args){
				case 'list': $result = $this->getList();			    
			return $result;
		function connect($server, $user, $pass){
			try {
				$this->_server 	= $server;
				$this->_user 	= $user;
				$this->_pass 	= $pass;
				$this->_ftp 	= ftp_connect($this->_server);

					if(!ftp_login($this->_ftp , $user , $pass)){

						$error = 'Unable to login to server "'.$server.'". Please ensure identifiers are correct.';
						throw new Exception($error);				
				} else {
					$error = 'Unable to connect to server "'.$server.'".';
					throw new Exception($error);				
			} catch(Exception $e) {
				echo 'Exception caught by method "'.__FUNCTION__.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n";

		function search($order){ //Search a file on the ftp
			//$order = 1 => growing
			//$order = 0 => descending
			$filesList = $this->getList(); //Get file lists in directory $this->_path
			$result = array();
			$exists = false;
			//If the file exists in the directory
			foreach($filesList as $key => $val){
				if($val == $this->_path.$this->_file){
					$exists = true;
					$val 	= str_replace($this->_path , '' , $val);
					array_push($result , $val);					
			//If the file doesn't exists in the directory, we search for a similar file in growing or descending order
				$wordLength = strlen($this->_path.$this->_file);
				foreach($filesList as $key => $val){
					$thisWord = substr($val, 0, $wordLength);
					if($thisWord == $this->_path.$this->_file){
						$exists = true;
						$val 	= str_replace($this->_path , '' , $val);
						array_push($result , $val);
			//We now choose the corresponding file or not
					if(count($result) >= 1){
						return $this->_file = ($order == 1) ? max($result) : min($result); //Min or max value of the array 
					} else {
						return $this->_file;
				} else {
					$error = 'The file has not been found in directory "'.$this->_path.'".';
					throw new Exception($error);					
			} catch(Exception $e) {
				echo 'Exception caught by method "'.__FUNCTION__.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n";			

		function move($localFile){	//Transfer a local file on ftp_server
				//Tant que le fichier n'est pas uploadé sur le serveur, on ne fait rien d'autre
				if(!ftp_put($this->_ftp , $this->_path.$this->_file , $localFile , FTP_BINARY)){
					$error = 'The file has not been found in directory "'.$this->_path.'".';
					throw new Exception($error);
			} catch(Exception $e) {
				echo 'Exception caught by method "'.__FUNCTION__.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n";
		function read($file){ //We read content of a file by Ftp
			$thisFile = (!empty($file)) ? $file : $this->_path.$this->_file;
				$read = file_get_contents('ftp://'.$this->_user.':'.$this->_pass.'@'.$this->_server.'/'.$thisFile.'');
					$error = 'Unable to read file "'.$thisFile.'" on server "'.$this->_server.'".';
					throw new Exception($error);			
				} else {
					return $read;
			} catch(Exception $e){
				echo 'Exception caught by method "'.__FUNCTION__.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n";			
		function delete($file){ //Delete file on ftp
			$thisFile = (!empty($file)) ? $file : $this->_path.$this->_file ;
				if(!ftp_delete($this->_ftp, $thisFile)){
					$error = 'Unable to read file "'.$thisFile.'" on server "'.$this->_server.'".';
					throw new Exception($error);
			} catch(Exception $e){
				echo 'Exception caught by method "'.__FUNCTION__.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n";				

		function close(){	//Disconnect from FTP
					$error = 'Impossible de se déconnecter du serveur ftp.';
					throw new Exception($error);
			} catch(Exception $e){
				echo 'Exception caught by method "'.__FUNCTION__.'": '.$e->getMessage()."\n";				

Conclusion :

//Application du code source

$ftp = new intyFtp();
$ftp->connect('server', 'user', 'pass');

$ftp->set(array('passive_mode' , true));

//Move a file into a ftp server
$ftp->set(array('path' , 'www/localStorage/')); //Set corresponding path on the ftp server
$ftp->set(array('file' , 'mytest.csv')); //Set the name of the file to be created
$ftp->move('a.csv'); //File on the local server to move to ftp server

//Search a file with an uncomplete filename
$ftp->set(array('path' , 'www/localStorage/')); //Set corresponding path on the ftp server
$ftp->set(array('file' , 'facturation')); //Set the name of the file to search (complete or uncomplete)
$file = $ftp->search(1); //Search a file starting with filename in the corresponding path (1 => get the file by growing order; 0 => get the file by descending order)

//Delete file on ftp server
$ftp->set(array('path' , 'www/localStorage/')); //Set corresponding path on the ftp server
$ftp->set(array('file' , 'facturation')); //Set the name of the file to search (complete or uncomplete)
$file = $ftp->search(1); //Search a file starting with filename in the corresponding path (1 => get the file by growing order; 0 => get the file by descending order)
$ftp->set(array('file' , $file)); //We define new filename
$ftp->delete(NULL); //We delete the corresponding filename (You can directly set the name of the file to delete on the ftp server)

//read file on ftp server
$ftp->set(array('path' , 'www/localStorage/')); //Set corresponding path on the ftp server
$ftp->set(array('file' , 'facturation')); //Set the name of the file to search (complete or uncomplete)
$file = $ftp->search(1); //Search a file starting with filename in the corresponding path (1 => get the file by growing order; 0 => get the file by descending order)
$ftp->set(array('file' , $file)); //We define new filename
echo $ftp->read(NULL); //We read the content of the file we defines (You can directly set the name of the file to read on the ftp server)

Codes Sources

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