
Contenu du snippet

Code en C++ permettant avec la Bibliotheque OpenCV de "marquer" des regions d'interets dans des images, notamment pour la realisation de Machine Learning. Le code source original n'est pas de moi, j'ai cependant realiser des modifications afin de rendre le programme plus efficient, et compatible pour les utilisateurs travaillant avec Windows.

Source / Exemple :


Objectmarker for marking the objects to be detected  from positive samples and then creating the 
description file for positive images.

compile this code and run with two arguments, first one the name of the descriptor file and the second one 
the address of the directory in which the positive images are located

while running this code, each image in the given directory will open up. Now mark the edges of the object using the mouse buttons
  then press then press "SPACE" to save the selected region, or any other key to discard it. Then use "b" to move to next image. the program automatically
  quits at the end. press ESC at anytime to quit.

author: achu_wilson@rediffmail.com
author: provost.kevin@gmail.com

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#include <opencv/cv.h> #include <opencv/cvaux.h> #include <opencv/highgui.h> // for filelisting #include <stdio.h> #include <io.h> // for fileoutput #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/types.h> using namespace std; IplImage* image=0; IplImage* image2=0; int roi_x0=0; int roi_y0=0; int roi_x; int roi_x1=0; int roi_y1=0; int roi_y; int numOfRec=0; int startDraw = 0; char* window_name="<SPACE>add <b>save and load next <ESC>exit"; string IntToString(int num) { ostringstream myStream; //creates an ostringstream object myStream << num << flush; return(myStream.str()); //returns the string form of the stringstream object }; void on_mouse(int event,int x,int y,int flag, void *param) { if(event==CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) { if(!startDraw) { roi_x0=x; roi_y0=y; startDraw = 1; } else { roi_x1=x; roi_y1=y; startDraw = 0; } } if(event==CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && startDraw) { //redraw ROI selection image2=cvCloneImage(image); cvRectangle(image2,cvPoint(roi_x0,roi_y0),cvPoint(x,y),CV_RGB(255,0,255),5); cvShowImage(window_name,image2); cvReleaseImage(&image2); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { char iKey=0; string strPrefix; string strPostfix; string input_directory; string output_file; if(argc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s output_info.txt raw/data/directory/\n", argv[0]); return -1; } input_directory = argv[2]; output_file = argv[1]; /* Get a file listing of all files with in the input directory */ DIR *dir_p = opendir (input_directory.c_str()); struct dirent *dir_entry_p; if(dir_p == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open directory %s\n", input_directory.c_str()); return -1; } fprintf(stderr, "Object Marker: Input Directory: %s Output File: %s\n", input_directory.c_str(), output_file.c_str()); // init highgui cvAddSearchPath(input_directory); cvNamedWindow(window_name,CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO); cvSetMouseCallback(window_name,on_mouse, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Opening directory..."); // init output of rectangles to the info file ofstream output(output_file.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "done.\n"); while((dir_entry_p = readdir(dir_p)) != NULL) { numOfRec=0; if(strcmp(dir_entry_p->d_name, "")) fprintf(stderr, "Examining file %s\n", dir_entry_p->d_name); strPostfix=""; strPrefix=input_directory; fprintf(stderr, "Nom repertoire 1 %s\n", strPrefix.c_str()); strPrefix+=dir_entry_p->d_name; fprintf(stderr, "Nom repertoire 2 %s\n", strPrefix.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "Loading image %s\n", strPrefix.c_str()); image=cvLoadImage(strPrefix.c_str(),1); printf("Valeure image %i \n", image); //Work on current image if(image != 0) { do { cvShowImage(window_name,image); // used cvWaitKey returns: // <b> save added rectangles and show next image // <ESC>=27 exit program // <Space>=32 add rectangle to current image iKey=cvWaitKey(0); switch(iKey) { case 27: cvReleaseImage(&image); cvDestroyWindow(window_name); return 0; case 32: numOfRec++; printf(" %d. rect x=%d\ty=%d\tx2h=%d\ty2=%d\n",numOfRec,roi_x0,roi_y0,roi_x1,roi_y1); if(roi_x0 > roi_x1) { roi_x=roi_x1; roi_x1 = roi_x0; roi_x0 = roi_x; } if(roi_y0 > roi_y1) { roi_y=roi_y1; roi_y1 = roi_y0; roi_y0 = roi_y; } printf(" %d. rect x=%d\ty=%d\twidth=%d\theight=%d\n",numOfRec,roi_x0,roi_y0,roi_x1-roi_x0,roi_y1-roi_y0); strPostfix+=" "+IntToString(roi_x0)+" "+IntToString(roi_y0)+" "+IntToString(roi_x1-roi_x0)+" "+IntToString(roi_y1-roi_y0); cvRectangle(image,cvPoint(roi_x0,roi_y0),cvPoint(roi_x1,roi_y1),CV_RGB(0,0,205),5); break; } } while(iKey!='b'); { // save to info file as later used for HaarTraining: if(numOfRec>0 && iKey=='b') { output << strPrefix << " "<< numOfRec << strPostfix <<"\n"; cvReleaseImage(&image); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load image, %s\n", strPrefix.c_str()); } } } } output.close(); cvDestroyWindow(window_name); closedir(dir_p); cvWaitKey(0); return 0; }

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