Implémentation de l'ensemble c avec java

Contenu du snippet

Ce code est pour faire une modélisation de l'ensemble C sous JAVA, avec quelque notions un peu avancée sur cet ensemble, tel que les fonctions usuelle généralisée à C et d'autres fonctions tel que la résolutions d'une équation polynomiale dans C, ainsi que la construction d'un "Ordre Total" dans C...
Ce code Contient 2 interfaces pour faciliter la tâche de lecture et pour bien vous guider dans la manipulation de cette classe...

Source / Exemple :

package ma.scupper.mathematics.analysis;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;


  • @author Scupper
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public class Complex implements ComplexFunctions,Comparable{ private double realPart, imaginaryPart; public Complex(){ this.realPart = 0; this.imaginaryPart = 0; } public Complex(double r, double im){ this.realPart = r; this.imaginaryPart = im; } public Complex(float r, float im){ this.realPart = r; this.imaginaryPart = im; } public Complex(long r, long im){ this.realPart = r; this.imaginaryPart = im; } public Complex(int r, int im){ this.realPart = r; this.imaginaryPart = im; } public static Complex[] solveDeg2(double a, double b, double c){ Complex[] solutions =null; double delta = Math.pow(b, 2) - 4*a*c; if(a!=0){ if(delta>0){ solutions = new Complex[2]; solutions[0] = new Complex((-b - Math.sqrt(delta))/(2*a),0); solutions[1] = new Complex((-b + Math.sqrt(delta))/(2*a),0); }else{ if(delta == 0){ solutions = new Complex[1]; solutions[0] = new Complex(-b/(2*a),0); }else{ solutions = new Complex[2]; solutions[0] = new Complex((-b/(2*a)),-Math.sqrt(Math.abs(delta))/(2*a)); solutions[1] = new Complex((-b/(2*a)),Math.sqrt(Math.abs(delta))/(2*a)); } } }else{ if(b!=0){ if(c!=0){ solutions = new Complex[1]; solutions[0] = new Complex(-c/b, 0); }else{ solutions = new Complex[1]; solutions[0] = new Complex(0,0); } }else{ if(c==0){ return null; }else{ throw new java.lang.ArithmeticException("No Solution ..."); } } } return solutions ; } public static Complex[] solveDeg2(Complex a, Complex b, Complex c){ Complex[] solutions = new Complex[2]; double r2 = a.getR(), theta2 = a.getTheta(), r1 = b.getR(), theta1 = b.getTheta(), r0 = c.getR(), theta0 = c.getTheta(); Complex delta = (b.pow(2)).substract(a.multiply(c)).multiply(new Complex(4,0)); solutions[0] = ((b.negate()).substract(c.getRoots(2)[0])).divide(a.multiply(new Complex(2,0))); solutions[1] = ((b.negate()).add(c.getRoots(2)[0])).divide(a.multiply(new Complex(2,0))); return solutions ; } public static BigDecimal solveDichotomy(ArrayList<BigDecimal> ar, BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b, BigDecimal err){ boolean flag = true; long compt = 0; BigDecimal fp ,fm , aa , bb , mid = null , fa , fb ,fmid = null ; aa = a; bb = b; while(flag){ mid = (aa.add(bb)).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(2)); //(a+b)/2 fa = BigDecimal.ZERO; fb = BigDecimal.ZERO; fmid = BigDecimal.ZERO; //Calculate f(a) and f(b) and f((a+b)/2) for(int i = 0 ; i<ar.size() ; i++){ fa = fa.add( (ar.get(i)).multiply(aa.pow(i)) ); fb = fb.add( (ar.get(i)).multiply(bb.pow(i)) ); fmid = fmid.add( (ar.get(i)).multiply(mid.pow(i)) ); } // System.out.println("fa := "+fa+" fb := "+fb+" fmid := "+fmid+" aa := "+aa+" bb := "+bb+ " "+" mid := "+mid); if(fa.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)== 1 && fb.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)== -1){ //f(a) >= 0 and f(b) <= 0 fp = fa; fm = fb; if(fmid.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)==0){ return mid; } }else{ if(fa.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)== -1 && fb.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)== 1){ fp = fb; fm = fa; if(fmid.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)==0){ return mid; } }else{ if(fa.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)== 0){ return aa; }else{ if(fb.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)== 0){ return bb; }else{ if(fmid.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO)==0){ return mid; }else{ //Couldn't find a root beetween these throw new java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError("Couldn'st find a root beetween these interval borders ..."); } } } } } if(fp.compareTo(fm.negate()) == 1){ bb = mid; }else{ aa = mid; } if( ( (fp.subtract(fm)).abs() ).compareTo(err)==-1){ flag = false; } compt++; } System.out.println("Iteration := "+compt); return mid; } @Override public Complex add(Complex x) { return new Complex(this.realPart+x.realPart,this.imaginaryPart+x.imaginaryPart); } @Override public Complex negate() { return new Complex(-this.realPart,-this.imaginaryPart); } @Override public Complex substract(Complex x) { return new Complex(this.realPart-x.realPart,this.imaginaryPart-x.imaginaryPart); } @Override public Complex multiply(Complex X) { double a = this.realPart , b = this.imaginaryPart , x = X.realPart , y = X.imaginaryPart; return new Complex(a*x - b*y, x*b + a*y); } @Override public Complex inverse() { double a = this.realPart , b = this.imaginaryPart; return new Complex( a/(Math.pow(a, 2)+Math.pow(b, 2)), -b/(Math.pow(a, 2)+Math.pow(b, 2)) ); } @Override public Complex divide(Complex x) { return this.multiply(x.inverse()); } @Override public Complex conjugate() { return new Complex(this.realPart,-this.imaginaryPart); } @Override public Complex pow(double x) { double r = this.getR() , theta = this.getTheta(); return new Complex(Math.pow(r, x) , x*theta); } @Override public Complex pow(Complex z) { double r = this.getR() , theta = this.getTheta() , x = z.realPart , y = z.imaginaryPart; if(r!=0){ double R = Math.pow( Math.E , x * Math.log( r ) - (theta * y )) , THETA = y * Math.log( r ) + x * theta; return new Complex( R * Math.cos(THETA) , R * Math.sin(THETA) ); }else{ return new Complex(); } } @Override public double abs() { return this.getR(); } @Override public double getRealPart() { return this.realPart; } @Override public double getImaginaryPart() { return this.imaginaryPart; } @Override public double getR() { double a = this.realPart , b = this.imaginaryPart; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2)+Math.pow(b, 2)); } @Override public double getTheta() { double a = this.realPart , b = this.imaginaryPart; return Math.acos(a/this.getR()); } @Override public Complex[] getRoots(int n) { Complex[] roots = new Complex[n] ; for(int i = 0; i<n; i++){ roots[i] = new Complex(Math.pow(this.getR(),1/n), (2*i+this.getTheta())/n); } return roots; } @Override public boolean isReal() { return this.imaginaryPart == 0; } @Override public boolean isImaginary() { return this.realPart == 0; } @Override public Complex log() { double r = this.getR() , theta = this.getTheta(); return new Complex( Math.log(r), theta ); } @Override public Complex sqrt(){ return this.pow(1/2); } @Override public Complex sin() { return (($E.pow(this.multiply($I))).substract($E.pow(this.multiply($_I)))).divide($2.multiply($I)); } @Override public Complex cos() { return (($E.pow(this.multiply($I))).add($E.pow(this.multiply($_I)))).divide($2); } @Override public Complex tan() { return ((($E.pow(this.multiply($I))).substract($E.pow(this.multiply($_I)))).divide($I)).divide((($E.pow(this.multiply($I))).add($E.pow(this.multiply($_I))))); } @Override public Complex cotan() { return (this.tan()).inverse(); } @Override public Complex sec() { return (this.cos()).inverse(); } @Override public Complex csc() { return (this.sin()).inverse(); } @Override public Complex asin() { return $_I.multiply( ($I.multiply(this)).add( ($1.substract(this.pow($2))).sqrt() ) ); } @Override public Complex acos() { return $_I.multiply( this.add( ((this.pow($2)).substract($1)).sqrt() ) ); } @Override public Complex atan() { return ($I.multiply($1$2)).multiply( (($1.substract($I.multiply(this))).log()).substract( ($1.add($I.multiply(this))).log() ) ); } @Override public Complex sinh() { return $1$2.multiply( ($E.pow(this)).substract($E.pow(this.negate())) ); } @Override public Complex cosh() { return $1$2.multiply( ($E.pow(this)).add($E.pow(this.negate())) ); } @Override public Complex tanh() { return (this.sinh()).divide(this.cosh()); } @Override public Complex coth() { return (this.tanh()).inverse(); } @Override public Complex sech() { return (this.cosh()).inverse(); } @Override public Complex cosech() { return (this.sinh()).inverse(); } @Override public Complex argsh() { return (this.add( ($1.add(this.pow($2))).sqrt() )).log() ; } @Override public Complex argch() { return (this.add( ($_1.add(this.pow($2))).sqrt() )).log() ; } @Override public Complex argth() { return $1$2.multiply( ( ( (this.add($1)).divide($1.substract(this)) ).log() ) ); } @Override public Complex argcoth() { return $1$2.multiply( ( ( (this.add($1)).divide(this.substract($1)) ).log() ) ); } @Override public String toString(StringStructure s){ if(s.equals(StringStructure.CARTESIAN)){ return this.realPart+"+i"+this.imaginaryPart; }else{ if(s.equals(StringStructure.MOIVRE)){ return this.getR()+"(cos"+this.getTheta()+"+i*sin"+this.getTheta()+")"; }else{ return this.getR()+"e^i"+this.getTheta(); } } } public static SortedSet<Complex> simpleTotalOrder(ArrayList<Complex> ar){ TreeSet<Complex> ts = new TreeSet<Complex> (); ts.addAll(ar); SortedSet<Complex> s = Collections.synchronizedSortedSet(ts); return s; } @Override public boolean equals(Complex x) { if(this.realPart== x.getRealPart() && this.imaginaryPart == x.getImaginaryPart()){ return true; }else{ return false; } } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException("Null number ..."); } if (getClass() != o.getClass()) { throw new java.lang.ClassFormatError("Cannot compare the uncomparable ..."); } final Complex other = (Complex) o; if(this.getRealPart()>other.getRealPart()){ return 1; }else{ if(this.getRealPart()<other.getRealPart()){ return -1; }else{ if(this.getImaginaryPart()>other.getImaginaryPart()){ return 1; }else{ if(this.getImaginaryPart()<other.getImaginaryPart()){ return -1; }else{ return 0; } } } } } public static void main(String[] args){ Complex z1 = new Complex(2,0); Complex z2 = new Complex(6,0); Complex z3 = new Complex(3,0); Complex z4 = new Complex(3,0); Complex z5 = new Complex(3,0); ArrayList<Complex> ar = new ArrayList<Complex>(); ar.add(z1); ar.add(z2); ar.add(z3); ar.add(z4); ar.add(z5); SortedSet<Complex> ord = simpleTotalOrder(ar); Iterator it = ord.iterator(); do{ Complex z = ((Complex); if(z.equals(z1)){ System.out.print("z1 "); } if(z.equals(z2)){ System.out.print("z2 "); } if(z.equals(z3)){ System.out.print("z3 "); } if(z.equals(z4)){ System.out.print("z4 "); } if(z.equals(z5)){ System.out.print("z5 "); } System.out.println(); // System.out.println( // ((Complex) // ); }while(it.hasNext()); // for(int i = 0 ; i< 1000 ; i++){ // System.out.println(z2.getRoots(1000)[i].toString(StringStructure.CARTESIAN)); // } //x^7-14*x^6+84*x^5-280*x^4+560*x^3-672*x^2+448*x-128 BigDecimal a0 = BigDecimal.valueOf(-128); BigDecimal a1 = BigDecimal.valueOf(448); BigDecimal a2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(-672); BigDecimal a3 = BigDecimal.valueOf(560); BigDecimal a4 = BigDecimal.valueOf(-280); BigDecimal a5 = BigDecimal.valueOf(84); BigDecimal a6 = BigDecimal.valueOf(-14); BigDecimal a7 = BigDecimal.valueOf(1); BigDecimal a = BigDecimal.valueOf(1.5); BigDecimal b = BigDecimal.valueOf(2.2); // l'erreur de calcul BigDecimal err = new BigDecimal("0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"); ArrayList<BigDecimal> arr = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>(); arr.add(a0); arr.add(a1); arr.add(a2); arr.add(a3); arr.add(a4); arr.add(a5); arr.add(a6); arr.add(a7); BigDecimal sol = solveDichotomy(arr,a,b,err); System.out.println("The Solution is : "+sol.toString()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Les interfaces utilisées pour contenir les constantes et les fonctions // // // //://///////////////////:::::::::::://///////////////////////////::::::::::///// package ma.scupper.mathematics.analysis; /** *
  • @author Scupper
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public interface ComplexConstants { Complex $0 = new Complex(); Complex $E = new Complex(Math.E,0); Complex $1 = new Complex(1,0); Complex $_1 = new Complex(-1,0); Complex $I = new Complex(0,1); Complex $_I = new Complex(0,-1); Complex $1$2 = new Complex(1/2,0); Complex $2 = new Complex(2,0); Complex $_2 = new Complex(-2,0); Complex $J = new Complex(-1/2,Math.sqrt(3)/2); Complex $J_ = new Complex(-1/2,-Math.sqrt(3)/2); public enum StringStructure{ CARTESIAN, POLAR, MOIVRE } } package ma.scupper.mathematics.analysis; /** *
  • @author Scupper
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public interface ComplexFunctions extends ComplexConstants{ public Complex add(Complex x); public Complex substract(Complex x); public Complex negate(); public Complex inverse(); public Complex multiply(Complex x); public Complex divide(Complex x); public Complex conjugate(); public Complex pow(double x); public Complex pow(Complex z); public double abs(); public double getRealPart(); public double getImaginaryPart(); public double getR(); public double getTheta(); public Complex[] getRoots(int n); public boolean isReal(); public boolean isImaginary(); public Complex log(); public Complex sqrt(); public Complex sin(); public Complex cos(); public Complex tan(); public Complex cotan(); public Complex sec(); public Complex csc(); public Complex asin(); public Complex acos(); public Complex atan(); public Complex sinh(); public Complex cosh(); public Complex tanh(); public Complex coth(); public Complex sech(); public Complex cosech(); public Complex argsh(); public Complex argch(); public Complex argth(); public Complex argcoth(); public String toString(StringStructure s); public boolean equals(Complex x); }

Conclusion :

Comme résultat, on a :

z3 z4 z5
Iteration := 536
The Solution is : 2.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000444551749897015496688542682854112019382504912292981558696718116593735121790773767527113848352457750043959117129792934742773337846709805885582337667321687024324015426177905880063486342088367656644668969772163862870062244967257291502954464365422917767900083285526356113871169451375992097177863336379971119871554890711694896707136624562119175951835359228425659239292144775390625
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 3 seconds)

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