Java bibliotheque pour le service apple push notification (apns)


Bibliothèque gerant le service le service Apple Push Notification (APNs). Ce service, introduit par Apple permet d'envoyer des messages à des I-Phones (identifiés par des tokens générés par Apple).Le processus:

1- Connexion entre Provider(Utilisateur voulant envoyer des messages à des I-Phones) et Interface binaire d'apple ( etablie de manière securisée (TLS ou SSL)

2- Communication suivant le modèle One Way Message (Du Provider à Application sur le I-Phone au travers de l'interface binaire).

des Infos importantes sur le sujet sont dispo sur :

cette petite bibliotheque, dans sa première gère les points d'en haut et les suivants:

3- Creation du Message (Format simple et evolué) à Envoyer selon le format donné par Apple.
4- Envoi de Message (simple) au destinataire.

une version ultèrieure permettra de gerer la gestion d'erreur renvoyés par l'interface Binaire du à par exemple à
un faux token, delai de delivrance expiré, etc.....

un Mock est livré ci-dessous.

Source / Exemple :



import net.sf.json.JSONObject;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;



  • Mocking class
  • @author Arthur
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public class ApnsPayloadMock { /**
  • Mocking the enumerator of the paylaod's properties
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@Test public void _enumPayloadPropertyMock() { APNPayloadPropertyEnum appsPropertyEnum = APNPayloadPropertyEnum.ALERT; // mocking the property enum (alert, badge, sound) Assert.assertArrayEquals("alert".toCharArray(), appsPropertyEnum .getDescription().toCharArray()); } /**
  • mocking the constructor, mocking the setter and getter and clearer
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@Test public void _mockPayloadAlertMessageStructure() { // 1- Alert simple class // 1-a alert simple constructor APNPayloadAlertSimple alertSimple2 = new APNPayloadAlertSimple( "sie haben eine Nachricht"); // 1-a alert simple formatting message Assert.assertArrayEquals( "\"alert\":\"sie haben eine Nachricht\"".toCharArray(), alertSimple2.formatToString().toCharArray()); APNPayloadAlert enhancedAlert = new APNPayloadAlert( "You have a (1) new email", "Read", "READ_FORMAT", new String[] { "Firstname", "Lastname" }, "Image011.jpg"); this.showIt(enhancedAlert.formatToString()); // 2 - enhanced alert'message APNPayloadAlert alert = new APNPayloadAlert(); alert.setBody("sie haben eine Nachricht"); Assert.assertArrayEquals("\"alert\":\"sie haben eine Nachricht\"" .toCharArray(), alert.formatToString().toCharArray()); // asserting an alert message with more than one properties // getter OK ? alert.setActionLocKey("PLAY"); alert.setLocKey("GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT"); alert.setLocArgs(new String[] { "Jenna", "Frank" }); Assert.assertTrue("PLAY".equals(alert.getActionLocKey())); Assert.assertTrue("GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT".equals(alert.getLocKey())); Assert.assertTrue("Frank".equals(alert.getLocArgs()[1])); this.showIt(alert.formatToString()); Assert.assertNotNull(alert.formatToString()); // remove alert body and asserting again alert.clearBody(); Assert.assertNull(alert.formatToString()); // no body , no message !!? alert.setBody("sie haben eine Nachricht"); // exporting the underlining type of the alert message JSONObject exportObject = alert.getAlertDictionary(); Assert.assertTrue(exportObject.getString("action-loc-key") .equalsIgnoreCase("PLAY")); // alert.setBody("Body Changed"); this.showIt(alert.formatToString()); alert.setBody("Body moved"); alert.clearActionLocKey(); alert.clearLocArgs(); alert.clearLocKey(); alert.clearLaunchImage(); alert.getLaunchImage(); this.showIt(alert.formatToString()); new APNSimpleFormat(); } /**
  • mocking the constructor, mocking the setter and getter and clearer
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@Test public void _mockPayloadBadgeStructure() { // asserting message construction in the constructor APNPayloadBadge badge = new APNPayloadBadge(9); Assert.assertTrue("\"badge\":9".equals(badge.formatToString())); // getting, setting and clearing Assert.assertTrue(9 == badge.getBadgeValue()); badge.clearBadgeValue(); Assert.assertNull(badge.formatToString()); } @Test public void _mockPayloadMessageStructure() { APNPayloadAlert alert = new APNPayloadAlert("Message received from Bob"); alert.setBody("Message received from Bob (new)"); alert.setLocKey("SET_KEY"); alert.setLocArgs(new String[] { "Marina", "Krin" }); APNPayloadSound sound = new APNPayloadSound("bing.aiff"); APNPayloadMessage payload = new APNPayloadMessage(); // setter try { payload.setAlert(alert); payload.setSound(sound); payload.setBadge(new APNPayloadBadge(9)); } catch (APNPayloadExeption e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } payload.setCustomValue("key boolean", true); payload.setCustomValue("key number", 10); payload.setCustomValue("key String Array", new String[] { "Patrick", "Eddy" }); JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); object.put("part1", 34); object.put("part2", null); object.put("part4", false); object.put("part3", object); payload.clearCustomValue("keyDD boolean"); payload.setCustomValue("custom Value", object); // payload.clearCustomValue("key number"); // payload.clearCustomValue("key String Array"); // clearer // payload.clearAlert(); // payload.clearBadge(); // payload.clearSound(); try { payload.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); System.out.println(payload.toString().getBytes("UTF-8").length); System.out.println(payload.toString().getBytes("UTF-8").length); System.out.println("length ->" + payload.toJsonString().length()); System.out.println("length ->" + payload.toString().length()); // // this.showIt(payload.toJsonString() + " size: " // + payload.toJsonString().length()); payload.setAlert(new APNPayloadAlert("hi buddy")); this.showIt(payload.toJsonString() + " size: " + payload.toJsonString().length()); this.showIt(payload.toJsonString().getBytes() + " size: " + payload.toJsonString().length()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (APNPayloadExeption e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /**
  • mocking the constructor, mocking the setter and getter and clearer
  • /
@Test public void _mockPayloadSoundStructure() { // asserting message construction in the constructor APNPayloadSound sound = new APNPayloadSound("bingbong.aiff"); Assert.assertTrue("\"sound\":\"bingbong.aiff\"".equals(sound .formatToString())); // asserting a sample sound message (message without) Assert.assertArrayEquals("\"sound\":\"sweety.aiff\"".toCharArray(), new APNPayloadSound("sweety.aiff").formatToString() .toCharArray()); // getting, setting and clearing Assert.assertTrue("bingbong.aiff".equals(sound.getSoundFileName())); sound.clearSoundFileName(); Assert.assertNull(sound.formatToString()); sound.setSoundFileName("bingbong.aiff"); Assert.assertTrue("bingbong.aiff".equals(sound.getSoundFileName())); } @Test public void mockingEnhancedNotificationFormat() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, APNException { APNEnhancedFormat enhancedFormat = new APNEnhancedFormat(); String json = null; try { json = (new APNPayloadMessage(new APNPayloadAlert("body"), new APNPayloadSound("bing.aifff"), new APNPayloadBadge(10))) .toJsonString(); this.showIt(json + " " + json.getBytes().length); enhancedFormat.setPayload(json); enhancedFormat.setDeviceToken("1345"); enhancedFormat.setIdentifer(65); enhancedFormat.setExpiry(70); } catch (APNException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } json = new APNPayloadMessage(new APNPayloadAlert("body new", "PLAY", "KEY", new String[] { "MA", "BA" }, "heee"), new APNPayloadSound("SoundFile"), new APNPayloadBadge(39)) .toJsonString(); this.showIt("\ncommand is: " + enhancedFormat.getCommand()); enhancedFormat.setPayload(json); this.showIt("simple format: " + enhancedFormat.getTextContent()); this.showIt("payload format:->" + enhancedFormat.getPayload()); // Payload and device token System.out.println("textcontent:" + enhancedFormat.getTextContent()); for (byte b : enhancedFormat.getBinaryContent()) System.out.print(b); } @Test public void mockingSimpleNotificationFormat() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, APNException { APNSimpleFormat simpleFormat = new APNSimpleFormat(); String json = null; try { json = (new APNPayloadMessage(new APNPayloadAlert("body"), new APNPayloadSound("bing.aifff"), new APNPayloadBadge(10))) .toJsonString(); this.showIt(json + " " + json.getBytes().length); simpleFormat.setPayload(json); simpleFormat.setDeviceToken("1345"); this.showIt("device Token " + simpleFormat.getDeviceToken()); } catch (APNException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } json = new APNPayloadMessage(new APNPayloadAlert("body new", "PLAY", "KEY", new String[] { "MA", "BA" }, "heee"), new APNPayloadSound("SoundFile"), new APNPayloadBadge(39)) .toJsonString(); simpleFormat.setPayload(json); this.showIt("simple format: " + simpleFormat.getTextContent()); this.showIt("payload format:->" + simpleFormat.getPayload()); // Payload and device token System.out.println("textcontent: \n" + simpleFormat.getTextContent()); for (byte b : simpleFormat.getBinaryContent()) System.out.print(b); this.showIt("\ncommand is: " + simpleFormat.getCommand()); } private void showIt(String value) { System.out.println(value); } }

Conclusion :

merci pour vos critiques!!

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