L'heure de plusieur pays - horloge mondiale


trois horloges sont afficher : paris, chicago et bengalore (inde)

plusieurs lignes sont faite avec vb, mais le cadre n'est qu'un simple jpeg !

Source / Exemple :

Private Sub Pendule1(Heure As Single, Minute As Single, Seconde As Single)
Dim Cx, Cy As Single, Rayon As Single
Cx = Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2 - 28
Cy = Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2 - 46
Dim X, Y As Single
Dim angle As Single
Dim Pi As Single
Pi = 4 * Atn(1)
angle = Pi / 2

Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
For r = 1100 To 1200
Do While angle < 5 * Pi / 2
X = Cos(angle) * (r + 30) + Cx
Y = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture1.PSet (X, Y)
angle = angle + Pi / 6
angle = Pi / 2
'la suite''''''
Picture1.DrawWidth = 2

Dim hx, hy As Single
r = 600
H = Heure
angle = H * Pi / 6 - Pi / 2
hx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
hy = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture1.Line (Cx, Cy)-(hx, hy)

Dim mx, my As Single
r = 1000
M = Minute
angle = M * Pi / 30 - Pi / 2
mx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
my = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture1.Line (Cx, Cy)-(mx, my)

Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
Dim sx, sy As Single
r = 1100
S = Seconde
angle = S * Pi / 30 - Pi / 2
sx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
sy = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture1.Line (Cx, Cy)-(sx, sy)

End Sub
Private Sub Pendule2(Heure As Single, Minute As Single, Seconde As Single)
Dim Cx, Cy As Single, Rayon As Single
Cx = Picture2.ScaleWidth / 2 - 28
Cy = Picture2.ScaleHeight / 2 - 46
Dim X, Y As Single
Dim angle As Single
Dim Pi As Single
Pi = 4 * Atn(1)
angle = Pi / 2

Picture2.DrawWidth = 1
For r = 1100 To 1200
Do While angle < 5 * Pi / 2
X = Cos(angle) * (r + 30) + Cx
Y = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture2.PSet (X, Y)
angle = angle + Pi / 6
angle = Pi / 2
'la suite''''''
Picture2.DrawWidth = 2

Dim hx, hy As Single
r = 600
H = Heure
angle = H * Pi / 6 - Pi / 2
hx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
hy = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture2.Line (Cx, Cy)-(hx, hy)

Dim mx, my As Single
r = 1000
M = Minute
angle = M * Pi / 30 - Pi / 2
mx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
my = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture2.Line (Cx, Cy)-(mx, my)

Picture2.DrawWidth = 1
Dim sx, sy As Single
r = 1100
S = Seconde
angle = S * Pi / 30 - Pi / 2
sx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
sy = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture2.Line (Cx, Cy)-(sx, sy)

End Sub
Private Sub Pendule3(Heure As Single, Minute As Single, Seconde As Single)
Dim Cx, Cy As Single, Rayon As Single
Cx = Picture3.ScaleWidth / 2 - 28
Cy = Picture3.ScaleHeight / 2 - 46
Dim X, Y As Single
Dim angle As Single
Dim Pi As Single
Pi = 4 * Atn(1)
angle = Pi / 2

Picture3.DrawWidth = 1
For r = 1100 To 1200
Do While angle < 5 * Pi / 2
X = Cos(angle) * (r + 30) + Cx
Y = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture3.PSet (X, Y)
angle = angle + Pi / 6
angle = Pi / 2
'la suite''''''
Picture3.DrawWidth = 2

Dim hx, hy As Single
r = 600
H = Heure
angle = H * Pi / 6 - Pi / 2
hx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
hy = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture3.Line (Cx, Cy)-(hx, hy)

Dim mx, my As Single
r = 1000
M = Minute
angle = M * Pi / 30 - Pi / 2
mx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
my = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture3.Line (Cx, Cy)-(mx, my)

Picture3.DrawWidth = 1
Dim sx, sy As Single
r = 1100
S = Seconde
angle = S * Pi / 30 - Pi / 2
sx = Cos(angle) * r + Cx
sy = Sin(angle) * r + Cy
Picture3.Line (Cx, Cy)-(sx, sy)

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim H As Single, M As Single, S As Single
Dim H2 As Single, H3 As Single, M3 As Single
H = Hour(Time$)
M = Minute(Time$)
If M < 10 Then M = "0" & M
S = Second(Time$)
If S < 10 Then S = "0" & S
Label1.Caption = H & ":" & M & ":" & S
''heure de Chicago
H2 = H - 7: If H2 < 0 Then H2 = H2 + 24
Label2.Caption = H2 & ":" & M & ":" & S
''Heure de Bangalore
H3 = H + 3: If H3 > 23 Then H3 = H3 - 24
M3 = M + 30
If M3 > 60 Then
M3 = M3 - 60
H3 = H3 + 1
End If
If M3 < 10 Then M3 = 0 & M3
Label3.Caption = H3 & ":" & M3 & ":" & S
Call Pendule1(H, M, S)
Call Pendule2(H2, M, S)
Call Pendule3(H3, M3, S)
End Sub

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