Plugin jquery arte: ajouter du temps reel sur vos pages web


Il s'agit d'un plugin JQuery.
Celui ci étend les fonctionnalités de l'Ajax en automatisant un certain nombre d'actions.

Il gère une boucle en arrière plan, configurable, afin d'exécuter des requêtes Ajax régulièrement.
Cela permet essentiellement d'ajouter des fonctionnalités 'temps réel' à votre page web.
Ex: mettre à jour une DIV toutes les secondes
<div id="elt_html"></div>

Et bien, il suffit maintenant d'ajouter deux lignes en javascript:
$.arte({'ajax_url':'remote_xml_file_url', 'ajax_type':'xml'});
La première ligne servant à initialiser le moteur du plugin
La deuxième spécifie que l'on souhaite mettre à jour l'élément HTML 'elt_html'.

Il dispose de nombreuses autres fonctionnalités plus avancées telles que le parseur automatique de la réponse XML de la requète Ajax, l'arrêt/relance de la boucle à n'importe quel moment (grâce aux routines '.start' et '.stop').

Source / Exemple :


  • plugin jquery: Ajax Real Time Extension
* *
  • /
(function() { var _config = null; var _is_started = false; var _list_xml_actions = new Array(); var _list_html_node = new Array(); // manage parameters // this function test if parameters are not already initialized function _manage_parameter(setting) { var config = { 'time': 1000, // int Timer tick beetwen each round 'ajax_mode': 'POST', // GET|POST like the jquery ajax data_mode 'ajax_type': 'text', // text|xml like the jquery ajax data_type 'ajax_url': '', // url of the ajax request 'on_data_set': null, // routine which has to be called before the ajax request (usefull to set ajax parameter). It has to return a string like "arg1=toto&arg2=titi" 'on_success': null // routine(text, xml) which will be called when the loop end a round }; // is it the first time we have called arte ? if (_config == null) { // if the user has custom options, update ours if (setting) $.extend(config, setting); // set the options of configuration as definitly set _config = config; } } // start the action loop function _start() { if (_is_started == false) { _is_started = true; _launch_loop(); } return this; } // stop the action loop function _stop() { if (_is_started == true) _is_started = false; return this; } // start or stop the action loop, with alternance function _toogle() { if (_is_started == true) _is_started = false; else { _is_started = true; _launch_loop(); } } // used to manage parameters after the initialisation of arte function _set(key, value) { if (_config[key]) _config[key] = value; return this; } // used to get parameter values function _get(key) { if (_config[key]) return _config[key]; if (key == "nb_node") return _list_xml_actions.length; if (key == "nb_elt") return _list_html_node.length; } // main routine, used to execute one round more function _launch_loop() { // verify we are allowed to launch a new round if (_is_started == false) return; // create the next package to send var ajax_data = (_config['on_data_set']) ? _config['on_data_set']() : ""; // set the ajax request $.ajax({ type: _config['ajax_mode'], url: _config['ajax_url'], data: ajax_data, dataType: _config['ajax_type'], success: function(data, textStatus){ // execute the custom list of action with some xml nodes if (_list_xml_actions.length > 0) _execute_custom_xml_actions(data); // auto refresh the list of html element if (_list_html_node.length > 0) _execute_custom_html_nodes(data); // call the final success function if (_config['on_success']) _config['on_success'](data); } }); // launch automatically a new cycle setTimeout("$.arte().launch()", _config['time']); } // this function, which takes the xml response from the ajax query, parse the response // to execute user action function _execute_custom_xml_actions(data_xml) { for (i = 0; i < _list_xml_actions.length; i++) $(data_xml).find(_list_xml_actions[i].node_name).each(function (){ if (_list_xml_actions[i].fct) _list_xml_actions[i].fct(this); }); } // this function, which takes the xml response from the ajax query, parse the response // to set automatically some custom html fields function _execute_custom_html_nodes(data_xml) { for (i = 0; i < _list_html_node.length; i++) { $(data_xml).find(_list_html_node[i].node_name).each(function (){ $(_list_html_node[i].elt).text($(this).text()); }); } } // this function is used to add a custom action to be executed after a success ajax request // 'node_name' is name of the xml node we want to get the value // 'fct' the function which will be called if we find this node function _add_custom_xml_actions(node_name, fct) { // test if the element doesn't already exist. for (i = 0; i < _list_xml_actions.length; i++) if (_list_xml_actions[i].node_name == node_name) return this; // add the element in the tab _list_xml_actions.push(new _XmlItem(node_name, fct)); return this; } // same as above but remove the node_name from the action list function _del_custom_xml_actions(node_name) { // rebuild a new clean action list var newtab = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < _list_xml_actions.length; i++) if (_list_xml_actions[i].node_name != node_name) newtab.push(_list_xml_actions[i]); // update the custom list _list_xml_actions = newtab; return this; } $.arte = (function (settings) { // manage parameters _manage_parameter(settings); // make public links with hidden functions return { start: _start, is_started: _is_started, stop: _stop, toogle: _toogle, set: _set, get: _get, launch: _launch_loop, add_action: _add_custom_xml_actions, del_action: _del_custom_xml_actions }; }); // this function is used to make an auto update of a custom html field // 'node_name' is name of the xml node we want to use to udpate the html field // if no arguement is passed, stop the auto refresh for these nodes $ = (function (node_name) { // parse the list of html node this.each(function() { if (node_name) { // add the element, and test if the element doesn't already exist var is_in = false; for (i = 0; i < _list_html_node.length; i++) if (_list_html_node[i].elt == this) is_in = true; if (is_in == false) _list_html_node.push(new _HtmlAuto(this, node_name)); } else { // remove the element var newtab = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < _list_html_node.length; i++) if (_list_html_node[i].elt != this) newtab.push(_list_html_node[i]); // update the custom list _list_html_node = newtab; } }); return this; }); // the following class is just a container to join a string with a function // it will be used for the xml actions function _XmlItem(node_name, fct) { this.node_name = node_name; this.fct = fct; } // the following class is just a container to join an html element with a string // it will be used for the auto update html field function _HtmlAuto(elt, node_name) { this.elt = elt; this.node_name = node_name; } })(jQuery);

Conclusion :

Ajouter du temps réel sur une page web est maintenant à la portée de tous.

Pour plus d'informations et de documentations, vous pouvez visiter le site de développement
Je suis bien sur à l'écoute de vos remarques et suggestions pour le modifier/corriger.

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