Parser fbml; comment utiliser du code fbml (facebook) sans passer par facebook


Ceux qui codent des applications pour facebook savent que pour utiliser du FBML, il faut que le script tourne depuis facebook (application) ou utilise le framework Facebook Connect.

Voici donc un parser qui va parser les tags FBML!

Regardez les exemples fournis.

Source / Exemple :


  • @Created: v2 - 15 avr. 07 - 14:25:10
  • v3 - 20 janv. 09 - 13:44:00
  • @author: blackwizzard <>
  • @project: FTL
  • @filename: class.ftlparser.v3.php
  • /
class fbml_parser { // declarations var $_instance; var $_vars; // Constructor function fbml_parser($file) { /** vars **/ $this->_vars = array(); $this->_vars["buffer"] = ""; $this->_vars["log"] = array(); $this->_vars["log"]["file"] = $file; $this->_vars["vars"] = array(); $this->_vars["functionbuffer"] = array(); $this->_vars["namespace"] = "fb"; // functions $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["loop"] = array(); $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["loopbuffer"] = array(); $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["onemptyloop"] = array(); $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["onemptyloopbuffer"] = array(); $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["show"] = array(); $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["showbuffer"] = array(); $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["section"] = array(); $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["sectionbuffer"] = array(); /** read template **/ $this->_vars["buffer"] = $this->freadFile($file); /** plugin loader **/ $this->loadPlugins("FBML"); $this->_vars["buffer"] = $this->searchtags($this->_vars["buffer"]); } /**
  • Output the parsed template
  • @return Template buffer
  • /
function output() { // apply loops foreach ($this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["loop"] as $loopName=>$loopOutput) { if ($loopOutput == "") { $loopOutput = $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["onemptyloopbuffer"][$loopName]; } $this->_vars["buffer"] = str_replace("<loop_$loopName/>",$loopOutput,$this->_vars["buffer"]); } //$this->parseAndApply("after"); return $this->_vars["buffer"]; } /**
  • Search and parse all FTL tags
  • @return pre-parsed template
  • /
function searchtags($in) { // match all tags in the form <type:name args>content</type:name> and singleton <type:name args /> //$reg = "#<([a-z]+):(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*(>(.*?)</\\1:\\2>|/>)#mis"; // global regex to match all tags. Including FBML. //$reg = "#<".$this->_vars["namespace"].":(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*(>(.*?)</".$this->_vars["namespace"].":\\1>|/>)#mis"; $reg = "#<".$this->_vars["namespace"].":(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*(>(.*?)</".$this->_vars["namespace"].":\\1>|/>)#mis"; if (preg_match($reg, $in)) { $in = preg_replace_callback($reg,array($this,"tagparser"),$in,-1); return $this->searchtags($in); //return $in; } else { return $in; } } /**
  • Parse a single tag
  • @return the parsed tag
  • /
function tagparser($array) { $query = $array[0]; //$tagType = $array[1]; $tagName = $array[1]; $tagArgs = $array[2]; $tagContent = $array[4]; $argsArray = array(); $tagName = str_replace("-","_",$tagName); $tagArgs = str_replace("\\\"","QUOTE",$tagArgs); preg_match_all("#([a-z1-9]+)\s*=(([a-z0-9_-]+)|[\"?](.[^\"]+)[\"?])#mis",$tagArgs,$args); foreach ($args[1] as $id=>$var) { $argsArray[$var] = $this->correctValue($args[2][$id]); } // parse nested tags $tagContent = $this->searchtags($tagContent); switch (strtolower($this->superTrim($tagName))) { case "loop": // a loop... // put the content in the function buffer $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["loop"][$argsArray["name"]] = ""; // output of the loop is empty $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["loopbuffer"][$argsArray["name"]] = $tagContent; // loop buffer // replace by a localization tag return "<loop_".$argsArray["name"]."/>"; break; case "onemptyloop": // emptyloop... // put the content in the function buffer $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["onemptyloop"][$argsArray["name"]] = ""; // output of the onemptyloop is empty $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["onemptyloopbuffer"][$argsArray["name"]] = $tagContent; // onemptyloop buffer // strip the tag return ""; break; case "section": // a section tag... // put the content in the function buffer $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["section"][$argsArray["name"]] = ""; // output of the section is empty $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["sectionbuffer"][$argsArray["name"]] = $tagContent; // section buffer // replace by a localization tag return "<section_".$argsArray["name"]."/>"; break; case "show": // a show tag... // put the content in the function buffer $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["show"][$argsArray["name"]] = ""; // output of the section is empty $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["showbuffer"][$argsArray["name"]] = $tagContent; // section buffer // replace by a localization tag return "<show_".$argsArray["name"]."/>"; break; default: // Unknown type. Probably a plugin. Else, strip the tag. if (function_exists("fbml_$tagName")) { $function = "fbml_$tagName"; return $function($tagContent, $argsArray); } else { return $tagContent; } break; } } /**
  • Register a template variable
  • @param String the variable name without the variable identifier (for variable "%var%", just "var")
  • String The value of the variable
  • @return nothing
  • /
function addVar($label, $value) { $this->_vars["vars"][$label] = $value; $this->_vars["buffer"] = str_replace("%".$label."%",$value,$this->_vars["buffer"]); } /**
  • Register more than one template variable at a time, in an array
  • @param Array an array of variables type array("var1"=>"value1","var2"=>"value2")
  • @return nothing
  • /
function addVars($array) { foreach ($array as $varLabel=>$varValue) { $this->addVar($varLabel, $varValue); } } /**
  • Loop a code section
  • @param String the loop name as defined in the template
  • Array an array of variables type array("var1"=>"value1","var2"=>"value2")
  • @return Template buffer
  • /
function loop($name, $array) { global $_PARSER; $buffer = $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["loopbuffer"][$name]; foreach ($array as $label=>$value) { $buffer = str_replace("%".$label."%",$value,$buffer); } $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["loop"][$name] .= $buffer; } /**
  • Function used to handle the <fn:section> tag. Any call to this function will replace the current buffer with the content of the <fn:section> tag.
  • @param String the name of the section to load, defined on the tag as name="[name]"
  • @return true
  • /
function useSection($sectionName) { global $_PARSER; $tmpBuffer = $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["sectionbuffer"][$sectionName]; $this->_vars["buffer"] = $tmpBuffer; $this->parseAndApply(); return true; } /**
  • Function used to handle the <fn:show> tag. It will result as the display of the content of the tag.
  • If a tag is not called, it will be deleted before any output.
  • @param String the name of the <fn:show> tag to load, defined on the tag as name="[name]"
  • @return true
  • /
function show($name) { global $_PARSER; $tmpBuffer = $this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["showbuffer"][$name]; $this->_vars["buffer"] = str_replace("<show_$name/>",$tmpBuffer,$this->_vars["buffer"]); $this->parseAndApply(); return true; } /**
  • Apply the loops, flatten the template. Used to use nested loops.
  • @return null
  • /
function applyLoops() { foreach ($this->_vars["functionbuffer"]["loop"] as $loopName=>$loopOutput) { $this->_vars["buffer"] = str_replace("<loop_$loopName/>",$loopOutput,$this->_vars["buffer"]); } } function loadPlugins($type) { global $_FOLDERS; ($_FOLDERS["plugins"] == null) ? $pluginfolder="plugins/" : $pluginfolder = $_FOLDERS["plugins"]; if ($handle = opendir($pluginfolder.$type)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (!is_dir($pluginfolder.$type."/".$file) && strtolower($this->STRING_get_file_ext($file))=="php") { @include_once($pluginfolder.$type."/".$file); } } } closedir($handle); } } function correctValue($value) { $firstChar = substr($value,0,1); $lastChar = substr($value,strlen($value)-1,1); if ($firstChar == "\"" && $lastChar == "\"") { // remove quotes $value = substr($value,1,strlen($value)-2); } $value = str_replace("QUOTE","\"",$value); $value = str_replace("\\>",">",$value); return $value; } function freadFile($file) { if (!$handle = fopen ($file, "r")) { exit; } $contents = fread ($handle, filesize($file)+1); fclose($handle); return $contents; } function STRING_get_file_ext($filename) { if (strrpos($filename, '.') >= 1) { return strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1)); } else { return ""; } } function debug($label, $value) { if (is_array($value)) { echo "<b>$label</b> :: <div style=\"border:1px dashed #000000;margin-left:20px;\">".nl2br(str_replace(" ","&nbsp;",str_replace("<","<",print_r($value,true))))."</div><br>"; } else { echo "<b>$label</b> :: <div style=\"border:1px dashed #000000;margin-left:20px;\">".nl2br(str_replace(" ","&nbsp;",str_replace("\t"," ",$value)))."</div><br>"; } } function superTrim($in) { /** remove extra spaces, line breaks, tabs **/ $in = str_replace("\t"," ",$in); $in = str_replace("\r"," ",$in); $in = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', trim($in)); return $in; } function encodeAsArg($in) { $in = str_replace("\"","\\\"",$in); $in = str_replace("}","\\}",$in); return $in; } } ?>

Conclusion :

Codes Sources

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