Sql server : conversion ip en chaîne de texte vers integer et inverse

Contenu du snippet

Voici 2 fonctions permettant la conversion d'une chaîne de caractère contenant une adresse IP vers un int (Entier signé 32bits) en Transact-SQL. Et une autre fonction réalisant l'opération inverse.

Source / Exemple :

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ConvertIntToIp ( @AddrInt int )
RETURNS varchar(15)

    RETURN CAST(CAST(CAST(( @AddrInt & 0xFF000000 ) / 0x01000000 AS binary(1)) as tinyint) as varchar(3))
        + '.'
        + CAST(CAST(CAST(( @AddrInt & 0xFF0000 ) / 0x010000 AS binary(1)) as tinyint) as varchar(3))
        + '.'
        + CAST(CAST(CAST(( @AddrInt & 0xFF00 ) / 0x0100 AS binary(1)) as tinyint) as varchar(3))
        + '.'
        + CAST(CAST(CAST(( @AddrInt & 0xFF ) AS binary(1)) as tinyint) as varchar(3))


CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ConvertIpToInt ( @AddrIp varchar(15) )

    DECLARE @first smallint	
    DECLARE @second smallint
    DECLARE @third smallint
    DECLARE @fourth smallint

    DECLARE @result int

    DECLARE @test varchar(4)

    DECLARE @cur_loc tinyint
    DECLARE @last_loc tinyint

	-- Premier Bloc
    SET @cur_loc = CHARINDEX('.', @AddrIp)
    SET @test = LEFT(LEFT(@AddrIp, @cur_loc - 1), 3)

    IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @test) = 0 
            SET @first = CAST(@test AS smallint)

			-- Second Bloc
            SET @last_loc = @cur_loc + 1
            SET @cur_loc = CHARINDEX('.', @AddrIp, @last_loc)
            SET @test = LEFT(SUBSTRING(@AddrIp, @last_loc,
                                       @cur_loc - @last_loc), 3)

            IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @test) = 0 
                    SET @second = CAST(@test AS smallint)

					-- Troisième Bloc
                    SET @last_loc = @cur_loc + 1
                    SET @cur_loc = CHARINDEX('.', @AddrIp, @last_loc)
                    SET @test = LEFT(SUBSTRING(@AddrIp, @last_loc,
                                               @cur_loc - @last_loc), 3)

                    IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @test) = 0 
                            SET @third = CAST(@test AS smallint)

							-- Quatrième Bloc
                            SET @last_loc = @cur_loc + 1
                            SET @test = LEFT(SUBSTRING(@AddrIp, @last_loc,
                                                       - @last_loc + 1), 3)

                            IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @test) = 0 
                                    SET @fourth = CAST(@test AS smallint)




	-- Résultat
    IF @first <= 255
        AND @second <= 255
        AND @third <= 255
        AND @fourth <= 255 
            IF @first <= 127 
                SET @result = CAST(@first as int) * 0x1000000
                    + CAST(@second as int) * 0x10000 + CAST(@third as int)

  • 0x100 + CAST(@fourth as int)
ELSE SET @result = ( CAST(( @first & 0x7F ) as int) * 0x1000000 + CAST(@second as int) * 0x10000 + CAST(@third as int) * 0x100 + CAST(@fourth as int) ) | 0x80000000 END RETURN @result END GO

Conclusion :

Ce sont des UDF (User Defined Function), donc au niveau de l'appel ne pas oublier le nom du schéma (ici dbo).
Le code est de fait manière qu'en cas d'erreur la fonction renvoie NULL et ne génère pas d'arreur.

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