Messenger ,programme chat directement avec mon web site pas d'ip pas des ports


ce programme utilise des web services et les code PHP et une data base sur mon site pour connecter. tres rapide , et aussi j'ai ajouter a chaque contact un inbox pour les message et aussi liste des contact et search pour les contact et plien des truc .........

Source / Exemple :

//code de la WebService  fait par  PHP


// server folder :
// Copyright © EGPTO.NET 2006. All rights reserved.
//By : Peter Gad Shehata
//Phone: 0202-0125669727

$client_message = trim($client_message);
$client_info ;

//$ip = getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR");

 connect_to_database () ;

//$client_message = "login";
//$client_info = "id:half_angelpw:0123883491"   ;
//echo   $client_info."<br>" ;
switch ($client_message) {
        case  'hi' :
        echo  'ip:' . $ip ;

       case  "login" :
       $userid     = trim(substr ($client_info,3,strpos($client_info , "pw")-3));
       $userpass =  substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "pw") +3 , strlen($client_info)-1);

$result = mysql_query ( "select userid_ , userpass_, username_  from users_login where userid_ = '$userid' ");

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
       if  ($userid == $row[0] and  $userpass == $row[1]){

        $result =  getall_Dlogin ($userid) ;
        echo "lit"."*/w".$row[2].$result ;
        exit ;
        echo 'lif';
        exit ;

  case "send new message":

  $from        =  trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "frm:")+4,strpos($client_info , "to:")-4));
  $to             =  trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "to:")+3,strpos($client_info , "sub:")-strpos($client_info , "to:")-3));
  $subject    =  trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "sub:")+4,strpos($client_info , "msg:")-strpos($client_info , "sub:")-4));
  $message  =  trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "msg:")+4,strpos($client_info , "date:")-strpos($client_info , "msg:")-4));
  $date         =  trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "date:")+5,strlen($client_info)-1));

 send_message ($from,$to,$date,$subject,$message);

  case "show all new messages":

$result = dir_myinbox ($client_info,"all new messages");
echo "nmg".$result ;
exit ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case6

  case  "delete  message":

$m_from = trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "frm:")+4,strpos($client_info , "date:")-4));
$m_date =  trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "date:")+5,strpos($client_info , "tab:")-strpos($client_info , "date:")-5));
$m_table = trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "tab:")+4,strlen($client_info)-1));

$table = $m_table . '_inbox';

mysql_query ( "delete from $table where from_ = '$m_from' and date_ = '$m_date'");

echo 'mgd';
exit ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case7

  case  "show all message":

dir_myinbox ($client_info,"all messages");
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case8

  case "show all contacts":

$c_table = $client_info ;

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case9

  case "add a contact":

$contact = substr ($client_info ,0,strpos($client_info , "/u*")) ;
$username = substr ($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "/u*")+3,strpos($client_info , "/e*")-strpos($client_info , "/u*")-3);

$result = add_a_contact($contact,$username);
if ($result == "0") {
	echo 'car';
	exit ;
}elseif ($result == "1"){
	echo 'cad';
	exit ;
	echo 'cau';
}   exit ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case10
   case "remove a contact":

$contact = substr ($client_info ,0,strpos($client_info , "/u*")) ;
$username = substr ($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "/u*")+3,strpos($client_info , "/e*")-strpos($client_info , "/u*")-3);
$result = remove_a_contact($contact,$username);

 if ($result == 1){
 	echo 'rct';
 	 exit ;
 	echo 'rcf';
 }  exit ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case11
   case "un/block a contact":

$contact = substr ($client_info ,0,strpos($client_info , "/u*")) ;
$username = substr ($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "/u*")+3,strpos($client_info , "/e*")-strpos($client_info , "/u*")-3);
$result = block_unblock_a_contact($contact,$username);

 if ($result == 1){
 	//block true
 	echo 'bct';
 	 exit ;
 }elseif ($result == 2){
    //unblock true
 	echo 'ubc';
 	exit ;
 	echo 'bcf';
 	exit ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case12

   case  "read message":

$m_from = trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "frm:")+4,strpos($client_info , "date:")-4));
$m_date =  trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "date:")+5,strpos($client_info , "tab:")-strpos($client_info , "date:")-5));
$m_table = trim(substr ($client_info,strpos($client_info , "tab:")+4,strlen($client_info)-1));

$table = $m_table . '_inbox';

Mysql_query("update $table set read_ = '0' where from_ = '$m_from' and date_  ='$m_date'");

echo 'mgr';
 exit ;
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case13

   case "change my status":
 $nickname = substr ($client_info ,0,strpos($client_info , "/s*")) ;
 $status = substr ($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "/s*")+3,strpos($client_info , "/e*")-strpos($client_info , "/s*")-3);
 echo 'usg';
 exit ;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case14

   case "get contact profile":
 $contact = $client_info ;

 $profile = get_contact_profile($contact);
 echo 'cpl'.$profile;
  exit ;
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case15
  case "search people":
$sstatus = substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/s")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/k")-strpos($client_info , "*/s")-3);
$skeyword = substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/k")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/a")-strpos($client_info , "*/k")-3) ;
$sageh = substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/a")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/l")-strpos($client_info , "*/a")-3) ;
$slocation = substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/l")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/g")-strpos($client_info , "*/l")-3) ;
$sgender = substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/g")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/e")-strpos($client_info , "*/g")-3) ;
                   switch ($sageh) {
                    case "17":
                    $sagel = "0" ;
                     case "29":
                    $sagel = "18" ;
                        case "44":
                    $sagel = "30" ;
                       case "60":
                    $sagel = "45" ;
                      case "61":
                    $sagel = "60" ;

$sage = array ($sagel,$sageh);

 people_search ($sstatus,$skeyword,$sage,$slocation,$sgender) ;

//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case16

   case "get last status":
 $user = $client_info ;

 $status = check_user_status ($user) ;
  echo 'uls'. $status ;
  exit ;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case17
     case "chat_message":

  $username =substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/u")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/c")-strpos($client_info , "*/u")-3);
  $contact =substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/c")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/m")-strpos($client_info , "*/c")-3);
  $message =substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/m")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/s")-strpos($client_info , "*/m")-3);
  //$fstyle  = substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/s")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/o")-strpos($client_info , "*/s")-3);
 // $fcolor substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/o")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/z")-strpos($client_info , "*/o")-3);
 // $fsize substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/z")+3,strpos($client_info , "*/e")-strpos($client_info , "*/z")-3);
  $font = substr($client_info ,strpos($client_info , "*/s"),strpos($client_info , "*/e")-strpos($client_info , "*/s"));

   echo 'ims';
   exit ;
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case18

 case "readchat_message":
 $username = $client_info ;
 read_chatmessage ($username);

  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case17
    case "get_myalldata":
 $username = $client_info ;
  getall_Nfunction ($username) ;
  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case
 echo 'not understand this request';
 exit ;

function send_message ( $from,$to,$date,$subject,$message) {

$result = mysql_query ( "select userid_  from users_login where userid_  = '$to' ");

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

if ($row[0]  ==  $to ) {

$table = $to . '_inbox' ;
mysql_query("Insert into $table ( from_ , date_ , subject_ , message_ , read_ ) Values ( '$from','$date','$subject','$message','1')");
echo 'message has been sent  to: ' .$to;
exit ;

echo  $to. ' not found ';
exit ;
}//--------------------------------end if

//----------------------------------------------------------------end function

function dir_myinbox ($user_table,$inbox_data){

$table = $user_table . '_inbox' ;

switch ($inbox_data) {
   case "all new messages":

$result = Mysql_query("select *  from $table where read_ = '1' ");
$Nmsg = mysql_num_rows($result) ;
if ($Nmsg == 0 ) {
return '0' ;
$result = get_allnew_messages ($user_table , $Nmsg,"all new messages");
return $result ;
   case "all messages":

$result = Mysql_query("select *  from $table where read_ = '0' OR '1' ");
$Nmsg = mysql_num_rows($result) ;
get_allnew_messages ($user_table , $Nmsg,"all messages");
   case "all new messages count":

$result = Mysql_query("select *  from $table where read_ = '1' ");
$Nmsg = mysql_num_rows($result) ;
return $Nmsg ;
//-----------------------------------------------------------------end function

function  get_allnew_messages  ($table_name , $data_count , $data ){

$table = $table_name . '_inbox';
switch ($data){
case "all new messages":

$result = mysql_query ( "select  from_ , date_  , subject_ , message_ ,read_ from $table where read_ = '1' ");
case "all messages":

$result = mysql_query ( "select  from_ , date_  , subject_ , message_ ,read_ from $table where read_ = '0' OR '1' ");

                       while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                      $all_data = $all_data."*/\f*".$row[0]."*/\d*".$row[1]."*/\s*".$row[2]."*/\m*".$row[3]."*/\a*".$row[4]."*/\e*"."*/\line" ;

                     }  //end while

 switch ($data){
case "all new messages":
return  $data_count .$all_data ;
case "all messages":
echo 'amg'.$data_count .$all_data;
exit ;

//-----------------------------------------------------------------end function

 function getallcontacts_from_my_list ($table){

  addmy_timelogin ($table);
  $table1 = $table . '_contact'  ;
  $result = Mysql_query("select *  from $table1 ");
  $Nmsg = mysql_num_rows($result) ;

                       while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
                       	$block_me = $row[2];
                       	if ($block_me == 1){
                        $status = "offline";
                        $status = check_user_status ($row[0]);
                       $all_data = $all_data . "*/n".  $row[0]  ."*/b". $row[1]."*/s".$status."*/e"."*/line"  ;

                       }  //end while
  $nmsgcount = dir_myinbox ($table,"all new messages count");

  return $Nmsg. $all_data ;

 } //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function
 function check_user_status ($nickname){

 $result = Mysql_query("select time_login ,status  from users_status  where nickname = '$nickname' ");
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $time_login = array ( substr($row[0],0,2), substr($row[0],2,2), substr($row[0],4,2),substr($row[0],6,2),substr($row[0],8,2),substr($row[0],10,4));
                        $time_login = mktime($time_login[0],$time_login[1],$time_login[2],$time_login[3],$time_login[4],$time_login[5]) ;
                        $time_now =  mktime(date("H"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")) ;
                        $differece = ($time_now - $time_login );
                        //10 seconds
                      if ($differece < 10) {
                        	$status = $row[1];
                            $status ="offline";

 return  $status ;
 } //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function
 function add_a_contact($contact,$username) {

  $result = Mysql_query("select *  from users_status where nickname = '$contact' ");
  $N = mysql_num_rows($result) ;
  if ($N == 1){
  $table1 = $username . '_contact' ;
  $result = Mysql_query("select *  from $table1 where contacts = '$contact' ");
  $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  $Nc = mysql_num_rows($result) ;
  if ($Nc == 1  ){
   return "2" ;
 mysql_query("Insert into $table1 ( contacts,block ) Values ( '$contact','0')");
  $table1 = $contact . '_contact' ;
 $result = Mysql_query("select *  from  $table1 where contacts = '$username' ");

  $Nc = mysql_num_rows($result) ;

          if ($Nc <> 1){
          mysql_query("Insert into  $table1 ( contacts,block ) Values ( '$username','2')");
 return "1"; }
 return "0";
 }  //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function
 function remove_a_contact ($contact,$username){

  $table1 = $username . '_contact' ;
  $result = Mysql_query("select *  from $table1 where contacts = '$contact' ");
  $N = mysql_num_rows($result) ;
  if ($N == 1){
   Mysql_query("delete from $table1 where contacts = '$contact'");
   return "1" ;
   return "0" ;
 }  //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function
 function block_unblock_a_contact ($contact,$username){

  $table1 = $username . '_contact' ;
  $result = Mysql_query("select block , block_me from $table1  where contacts = '$contact' ");
  $N = mysql_num_rows($result) ;
  if ($N == 1){
  $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
   if ($row[0] == 0){
   Mysql_query("update $table1 set block = '1' where contacts = '$contact'");
  $table1 = $contact . '_contact' ;
   Mysql_query("update $table1 set block_me = '1' where contacts = '$username'");

   return "1" ;
  $table1 = $username . '_contact' ;
   Mysql_query("update $table1 set block = '0' where contacts = '$contact'");
   $table1 = $contact . '_contact' ;
    Mysql_query("update $table1 set block_me = '0' where contacts = '$username'");
   return "2" ;
   return "3" ;
 } //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function
 function addmy_timelogin ($user_rows){
 $timelogin = date("HismdY");

 Mysql_query("update users_status   set time_login = '$timelogin' where nickname = '$user_rows'");

 }//-----------------------------------------------------------------end function

 function change_status ($nickname , $status){

 Mysql_query("update users_status   set status = '$status' where nickname = '$nickname'");
 }//-----------------------------------------------------------------end function

 function get_contact_profile ($contact){

 $result = mysql_query ( "select username_ , userage_ , userlocation_ , usergender_ , usermail_ from users_login where userid_  = '$contact' ");

 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $profile = "*/n".$row[0]."*/a".$row[1]."*/l".$row[2]."*/g".$row[3]."*/i".$row[4]."*/e" ;
 return $profile ;
 }//-----------------------------------------------------------------end function

 function people_search ($sstatus,$keyword,$age,$location,$gender){

 if ($keyword == ""){

 if ($sage[0] == "60"){
 //age over 60
  $result = mysql_query ( "select userid_ , userage_ , userlocation_ , usergender_   from users_login where userlocation_ ='$location' and  usergender_ = '$gender' and userage_  > $age[0] ");


  $result = mysql_query ( "select userid_ , userage_ , userlocation_ , usergender_   from users_login where userlocation_ ='$location' and  usergender_ = '$gender' and userage_  between $age[0] and $age[1] ");

  if ($sage[0] == "60"){
   //age over 60
 $result = mysql_query ( "select userid_ , userage_ , userlocation_ , usergender_   from users_login where userid_  like '%$keyword%' and  userlocation_ ='$location' and  usergender_ = '$gender' and userage_  > $age[0]  ");

 	$result = mysql_query ( "select userid_ , userage_ , userlocation_ , usergender_   from users_login where userid_  like '%$keyword%' and  userlocation_ ='$location' and  usergender_ = '$gender' and userage_  between $age[0] and $age[1] ");


  $Nmsg = mysql_num_rows($result) ;

  if ($Nmsg == 0){
   echo  'cse'.$Nmsg ;
   exit ;


                       while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
                       if ($sstatus == "1" ){
                       $cstatus = check_user_status ($row[0]);
                       if ($cstatus == "online" or $cstatus == "away" or $cstatus == "busy"){

                          $all_data = $all_data . "*/n".  $row[0]  ."*/a". $row[1] ."*/l". $row[2] ."*/g". $row[3] ."*/e" . "*/line"  ;
                         $Nmsg = $Nmsg - 1 ;
                       $all_data = $all_data . "*/n".  $row[0]  ."*/a". $row[1] ."*/l". $row[2] ."*/g". $row[3] ."*/e" . "*/line"  ;
                       }  //end while

  echo  'cse'.$Nmsg. $all_data ;
  exit ;
 }//-----------------------------------------------------------------end function

 function  send_instant_message($contact,$message,$font,$username){

 $serverdate = date("H:i:s m/d/Y");

   $table1 = $contact . '_chat' ;
 mysql_query("Insert into $table1 ( contact_ , date_ , message_ , font_ ) Values ( '$username','$serverdate','$message','$font')");

 } //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function
 function  read_chatmessage ($username){

   $table1 = $username . '_chat' ;
 $result = Mysql_query("select contact_ , date_ , message_ , font_   from $table1 ");
 $N = mysql_num_rows($result) ;
 if ($N > 0){
 // Start

                        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
                       Mysql_query("delete from $table1 where contact_  = '$row[0]' and message_ = '$row[2]'");
                       //   */c  contact  */d  date */m message */s  font style */o font color */z font size */e  */line
                        $all_data = $all_data . "*/a".  $row[0]  ."*/d". $row[1] ."*/m". $row[2] . $row[3] ."*/e" . "*/line"  ;
                       }  //end while

  return $N.$all_data ;

 	return '0';


 } //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function
 function connect_to_database (){
 $db = mysql_connect ( "localhost","root","") ;

 } //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function

 function  getall_Nfunction ($username){

 addmy_timelogin ($username) ;
 $nmsgcount = dir_myinbox ($username,"all new messages count");

 $mycontactlist =  getallcontacts_from_my_list ($username);

 $mychatmsg =  read_chatmessage ($username) ;

 $data = '*/g' . $nmsgcount . "*/c" . $mycontactlist . '*/data2' . $mychatmsg ;

 echo 'ald'.$data ;
 exit ; //------------------------------------------------------------end function

 function getall_Dlogin ($username){

 addmy_timelogin ($username) ;
 $mynewmsgdata =  dir_myinbox ($username,"all new messages") ;
 $mycontactlist =  getallcontacts_from_my_list ($username);

 $mylaststatus = check_user_status ($username) ;

 return  '*/u' . $mylaststatus . "*/c" . $mycontactlist . '*/data2' . $mynewmsgdata ;

 } //-----------------------------------------------------------------end function

 mysql_close($db );

Conclusion :

vous pouvez trouver aussi le source code sur cette link

Codes Sources

A voir également

Vous n'êtes pas encore membre ?

inscrivez-vous, c'est gratuit et ça prend moins d'une minute !

Les membres obtiennent plus de réponses que les utilisateurs anonymes.

Le fait d'être membre vous permet d'avoir un suivi détaillé de vos demandes et codes sources.

Le fait d'être membre vous permet d'avoir des options supplémentaires.