Opening real player .rm files from server

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For opening a Real Player files (.rm) from the server I constructed a .smil file with a .net handler (.ashx file). The smil (Sychonchronised Multimedia integration Language). All details are found in

The requirement was opening a real player file and the the adminsitrator gives a start timing and end time for the each individual file.

The codes of the smil file was dynamicaly generated from timestamp (begin and end ) from database in ashx file.

The SMIL file looks like this :
<audio src="URL of xxx.rm file" clip-begin="30s" clip-end="40s"/>

The ashx file in VS 2005 can be added through a handler directly and will have two inbuilt functions...

using System;
using System.Web;

public class PlayList : IHttpHandler {

public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {


context.Response.Expires = -1;
context.Response.Buffer = false;

string mysmil;
string RMFileName = "filename"

mysmil = "<smil><body><audio src=\"";
mysmil = mysmil + RMFileURL;
mysmil = mysmil + "\"";

// insert the smil file here dynamically with file name begin clip and end clip
// <audio src="URL of xxx.rm file" clip-begin="30s" clip-end="40s"/>

mysmil = mysmil + "/> </body></smil>";
context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=audio.smil");
catch (Exception ex)



public bool IsReusable {
get {
return false;



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